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7A Unit4 My day 单元检测卷(D)班级:_ 姓名:_ 得分:_一、听力测试(10分)A根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案( )1.What do the students often do after school? A. Play basketball. B. Play football. C. Play table tennis.( )2.When does Nick often run? A. At the weekend. B. Every morning. C. Every evening.( )3.What does Peter like doing? A. Reading story books.B. P1aying computer games. CListening to music( )4.Where does Tom do his homework? A. At home. B. In the library. C. In the Computer Club.( )5.What will Simon do then? A. Help the girl do the exercise. B. Ask Daniel for help.C. Ask Daniel to play with him.B根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案( )6.Which school does Lucy go to? A. No.1 Middle School. B. No.2 Middle School.C. No.3 Middle School.( )7.How is Lucys school? A. Small but clean. B. Big and beautiful. C. Big and clean.( )8.When does the first class begin? A. At 7:00 a.m. B. At 7:30 a.m. C. At 7:40 a.m.( )9.Whats Lucys favourite? A. Chinese. B. English. C. PE.( )10.Who does Lucy often play with after school? A. Her friends. B. Her mother. C. Her father.二、单项选择(20分)( ) 1. Kitty goes to a dancing lesson_ every Tuesday afternoon. A. Bon Cin Dat( )2. _ at six oclock tomorrow morning, please! A. Wake me up B. Wake up me C. Waking up me D. Waking me up( )3-Is it time_ supper? -Yes. Its time for us_ have supper. A. to; to B. for; to C. for; for D. to; for( )4.-How often do you go to the park? -_. A. Twice B. Next week C. Two times D. Twice a week( )5. Its_ late now, but I have_ homework to do. A. too much; much too B. too much; too much C. much too; too much D. much too; much too( ) 6. -Oh, you come to school by taxi today. -I_ take a taxi to school, but my bike is broken(坏了)today. A. always B. sometimes C. often D. seldom( )7. Your teacher will be happy if(如果)you_ late_ school. A. dont; to B. arent; for C. dont, be D. arent; to( )8.-What are you doing, Daniel? -Im getting ready_ lunch. A. to B. for have C. to have D. at( )9. Lily_ playing badminton, so she is not good at it. A. love B. loves C. dislike D. dislikes( )10. - Can I_ your History book? -Sorry, I dont have_. A. lend; a B. borrow; C. borrow; one D. lend; it( )11. My mothers birthday is_ 16th October(十月) A. in Bat Cof Don( )12. The girl was born(出生) _ the morning of October 1st. A. after Bin Con Dat( )13. My father likes to play_ volleyball before_ supper(晚饭). A. the; the B. ;the C. the; D. ;( )14. Everyone except(除了)them_ good at_. A. are; running B. is; running C. are; run D. is; runs( )15. -Do you_ football matches on TV? -No, I dont. I_ films. A. look; see B. watch; look C. watch; see D. look at; watch( )16. You can_ each other, but cant_ each other in class. A. help; chat with B. help with; chat with C. help; chat D. help with; chat( )17. We often go to the Reading Club_ Friday. Our club meeting begins_ eight oclock_ the morning. A. on; at; in B. in; at; on C. in; on; at D. at; in; on( )18. Money cant_ help people, but_ we cant do anything without(没有)it A. always; B. always; sometimes C. ; usually D. never; only( )19. The twin brothers often put the same present in_ stocking(袜子)on Christmas Day. A. each others B. each other C. each others D. each others( )20. -Im going to Hainan with my parents next week.- _! A. Have a good time B. Best wishes to you C. Congratulations D. Please go三、完形填空(10分) For school students, making a homework plan(计划)is important. It can help you doyour homework well. First, be sure(确定)to 1 what your teachers want you to do. Write it down in your notebook or day planner if you need to, and be sure to ask questions about your 2 if you really dont understand. Its much easier to take a minute to ask the teacher in or after class than to think 3 a11 the night! Second, use any free time 4 to work on your homework. Many schools have 5 rooms. Its 6 to play with your friends and classmates after class at school, but the more work you do in school, the less youll have to do at 7 . Third, pace(调整)yourself. If you dont finish your homework at school, 8 how much homework you have and what else is going on that day, and then plan your time. Most school students have between I and 1.5 9 of homework a night. If its not a hard homework day, you can 10 yourself(你自己)more, or youll have to say sorry to your game shows or films on TV.( )1.A. find B. 1isten C understand(理解)D. ask( )2.A. plan B. homework C. wish D. time( )3.A. hard B. easy C. happy D. lucky( )4.A. in the classroom B. at home C. on the playground D. in the restaurant( )5.A. dining B. meeting C. sports D. study( )6.A. sorry B. interesting C. helpful D. important( )7.A. morning B. afternoon C. night D. weekend( )8.A. talk about B. ask for C. le1earn from D. think about( )9.A. minutes B. hours C. days D. weeks( )10.A. help B. teach C. look after D. enjoy四、阅读理解(20分)A My name is Paul Miller.1 was to fat before, but now I do not have this problem(问题)My doctor tells me to jog(慢跑)So early every morning I run for two miles(英里)before breakfast. I do not run fast, but I do not stop to rest. People call me a jogger. There are many Joggers on my street. We often run together in the park or along the road. Jogging helps to keep us strong and healthy. Jogging is Very popular in the United States. People like to feel well and look nice. Some people do not jog, but they do not get fat. They work hard on their jobs and they do not need to run before they go to work. Do you want to jog? Go to your doctor first. Your doctor can tell you something about jogging. My doctor tells me teat only three meals(餐)a day. I feel healthy and my doctor is happy because I jog every day and I do not eat anything before or after meals.( )1. _ tells Paul Miller to jog. A. No one B. A PE teacher C. A doctor D. A jogger( )2.From the passage(短文)we know that people often jog_. A. after breakfast B. in the park or along the road C. to go to work D. to get fat( )3.Whats the result(结果)after Paul Mi11er starts Jogging? A. A lot of people start to jog. B. He can eat something after meals. C. He feels healthy. D. Jogging is very popular in the USA. ( )4.Some people dont jog, but they dont get fat because_. A. they work hard B. they are not ill C. they like eating snacks(零食) D. they are doctors( )5. _ first if you want to jog. A. Eat much meat B. Make friends with PaulC. Work hard on your job D. Go to your doctorB One day an old man is selling(出售) a horse. A young man comes to the horse and begins to look at it slowly. Then the old man goes up to him and says in his ears, Dont say anything about the horse before I sell it, then I will give you some meat. All right, says the young man. After the old man sells the horse, he gives the young man some meat and says, Now, can you tell me how you see the bad ears of the horse? I didnt find the bad ears, says the young man. Then why do you look at the horse? asks the old man. The young man answers, Because I never saw a horse before, and I want to know what itlooks like.( )6. What is the old man doing? A. He is giving some meat to the young man. B. He is selling a horse. C. He is looking at a horse. D. He is finding the bad ears of the horse.( )7. The young man looks at the horse slowly because _. A. he never saw a horse before B. He wants some meat C. he wants to help the old man D. he wants to find the bad ears( )8. Which of the following is Not true according to the passage? A. The old man sells the horse. B. The young man doesnt say anything about the horse before the old man sells it. C. The old man doesnt give the young man any meat. D. The young man doesnt know there is something wrong with the horse.( )9. The old man promised to give some _to the young man. A presents B. money C. food D. meat( )10. How does the young man look at the horse? A. Quickly. B. Carefully.C. Fast. D. Happy.五、单词拼写(10分)1. Many students in Sunshine Middle School live in the school every day. They go home _(两次)a month2.Mary often goes roller_(滑冰), but she isnt good at it.3.All the after-school_(活动)are great fun, I think.4Many people lost(失去)their_(生命)in the heavy rainstorm(暴雨)in Beijing5.On the_(第一)day, I met Mr Wu, our new teacher.6.When does Millie go out for a_ (野餐)7.What time does the football match_(开始)?8.- Do you often_ playing the piano?-Yes, two hours every morning. I must work hard at it.9. -I want to travel around the_ one day.-Me too. But first we should learn English well. We will need it when we meet people from all the countries.10. -How often do you go fishing? -_Just once a year.六、动词填空(10分)1. My father_ (not do) housework every evening.2. Is it time for them_ (do) morning exercises?3._ (wake) up! Its time for breakfast.4. Does Daniel need_ (practise) the game again and again?5. Look! Lily_ (have)a nice flower in her hand.6. Kitty with her parents_ (go) shopping every Friday evening.7. They each_ (answer) the question one by one.8. Some students just dont know how_ (learn) English well.9. Can you help me_ (make), a kite?10. Would you like_ (swim) in the lake with us?七、句子翻译(10分)1他的邻居都对他很好。 _2周末,Andy常常练习打篮球。_3我最喜爱的体育运动是游泳和排球。_4她对电脑了解很多。_5我们都喜欢午饭后坐在树下和彼此聊天。_八、书面表达(10分) 根据以下提供的信息,请你以My Friend为题介绍你的朋友。 1我的最好的朋友名叫Millie,l3岁。 2她每天早上6:00读英语,她学习很好。 3她对我很好,总是帮我学英语。 4我们经常坐在操场的树下,互相聊天或玩游戏。5她每个周二和周五去学校图书馆,有时放学后她和我练习打排球。_参考答案一、(15 BBCBC)二. 1-5 AABDC 6-10 DBCDC 11-15 DCDBC 16-20 AABAA三. 1-5 CBAAD 6-10 BCDBD四. 1-5 CBCAD 6-10 BACDB五.1. twice 2. skating 3. activities 4. lives 5. first 6. picnic 7. begin/start 8. practise 9. world 10. Seldom六. 1. doesnt do 2, to d0 3. Wake 4. to practise 5. has 6. goes 7. answer 8. to learn 9. make 10. to swim七. 1His neighbours are all nice to him.2On/At weekends, Andy often practises playing basketball.3My favourite sports are swimming and volleyball.4She learns a lot about computers.5All of us like sitting under the tree and chatting with each other after lunch.八. Millie is my best friend. She is 13(years old). She reads English at six in the morning every day. She works/studies well. She is nice to me. She always helps me with my English. We often sit under the trees in the playground. We often chat with each other or play games. She goes to the school library every Tuesday and Friday. Sometimes she practises playing volleyball with me after school.


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