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14快乐课外活动基地 电话:3381581 初二上册英语(精品班) 形容词和副词 唐老师 金牌英语专题系列 形容词和副词概念:形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征,通常可将形容词分成性质形容词和叙述形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面。1. 直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词。2. 叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词,这类形容词大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类。例如:afraid, asleep, awake,alone等。形容词的用法和在句中的位置:1、形容词在句中主要可用作: 1)定语: What a fine day! She is a good student, and she works hard. 2)表语: She looks happy. This bike is expensive. 3)宾语的补语(构成合成宾语): Do you think it necessary? 你认为这有必要吗? 4)状语: He arrived home, hungry and tired. 他又饿又累的回到家里。在句中的位置1形容词作定语一般放在被修饰的名词之前。如果有两个或两个以上的形容词修饰一个名词时,则由它们和被修饰的名词之间的密切程度而定,越密切的形容词越靠近名词。如果几个形容词的密切程度差不多则按音节少的形容词放在前面,音节多的形容词放在后面。英语单词中something, anything, nothing 等不定代词被形容词修饰时,形容词放在不定代词后面。I have something important to tell you. 我有重要的事要告诉你。Is there anything interesting in the film? 电影里有什么有趣的内容吗?由两个或两个以上的词组成的形容词词组修饰名词时须放在名词之后。This is the book easy to read. 这是一本容易读的书。用 and 或 or 连接起来的两个形容词作定语时一般把它们放在被修饰的名词后面。起进一步解释的作用。Everybody, man and woman, old and young, should attend the meeting.每一个人,男女老少,都应该参加会议。You can take any box away, big or small.这些箱子,不管大小,你都可以拿走。排序:在英语学习中,很多时候是多个形容词修饰一个名词,这些形容词之间的先后顺序如何记忆有方法如下:评述性词。如beautiful,wonderful,expensive,terrible,horrible,lovely,silly,ugly等。表大小、形状的词。如 long,short,round,square等。表新旧的词。如new,old等。表颜色的词。如red,black,purple,brown,yellow等。表产地的词。如Italian,Spanish,Canadian,Australian,Japanese表材料的词。如leather,glass,rubber,metal,silk,plastic等。按此顺序,一件新的漂亮的意大利的黑皮茄克的英语为 A beautiful new black Italian leather jacket.口诀法:美小圆旧黄,法国木书房”注:“美”代表“描述或性质类”形容词;“小”代表“大小、长短、高低、胖瘦类” 形容词;“圆”代表“形状类” 形容词;“旧”代表“新旧、年龄类” 形容词;“黄”代表“颜色类” 形容词;“法国”代表“来源、国籍、地区、出处类” 形容词;“木”代表“物质、材料、质地类” 形容词;“书”代表“用途、类别、功能、作用类” 形容词;“房”代表“中心名词”。two beautiful new green silk evening dress 两件又新又漂亮的丝绸女士晚礼服。that hungry, tired, sleepy little match girl 那个饥饿、疲劳、困倦的卖火柴的小女孩。an old large brick dining hall 一个旧的红砖砌的大餐厅。副词的用法:(一)概念:用以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词的词叫做副词。例如: not(不),here(这里),now(现在)。不少副词同时也可用作介词或其它词类。如:Have you read this book before? (副词,作时间状语) 你以前读过这本书吗?He will arrive before ten oclock. (介词,before ten oclock 是介词短语,作时间状语)他将在10点钟前到达。(二)副词的种类1. 时间副词: now 现在; then 那时; just now 刚才; right now 立刻; now and then 不时; recently 最近; today 今天; tomorrow 明天; soon 很快; ago 以前;before 在.之前; already 已经; finally 最终;since 自从; yet 已经2. 频度副词:always 总是, often 经常, usually 通常, sometimes有时, seldom 很少; never 从未, hardly 几乎不。一般位于系动词、情态动词和助动词之后,实义动词之前: She often changes her mind. Lucy seldom comes to see me these days. Mary is always late for school.3. 地点副词:abroad 在国外; ahead 在前,向前; away 离开;back 向后,后退地;down 向下,在下面; downstairs 在楼下; downtown 在城市的商业区; eastward(s) 向东; anywhere 任何地方; everywhere 各地; out 在外,向外; over 在上方; outdoors 在户外; there那里; here 这里; home 在家. She is studying abroad. Please come here.4、方式副词1)英语中有大量方式副词,说明行为方式(回答how的问题): How beautifully your wife dances. 你夫人舞跳的真美。2)还有相当多的副词,表示某些情绪: She smiled gratefully. 她感激的笑了笑。3) 还有一些以-ly结尾的副词,表示动作发生的状况:slowly, politely, carelessly, fast, well, close 近;closely 仔细地,密切地;high 高; highly 高度地,非常 等。 He left the town secretly. 5、程度副词和强调副词1)程度副词可修饰动词,表示“到某种程度”: Is she badly hurt? 她伤得重吗? 说明 这类副词除修饰动词外,还可修饰形容词(a)或另一副词(b): a. fairly simple 相当简单 quite correct 完全正确 b. wonderfully well 好极了 do it very quickly 干得很快2)much 是一个特殊的程度副词,它可以:a. 修饰形容词等: Im not much good at singing. 我唱歌不太好。 b. 修饰比较级: You sing much better than me. 你比我唱的好多了。 Their house is much nicer than ours. 他们的房子比我们的好多了。6. 疑问副词和连接副词1)疑问副词: 疑问副词用来引导特殊问句: how: How is your grandmother? 你奶奶身体好吗? where: Where does she come from? 她是哪儿人? when: When can you come? 你什么时候能来? why: Why was he so late? 他为什么来得这么晚?2)连接副词: 连接副词意思和词形都和疑问副词一样,但都引导从句或与不定式连用:how: Do you know how to start this machine? 你知道这台机器怎样启动吗?where: I dont know where he lives. 我不知道他住在哪儿。(引导宾语从句)when: Tell me when youll be ready. 告诉我你什么时候准备好。(引导宾语从句) why: Thats why I came round. 这就是我来的原因。(引导表语从句)7. 一些其它类型的副词:luckily 幸运地; unluckily 不幸地; generally 大体上; strictly 严格地; probably 可能; anyway 无论如何(三)副词的位置1. 副词修饰动词时,通常可以放在句首、句中或句末。如: Usually I do my homework in the evening. (句首) 通常我晚上做家庭作业。 I often get up at six. (句中) 我常在6点起床。 Please speak slowly. (句末) 请慢慢说。2. 副词修饰形容词或副词时,通常放在形容词或副词的前面如: He works very hard. (在副词前)他工作很努力。 但也有例外,如:She is old enough to go to school. (在形容词后)她已到了上学的年龄。3. 按一般规则, 既有地点状语又有时间状语时,地点状语应放在时间状语之前。如: We had a meeting in the classroom yesterday afternoon. He watched TV at home last night. 说明 形容词一般修饰名词,副词一般修饰动词、形容词或副词。形容词变副词规律小结 规则变化范围变化规则例词大部分形容词加lycareless-carelessly quiet-quietlydifferent-differently以le结尾的形容词变le为lypossible-possibly terrible-terriblycomfortable-comfortably gentle-gentlysimple-simply以y结尾的形容词变y为ilyeasy-easily angry-angrilynoisy-noisily happy-happilyheavy-heavily healthy-healthily不规则变化本身既是形容词也是副词,无需改变fast-fast early-early high-highhard-hard late-late far-farwide-wide alone-alone形容词和副词为完全不同的单词good-well初中阶段唯一一个需要去掉字母e的单词true-truly虽然以ly结尾,但却是形容词,不能直接用来修饰动词Friendly lively lovely Likely有些形容词本身即为副词,同时也有加ly的副词形式。但加不加ly意思不一样,使用时需注意wide(形容词,宽阔的,睁大的)-wide(副词,睁大地)/widely(副词,广泛地) late(形容词,晚的)-late(副词,晚地),lately(最近) high(形容词,高的)-high(副词,高地)/highly(副词,高度地) 特别容易犯错的副词形容词副词备注hardhardhard副词容易写成hardly, hardly意思为“几乎不”,与hard无任何关系friendly无不能用friendly直接修饰动词,只能改成in a friendly way“用一种友好的方式”。如:He smiled at me in a friendly way.excitedexcitedly 容易拼错healthyhealthily容易拼错politepolitely不用去掉字母e。类似的词还有:widely, nicely, closely, (一)用所给词的正确形式填空1. The Greens are _(happy) to live in this _(noise) street. They have decided to move to another place.2. The panda has been _(die) for about two months. 3. I like her dress. It looks very _(beauty).4. Dont feel _(worry) about your child. The whole class would be _(friend) to the new classmate.5. The _(finally) exams usually take place at the end of June.6. Its _(possible) for an ordinary plane to fly to the moon.7. Its a _(please) trip for all of us.8. The children in China are living a _(color) life.9. It was an _(amaze) match. It amazed us.10.He felt very _(sleep) and fell _(sleep) soon when he lay in bed. 11.We all had a very _(enjoy) time at the party. (2) 选择最佳答案( )1. These oranges taste_.A. good B. well C. to be good D. to be well( )2. I cant pay _ as he asked for. A. a as high price B.as a high price C.as high price D.as high a price( )3. We are going to see a film this evening . Why not go with us ? I have to do many things this evening . Im _ , you see . A. free B. glad C. sorry D. busy ( )4. Mum, Bill is coming to dinner this evening.OK. Lets give him _to eat. A. something different B. different anything C. anything different D. different something ( )5.The _person is talking with the doctor. A. ill B. sick C. illness D. sickness ( ) 6. The day is bright and _ . Lets go for a walk . A. sunny B. dark C. cloudy D. windy ( ) 7. Look ! _ beautiful that lake is ! A. What B. How C. How a D. What a( ) 8. -I wont go to the Great Wall tomorrow. - I wont, _. A. neither B. either C. too D. also ( ) 9. He likes to do some reading in the morning, I like it, _. A. too B. either C. neither D. also ( ) 10.That maths problem is _ difficult _ nobody can work it out. A. too; to B. very; that C. so; that D. very; but ( ) 11. Whats on the desk? Its _. A. a new green bag B. new green bag C. a green mew bag D. a bag new green ( ) 12. The night was very _, so he had to take off his shoes _. A. quiet; quietly B. quite; quickly C. late; quick D. quite; quietly ( ) 13. He_ to school to clean his classroom. A. always comes early B. comes always early C. always early comes D. come always earlier ( ) 14. I got up_today. A. later B. more lately C. lately D. late ( ) 15. Alice_goes to school at seven. A. usual B. usually C. hard D. a little形容词的比较等级:(一)形容词的比较级和最高级的构成 1单音节词和少数双音节词的比较级和最高级的构成情况构成方式原级比较级最高级一般情况加-er或-estnewlongnewerlongernewestlongest以e 结尾的词加-r或-stfinelatefinerlaterfinestlatest以“辅音+y” 结尾的词变y为i再加-er 或-estearlyhappyearlierhappierearliesthappiest重读闭音节的词末尾只有一个辅音字母先双写辅音字母,再加-er或-esthotthinfathotterthinnerfatterhottestthinnestfattest2 多音节词和部分双音节词在其前面加more或 most。如: 原级 比较级 最高级 useful more usefulmost useful difficultmore difficultmost difficult deliciousmore delicious most delicious3有几个形容词的比较级和最高级属于不规则变化。 原级 比较级 最高级 good/well better best bad/ill worse worst many/much more most little less least far farther farthest old older oldest(二) 形容词比较级的用法 1形容词的比较级可以单独使用: Be more careful next time. 下次小心点。 Which book is better? 哪本书更好? 2也可以和than连用,表示两者相比,than后可以跟: He is older than me / I . 他年龄比我大。 Skiing is more exciting than skating. 滑雪比滑冰更刺激。 I was a better singer than he was. 我唱歌比他好。(三)形容词比较级的修饰语1形容词比较级前可加much, a lot, a bit, a little, slightly之类表示程度的状语: Hes feeling much better today. 他感到今天好多了。2也可在比较级前any, no, some, even, still这类词:Do you feel any better today? 你今天感觉好一点了吗?3比较级前还可加其他表示数量的词:My sister is ten years younger than me. 我妹妹比我小十岁。【难点】(四)形容词比较级的特殊用法1和more有关的词组 :1) the +比较级,the +比较级越就越。例如: The harder you work,the greater progress youll make. 越努力,进步越大。2) 比较级+and +比较级 越来越. He ran faster and faster.3) more than超过,不只是。例如: There are more than two thousand people in the hall. 2和less有关的词组 1) less than 不到 不太: It was ready in less than a week. 2) no less than 多达; 不少于 No less than 2 million people came. 至少来了2百万人。 3) more or less 基本上; 大体上; 大约 The work is more or less finished. 这项工作基本上完成了。 3还有as + 形容词或副词原级 + as 1) not so/asas。例如: He cannot run so/as fast as you. 他没你跑得快。 2) 当as as 中间有名词时采用以下格式:as +形容词+ a +单数名词/;as + many/much +名词。例如: This is as good an example as the other is. 这个例子和另外一个一样好。 I can carry as much paper as you can. 你能搬多少纸,我也能。 3) 表示倍数的词或其他程度副词做修饰语时,放在as的前面。(1) A is three (或four, etc.) times the size (或height, length, width, etc.) of B.(2) A is three (或four, etc.) as big (或high, long, wide, etc.) as B.(3) A is three (或four, etc.) times bigger(或 higher, longer, wider,etc.) than B. Your school is four times the size of ours. Your school is four times as big as ours. Your school is four times bigger than ours. This room is twice as big as that one. 这房间的面积是那间的两倍。 Your room is the same size as mine.你的房间和我的一样大。(5) 形容词最高级用法1the + 最高级 + 比较范围 1)形容词最高级前通常必须用定冠词 the,例如: The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. 撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的沙漠。说明 形容词most前面没有the,不表示最高级的含义,只表示非常。例如: It is a most important problem. =It is a very important problem. 这是个很重要的问题。 2) 下列词可修饰最高级,by far, far, much, mostly, almost。例如:This hat is nearly / almost the biggest. 这帽子差不多是最大的了。 注意:序数词通常只修饰最高级。例如: Africa is the second largest continent.非洲是第二大洲。3) 最高级的意义有时可以用比较级表示出来。例如: Mike is the most intelligent in his class. 或者: Mike is more intelligent than any other student in his class.(六)形容词最高级的特殊用法 1. 形容词最高级可用作表语,这时定冠词the 可以省略。 例句:I think her plan is best. 我认为她的计划最好。 2.形容词最高级还可和at 构成许多短语作状语,如 at best, at least, at most等。 例句:Ill be with you at latest by ten. 我最迟十点钟就来陪你。【基础练习】( ) 1 Your room is _ than mine. A. three time big B. three times big C. three times bigger D. bigger three times ( ) 2 When spring comes, it gets_. A. warm and warm B. colder and colder C. warmer and warmer D. shorter and shorter ( )3 _ he read the book, _ he got in it. A. The more; the more interesting B. The less; the more interesting C. The more; the more interested D. More; more interested ( )4 I like_ one of the two books. A. the older B. oldest C. the oldest D. older ( ) 5 Which do you like _, tea or coffee? A. well B. better C. best D. most ( ) 6 This work is _ for me than for you. A. difficult B. most difficult C. much difficult D. more difficult ( ) 7 Who jumped_of all? A. far B. farther C. farthest D. the most far ( ) 8 Li Lei is_ student in our class. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest ( ) 9 Tom is one of _ boys in our class. A. tallest B. taller C. the tallest B. the tall ( ) 10 English is one of_ spoken in the world. A. the important languages B. the most important languages C. most important language D. the most important language ( )11. Most of the woods _ been taken good care of. A. are B. is C. has D. have ( )12 Im not _ to lift the heavy box. A. short enough B. enough tall C. health enough D. strong enough ( )13 Which is_, Li Lei or Wu Tong? A. strong B. strongest C. stronger D. the strongest ( )14 Do you have _ to tell us? A. something new B. new something C. anything new D. new anything ( ) 15. Most of the people in Guangdong are getting _.A. more and rich B. more rich and more richC. richer and richer D. rich and rich副词的比较等级:(一)概念:副词和形容词一样,也有原级、比较级和最高级三个等级。其构成方式有规则变化和不规则变化两种情况。规则变化的一般规律是:单音节词的比较级和最高级在词尾加-er或-est; 多音节词以及-ly结尾的副词(early除外),前面加more 或most.。不规则的变化式只能采用“各个击破”的办法去记忆。1)规则变化 原级 比较级 最高级 soon loud fast wide early happily carefully sooner louder faster wider earlier more happily more carefully soonest loudest fastest widest earliest most happily most carefully2)不规则变化原级比较级最高级wellbadlylittlemuchfarbetterworselessmorefarther(距离)further(程度)bestworstleastmostfarthestfurthest(二)副词的比较级的用法1、单独使用: Try to do better next time. 下次争取干好一点。 Hell come back sooner or later. 他迟早会回来的。 Please speak more slowly. 请讲慢一点。2、和than一起使用: He swims better than I do. 他游泳游得比我好。 Can you do any better than that? 你能不能干的好一些? He arrived earlier than usual. 他到的比平时早。3、比较级前可有状语修饰:You must work much faster. 你必须大大加快干活的速度。Can you come over a bit more quickly? 你能稍稍快点来吗?4. asas和not soas结构这两个结构也可结合副词使用:1) asas 可用在肯定句中,表示 “像一样”,后面的副词要用原级: She can run as fast as a deer. 她能跑的像鹿一样快。2)在否定句中,asas和soas都可以用: I dont go there as much as I used. 我现在到那里不象过去那么多了。 I didnt do as(so) well as I should. 我做的不如我应做的那么好。3)这种句子中也可以有一个表示程度的状语: She can read twice as fast as he does. 她阅读的速度比他快一倍。(三)副词最高级的用法:副词最高级可修饰动词,前面多数不带定冠词the:He laughs best who laughs last. (谚语) 谁笑在最后谁笑的最好。Of the four of us, I sang (the) worst. 我们四人中我唱的最差。(四)副词比较级和最高级的一些特殊用法:副词比较级和最高级还可用在一些特别结构或短语中。1)more and more 越来越: It rained more and more heavily. 雨下得越来越大了。 She went farther and farther away. 她越走越远了。2)the morethe more 越,越: The more I work, the more I accomplish. 我干得越多,完成的就越多。3)had better 最好:Wed better not disturb him. 我们最好不要打扰他。What had we better do? 我们最好怎么办?A卷选择填空:1.Peter looked _ when he learned that he hadnt passed the final exam.A, sadly B, sad C, happily D, happy2.Jack did badly at the school sports meeting. I did even _. A, worse B, worst C, more bad D, more badly3.Billy, is your mother cooking meat in the kitchen? It smells so _!A, well B, badly C, nice D, pretty4.The car stopped so _ that the bus behind almost ran into it.A, closely B, immediately C, suddenly D, soon5.We must finish cleaning the office _.A, as soon as possible B, as quickly as soon C, as possible as soon D, as soon as possibly6.What she said this time sounds _.A, pleasantly B, nicely C, friendly D, truly7.I didnt work _ my brother when I was young.A, as hard as B, harder C, hardest D, hardly8.Im going to move _. Its too noisy in our neighbourhood.A, somewhere quiet B, quiet somewhere C, anywhere D, quiet anywhere9.Last year, 15 typhoons (台风) hit China and Khanun was _.A, strong B, strongest C, stronger D, the strongest10.Its a good habit to keep the classroom _ all the time.A, cleanly B, clearly C, clear D, clean11.When class was over, our maths teacher came into the classroom and said, “Please stay at your seat. I have got _ to announce.”A, nothing important B, important something C, important nothing D, something important12.In the exam, the _ you are, the _ mistakes youll make.A, less careful, fewer B, more careful, less C, less careful, few D, more careful, fewer13.What is _ joke you have ever heard?A, more funny B, the more funny C, the most funny D, the funniest14.This kind of material feels _ silk.A, differently from B, the same to C, different as D, different from15.A recent survey showed that Jingjing and Huanhuan were _ among the five Olympic mascots (吉祥物).A, popular B, more popular C, most popular D, the most popular16.A: Is there _ in todays newspaper? B: Yes. Shenzhou VI has been sent up into space successfully.A, nothing new B, anything new C, new nothing D, new anything17.Visitors in the orchard can eat as _ fruit as they want.A, many B, more C, much D, most18.All of us were very _ when we heard the _ news.A, excited, exciting B, excited, excited C, exciting, exciting D, exciting, excited19.Eddie, my best friend _ Ben.A, is as high as B, works as careful as C, doesnt sing as beautifully as D, writes more better than20.Tom never does his homework _ Alice. So he makes more mistakes. A, as carefully as B, so careful as C, less carefully than D, more careful than21.Water pollution is one of _ in our country.A, serious problem B, the more serious problemsC, most serious problems D, the most serious problems22.The pizza was too small, so she decided to look for _ to eat.A, large something B, something else C, something other D, other something23.We are too tired and hungry. So our steps are getting _.A, slow and slower B, slower and slowest C, slower and slower D, more and more slowly24.Most children in our

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