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山东省临沭县青云镇中学八年级英语复习练习题 人教新目标版 班级 姓名Unit 61. Mr Green wants to know your name. Please _on the paper.A.write it down B.write down it C.write them down D.write down them 2. Im going to write an article _a magazine about women and children.A.for B. to C.on D.at3.-What is he going to_when he _up? -A doctor.A.do, grow B.be, grows C.do, grows D.be, grow4.-Whats your _for next year? -Im going to work hard and get good grades.A. subject B.job C.work D. resolution5.The story had _a bus driver.A.to do with B.doing with C.to do at D. do at6. They _(fly) to Japan tomorrow.7. -How are you going to do that? -I _(take) acting lessons.8. I like playing the violin, I want to be a _.He likes science, he wants to be a _.9. Those are my _(person) things.10. At the _(begin) of this term, they made some study plans.11. The _(foreign) want to _(提高) their Chinese by _(them).12. He kept on _(speak) English with his friends.13. I _ _(从事) farming ten years ago. 14. We should take up some _(爱好), do you _ _(同意) me ?15. This is my _(自己的) book, I am the _(主人) of the book.16. This book is written _(被)Luxun.17. I _(制定) a resolution to get good _(成绩) yesterday.18. _you able to keep your resolutions? 19. He is so young that he cant go to school. = He is _young _go to school. 20. Let them _(做) this thing, I think they can _(做) well.21. We hear them_(唱歌) in the next room.22. Your father made the workers _(工作) ten hours every day.23. _(来) in, please. 24. I think _(吃) healthier food is good for your _(健康).25. What about _(吃) some noodles, we can keep _(健康).单项填空 ( )2. You need to take notes at the meeting so make sure _ a pen and some paper with you. AbringBbringing Cto bring Dnot bring( )3. He likes painting, so he is going to be a(n)_when he is older. Aprogrammer Bpilot Cengineer Dartist( )4. I want _ famous, so that I can make lots of money. Abe Bto be Cbeing Dto being( )5. Now many people smoke and get ill. So we should do something _ can help stop smoking. Awhat Bwho C/ Dthat ( )6. Rock music may _ nice to young people, but most old people cant stand it. Ahear Bsound Clook Dlisten( )7. Youd better not always make promises _ other people. Ato Bfor Cwith Dof( )8. Let me _ your phone number and Ill call you when Im free. Acut down Bturn down Clook down Dwrite down( )9. Im sorry, I cant help you _ your homework today. Adoing Bdo Cdid Ddoes( )10. There _ an important meeting after school tomorrow. Ais going to haveBis going to be Cis going to hold Dis going to do . 词汇(A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1English is a very useful f_ language.2Toms mother is a d_. She works in a hospital.3When I got home, my mother was c_ in the kitchen.4He likes playing the violin, and he is a v_.5Take the m_three times a day.(B)用所给词的适当形式填空。6The story sounds _(interest)7I am sorry to let you keep on _ (wait) so long time.8Wearing a smile on your face not only helps you make friends but also makes you _(feel)better.9She _(move)to New York next month.( )1. She_ to be a singer when she _. Awants; will growBwants; will grow up Cwants; grow upDwants; grows up( )2. There _ a football match between the two classes. A. is havingB. is going to have C. is beingD. is going to be( )3. _ there going to be many students in our school? A. Is B. Are C. Be D. Have( )4. Do you practice _ English every day?A. speakB. spokeC. to speak D. speaking( )5. Are you going to take part in the speech competition? _. Its too good a chance to miss. ANo problem BThanks a lot CNever mind DThats for sureUnit 7 1. I feel _the bike, and unluckily, he feel _from the bike,too. A.off, down B.in, into C.down, behind D. off, asleep2. He will have a trip to Qingdao if _. A.possible B.impossible C.probably D.I can3. Will people _robots in their homes? A.has B.have C.there be D.be4. Will there be much pollution in the future? A.Yes,there be B.Yes, there will. C.Yes, it will D.Yes, there is.5.Books will only be _computers, not _paper. A.on, in B.in, on C.on, on D.in, in6. People will _200 years _space stations. A.lives to be, in B.live be,on C.living be,in D.live to be, on7. My mother will come back home _two days. A.after B.before C.for D.in8._more trees in the cities. A. There is going to be B.There will have C.There will has D.There will be9.We will have _free time and _cars. A. fewer, fewer B.more, less C.less, fewer D.fewer, more10.There are much pollution _the earth, we should paly a part in _the earth. A.in, saving B.on, save C.on, saving D.at, to save11.Can you fight in the classroom? A.I hope so B.I think so C.I dont think so D.I dont hope 12. American astronauts _rockets to the moon before some years. A.by B.fly C.ride D.flew13.There may be someone _my umbrella by mistake. A.taking B.bring C.takes D.to bring14.This _job makes me feel _. A.bored, boring B.boring, boring C.bored, bored D.boring, bored15.These robots are fun _. A.watching B.to watch C.watches D.watched16. Some robotes will look like humans, _might look like snakes. A.others B.another C.the other D.else17. The roborts can_the people who are under the buildings,and can also_the sick people. A.look after, look at B.look for, take care of C.look out, look into D.look at, look after18. I need some _(纸) to wrte.19. Air _(污染)is serious.20. we should stop _(污染) the _(天空).21. _(地球) travels around the sun.22. In order to pretect the _(环境), we should _(种植)many trees.23. I will buy _(一套公寓) in the _(将来).24. _(人类) will live _(在太空).25. Some _(危险) animals are in _(危险).26. They have _(已经) built lots of _(工厂).27. He _(信任) in me, so I passed the exam.28. There are three _people on the playground, _of them are students(百).29.He _(掉落) in love with Beijing since he went there.30.He says he _(可能) go to Wuhan.31. I think it is _(不可能).32. _(在期间) the _(假期), I visited my uncle twice. 单项填空( )1. The plane will take off _ three hours.I must get to the airport right now. Ain Bfor Con Dat( )2. Why are you in such a hurry, Mike? There _ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes. Awill have Bwill be Cis going to have Dare going to be ( )3. I think Bob is the suitable person to take the job because he can do the work well with _ money and _ people. Aless; fewer Bless; more Cmore; fewer Dfewer; more( )4. _ will you be away?In a couple of weeks. AWhat time BHow soon CHow often DHow long( )5. Will kids study at home on computers in the future? _.And they can do as well as at school. AYes, they will BNo, they wont CYes, they wont DNo, they will( )6. Work hard and your dream _ one day. Acomes true Bcame true Chas come true Dwill come true ( )7. Lucy _ read storybooks at the age of four. Ais able to Bwas able to Cshould Dwould( )8. When _ you _ to Australia? Next Monday. Adid; fly Bwill; fly Care; fly Ddo; fly( )9. There _ more students in our school next term. Awill have Bis going to have Cwill be Dis( )10. The city will have _ trees and _ pollution. Amore; fewer Bless; fewer Cmore; less D. fewer; less( )11. There _ an important meeting tomorrow morning. Dont be late. A. is B. has C. will have D. will be( )12. He has _ friends and _ money with him in this city. What should he do? A. little; a little B. few; a few C. little; a few D. few; little( )13. Have you ever read the book Harry Potter? Yes, and I think its very _. I want to read it again. Aboring Bexciting Cbored Dexcited( )14. _ visitors come to visit the small town every year. A. Millions B. Millions of C. Two millions D. Two millions of( )15. _ will your father come back from Beijing? In two weeks. A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How muchUnit 8. 单项填空 ( )1. Mike_ his computer and checked his email. Aturned on Bturned off Cturned up Dturned down( )2. How many _ do we need to make fruit salad? Two should be enough. Acabbage Bpotatoes Cbananas Dlemon( )3. There are many reasons _ this special day. Aof Bwith Cfor Dfrom( )4. Please cut_the bananas_small pieces. Aup; to Bup; into Coff; to Doff; into ( )5. _ cups of yogurt do we need? AHow BHow much CHow many DHow many of ( )6. _ bread would you like? Three pieces of _. AHow many; breads BHow many; bread CHow much; breads DHow much; bread( )7. _ I do the laundry first? No, you _. You can do your homework first. AMust; mustnt B. Can; mustnt CMust; neednt DMay; neednt( )8. Hey, Mike. _ comes the last bus! AThis BHere CThat DIt( )9. The mountains are covered _ lots of trees. Aof Bfor Cwith Dfrom( )10. Whats in the icebox? A few _and a little _. Aapple; milk Bapple; milks Capples; milks Dapples; milk. 词汇(A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1We need three apples,two bananas and a w_.2A_ some sugar to your coffee.3The butter, yogurt and relish are ready. M_ them up together.4There is a big h_ on the wall.5Please p_ the bananas before you eat them.(B)用所给词的适当形式填空。6How many _(piece) of bread do you need?7Would you like to have some _(potato) for lunch?8The doctor took _(Tom) temperature.9Its time _(go) to bed now.10You can learn English by _(listen) to English songs. ( )1. She wants to buy _. A. a basket apples B. a kilo of grape C. two cup of tea D. two slices of beef( )2. Its time _ dinner. Please wash your hands, Jack. Afor Bto Cwith Dof( )3. _ times do the children take art lessons a week? Three or four times. AHow long BHow many CHow soon DHow often1. When the teacher met the parents, they _ _(握手).2. When you leave the classroom, you should _ _(关上)the lights.3. Dont _(倒)the dirty into the river.4. You should add _(两勺蜂蜜)to the tea.5. He _(挖)deep_ (洞) to catch animals yesterday. 6. _(三明治) with _(黄油) taste great.7. Thanksgiving is a _(传统的) festival in _(秋季). 8. There were many _(游客) visiting our school.9. He _(填) the turkey with bread mix. Next the turkey is _(覆盖) with gravy.10. How does he _(制作) a banana milk shake?11. How _(许多) yougurt do we need? http:/w ww.xk b1.com12. _(最后), cook them for _(又一个) ten _(分钟).13. They show thanks by _(吃) a big meal.14. Here is one way _(做) turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.15. We get ready _(写) down a recipe for the food.16. Here is the reason _this special day. 17. Now he is _(挖) some holes.18. He is mending these _(机器).Unit 91.I_an exam, then he _go to college.A. prepare to, prepare for B.prepare for, prepare to C.prepare, prepare to2. I _him, and I replied to him. A.hear from B.hear of C.hear about D.heard from3. My mother _, so she has to go to the doctor. A.meets a friend B.has the flu C.prepares for the dinner D.goes to the concert4.Would you like _(来) to my birthday party? A. Id love B.Yes, I like C. Sorry, Im afraid I cant. D.I cant.5.-Can you come to my housewarming party?-Im sorry, _I might look after my sister. A.and B.so C.but D.for6. I went bike _with him last fall. A.ride B.rode C.riding D.to ride7. I didnt go to bed _I finished my homework. A.if B.after C.until D.when8. -_you tomorrow. -See you tomorrow! A.Accept B.Refuse C.Catch D.Reach9. -_? -Its Monday, January 28th. A.What day is it today ? B.Whats today? C.Whats the date today?10. We will _a trip to Shanghai _this month. A. have, by the end B.take, at the end of C.take, in the end11. I must go home _10:00, or my parents will be worried. A.on for C.by D.until12.Please reply in _to the invitation to my e-mail: yhschool163.com. A.speaking B.write C.say D.13.I _(赶上)the final bus to the city three days ago.14.I _(收到) some flowers, but I didnt _(接受) them.15.Thanks for _(邀请) me. Thank him for his _(邀请) too.16.He is looking forward to _(say) goodbye to you.17. They _(闲逛) with their friends last weekend.18. I _(拒绝) this invitation, but he _(回复) it yesterday.19. My sister was _(吃惊) at the news.20. _(让我吃惊的是), he passed the exam.21. A lot of _(客人) went to the _(音乐会).22. There is an _(事件) happening.23. Lions are very lazy, they sleep in the _(白天).24. He left without _(说) goodbye. 单项填空 ( )1. Would you like to go to the concert with me? Id love to, _Im afraid I have no time. AsoBor Cand Dbut( )2. The old pen is broken.Id like _ one to write with. Athe other Banother Cothers Dthe others( )3. Please keep quiet! Im studying _ my English test. Aas Bto Cfor Dwith( )4. Thanks for_me _your party. Ainvite; to Binviting; to Cinvite; for Dinviting; for( )5. _ your brother speak Japanese? Yes, he has learnt it in Tokyo for three years. AShould BMust CCan DMay ( )6. Would you like to go bike riding with us tomorrow? _. ASorry, Id love to BSure, Id love to CSure, I have to help my parents DYes, I can. I have a piano lesson( )7. Today is Sunday.The day after tomorrow is_. ASaturday BMonday CTuesday DWednesday( )8. Did you enjoy the party last night? Very much. _ wonderful the party was! AWhat BHow CWhat a DHow a. 词汇(A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1I am studying hard for the English e_.2Hurry up, and you can c_ the early bus.3Would you like to a_ Helens present?4Thanks for your i_ to your house to have dinner, but I cant come.5I am looking f_to joining the art club(B)用所给词的适当形式填空。6My American friend is going to _(visit)me next week.7Thanks for _(ask) me to your party.8The teacher is _ (surprise) that I can cook the food.9She refused _(let) me go.10We had to run quickly _ (catch) the bus.)1. I can play the guitar, but I_ play the violin. Adont Bam not Ccant Dmustnt( )2. Bobs mother came to New York _ a cold morning _ February. A. in; in B. on; on C. in; on D. on; in( )3. Would you like to go to the hospital to help the sick kids this Sunday? _. Ill be free then. ASorry, I cant BNot at all CThank you DSure, Id love to( )4. I was born _ the morning _ February 25th, 1997. Ain; of Bon; in Cin; in Don; of( )5. The little girl didnt stop crying _ she found her mother. Aafter Buntil Cbecause DwhenUnit 101.Our school will have a sports _(会议) in this autumn.2.Lets go to cheer him up because he is _(沮丧).3. Some _(建议) may be useful for you.4.They take _(出租车)to go to school.5.If you bring your classmates to our school, the teacher _(让) them out.6. You_(不应该) bring some food to the library.7.You cant get good grades _(除非) you work hard.8.The _(粗心) boy made lots of _(错误) in the test.9. He can finish the work by _(他). 10.Be _(细心) of what you say.11. He has lots of _(经验) in teaching.12. I took his umbrella by _(错误地).13. The teacher _(建议) students about common problems14. What _(其他的) thingsdo you want to buy?15. What _(其他的) do you want to buy? Anything _(其他的)?16. He has some problems _(解决) this math problem.17. I am afraid _(告诉) parents about it.18. _(最后), she told her parents about her worries.19. I solve my problems by _(谈论) to someone about them.20. You are halfway to _(解决) a problem.21. _

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