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七年级英语第一学月考试(满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟 ) 班级: 姓名: 听力部分(25分)I. 听录音,选出你听到的字母组合或单词。(5分)( )1. A. AY B. DA C. MA( )2. A. name B. am C. good( )3. A. CET B.CBD C.DBP( )4. A. hello B. spell C. pen( )5. A. blue B. black C. white II.听句子,选择正确的答语。(10分)( )6. A. Good evening B. Good afternoon C. Good evening( )7. A. It is orange B. This is orange C. It is an orange( )8. A. Yes, it is his. B. No, it is his. C. Yes it is my pen.( )9. A .It is a red car. B. It is white C It is a car.( )10. A .Hello, Li Li. B. Don”t forget. C. It is a car.( )11. A. Fine, thanks. B. How are you. C. How do you do ? ( ) 12. A. She is Gina. B. This is Gina. C. My name is Gina. ( ) 13. A. Frank. B. Brown. C. Jim. ( ) 14. A. It is 220-5539. B. It is seven. C. Five. ( ) 15. A. OK. B. Thank you. C. Yes, K-E-Y.III.听短文,完成下列表格。(5分)说话者:16_事物颜色the pen17_the ruler18._the keys19._the jackets20._IV. 听录音,根据对话内容后后面的问题,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )21. His first name is _. A. Jack B. Ted C. Dick( ) 22. His family name is _. A. Green B. Brown C. White( ) 23 .He is _years old. A. 11 B. 12 C. 13( ) 24. He is in _Middle School. A. No.5 B. NO.15 C. No.50( )25. His telephone number is _. A.66182053 B.66185320 C. 56180039 笔试部分(125分)I. 按字母表的顺序写出26个英语字母的大小写形式,注意大小写字母的占格位置。(13分) _II.把下列字母重新排列组合为一个新单词。(6分) 1. uoy _ 2. tlis _ 3. pma _ 4. lepsl_ 5. dan _ 6. eht _III. 写出下列汉语的英文缩略形式。(4分) 1. 光盘_ 2.英国广播公司 _ 3.不明飞行物_ 4.(美国)全球篮球协会_IV. 根据汉语提示写出所缺单词。(5分)1. Is this your_(钥匙)?2. _(这个) man is my teacher .3. The flowers are_(绿的).4. I like bananas_(和)apples.5. What is your_(名字)?V. 单项选择。(20分) A. 从A, B, C三个选项中选择最佳答案。 ( )1.当你做自我介绍时,应说:“_” A. I am Song Li. B. Thank you . C. Sit down, please. ( ) 2. 如果你的朋友用“How are you?”向你问好,你应回答:“_- A. How are you? B. Fine, thank you. C. I am fine . ( ) 3. 如何要求别人拼写某一个单词? A. Say it, please. B. Read it, please. C. Spell it, please. ( ) 4. 那用英语怎么说? A. In English what is that? B. What is that in English? C. That is what in English? ( ) 5. Is this_ old desk? No, it is_ new desk. A. a a B. an an C. an a ( ) 6. _this a banana ? A. Be B. Are C. Is( ) 7. Are you Grace? _ A. No, I am not. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I am not.( ) 8. 下面与F发音有相同之处的是_ A. Cc B. G g C. Helen( ) 9. Can you_ the word “quilt”, lice? Yes, I can. OUILT. A. spell B. please C. spells( ) 10. A banana is _. A. red B. yellow C. orange( ) 11. Is that _ jacket? Yes, it is _orange jacket. A. a, a B. a, an C. an, a ( ) 12. How do you do ? _ A. How are you? B. I am fine . C. How do you do ?( ) 13. 当别人夸奖你的时候,你应该说:_ A. Yes ,I am. B. Thank you . C. No , where ?( ) 14. Sorry, this is not _ ID card. A. an B. my a C. my an( ) 15. _,I am not Li Ming . A. Oh, yes. B. Hello C. SorryB. 从方框中选择恰当的选项完成对话。A. It is 88220000.B. It is a telephone.C. My name is Dale.D. Nice to meet you.E. It is blue. Alan:Hello! What is your name? Dale: (16) _ Alan: Nice to meet you! Dale: (17) _ Alan: Oh, what is this in English ? Dale: (18) _ Alan: What color is it ? Dale:(19) _ Alan: What is the phone number ? Dale:(20) _VI. 补全对话,在横线上填入适当的词,使对话意思完整。(7分) A.: _1_ this in English ? B: It is _2_ orange. A: _3_it, please. B:O-R-A-N-G-E. A: What _4_ is it ? B. It is _5_. A: You are right.The orange is orange. B: _6_color is the banana ? A: It is _7_. Am I right ? B: No. This banana is not yellow. It is green. 1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _VII. 完形填空。(10分)Hi, good evening! I _ Eric. I have(有)_ listBob,Cindy,Dale and Frank. Bob is13. _is fine. Cindy, Dale and Frank _ 14. They are fine, too. I have a key. What color is _ key? It is _ . And I can _itK-E-Y. Bob has a _ . It is a good animal(动物). Cindy, Dale, Frank and I like to play with(和玩)_ .The dog”s _ is black.( ) 1. A. is B. am C. are ( ) 2. A. quilt B. key C. name( )3. A. He B. It C. You( ) 4. A. am B. are C. is( ) 5. the B. a C. an( ) 6. A. a quilt B. fine C. black( ) 7 A. spell B. thank C go( ) 8. A. bed B. dog C. jacket( ) 9. A. this B. he C. it ( ) 10. A. color B. age C. nameVII. 阅读理解。(30分)ALook at this. It is a pencil case. It is orange. It is my pencil case. What is in it ? Look! This is a pen. It is black. This is a pencil. It is red. And this is a ruler. It is green. This is an eraser. It is blue and white. My pencil case is big and nice. I like it.根据短文内容,判断正误。正确的写A错误的写B. ( ) 1. My pen Is black. ( ) 2. This is an orange pencil case. It is small and nice. ( ) 3. There is a pen, a pencil, a ruler and an eraser in my pencil case. ( ) 4. My eraser is blue and black. ( ) 5. I like my pencil case.B根据短文内容,回答下面的问题。Peter is an English boy. His hair is Brown. His blue shoes are new. Do you like them? Peter has a green car. It is new. There are some flowers in his car. They are red. Peter”s cats are white.1. What color is the car?_2. Is Peter”s hair black ?_3. Are those black and white cats Peter”s?_4. What color are the flowers?_5. Whose are these blue shoes?_C 根据对话,选择正确的答案。 Dick: Hello, Alice. How are you? Alice: I am OK. Thanks. How are you , Robin? Robin: I am fine, too. Helen: Eric, what color is your ruler? Eric: It is green and yellow. Is it good? Lucy: Yes, it is very nice. Jim: Good afternoon, Lucy! Lucy: Good afternoon, Jim! What is this? Jim: It Is my CD. It is blue. ( ) 1. _ are fine. A. Dick and Alice B. Alice and robin C. Robin and Jim ( ) 2. Eric”s ruler is _ A. yellow B. black C. green and yellow ( ) 3. _ CD is blue? A. Lucy”s B. Robin”s C. Jim”s ( ) 4. Jim says “_” to Lucy. A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C. Good evening! ( ) 5. Lucy thinks(认为)Eric”s ruler is _. A. very nice B. black C. not goodIX. 连词成句。(5分)1. Helen, hello, morning, good_2. am, I, thanks, fine_3. 563-258, call, please, Cindy, at_4. is, what, color, it_?5. you, can, word, the ,spell _? X. 句型转换与句子改错。(10分) 1. I can spell pen. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ spell pen ? 2. This is her ruler.(改为否定句) _ _ her ruler. 3. Hello! Nice to meet you, to! _ 4. This is a old map. _ 5. What is you name? _XI. 书面表达。(15分)韩梅去海伦家做客,看见海伦正在玩DC(数码相机),便问了她一些问题。请你设计一段两人之间的对话。 提示:What is this in English ? What color ? Is it ? Can you spell ? Han Mei:_ Helen:_ Han Mei:_ Helen:_ Han Mei:_ Helen:_ Han Mei:_ Helen:_ Han Mei: _ Helen: _ Han Mei:_ Helen: _ Han Mei: _ Helen: _ Han Mei; _ Helen; _

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