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Units (7-8) Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)一. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)( ) 1. I hear that Tom is ill in hospital today. Thats true. And I plan to go to hospital to see him this afternoon.A. ; a B. a; a C. ; the D. the; ( ) 2. My father became a popular teacher the age of 21. Really? That was 1996.A. at; in B. at; for C. in; at D. in; for ( ) 3. What a day it is! Yes. I hope the rain will stop soon.A. warm B. dry C. cool D. wet( ) 4. Are you going to take part in the competition (竞赛)? Why not? I have nothing to , right?A. lose B. save C. teach D. show( ) 5. My cat sleeps with me every day. He just sleeps quietly at end of the bed.A. other B. others C. another D. the other( ) 6. Wendy often looks . And she seldom gets angry.A. friendly B. quietly C. happily D. carefully( ) 7. Children, does know about the plan now? Yes. We have nothing to ask. A. anybody B. somebody C. nobody D. everybody( ) 8. To keep himself safe, John poured water over his jacket he rushed into the burning house. A. ago B. later C. before D. later ( ) 9. Listen, how well Wendy is playing the violin! How amazing! She play it at all last year.A. cant B. couldnt C. may not D. wouldnt( )10. fish your mother cooked! Thanks. I am glad you enjoyed it.A. How nice B. How a nice C. What nice D. What a nice( )11. Did Jim reply to your email soon? No. I him two days later.A. heard of B. heard from C. heard about D. heard that( )12. I saw a man with dark glasses around when I walked past the playground.A. walked B. walks C. walking D. is walking( )13. ! Dont get near the lion! Thank you. I know I must be careful in a zoo.A. Look down B. Look up C. Look for D. Look out( )14. The film Lost and Love is really a warm one. . It made me learn more about parents love.A. You may be wrong B. I couldnt agree moreC. I am afraid not D. That sounds funny( )15. Which of the following can be dangerous?A. Keeping matches away from babies. B. Keeping the stove (炉) off when you are not in the kitchen. C. Putting something hot into the rubbish bin. D. Keeping your long hair away from fire. 二. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)Most children get pocket money from their parents, but Grace doesnt ask her parents 16 any money. Grace gets money by 17 for her neighbours in her free time. On weekdays, she walks Mrs Suns dog 18 school. Mrs Sun has a dog but she is always too 19 to walk it. So Grace takes it for a walk in the park every day. Each time, Mrs Sun 20 Grace some money. Grace uses 21 to buy books. Now she has lots of books and she gives them to the community centre. “Its great to 22 something with others,” she says. Every Monday and Sunday, Grace does some 23 for the old people in the supermarket. The old people usually give her one or two dollars. Grace doesnt do everything for 24 . She helps Granny White 25 the cleaning every Sunday. But she always refuses (拒绝) her money because Granny White is poor. ( )16. A. with B. about C. for D. to( )17. A. working B. learning C. walking D. talking( )18. A. at B. on C. after D. between( )19. A. early B. free C. sad D. busy( )20. A. spends B. takes C. lends D. pays( )21. A. them B. hers C. it D. his( )22. A. share B. chat C. study D. live( )23. A. cleaning B. cooking C. washing D. shopping( )24. A. free B. fun C. time D. money( )25. A. about B. with C. in D. for三. 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)AI think cats are the easiest animals to look after and they are so nice towards their owners, so many people keep them as pets. When you first bring your new cat home, it will feel afraid. So when you get home, take your cat out of the box, and just let it walk around to know the new home. If you try to pick it up all the time, you will just make it more afraid.Cats can look after themselves, and they dont often need walks. But you need to clean out their plates, and feed them food and water. Your cats will need a lot of care, or (否则) they will be unhappy. My Kitty gets much love and care, so he is always happy.Remember: CATS ARE FOR LIFE, NOT JUST CHRISTMAS. If you do not have enough time, please leave cats to a good home. ( )26. Why do many people keep cats as pets?A. Because they are friendly. B. Because they are not expensive.C. Because they are easy to take care of. D. Both A and C.( )27. What should you do when you bring your cat home for the first time?A. Keep the cat in the box. B. Hold the cat in your hands. C. Let the cat walk around the house. D. Pick it up all the time.( )28. The writer calls his cat “ ”.A. Kitty B. Boy C. Girl D. Best friend( )29. What does the writer mean by “CATS ARE FOR LIFE, NOT JUST CHRISTMAS”?A. He wants people to play with cats at Christmas.B. He wants people to take good care of cats every day. C. He wants people to celebrate Christmas with cats. D. He thinks people like cats.( )30. Whats the best title (标题) for the passage?A. Love your cat and look after him well B. How to feed pets C. Its good to keep pets D. Pet cats are interesting animals BAs a student, you may have many dreams. Those dreams can be very big like getting a Nobel Prize (诺贝尔奖), or very small like just becoming the best student in your class.What do you do with your dream? Do you try your best to make it come true?Follow Your Heart is a book by Andrew Matthews. It tells us its the biggest difficulty to make our dreams come true.There will be many problems on the way to dreams, but you must never give up (放弃) because the biggest problem comes from yourself. Everyone can make his or her dream come true. The first thing you need to do is to remember your dream. Dont let it leave your heart (心). Keep telling yourself what you want and keep working hard. Do like that and your dream will come true one day. ( )31. Which of the following may be a small dream for a student?A. To be a man like Nobel.B. To be a scientist.C. To be the best student in the class.D. To get a Nobel Prize.( )32. If you want to make your dream come true, the biggest problem is from .A. yourself B. your family C. your dream D. your school( )33. Follow Your Heart is the name of .A. a student B. a book about hearts C. a book by Andrew MatthewsD. a dream( )34. If you want to make your dream come true, you must . A. make a good dream B. remember the problemsC. give it up first D. always remember your dream( )35. Which of the following is right? A. Different people have the same dream. B. If you keep working hard, you can make your dream come true.C. There are few problems on the way to dreams.D. When you give up your dream, it will come true soon.四. 填空 (每小题1分,共15分)A. 根据句意及所给的汉语或首字母提示完成英语句子。36. I am sure Andy has all the (能力) to be a good head of our group.37. Nobody can (触摸) the machine here.38. Tom made some (麻烦) at school this morning.39. You can use your phone to take photos. You neednt take a c. 40. Jim is a good football player. Nobody else here plays b than him.B. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。41. It took the ten (fireman) twenty minutes to put out the fire.42. Fish are not (noise) at all. They just bubble.43. Tom had poor luck and did (bad) in the test.44. How (care) Jim was! He left his bag on the bus again.45. Last year, I (teach) my dog to do some tricks and he learnt quickly. C. 从方框里选择合适的词语,并用其正确形式填空,完成下面的短文。try ones best, do well in, be brave, believe it or not, take part inDo you feel yourself weak in a subject or even lose heart (失去信心)? Well, Janes story may make you full of hope.Jane is the best English learner in her class. But (46), she was very weak in English last term. And she never (47) her tests (考试). Janes parents didnt blame (责怪) her. They told her to make a change. So Jane joined an English club and (48) many activities there. She told herself to (49) when she was with others. They talked a lot in English and learnt English songs. Two months later, Jane surprised all of her classmates and teachers when she got an “A” in a test.So what can you learn? Yes, make a change and (50). Then you are sure to improve (提高) yourself! 五. 请阅读短文,并根据短文内容完成后面的表格。每空一词。 (每小题1分,共10分)One afternoon, in Paris, Kate visited an art museum. She looked forward to seeing some great paintings in a quiet place like that. But a young man and his wife (妻子) talked all the time. Kate watched them because of the noise (噪音) and decided to go away.Kate met them many times when she walked through the museum. Every time Kate heard their noise, she went away quickly. Kate was buying cards at the gate of the museum when those two people got there, too.“Hes a brave man,” said the shopkeeper. “Most of us would give up if we were blind (失明的), but he and his wife come when theres a new art show anytime.” “But how does the man enjoy the paintings?” Kate felt very sorry and asked.“His wife tells him about every painting.”At that moment Kate knew what patience (耐心) and bravery are. Kate saw patience from the wife and bravery from the man. He would not let blindness change his love on art. Another kind of bravery (51) One afternoon Place A(n) (52) museumPeopleKate, a young man and his(53) Kates planTo enjoy some paintings in a(54) placeDevelopment (事件发展)The man and his wife (55) all the time. Kate thought they were making (56) , so she went (57) quickly.EndThe (58) thought the man was (59) , and he told Kate about them. The young man (60) see things.六. 根据要求完成下列句子。每空一词。 (每小题3分,共15分)61. You should feed your cat three times a day. (对划线部分提问) I feed my cat?62. The children found nothing interesting in the park. (改为同义句) The children interesting in the park.63. 我的梦想是长大后当一名志愿者教师。 (完成句子) My dream is to be a teacher when I .64. 没有票的话,谁也不能进这个大厅。 (完成句子) get into the hall a ticket.65. 你能用砖头给自己建一座房屋吗?(完成句子) Can you a house bricks for yourself?七. 书面表达 (15分)本周英语角的主题是My pet,每个成员都要写一篇短文介绍自己的宠物。假设你是Andy,请你根据下面的材料,以My pet dog为题写一篇70词左右的短文。Name: Paul Age: 18 months Weight: 10 kgLooks: Yellow, strong Favourite food: BonesFavourite activity: Playing with my basketball, walking with me My pet dogI keep a dog at home. He is my best friend. I love my Paul so much. I will look after it till his end. 参考答案1-5 CADAD6-10 ADCBC11-15 BCDBC16-20 CACDD21-25 CADDB26-30 DCABA31-35 CACDB36. abilities 37. touch 38. trouble 39. camera 40. better 41. firemen 42. noisy 43. badly 44. careless 45. taught 46. believe it or not 47. did well in 48. took part in 49. be brave 50. try your best51. Time 52. art 53. wife 54. quiet 55. talked 56. noise 57. away 58. shopkeeper 59. brave 60. couldnt 61. How often should 62. didnt find anything 63. volunteer; grow up 64. Nobody can; without 65. build; out of One possible version:My Pet DogI keep a dog at home. He is my best friend. I call him Paul. Paul is a yellow dog. He weighs about 10 kg. He is 18 months old. Paul looks healthy and strong. Paul is clever. He can do many tricks. And he likes playing with my basketball best. He also enjoys walking with me after supper. I feed him three times a day. He likes eating bones very much.I love my Paul so much. I will look after it till his end.


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