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2015年上海枫叶国际高中BC课程设置与介绍2015年上海枫叶国际高中面向全国招收初三在读学生就读高一预备班(非沪籍学生)、高一转学插班生(就读国际课程的学生学分可转),上海枫叶国际高中坐落于极具深厚文化底蕴的上海市金山区枫泾镇。学校占地面积300亩,建筑面积达12万平米,其中一期工程占地面积150亩,建筑面积51814.74平米,可容纳在校生2000人。上海枫叶国际学校开设中加两国高中课程,中、英双语教学。枫叶模式使学生在学习西方先进学科知识与方法的同时,保留了民族的优秀文化和价值观。学生掌握了中英双语、拥有了东西方两种思维能力。以下为上海枫叶国际高中BC课程设置,在此为大家进行介绍,以便大家了解:Art 10 Students will be introduced to a world of artistic expression through the development of creative design. This includes understanding of the colour theory, principles and elements of art and design and basic instruction and experimentation with different art mediums and theory. Students will use various materials to create works that express emotions, ideas and their lives.10年级艺术学生将通过学习创意设计的发展了解各种艺术表现形式,包括学习颜色理论、艺术与设计元素与原则,以及艺术媒介理论概论与实践等。学生将有机会使用各种美术工具和材料进行创作,并借此表达情绪、创意和生活方式。Course Descriptions for B.C. Curriculum Grade 11 Courses加拿大BC省高中11年级课程简介English 11 This is a literature based course that prepares students to think and communication in higher-level English, similar to, but more sophisticated than, Intro to Lit. 11. Students will continue to read and respond to short stories, poems, and informational texts. Students will also go beyond the scope of Intro to Lit 11 to engage in novel studies and thematic units.11年级英语该课程需要学生有一定英语文学课程基础,帮助学生在英语水平上有进阶式提高,该课程与“11年级文学入门”有相似之处,但比后者更复杂成熟。学生将需要继续学习阅读,并能够对短篇故事、诗歌、说明性文本做出反馈,同时还将在“11年级文学入门”学习内容的基础上将视野拓展到对小说和主题单元的学习。Introduction to Literature 11 This is a literature-based course that prepares students to think and communication in higher-level English. Students will read and respond to short stories, poems, and informational texts. Students will show their understanding of these texts through written assignments and by responding orally and graphically to questions about these texts. Most importantly, this course will help students build their English skills, especially writing.11年级文学入门该课程需要学生有一定英语文学课程基础,帮助学生在英语水平上有进阶式提高。学生将需要继续学习阅读,并能够对短篇故事、诗歌、说明性文本做出反馈,同时需要能够以写作或口头灵活回答问题的方式来展示他们对这些文本内容的理解。该课程将帮助学生全面提高英语能力,特别是写作能力。Visual Art 11 This course introduces students to a number of artistic mediums including sketching, graphic design, sculpture, and painting. Students will also learn art history, art criticism, and artistic theories. Students will produce numerous artistic works employing learned and practiced techniques.11年级视觉艺术该课程将向学生介绍若干艺术手段与形式,包括素描、平面设计、雕塑、油画等。学生也将学习艺术史、艺术评论和艺术理论等相关内容,并将所学的知识和实践技巧运用到艺术作品创作中。Social Studies 11 This course focuses on the historical events of the 20th century including Great Depression WWII, Cold War and contemporary world events. It also examines key social and economic issues of the 20th century such as multiculturalism, gender equality, and the economic cycle. S.S. 11 also includes a section on international geography, global population and environmental issues. In addition this course will also focus on improving student writing, presentation and critical thinking skills.11年级社会科学该课程着眼于二十世纪的重大历史事件,如大萧条、二战、冷战以及当代国际大事等。同时,课程也关注20世纪关键的社会经济问题,如多元文化论、男女平等 和经济循环等。除此之外,该课程还包括介绍世界地理、全球人口与环境等内容。该课程力争帮助学生提高写作水平、演讲展示技巧和批判性思维的能力。Physical Education 11- This course focuses on various sport skills development, healthy lifestyles, active living, leadership, safety, personal and social responsibility. Students will learn the benefits of physical activity and healthy lifestyles.11年级体育该课程注重帮助学生培养体育技能、塑造健康的生活方式和积极的生活态度、提升领导力以及对社会责任感。学生能够从体育活动中学习并受益。Fitness 11 This course is an extension of P.E. and includes active living, healthy lifestyles as well as a large focus on fitness movement and development.11年级健康教育该课程是体育课的延伸,还包括健康运动与发展等内容。Biology 11 This course is an introduction to the science of living things with a focus on Evolution, Ecological Relationships, Microbiology. As well as Plant Biology and Animal Biology. This is a class-based course with a lab component.11年级生物该课程为生物科学入门,主要介绍进化论、生态关系等、微生物学、植物生物学和动物生物学等。实验课程是该课程的重要组成部分。Physics 11 This is a scientific course that allows students to build on their knowledge acquired in during the Physics Unit of Science 10. Students will learn about various forces, kinematics, wave motion and geometrical optics, momentum and Newtons Laws. Students will demonstrate various physics principals in the lab.11年级物理这门科学课程将帮助学生在10年级科学课程物理学部分的基础上进一步提高认识水平。学生将学习力学、运动学、波动、几何光学、动量、牛顿法则等。学生将会在实验室中操作验证演示各种物理学定律。Chemistry 11 This course continues with the themes from the Chemistry Unit of Science 10. There is a focus on Atomic Theory, Chemical Reactions, Stoichiometry, Chemical and Physical changes/properties as well as introduction to chemistry lab procedures and safety. This course also has a lab component.11年级化学该课程是10年级科学课程中化学部分的延伸,主要内容包括原子学说、化学反应、化学计量学、化学属性和化学变化、物理属性和物理变化等,还包括化学实验操作流程与安全事项等。实验课程是该课程的重要组成部分。Acting and Production 11 In this course students will engage in various dramatic elements, as well as, present and emphasize the application of drama skills in other contexts and opportunities. Students are required to interpret, present, create and script original works in a variety of dramatic forms, as well as, critically analyze the processes involved in producing drama works.11年级表演与创作在这门课中,学生将学习各种戏剧元素,课程也将展示和强调戏剧技巧在其他环境中的应用。该课程要求学生以多种方式解释、展现、创作或改编戏剧,以及批判性分析其戏剧创作过程。Pre-Calculus 11 Students will build on their math skills as they learn about algebraic reasoning and number sense, trigonometry, and various mathematical relationships and functions. Students will build connections to mathematic concepts and their daily life.11年级微积分预备课程旨在训练学生的数学技巧,学生将学习代数论证和数觉、三角法以及多种数学关系式和函数,并将建立将数学概念应用到日常生活中的习惯。上海枫叶国际学校校园开放日预约咨询电话:021-51601973

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