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课题Unit4 My holidaySection A Lets read备课时间2013.4.19课型新授课授课时间2013.4.24教师教学目标(重点、难点及三维度)1.知识与能力目标:能够听懂、会说Lets read部分的课文并完成填充句子的练习。2.过程与方法:利用小组合作读课文,理解课文,达到复述课文的目的。3.情感态度价值观:培养学生的团队合作意识。4.教学重点:能正确理解下列句子:Every day I had fun with my cousins. On Monday we went to a restaurant. Tomorrow Ill be back home.5.教学难点:理解并背诵课文。学生学习目标能够听懂、会说、复述Lets read部分的课文并完成填充句子的练习。预习预设及附加纸面一、基础知识:翻译过去式短语玩得高兴 去饭店 吃美食去公园 唱歌和跳舞 打乒乓球爬山 返回家中二、教学重难点请完成书上42页根据课文内容完成句子填空。三、能力提升:按要求填空:1.He _(play) the piano yesterday.2.We _(dance) in the classroom just now.3.Tom _(take)pictures in the park last Sunday.4.They _(climb) a mountain on holiday. 提纲式课堂主要内容:一、提纲设计: 1.Read the e-mail.2.Learn some phrases(短语).3.Learn to descibe(描述) our holiday.二、具体解决过程及预设: Step1 Leading Sing the chant together. Show a picture my holiday.Tell the Ss “What I did on my holiday”.Now this class we will learn about Zhang Pengs holiday. Lets learn Unit1 Lets read. Step2 New lesson1. Listening to the tape.Play the tape twice.Then ask some students to answer the questions. Did John eat good food on Monday?Where did John go on Tuesday ?What did he do on Wednesday?Did John take pictures on Thursday?2. Ask the students to read after the tape .3. Read in pairs.4. Check the exercises on P42 about the email. Step3 Reading1. give the Ss some time to read the email in groups.2. Ask some Ss to read the email .Step4 Explaination玩得高兴 去饭店 吃美食去公园 唱歌和跳舞 打乒乓球爬山 返回家中 Give the Ss some time to remember the phrases.Step5 SurveyDevide them into 5 groups to ask and answer about“What did you do on your holiday ?” When Things On Monday On Tuesday On Wednesday On Thursday On FridayStep6 Exercises 写出下列各词的过去式learn _ sing _ dance _ eat _ take _ climb _ have _ buy _ row _ see _leave _ get _ Step7 Sum up Ask a boy to sum up this class. Step8 Homework1.Finish off the exercises of the notebooks.2.Read the email three times and retell it. 课堂小测:一、找出下列各词的过去式: 1.have/has- 2.go- 3.eat- 4.sing- 5.dance 6.play- 7.climb 8.take-二、选择最佳答案:( ) 1.I_back home tomorrow. A. be B. ll be C.will be( ) 2.We had fun _my cousins on my holiday. A. to B.with C. at( ) 3.She ate good_. A.food B.foods C.foodes分层作业:1.Finish off the exercises of the notebooks.2.Read the email three times and retell it. 课后反思及自我评价:课堂目标达成度:88。学生学习达成度:89。反思内容及日后改进: 本节课主要学习John的假期生活,是一封写给他妈妈的信,以时间为线索,主要利用过去时完成,没有太难的句子,学生在个人读小组读的过程中表现较好,课后完成习题方面,能从课文中直接找到所做的事。完成较好。课堂生成记录: 本节课,我利用表格的形式完成John的假期生活,帮助学生复述课文,大多数学生能够根据时间完成复述课文的任务,事实证明,一篇较长的文章我们可以改变一下形式呈现给学生,会大大提高课堂教学效果。


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