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七年级下册英语第十单元Section A:重点知识归纳:红色字体为推荐答案1. camp 有两个词性。1) 作动词讲时,意思为_,可用于各种时态,时态根据时间状语来判断。野营2) 作名词讲时,意思为_,是可数名词,复数形式为_.短语:夏令营_ _ 营地,帐篷 camps summer camp3) 现在分词形式_去野营_ _在这里现在分词做状语。近似短语:go shopping camping go camping 例句:They _ by a small river yesterday.campedWe _ in the mountains now.are campingThere are many _in the mountains.campsI like _ _(go camp) on my holiday.going camping2. 博物馆_ 科学博物馆_ _ _ 故宫_ _ _ Museum the Science Museum the Palace Museum3. go on vacation 去度假 = _ _ _ _ go for a vacation课文原句分析:-Where did Tina go on vacation? -She went to the mountains. 分析:过去时态的一个重点助动词是_,它的否定形式是_,在完成一般疑问句和特殊疑问句时是不可缺少的,用过助动词之后,原句中的动词由过去式形式变为_. did didnt 原形例句:1) _you go to Central Park? No, I didnt. I had a lot of homework to do.Did 2) I went to New York City last weekend.(对划线部分提问) _ _you _ last weekend?Where did go 3) I did my homework yesterday. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you_yesterday?What did do 4) I visited museums last night. (对划线部分提问) _ _you _ museums?When did visit 5) I _ _ _(待在家) yesterday.stayed at home4. 形容词的用法:1)形容词放在名词之前作定语,放在系动词之后作表语。例句:It is _(rain) today.rainyWhat a _(极好的) holiday!fantasticHe was _(friend) to others before, but now he is nice.unfriendlyHow was the food there? It was _(美味的).deliciousThe book is e_, so I cant afford it.expensive2) 形容词修饰不定代词,位置要置后。例句:我有些重要事情告诉你。I have _ _ to tell you.something important任何其他人有问题吗?Does _ _have questions?anyone else5. 认为,觉得_ _think of原句表达:这些人认为他们的假期怎么样?What did these people_ _ their holidays.think of6. 及物动词变形容词分为两种:ing形式和ed形式。relax - _/_ bore-_/_relaxing/relaxed boring/boredinterest-_/_excite-_/_interesting/interested exciting/excited区别:ing形式的修饰物,表示某物的属性;ed形式的修饰人,表示人的内心感受。例句:1) The bus trip was _(relax).relaxing2) They thought the museums were _(bore).boring3) Im _(interest) in music.interested4) What an _(excite) job! I love to be a policewoman.exciting7.相当不错_ _pretty goodpretty 有两个词性:作形容词讲,意思是漂亮的,可爱的,例如:一个漂亮女孩_ _ _做副词讲,是“相当”的意思,修饰形容词。 a pretty girlSection A现学现用:一、 词汇(根据汉语及首字母完成单词)1. Ben went to the History M_yesterday.Museum2. Where did your family go on v_?vacation3. It rains a lot here. Its always r_ and humid.rainy4. We went to the b_last Sunday.beach5. Lucy had to study for the final e_(考试) last night.exam6. There is a lot of rain here. The weather here is _(多雨的)。rainy7. Where did you go yesterday? I _(参观) a museum.visited8. Lets go to the supermarket and do some _(购物).shopping9. The children would like to summer c_.camp10. I _ _(考虑) going away for some days.think of/about二、单项选择:1. When_ a sports meeting?-Last Sunday morning.A. had you B. do you have C. did you have D. will you have2. Where did she go on vacation? - _.A. She stays at home. B. She visited her uncle. C. She went to New York City. D. She wants to go to Hainan.3. My parents went to the beach _ me.A. to B. for C. on D. with4. He_ to the movies yesterday.A. do B. didnt went C. didnt do D. going5. Were there many students yesterday? - _.A. Yes, there was B. Yes, there were C. Yes, there is D. Yes, there are6. It_ cold and cloudy yesterday.A. was B. is C. has D. have7. What did your cousin do last week?-He _my father.A. visited B. visits C. is visiting D. visit8. -_did you go last summer? Hangzhou.A. When B. Where C. Why D. How9. Jack and I _in the teachers office an hour ago.A. is B. was C. were D. are10. There _ some women in the room just now.A. was B. is C. were D. are三、用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. The old man _ (be) ill and went to see a doctor.was2. -How _ (be) the students?-They were very friendly.were3. We _ (have) a party last night.had4. _ (do) you go to Beijing last year?Did5. We _ (visit) the Great Wall and then went home.visited四、句型转换:1. Mike often plays computer games. (用last Sunday 改写)Mike _ computer games last Sunday.played2. My father read some newspapers before breakfast.(对划线部分提问)_ _ your father _before breakfast?What did do3. John visited his grandparents in Wuxi last summer vacation._ _John _ in Wuxi last summer vacation?Who did visit4. The movie was very interesting. (对划线部分提问) _ _the movie?How was5. How was the weather yesterday? (改为同义句) _ _the weather _yesterday?Section B What was like重点知识归纳:1. 拥挤的_不拥挤的_crowded uncrowded名词形式_(人群,群) ,一群_ _ _crowd a crowd of动词形式_(挤,拥挤)过去式_crowd crowded例句:He got on a _train.crowdedThere is _ _ _ _ in the garden.花园里有一群蜜蜂.a crowd of beesI _into a _ _.我基金了一个拥挤的人群。crowded crowded crowdThe shops were too _.crowded2. It was sunny and hot all day.一整天都很晴朗,炎热。另一种说法:_ _ _the whole day相似用法:一整晚_ _整个早上_ _all night all morning3. We had great fun playing in the water.我们在水里玩得很高兴。have fun doing sth主 谓 宾 宾语补足语短语归纳:玩的高兴,玩得开心1) _ _have fun 2) _ _ _ _have a good time 3) _ _enjoy oneself把句子换成同义句: We _ _ _ _in the water.had a gteat time We _ _ in the water.enjoyed ourselves知识拓展:反身代词myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves4. I found a small boy crying in the corner.主 谓 宾 宾语补足语1) 短语归纳:find sb doing sth发现某人在做某事,现在分词短语作宾补。2) in the corner 和at(on) the corner 辨析:in the corner 是在建筑物内部的拐角。at(on) the corner 在室外开阔处的拐角例如:这个学生坐在教室的拐角处。The student sits _ the corner of the classroom.in在街道的拐角处有个付费电话亭。There is a pay phone _ the corner of the street.at/on5. He was lost and I helped him find his father.他迷路了,我帮他找到了爸爸。1) be lost迷路,迷失,相当于 lose oneself 或get lost,过去式分别为was/were lost, lost oneself, got lost例如: 这个女孩迷路了。(三种说法)The girl _ _.was lostThe girl _ _.got lostThe girl _ _.lost herself2) help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事,介词to可省可不省。还可以用help sb with sth例如: Let me help you(to) learn English.=Let me help you with your English.让我帮你学英语吧。6. That made me feel very happy.那使我感到很高兴。=That made me very happy. 主 谓 宾 宾补 主 谓 宾 宾补 1) make sb do sth使某人做某事,让某人做某事,后接省略to的动词不定式。例句: Mom always makes me listen to her. 妈妈总是让我听她的话。 2) feel +形容词, 是系动词后接形容词作表语。例句:我感到累了。I felt tired.那听起来不错。That sounds good.7. so we decided to play tennis.决定去做某事:decide to do sth决定不去做某事decide not to do sth(动词原形)例句:我决定不去游泳了。I decided not to go swimming.上周末我决定和朋友去看电影。 I decided to go to a movie with my friend last weekend.8.早、中、晚饭吃,怎样表达?have for breakfast/lunch/dinner我们晚饭吃的川菜。We had Sichuan food for dinner.(划线部分提问)_ _ you _ for dinner?What did haveSection B现学现用:一、 单项选择:1. I found a little girl _ in the coner.A. cries B. cried C. to cry D. crying2. He made us _12 hours a day.A. to work B. work C. worked D. works3. They decided _ the vacation in Xinjiang.A. spend B. spent C. spending D. to spend4. This morning he was late for school because the bus was too_ for him to get on.A. awful B. crowded C. relaxing D. funny5. They _ the Great Wall yesterday, and this was their first _the Great Wall.A. visited; visit B. visit;visit C. visit; visit to D. visited; visit to6. They want to go to the park very much, because its too _.A. relaxing B. boring C. awful D. bad7. Today it _. We didnt go the Palace Museum.A. rains B. raining C. rainy D. rained8. Did they have fun _ in the park?A. to play B. play C. plays D. playing9. _ was the food in the restaurant?A. How many B. Why C. How D. Where10. _Kate _ her parents yesterday evening?A. Did; helped B. Does; helped C. Does; helps D. Did; help二、根据汉语意思完成句子:1. 你晚饭吃的什么?What did you _ _dinner?have for2. 我们在海滩玩得很开心。We had great fun _ on the _.playing beach3. 这里的天气炎热潮湿。The weather here is _and _.hot humid4. 今天天气很好。我决定出去走走。The weather is fine today. I _ _ go out for a walk.decided to5. 你去哪里度假了?Where did you _ _ _ _?go for a vacation三、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. The twins _(stay) at home yesterday.stayed 2. It _(rain) a lot in the south of China in July this year.rained3. There _(be) few classes in those days.were4. Did you enjoy _(swim) in the sea?swimming5. I _(write) a letter to my uncle last weekend.wrote四、句型转换:1. He studied for exams yesterday.(变为否定句) He _ _ for exams yesterday.didnt study2. I went to the Summer Camp.(变为一般疑问句)_?Did you go to the Summer Camp?3. The trip was relaxing.(对划线部分提问)_.How was the trip?4. She visited her uncle last week. (对划线部分提问)_.Who did she visit last week?5. What was the weather like yesterday?(写出同义句)_.How was the weather yesterday?5

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