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六年级英语期中考试题一,选择填空。(30分)( ) 1. The sun is _ than the earth (地球).A. big B. bigger C. small D. smaller ( )2. The students _ their homework every day.Now they _ their homework.A. do, do B. does, doingC. doing, are doing D. do, are doing36. On the farm, there are many cows, horses and . A sheep B hen C sheeps4. Can you see some apples the tree?A. on B. in C. at( ) 5. -Can you help me with my English ?A.I think. B. Sure. C. I cant think so.D. No, thanks( )6. Yesterday we _some CDs in a shop .A. buyB. buyed C. bought ( )7. We _ books last night. A. read B. reads C . readed ( )8.Im going to _ my grandma this weekend. A.visits B.visited C.visiting D.visit( )9. When did you eat lunch _ ? A.now B.tomorrow C.yesterday D.tonight( )10. _ your mother like? A.Whats B. Whos C. Wheres( )11. Would you like_ the football match? A. to watch B. to see C. watch D. see ( )12. . Amy is ten. Chenjie is nine years old. So Amy is than Chenjie. A. older B. younger C. thinner( )13.My family usually go to the park together_ Sunday . A. in B. on C. at D. / ( )14.I would like to go to Beijing_the morning of Monday . A. in B. on C. at D. for ( )15 _ is the first day of the week . A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday D. Friday ( )16.Sarah _ up late this morning. A. gets B. got C. get( )17. He and his mother_ going shopping. A. is B. are C. be D. am ( )18. )10. Whats the weather like today? A. Its October 1st. B. Its sunny. C. Its pretty.( )19. 8. I fishing yesterday . but Im homework now . A wentdoing B wentdid C godo( )20. Let me _ the teacher to help answer the question. A. ask B. to ask C. asks D. Asked( )21. Thank you for . A. come B. comes C. Coming)22. There a desk and some chairs in my classroom last year. A. was B. were C. is D. are23 you take pictures last weekend? Yes, I . A. does, does B . do, do C. did, did24( )1.My ruler is longer than A. your B.you C.yours25 13.-_did you go on your holiday?-Shanghai.A. What B. Where C. How26、Did you went swimming last weekend?A. Yes ,I didnt B. No ,I didnt C . No ,I did27. 16、I like drawing pictures and she_.A. like singing B. like to sing C. likes singing28. )14. We _ books last night.A. read B. reads C . readed29. -Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him.-How tall is Ted?A. 150cm B. 160cm C. 170cm30. Zhang Yangs brother will take him the World Park. Ato B. during C. for 二,阅读理解(40分,每题2分)A阅读短文,判断短文后各句是否符合短文内容,符合短文内容的答案为“A”,不符合的为“B”。(10分) Tim is my friend. He comes from London. He usually goes to school by subway. He is 13 years old. Im 1 year younger than him. But Im taller than him. He likes reading a comic book after school. But I like playing football. His hobby is collecting stamps. I like collecting stamps, too. We can learn many things from the stamps. There is a stamp show onSundayWere going to the show together.( )1. Tim usually goes to school by bike. ( )2. Im 12 years old.( )3. Tim likes playing football.( )4. We can learn some things from the stamps.( )5. Were going to the stamp show on Sunday.B阅读短文,判断后面句子是否符合短文内容,对的用“A”,错的用“B”表示。(10分)It was Saturday. Tom stayed at home alone(单独地). His parents went to visit his grandparents in another city. He did his homework and read books. After lunch, he watched TV and played basketball on the playground with Jack. He felt very tired. In the evening, his parents came back and brought him some presents. They were a schoolbag and a basketball. Tom felt very excited!( ) 1. Tom didnt visit his grandparents.( ) 2. Tom read books in the afternoon.( ) 3. Tom felt tired after reading books.( ) 4. Toms parents bought a new schoolbag for him.( ) 5. Tom was happy in the evening.C 阅读短文,选择正确答案(10分)Daming is having a birthday. Simon is making a birthday card for him. Simons mother is buying things for Daming. Daming is playing the trumpet. Amy is playing the flute, and Sam is playing the drum. He is having a great birthday.( )1、 Who is having a birthday party? A Simon B Daming C Amy( ) 2、What is Simon doing? A making a card B playing the trumpet C playing the flute( )3、 Who is Simons mother buying things for? A Simon B Daming C Amy ( )4、 How many people are there at the party? A four B six C five ( )5、 Is Sam playing the drum? A Yes, he isnt. B Yes, he is. C No, he is D、阅读理解 (10分,每题2分)The USA is the fourth largest countries in the world. It is smaller than Russia, Canada and China. Washington DC is its capital. But it is a quiet city. New York is the biggest city in America and its one of the biggest cities in the world. It is in the east of the USA and at the mouth of the Hudson River. A large part of the city is on Manhatten Island ( 岛),a big island in the river. New York has a larger population than Washington DC. In New York we can see the famous statue, the statue of Liberty.( ) 1. The USA is the _ largest country in the world. A. second B. third C. fourth( ) 2. Washington DC has a _ population than New York. A. larger B. smaller C. more( ) 3. Washington DC is _ than New York . A. larger B. more crowed C. quieter( ) 4. A large part of New York is on _. A. an island B. the sea C. the lake( ) 5. New York is one of the _ cities in the world. A. quietest B. biggest C. oldest三,首字母填空。根据上下文的意思,写出所缺的单词,注意词形及大小写,首字母已给出。(10分)Jim is a student. He is y _1 than his classmates. He usually g_2_to the park w_3_his friends on the weekend. But last weekend, he h_4_ his mother do housework. Because his mother w_5_ sick(生病). She h6_ a cold. He c_7_breakfast, then he w_8_ the clothes. In the evening, he was very t_9_, but he was very h _10_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_四用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1 Tom (get) up early last Monday.2. Listen! The boys (sing) in the next room. 3. We shouldnt (cut) down the trees.4. We (have) a great time this summer holiday.5. Look! The duck_(eat) our picnic. 6. I _ (have) a very funny day last Saturday. 7. In October 2003, Shenzhou V_ (fly) into space with Yang Liwei.8. I_ (have) a birthday party next week.9. 1、We learned together, and (play) together.10.Thank you for (hhelp)me sweep the floor五、 阅读对话,根据上下文的内容,选择合适的句子,将其字母编号填在横线上。 (7句选5句,10分)A. They must be happy to see you. B. How was your weekend? C. What did you do on Sunday? D. That was really a busy weekend. E. What did you do on Saturday? F. What do you do on Sundays? G. How are you?A: Hello, Tom. _?B: It was a busy one.A: Why? _?B:I cleaned the room, washed clothes and then visited my grandparents. They live in a village. Its very far from my home. A: _.B: Thats right.A: _? B:I went shopping with my mom and then cooked meals for my family.A. Oh, I see. _. Youre helpful.B: Thank you.六阅读短文。根据短文内容完成下列各题。(10分)Jill and Kate are going hiking (徒步旅行) with their calssmates tomorrow. They will take some fruit with them. Jill likes oranges and Kate likes apples. When they get to the market , they cant find any oranges, and the apples are too green . “What are we going to buy now ?” asks Kate. “Hey ,whats that big round fruit over there ?” asks Jill. “I dont know. Lets ask the sales-girl .” “What do you call this? ” “Youzi ,”answers the girl . “Why dont we buy one ?”asks Jill “OK. We re going to have lots of fun hiking and eating a new kind of fruit ! ”says Kate . (1) Who will go hiking tomorrow? ( 2) Will they take some fruit with them? (3) Why dont they buy some apples? .(4) What kind of fruit do they buy? .(5) Are they going to eat Youzi tomorrow? .七书面表达。(10分)写一封信,向你的朋友露丝介绍你的“五一假期”是如何度过的。要求:书信格式正确,时态运用恰当,语句流畅,字迹清楚,不少于60个单词。开头结尾已给出 Dear Lucy: Yours,Tom 十二、作文:(10分)请用Last holiday为题写一篇作文。注意写清楚去了哪里,和谁一起去的,怎么去的,做了什么,心情怎么样等。50个单词左右。_

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