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xx市翻译协会及xx大学外国语学院 英语培训中心英语讲义(小学4年级)ENGLISH(Grade 4)主编专业品质,值得信赖 教学目标:在此讲义中,我们基于孩子本身的英语课本将进行适量的延伸和拓展,提供大量的生活情境,目的就是让孩子们可以在听听、说说、唱唱、玩玩中更有效的学习英语,培养孩子的学习兴趣,以提高孩子听说读写等英语综合能力。教学大纲:课本内容50% 拓展内容50%Unit 1 Whats your name?Part 11. 教学目标和要求Teaching aims and demands:(1). 使学生学会询问别人的名字;【剑桥】(2). 使学生学会询问别人的年龄。【剑桥】(3). 使学生学会数字1-10。(4).使学生学会询问他人的职业。【课本】2.重点Key point:(1). 词汇:one, two, three, four, five,six, seven, eight, nine, ten. 【课本】teacher,doctor,cook,farmer,nurse,drive,worker,policeman(2). 句型:Whats your name? How old are you?Im, youre, Hes, Shes,Its , Were. , Youre., TheyreWhats your father?3.难点 Difficult point:How old are you?4.唱一唱Sing a song 5.让我们一起说Lets talk (1)Hello, my name is Wu Yongsheng. My name is Wu Yongsheng.His name isHer name is(2)T: whats your name?S: Im6.小试牛刀Practice.(1) 要求孩子们拿出一张纸(2) 要求孩子去寻找自己的同班同学并询问:whats your name?Whats your father?(3) 告诉孩子们用拼音写下同学的名字及爸爸妈妈的工作.(4) 询问几个同学相同的问题并让其回答 .7.让我们来说Say the chant (1)One, two, three, four. Come in, please and close the door.Five, six, seven, eight. Go to school and dont be late. Nine ten. Nine, ten.Learn English again and again. (2)集体说:(3)Say it in boys and girls. (4)指名说8.小时牛刀Practice (1)Ask each pupil to take out a piece of paper and a pen.(2)Tell the pupils to go and ask his or her friend “How old are you?”(3)Tell the pupils to write down the ages of his or her friends (4)Ask ten pupils the same question and write down the numbers. Part 2 (1)让学生分成3人一组都用这种方式练习:Im , Shes , Hes (2)教师在学生练习了一会儿后找几组到前面说一说。(3). Play a game .- count It and clap your hands. 教师说一,就用手拍一,这时学生跟着一起做。教师说二就拍二,学生也跟着一起做,这样一直说到10,拍到10。(4). Lets find out.How many 3- letter words?Ted. Ben. Meg, Den pen, men, Let, ten bed net get, bet, cat, mat, pat, bad, sat, tap, bag, bat, mad, tag, sad, tab. Unit 2 Whats this?Part 11. 教学目标和要求Teaching aims and demands: (1)掌握使用whats this?这个句型。【剑桥】(2)学习如何询问what do they have ?【课本】2.重点Key point: 单词: lion rabbit cat elephant dog monkey panda tiger句型:Whats this? This is What do they have on the farm? 3.难点 Difficult point:4.唱一唱Sing a song 5.让我们一起说Lets talk【剑桥一级】(1)指着笔Whats this? Its a pen.下同(2)What are your grandpa and grandma? They are farmers. They have a small farm. Really? What do they have on the farm? There have pigs, ducksThe lst PeriodA. Show the letters on the blackboard. 1.Sing a song A. B,.C.1)Listen to the tape. 2)Sing it together. 3)Ask somebody to sing it.2.Read the word Unit 3 What color do you like?Part 11. 教学目标和要求Teaching aims and demands:(1)使学生能用英语说10种常用的颜色。【昂立】(2)使学生会用英语询问别人喜欢的颜色。【昂立】(3)使学生学会使用Whats for breakfast?句型。【课本】2.重点Key point: 【昂立】(1).词汇:Black, gray, white, orange, purple, brown, yellow, blue, green, red, pink. Milk ,egg,apple,banana,ice-cream,fish,bread,grape,candy,vegetable,juice(2).句型:What color do you like? I like blue. Do you like black? Yes, I do /No, I dont .What color are they? They are White. What color is it? Its yellow. 3.难点Difficult points: What color do you like? I like Do you like ?Yes, I do /No, I dont.Whats for breakfast? (添加一组课内对话)Part 2 1. Listen to a song The color song2. Show the colors:T: look here, Ive got many balloons.What colors are they?They are block, gray, white, orange, purple, brown, yellow, blue, green, red, and pink,.I like orange, green and blue.What color do you like?S: I likeI likeT: Do you like blue?S: Yes, I do.No, I dont.3: Practice1. Show colorful clothes.让穿各种颜色衣服的学生站台票到前面来,站成一圈,背朝里,然后让慢慢地转动,教师总是指着对着大家的那个颜色问,What color is it.学生回答:ItsPart 3A. Play a game.(Part 5) (1).2个人一组,把有颜色的卡片,老师当裁判,一人闭上眼睛,另一个抓住闭眼睛学生的手,将其手放在一个颜色上问该学生,What color is it? 如果闭眼睛的学生说:Its red猜中了,裁判记上一分共猜5次,最后看谁的分数多。B. Say a chant.【剑桥】The bananas yellow.The grapes black.The vegetables green.The apples red.The flowers purple.1.Say it after the teacher2.Say it together.Unit 4 what time is it?Part 11. 教学目标和要求Teaching aims and demands: (1) 使学生学会如何询问时间。【课本】(2) 学会使用Its time to以及We are going to【剑桥】(3) 对前期所学的数字进行复习2.重点Key point:单词及词组:get up, go to school, go to the zoo.句型:What time is it? It is. Its time toWe are going to.When do you have classes?3.难点Difficult points: (1)掌握单词get up, go to school, go to the zoo.(2) 掌握句型What time is it? It is. Its time toWe are going to.Part 2Step1:warm up1. Greeting2. 复习数字的单词。【课本】3.Lead inToday, we will learn time. We know that there are twelve hours .Now, lets see the picture.4.Learning单词:Go to school, get up, go to the zoo,句型:What time is it? ,Its time to get up/go to school/go to the zoo.(我说你做)We are going to school/to the zoo.(传话筒)Step4:practice让同学们2-3人一组,一起表演对话。【课内和课外各一组】Part 3Play a game让孩子围成一个圈,在衣服上贴上时间,让学生读出来。Step5:homework用What time is it? It is.Its time toWe are going to.造句Unit 5 Look at this tall manPart 11.教学目标和要求Teaching aims and demands:(1)使学生初步掌握人体各部分的单词 【剑桥】(2)使学生能简单的描述自己的学校。【课本】(3)使学生能够掌握where is疑问句。【课本】2.重点Key point:单词:Head 头 eye 眼睛 nose 鼻子 mouth嘴巴 ear 耳朵 face 脸 hair 头发 arm 胳膊 leg 腿 finger 手指 foot 脚 Library,garden,playground,toilet teachersoffice, school gatePart 2大的教学挂图、一个大娃娃或者能用来说明身体各部分的动物、3块遮眼用的布。Step 1 Lets found it教师用自己做范例A:This is my head.B: This is my hair.C: This is my mouth.D: This is my eyes.E: This is my arms.F: This is my hands.Step 2 Lets talk.T:(show pictures )Whats that?S:This is his leg.T: (show pictures )Whats that?S:This is his leg, too.T: (show pictures )Whats that?S:This is his big foot.Step3 Lets say【新起点】(教师指着插图,学生练说)(1) T:Whats this? S:This is his mouth T:Whats this? S:This is his hair. S:This is his nose. S:These are my eyes. S:These are my ears. S:These are my feet. (2)A:Look! Those are our classroom. B:Is there a teachers office? A:Yes, there is. B:Where is your school? A:Look, there it is.Step4 Chant and actTouch your nose, touch your mouth.Touch your hands and ears.Tour your feet ,touch your head.Touch your arms and hair. Part 3Step 1 play a gameTeacher says:“Touch your feet.”.Teacher says:“Touch your head.”Step 2 Homework Draw a person or an animal, and write down the body parts in English nearby.Unit 6 would you like something to drinkPart 11.教学目标和要求Teaching aims and demands:(1)学习如何客气委婉地征询对方意见,would you like【昂立】(2)学习如何询问科目以及掌握how many的用法。【课本】2.重点Key point:单词:drink, water, juice, ice cream, coffee Math , PE, English, music, science, Chinese ,art句型:Would you like something to drink? I would like What about you?What subjects do they have this morning? 4.引入Lead in Today, I will give you something to drink. Look! Whats this? OK. This is a cup of water, Would you like some water? How to say? Today, we will learn. Part 2句型:Would you like something to drink? I would like (击鼓传花)What about you?Practice 让学生编对话,课内和课外各一个,进行对话表演。Part 3Jump and say. 1)找一组(3人)到前面来,每人手中拿一个字母站成一排。2)让3人一起蹦,全班学生起说water. w-a-t-e-r, water, 再整个重复一遍。3)再找6个人到前面来,各拿一个含有字母A的单词卡片,如:drink, water, juice, ice cream, coffee. 先让第一个蹦,同时说water, water. 学生跟着说一遍。Unit 7 Whose bike is it?Part 11.教学目标和要求Teaching aims and demands:(1). 使学生能掌握Whose 句型。【剑桥】(2). 使学生进一步掌握名词性物主代词的用法。【剑桥】(3).使学生掌握星期的写法以及询问日期的句型。【课本】2.重点Key point:词汇:名词性物主代词mine, yours, hers, ours, theirs, his Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, week句型:Whose bike is it?Whose shoes are they?Im sorry. I dont know.Maybe its Peters.What day is it today? 3.引入Led in T: Boys and girls, Who has got pencils and pens? Put up your hands. Can I borrow it from you? (教师接过一些物品)T:Oh, this pen is very good. Whose pen is it? Its yours. T:This pencil is new. Its long and blue. Whose pencil is it? Its hers.(同样方法新授mine, ours, theirs, his)Step 3: Learning.1. Write the words “mine, yours, hers, ours, theirs, his” on the blackboard. 2. Say it.My pen, mine.Your pen, yours.His pen, his.Her pen, hers.Our pens, ours.Their pens, theirsPart 2Step 1: Warming up.1. Sing a song Hello, Hello, How are you?T: Now, Boys and girls, Lets sing a song, OK?2. Do as I say. T: Now, Lets do as I say, OK?S: Stand up/sit down.Turn right/ Turn left.Hop/jump one time/three times.Clap your hands three / times.Step 2: Lead in.T: Boys and girls. Show me your books.Ss: Here you are.T: Can I borrow it?S1: OK!Part 3T: Now, Ive got many things in my box.T: Look, Whats this? T: Whose book is it?(板书) S1:Its sT: Whose books are they?(板书)S2:Theyre sStep 4: Practice.1. Say it after the teacher.2. (Show the picture) T: Whose schoolbag is it/are they?S1:Its/Theyre s.S2: Whose schoolbag is it/are they?S1:Its/Theyre s.3. Play a game. Boys and girls, Lets play a game. Now I will ask a person to come here. And close his or her eyes, then I will put a thing on the table. You ask him or her “Whose pen is it?” together. If you are right, you will get a prize. Do you know? Unit 8 Do you want an orange or a pear Part 3.Teaching aims and demands:1. 使学生初步掌握选择疑问句的用法。【剑桥】2. 使学生掌握有关水果单词的拼法。【剑桥】3. 掌握第三人称单数形式。【课本】.Teaching keys:词汇:a an 句型:Do you want I want . Teaching difficulty:(1) 初步掌握Do you want (2) 第三人称单数形式Part 2 Step 1 preparation1 Greetings2 read wordsStep 2 PresentationT:(show pictures ) Now class .This is a pear学生答T: Now, please answer my questions.Whats this?学生依次回答 (This is )T: ( Show apple and banana )Now ,look, a banana ,an apple, a banana, an apple. Now, Say “a banana ,an apple.”Students readT:” This is a banana.” “ This is an apple.” Now say it after me.Students read接着练习an egg an ice cream a pear a banana a pineapple a watermelon ,可将单复数分行排列在黑板上.Step 3 read itStep 4 Lets talkT: Do you want a banana?学生答.(出示Do you wantI want)教师依次出示各种水果,学生依次答。Step 5 Talk(1)T: Do you want学生答.(2)radio say : Do you want学生答Students say :Do you want学生答Is it an apple or is it a banana?Its a banana. Its a banana.Is it an egg or is it a sausage?Its a sausage. Its a sausage.Is it an orange or is it a potato?Its a potato. Its a potato.Is it an ice cream or is it a lemonade?Its a lemonade. Its a lemonade.Step5 Chant itTeacher first chant it ,then students chant it.Part 3Lets playT: My boys and girls ,lets play a game ,ok?教室里放6把椅子,从每组找一个学生坐在椅子上,每个学生发一张水果图片.T: Now ,listen to me. If I say apple stands up, banana .sits down ,then apple students up .But banana just sits there. If I say apple sits down, orange stands up, then orange stands up.Students play the game.Unit 9 Have you got any fishPart 1【昂立】1.教学目标和要求Teaching aims and demands:(1)使学生学会使用Have you got句型。【剑桥】(2)使学生掌握生活中的一些常用词汇。【课本】(3)使学生能初步掌握一些字母组合的规律。2.重点Key point:(1)词汇:(2)句型:Have you got any fish?Yes/No I have/havent.Part 2Step 1 Lets tryT:(show pen) Have you got a pen?S1:Yes/No.T:(show pencil) Have you got a pencil?S2:Yes/No.T:(show rulers) Have you got two rulers?S3:Yes/No.T:(show bag) Have you got a bag?S4:Yes/No.T:(show radio) Have you got a radio?S5:Yes/No.T:(show pictures) Have you got any pictures?S6:Yes/No.T:(show boxes) Have you got three boxes?S7:Yes/No.T:( Write “Have you got”Step2 Lets talk about it(Show picture)T: please look at the picture.How many children are there in this picture?T: How many boys and how many girls?T: How many cats are there?T: How many fish are there ?(学生依次回答问题)Step3 learn the wordsWords: have got fish pen desk leg pencil egg letter bed apple map ruler book box book-case(将卡片朝下,放在讲台上。)T: Lets play a game OK?Please turn any cards ,and say ,if you are right ,youll get a beautiful card.Part 3Step 1 chantT: Lets chant【剑桥】Have you got a pencil? Yes, I have.Have you got a ruler? No, I havent.Have you got a bag? Yes, I have.Have you got a radio? No, I havent.Have you got a picture? Yes, I have.Have you got a box? No, I havent.The teacher chant it first. Then students chant it.Step 2 read and act.学生分角色朗读,突出“Have you got”句型。Unit 10 Has he got a teddy bear?Part 1【昂立】1.教学目标和要求Teaching aims and demands:(1)使学生进一步掌握Has he got 句型极其问答。【剑桥】(2)使学生掌握第三人称单数的用法。【课本】(3)使学生掌握have与has的用法。2.重点Key point:(1)Has he got a bear?/Yes, he has./No, they havent.(2)have they got an umbrella?/No, they havent.Step 1 Lets tryA. T: Has he got a teddy bear?S:No,he hast.But hes got a ball.B. T: Has he got a coconut? S:No,he hasnt. But hes got an ice cream, five bananas and two apples.C. T: Has he got our food? S:No,he hasnt.D. T: Has he got a bird?S:No,he hast.But hes got a fish.E. T: Has he got a pen? S:No,he hasnt.Part 2Step 1 TalkShe has a clock.She doesnt have a bike.Step2 Lets practice.T:Has she got a bike ?S:No,she hasnt. But she got a orange.T:Has he got an apple?S:No,he hasnt, but he got a pen.Step 3 Read and act.T:Has your father got a computer?S:No,he hasnt.T:Has he got a radio?S:Yes,he has.T:Has your Mum got a computer?S:No,she hasnt. Shes got a radio. Part 3Lets dance让孩子们起立,听着英文歌曲,做相应的动作。


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