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建议用时:25分钟 .按要求转译句子1多吃蔬菜和水果有益健康。We benefit more from eating fruit and vegetables._(It作形式主语)_(动名词作主语)答案:It is good for our health to eat more fruit and vegetables.Eating more fruit and vegetables does good to our health.2汤姆努力学中文。他想在中国找份工作。Tom studies Chinese very hard. He wants to find a job in China._(不定式作状语)_(用短语替换并连接两句话)答案:Tom studies Chinese very hard to find a job in China.Tom Chinese in order to find a job in China.3我们一到达,就受到了当地人的热烈欢迎。As soon as we arrived, we were warmly welcomed by the local people._(用介词短语)_(用hardly.when倒装句)答案:On/Upon our arrival, we were warmly welcomed by the local people.Hardly had we arrived when we were warmly welcomed by the local people.4我们可以用这种方法按时完成任务。We can finish the task on time in this way._(倒装句)_(强调句型)答案:Only in this way can we finish the task on time.It is in this way that we can finish the task on time.5我们很惊讶地听说他通过了这次考试。We were surprised to hear that he passed the exam._(用介词短语作状语)_(用it作形式主语)答案:To our surprise, he should pass the exam.It is surprising for us to hear that he passed the exam.根据汉语翻译下列句子(注意句子的时态和基本句式结构的运用)2015江西上饶二模Dear Editor,(1)_(我在城里一所非常不错的学校里学习). When I left my old school in the country, (2)_(我非常高兴来到这里,但现在我认为我的选择并不正确)I do my best to study hard. (3)_(认真听讲,积极发言,不耻下问)whenever I have questions. (4)_(不讲究吃穿). I try to be friendly to my fellow students and I dont believe Ive done anything to hurt them. But (5)_(我的一个朋友告诉我我的同学憎恨我,其他同学不喜欢我). Hearing that, I was sad and couldnt concentrate on my studies any more.What should I do? Im looking forward to your advice.Yours,Li Hua答案:(1)Im now studying in a very good school in a city(2)I was very happy to come here, but now I dont think my choice was right(3)I listen attentively in class, speak out my opinions and ask my teachers(4)I dont care about food and clothes(5)One of my friends has told me that some of my classmates hate me and others dont like me.书面表达(按要求改写下面文章)2015安徽合肥质检二假如你叫李华,你发现你的英国网友Alice的生活方式不太健康。你想给她提些建议。请你用英语写封电子邮件,内容包括:用水果代替零食;用水代替可乐;减少使用电子产品的时间;多运动;注意:1.词数120左右,短文的开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息。Dear Alice,Hope everything goes well with you._Yours sincerely,Li Hua考生作文:Dear Alice,Hope everything goes well with you. Do you still sleep very_late every night? Im writing to share my ideas on how_to_live_a_healthy life_.First of all, I think youd_better_eat_more_fruits_and_vegetabl-es instead of snacks. Also, you need to kill the habit of drinking cola only. Why not drink more water? If you spend less time on your smart phone, you can have more time to get together with friends. Moreover, dont you think you_can_look_wellbuilt_by_doing_ sports and feel energetic meantime.All in all, a healthy life style makes us healthy, rich and wise in the future. Hopefully you can follow my advice and make a change from now on.Yours sincerely,Li Hua换为短语:_换为从句:_换为it为形式主语:_换为短语:_换为短语:_换为动名词作主语:_换为短语:_换为高级词汇:_答案:stay uphow we can live a healthy lifeit is a good idea to eat more fruits and vegetablesget rid ofWhats moredoing sports can make you look wellbuiltat the same time/in the meantimewealthy

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