2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 6《In the Kitchen》课件5 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 6《In the Kitchen》课件5 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第1页
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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 6《In the Kitchen》课件5 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第3页
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5BUnit6inthekitchen Grammartime Blow blow blow 吹气球 要求看到提示单词 说和它同一类的词 说得越多越大声气球就会膨胀 直到爆破 你们就赢啦 Brainstorming fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit food food food food food meat bread drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks vegetables vegetables tomatoes potatoes Reviewandjudge YesorNo 注意回答的时候要回答完整哦 Aretheycookinglunchinthekitchen No theyaren t Theyarecookingdinnerinthekitchen IsMrsLiuwashingsomevegetables Yes sheis Isshelookingforsometomatoes Yes sheis IsMrLiu he cookingmeatwithpotatoes Yes heis Yes heis IsTaotao he lookingforsomejuice Reviewandjudge Ishelookingforsomeorangejuice No heisn t Isthesoupnice Yes itis Isthemeatyummy Yes itis Reviewandjudge It ssixo clockintheevening Hisparents They are MrsLiu She is Sheislookingforsome Shewantstocooksome MrLiu He is LiuTao He is somejuice LiuTaolovesthe andthe they reyummyandnice cookingdinner washingsomevegetables tomatoes tomatosoup cookingmeatwithpotatoes lookingfor meat soup 不要忘记赞美哦 Trytoretell Aretheycookingdinner Isshelookingforsometomatoes Ishelookingforsomejuice Trytocompare Theyarecookingdinner Sheislookingforsometomatoes Heislookingforsomejuice 比较一下 有什么不同 cookingmeatwithpotatoes Iamcookingmeatwithpotatoes Areyou 说一说这句句子怎么变化 现在进行时的一般疑问句 现在进行时的陈述句 Grammartime 你能概括出这些句子的结构吗 be动词 主格 动词ing 其他 当你猜测别人正在做什么时 可以问 V ing Areyou ing Yes Iam No I mnot Doandguess Theywantto Guess Theywanttohaveapicnicattheweekend Beforethepicnic Theyarepreparingsomefood Isthatenough 这些食物够吗 Thereis 1 2 5 8 9 Thereare 3 4 6 7 Lookandsay What sinthefridge Grammartime 你能发现什么规律吗 不可数名词 be动词要用is 不可数名词 可数名词的复数 可数名词的复数 be动词要用are Grammartime Tips 1 以o结尾的名词变复数 两种蔬菜一个水果一个人物加es 如 hero heroes potato potatoestomato tomatoes mango mangoes 2 一般情况下 以o结尾的名词变复数加s radio radios photo photos piano pianos fish potatoes cakes meat tomatoes water fruit rice bread sweets juice Thereissome milk Playagame Therearesome 可数名词复数 不可数名词 Beforethepicnic Thefoodisready Atthepicnic At11 00 At3 00 At2 00 At3 15 Hello Taotao Areyouhavingagoodtime Yes Mum NowyouareTaotao let smakeatelephonewithyourmother Areyouflyingakite No I mnot IsSuHaiflyingakite No sheisn t WangBingisflyingakite Is AreXXX MakeadialoguelikeLiuTaoandhismother Atthepicnic Look Heisreadingattheweekend Therabbitandthetortoise Ishe she ing Yes heis No sheisn t Arethey ing Theyare she he Theotheranimals walkandsing walk watchtherace 比赛 sleep she they Let stalk Let ssay running No she MrTortoiseisstill 一直 running 用现在进行时结构 一起说说龟兔赛跑的故事 ItisSaturdaymoring MissRabbit intheforest MrTorioes slowly 慢慢地 Theotheranimals therace They have arace 他们正在举行比赛 Look where stherabbit She sunderthetree Atlast MrTortoisewinstherace Therabbitandthetortoise are iswalkingandsinging walking is watching Is she is sleeping arehaving Therabbitandthetortoise Itisseveninthemorning MissRabbitiswalkingandsingingintheforest MrTortoiseiswalkingslowly 慢慢地 Areyourunning Yes Iam HaHa Youcanrun Let shavearace 比赛 Look Where stherabbit She sunderthetree Issherunning No sheisn t Sheissleeping ButMrtortoisedoesn tstop Heisstill 仍然 running Oh Heisthefirst Hewinstherace Howhappyheis Thinkandwrite 根据提示 想象一下今天是周末 写一写周末你和家人在做什么 不少于3句话 AttheweekendItisSundaytoday Myfamilyareallathome Wearedoingdifferentthings Myfatheriscookinglunch Mymotheris washingclothes MysonisdrawingandIamwatchingTV Wearehaving agoodtime Homework 1 ReviewUnit7Grammartime finishtheexercisesonP672 Writedownyourweekend


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