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Cyberspace1.In the last thirty years, the Internet has grown rapidly. 1). In the last/past., sb have done sth eg. In the last ten years, our country has made great progress in nearly all the aspects. 2).rapidly: greatly2.There were only 200 computers, (which were) connected to the Internet. eg. There are six persons (who are) sitting there.3.sb be pessimistic/optimistic about4. in the future: in the time yet to come in future: from now on eg. We should study hard in future,or youll be sorry in the future.5. cause chaos: cause messes6.find out about holiday offers 寻找节日特惠7.book tickets :预订8.all sorts/kinds of information9.It is clear that. eg. It is clear/obvious that we are going to win the game.10.sb get entertainment from the Net 在网上进行娱乐活动11.with the increasing use of e-mail 随着。的增加12.feel as if/though you are in a real situation.13.a part of一(小)部分, part of.一部分(可能到一半),强调(总体中)一部分 eg. We are all part of our class.14. Affect : vt. 影响effect: n. 影响, 效果This story affect us deeply.This story had quite an effect on us.I tried to persuade him, but there was no effect. 15. In the last/past在过去的三十年里中国发生了巨大的变化.Great changes have taken place in China in the last 30 years.从过去某时到现在的一段时间,常与现在完成时连用。在过去两个月里,我在英语上有了很大的进步。I have made great progress in English in the past 2 months16 Computers connected to the Internet (L5)过去分词作后置定语=computers which were connected to the Interneteg. I read a book which was written by Mark Twain.I read a book written by Mark Twain.17 be pessimistic about be optimistic aboutYour future?The world peace?Chinese football?Chinese Pop music?18. Crime : n. 罪行Criminal : n. 罪犯Commit a crimeSolve a crimeAttack: n. v.袭击,攻击a heart attack attack the neighboring country19 Chaos 一团糟The house was in chaos after the party.20.It is clear that (L30)It 作形式主语,真实主语是that引导的主语从句。eg. It is important that we should learn English well.你错了, 这很明显.It is clear that you are wrong.21 Make you feel as if you are (L46) As if = as though, 通常用在be, look, seem, sound, taste, smell及feel等后面,引出表语从句。eg. You look as if you had seen a ghost. It seems as if she is going to cry.Say these sentences in English!现在大约有五千万台计算机连接到因特网,而且显然还在继续发展着。Now there are around 50 million computers connected to the Internet, and this growth is clearly going to continue.现在,人们已经可以在网上购书,查找节日特惠,预定票务,并从网上获取各种各样的信息。Already, users can buy books, find out about holiday offers, book tickets, and get all sorts of information from the Internet.显然,未来几年中我们会看到网上购物的迅速发展。It is clear that we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the InternetVirtual realityUseful expressionWhat are you up to? L1Do you have anything planned for ? L6It depends on L7Go camping L8Thanks for the offer. L11have problem with L19What do you mean? L23travel around L29an around-the-world tour L38.find it hard to imagine. L35more interested in thanL41university, like Stanford. L43without going out ofL47 1.I have lots of work to do.后置定语 eg. Do you have anything to eat?2.If I dont finish my project on the.,the science teacher will be angry.在真实条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表将来。3.Do you have anything (that is)planned for Saturday and Sunday?= Do you have any plan(s) for?4.It depends(on the weather).依。而定 eg. -What will you do? It depends, I. 5.sb go camping/shopping * sb go doing sth6.sb help sbelse with sth sb help sbelse (to) do sth eg. Well help you with your homework.7.if you like 假如你喜欢 eg. -Can I take it? If you like.8. thanks for the offer/help.= Thank you for the offer. Sb thank sbelse for sth/doing sth Thanks for sth/doing sth9.sb suggest sth to sbelse( for sthelseeg. Did he suggest anything to the boss?*suggest vt (1)建议 sb sth/doing/what to do sb for(to) sbelse to do sb (to sbelse) that 从句(用should虚拟语气) eg. He suggested my going home. He (to me) that I (should) go home. He to me to go home. (2)暗示 eg. His expression s that he is excited.10.sb look for sth in the library.寻找,期待 eg. Lets look for their arrival.11.sb send sbelse sth sb send sth to sbelse12.If we had virtual reality holidays,we would not have any problems with the weather. we wouldnt have to spend. we would not only be able to travel,but also. * Second conditional:与将来事实可能相反 Similar:If they invented virtual reality holidays, Id go on an . What would you like to do if someone gave you the chance?13.whats more:in addition 还有,更有甚者 eg. If we drink alcohol in school, well be punished. Whats more, its bad for our health.14.get to our holiday destinations15.go anywhere we like.地点状语从句16.I feel excited (by) just thinking about it.17.visit all the historical sites.18.in any world famous universities(that) we wanted to.19.I still find it hard to imagine. eg. I find reading in English difficult20.If they invented.,Id go on an around-the-world tour.21.Im more interested in virtual universities than virtual reality holidays.Suggest 建议、提出 line 12Suggest sthHe suggested a different plan.Suggest (ones) doing sthShe suggested going for a walk.She suggested my buying that book.Suggest that .(should)He suggested that I (should ) say sth22 planned for (L.6)We have several activities (which are) planned for the English evening.Mandy sent me some gifts wrapped with beautiful paper.The new web page designed for the festival has been completed23 find it hard toL35Do you find it easy to collect MP3 songs?他们觉得乘飞机旅行很轻松。They find it relaxing to travel on planes.Do you find it easy to collect MP3 songs?他们觉得乘飞机旅行很轻松。They find it relaxing to travel on planes.24 morethanWe spend more time studying than playing.人们对保持健康比对赚钱更重视.People pay more attention to keeping healthy than making money.Virtual tourism1. It has a population of just under a million people and is located on North Island.It has a population of 、 人口数为 、is located 位于locate : discover the exact position or place of (sb/ sth)eg: locate an electrical fault 查明电路出故障的地方locate a town on a map 在地图上找出一个城市的位置I am trying to find Jim. Do you know where he is? 我在找Jim , 你知道他在哪吗?3 This seaside city is an important center for business and industry.这个海港城市是一个重要的商业和工业中心。4 The history of the city goes back 650 years when the Maori settled in the area.Go back 追溯到Date back to /from 追溯到This castle dates back to/ from the 14th century. ( It was built in the 14th century)5. protest n. / verb protest against 反对6 Enjoy an amazing view from the Sky Tower.从天空塔欣赏令人惊异的景色。7It has a warm climate. 气候温和。

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