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2014高考英语分类基础热身练:单词基础自主回顾.课标单词1_(v.)入侵,侵略2_(v.)放弃,抛弃3_(v.)淹死,使溺死4_(adv.)最后,最终5_(v.)使受伤6_(adj.)(感到)震惊的,惊骇的7_(n.)纪念碑;纪念馆8_(v.)俯视,往下看9_(v.)责难;谴责invadeabandondrowneventuallywoundshockedmemorialoverlookcondemn10_(n.)作战行动,军事行动11_(n.)观点12_(n.)勇气,胆量13_(n.)牺牲14_(n.)(军队的)行装,行李15_(int.)(用于祝酒)祝你健康16_(adj.)值得做的,有价值的,有用的17_(prep.)不管,不顾18_(v.)占领_(n.)占领,职业_(n.)占有人campaignviewcouragesacrificebaggagecheersworthwhiledespiteoccupyoccupationoccupier19_(n.)国籍_(adj.)国家的_(n.)国家20_(v.)鼓舞,鼓励_(n.)21. _(n.)争论,矛盾,意见不合_(v.)_(反义词)协议,同意nationalitynationalnationencourageencouragementdisagreementdisagreeagreement.常用短语1_向宣战2_卷入3_取得重大突破(进展)4_收获,进入5_考虑,思考6_战争纪念碑7_停下来让某人搭车(船等);救起8_令某人惊讶的是9_以而告终10_提及,参考declare war onbe involved inmake a breakthroughget inthink aboutwar memorialpick upto ones astonishmentend up withrefer to.重点句型1More than 5,000 ships crossed the English Channel, _.5 000多艘船只横渡英吉利海峡,载着130 000士兵到法国海岸。答案:carrying 130,000 troops to the French coast.2The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed _ they even got off the boats.这次登陆行动特别危险,许多士兵甚至还没来得及下船就牺牲了。答案:before3_they _the beach, they _.要是他们抵达了海滩就很可能没命了。答案:If;had reached;would probably have been killed4The survivors lay on the beach, _.死里逃生的战士躺在海滩上,疲惫不堪,心有余悸。答案:exhausted and shocked.模块语法1. But for the snow, we _ earlier.A. will arriveB. should have arrivedC. arrived D. arrival答案:B2. The experiment has failed.I suggest you _again.A. try B. tryingC. will try D. would try答案:A3. It is a great pity that you _ think so.A. shall B. willC. should D. would答案:C4. It is natural that he _ get away with her.A. shall B. willC. should D. would答案:C5. He _ yesterday, but he didnt.A. came B. should have comeC. come D. would have come答案:B6. I didnt hear the phone. I _ have been asleep when your gave me a call.Ashould BcantCmust Dwould答案:C7. He paid for a seat, when he _ have entered free.A. could B. wouldC. must D. need答案:A考点探究解密考 点 解 读1abandon v放弃,抛弃,离弃;逃离;中止精讲拓展:abandoned adj.抛弃了的,废弃的,放纵的abandon a game中止比赛abandon principles放弃原则abandon hope (of doing sth.)放弃(做的)希望abandon oneself to沉湎于,放纵(感情)abandon doing sth.放弃做某事误区警示:abandon可以做为名词,构成短语:with abandon“放任/纵地,纵情的”。词语辨析:abandon,desert,leave与quit四者都含有“放弃,遗弃”的意思。abandon强调“完全、永远地遗弃”,尤其是指遗弃以前感兴趣或负有责任的人或物。She abandoned her child.她遗弃了她的孩子desert强调“违背誓言、命令、责任、义务等”。The soldier deserted his country and helped the enemy.那个士兵叛国助敌。leave强调离开(某地)或留下,遗忘(某物)。He left his wallet in the classroom.他把钱包落在了教室里。quit强调“突然或不经意地放弃”,常指“停止”。She quitted her job.她放弃了自己的工作。朗文在线:Fearing further attacks, most of the population had abandoned the city.由于害怕遭受更多的袭击,大多数人已逃离这座城市。The game had to be abandoned due to bad weather.由于天气不好,比赛不得不中止。They were accused of abandoning their socialist principles.他们被指责放弃了社会主义原则。命题方向:abandon作动词的用法及与desert, give up, leave等的词语辨析。活学巧练:(1)They had abandoned all hopes.(替换)_(2)In his early days he_(放弃)medicine for literature.(3)He_(自暴自弃)(4)The match was abandoned because of bad weather.(替换)_given upabandonedabandoned himselfstopped(5)The girl had to _ her journey because of her mothers illness.A. abandon B. leaveC. desert D. pause答案与解析:A句意:这位女孩由于母亲生病不得不放弃旅行。abandon“放弃”符合句意。leave离开;desert抛弃;离开;pause暂停。2occupy vt.占,占用;占领,占据精讲拓展:to occupy a house住在一所房子内to occupy a taxi乘出租车to occupy space占空间to occupy a position占位置to occupy time占时间be occupied in正在(做某事)occupy oneself with/in.从事于,忙于,专心于be occupied with/in.从事于,忙于,专心于occupier n居住者,房客;占领者occupation n职业;占有,占有(房屋等)期间误区警示:注意occupy在不同语言情景中的不同含义。朗文在线:The Jackson family have occupied this apartment for the past six months.过去半年中,杰克逊一家住在这套公寓房里。Soccer occupies most of my leisure time.足球占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。Ive invented a game that will keep the kids occupied for hours.我发明了一种游戏,够孩子们玩上几个小时的。命题方向:occupy作及物动词的用法及所构成的句型。活学巧练:完成/翻译句子(1)The big table occupies too much room.(替换)_(2)He_(忙于)in writing a book.(3)His speech_(用于)only three minutes.(4)床似乎占去了大半个屋子。_(5)他在12层楼上有一间办公室。_takes upwas occupiedoccupied答案: (4)The bed seemed to occupy most of the room.(5)He occupies an office on the 12th floor.3despite prep.不管;尽管;不顾精讲拓展:despitein spite of尽管in despite of尽管despite of尽管despite/in spite of名词although从句误区警示:despite of, in despite of和despite以及in spite of完全同义,前二者是较旧的说法,现已不太常用。朗文在线:She went to Spain despite the fact the doctor had told her to rest.尽管医生告诉她应该休息,她还是去了西班牙。Despite herself, she found his attention rather enjoyable.尽管她不愿承认,她还是喜欢他来献殷勤。命题方向:although, though为从属连词,直接引导从句,而despite, in spite of则为介词(或短语介词),后接名词构成介词短语作状语,不可混淆。活学巧练:(1)尽管你小有成绩,仍然要保持谦虚。_答案:Remain modest despite your achievements.(2)(定南中学2009届高三三月月考)Her performance was perfect and, _ the fact that there were other 20 participants, the first prize still belonged to her.A. however B. whileC. despite D. though答案与解析:C因为the fact是一个名词。that从句为fact的同位语,所以用C项。A、B、D都是连词后跟句子。4condemn v谴责,责备;判罪,定罪;注定精讲拓展:condemn sb./sth. for sb./sth.因而责备condemn sb. to death判处某人死刑condemnation n谴责,责备a condemnation against.对的谴责朗文在线:She knew that society would condemn her for leaving her children.她知道社会会谴责她遗弃孩子。The prisoner was condemned to death.犯人被判处死刑。His nervousness condemned him.他紧张的神情表明他是有罪的。误区警示:condemned为形容词,指“被判死刑的”。命题方向:condemn 构成的各种句型。活学巧练:汉译英(1)所有的政党都对最近发生的暴力事件进行了谴责。_(2)政治家很快就对爆炸事件给予谴责。_(3)这项法律被指责为对人身自由的侵犯。_答案:(1)All political parties condemned the latest violence.(2)Politicians were quick to condemn the bombing.(3)The law has been condemned as an attack on personal liberty.5worthwhile adj.值得(去花时间、精力等做)的We had a long wait but it is worthwhile because we got the tickets.我们等了很长时间,但这是值得的,因为我们得到了票。精讲拓展:Worthwhile可构成句型:It is worthwhileto do/doing sth.表示“值得做”。It is worthwhile to discuss the question.It is worthwhile discussing the question.It is worthwhile for us to discuss the question.这个问题值得讨论。(1)worth表示“价值”的意思时,常与表示金钱方面的名词连用;表示“值得”的意思时,常与名词连用。它一般用作表语,常用于下面三种句型:sth. be worthmoney(the price)价值sth. be (well) worth doing(很)值得做itbe worth (ones) while动名词/不定式值得做(2)worthy“值得”、“应的”、“足以”,表示对某事有资格或合适的意思,通常作表语,后接of短语或不定式。常用于下面三个句型:sth. be worthyof sth.sth. be worthyof being donesth. be worthyto be done“这个问题值得讨论”还可翻译为:The question is worth discussing.The question is worthy of being discussed.The question is worthy to be discussed.活学巧练:(2007温州市高三第一次适应性测试题)While talking about British novels, Charles Dickens is _ of our attention and research.A. worthy B. proudC. popular D. sure答案与解析:Abe worthy ofn.“值得”。句意:当我们谈论英国文学小说时,查尔斯狄更斯值得我们关注和研究。6pick up vt.拾起,捡起;搭载,让某人搭车;偶然得到,耳闻而学会;接收,收听;增加(速度),(健康)恢复;结识(某人)精讲拓展:pick up the phone拿起电话pick up a purse捡了个钱包pick sb. up用车接某人pick up the information偶然得到消息pick out选择;分辨出;领会pick on选择某人(做使其讨厌的事)pick off摘取,采取误区警示:pick up, pick out, pick on和pick off都属及物动词性短语动词,接人称代词作宾语时,宾语的位置应在副词前,接其他形式作宾语时,宾语既可置于副词前,也可置于副词后朗文在线:Seth bent to pick up the papers.塞思弯腰捡起文件。Carol picked herself up and dusted herself off.卡罗尔跌倒后爬了起来,拍去自己身上的灰尘。My husband will pick you up in the car.我丈夫会开车来接你。命题方向:pick up的各种不同用法及与pick和别的副词构成的短语动词间的词语辨析。活学巧练:完成句子(1)I _ _a coin on the road.我在马路上捡到一枚硬币。(2)Shall I_ _ _at the station?要我开车去车站接你吗?(3)He _ _the book in a most unlikely place.他在一个非常令人意想不到的地方得到那本书。pickeduppickyouuppickedup7to ones astonishment令某人惊讶的是精讲拓展:to onessurprise令某人吃惊的是(指意外的事,不一定是不好的)annoyance令某人气恼的是delight/joy令某人高兴的是shock令某人震惊的是(指消息或情况)in astonishment吃惊地astonish v使吃惊astonished adj.惊讶的astonishing adj.令人惊讶的误区警示:当表示“使某人感到非常的是”时用to ones greatn.或much to onesn.;much to then.of.表示。To my astonishment, the keys were in the door.让我吃惊的是,钥匙就在门上。She stared at the result of the experiment in astonishment.她吃惊地看着实验结果。The West Lake is astonishingly beautiful.西湖美得令人称奇。What astonished me most was his complete lack of fear.最令我吃惊的是他一点也不恐惧。To my surprise, he didnt know he had lost his wallet.令我惊讶的是他连丢了钱夹都不知道。活学巧练:(翻译)令我非常吃惊的是,这么小的小孩居然想出了解决问题的办法。_答案:Much to my astonishment/To my great astonishment, such a little boy could find a way to solve the problem.8The survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked.死里逃生的战士们躺在海滩上,疲惫不堪。精讲拓展:exhausted and shocked为形容词短语作伴随状语。形容词可在句中作状语表示原因、伴随或结果。Seriously ill, he didnt go to work.由于得了重病,他没有上班。He lay in bed, wide awake.他躺在床上,醒着。She stood there, full of fear.她站在那里,满怀恐惧。误区警示:形容词(短语)作状语不能混同于副词状语。朗文在线:She was back, eager to see her friends.她回来了,迫不及待地想见她的朋友们。She gave him the overcoat, anxious to be of service.她把大衣拿给他,很愿意为他服务。He arrived home, hungry and tired.他又饿又累地回到家里。活学巧练:(1)他们发现那个人躺在地上,死了。They found the man lying on the ground,_.(2)尽管天气很糟糕,他还是使所有乘客都安全着陆了。In spite of the terrible weather, he landed all the passengers _.deadsafe(3)(2009北京海淀区模拟)When it was his turn to deliver his speech, _, he walked towards the microphone.A. nervously and embarrassedB. nervous and embarrassedlyC. nervously and embarrassingD. nervous and embarrassed答案与解析:D考查形容词作状语,表示主语所处的状态。9虚拟语气在名词性从句中的运用(1)用于宾语从句中用于wish后面的宾语从句中wish后的宾语从句一般用虚拟语气,表示一种不可能实现的愿望。其构成形式为:主语wishthat从句谓语动词用过去时(与现在事实相反)谓语动词用过去完成时(与过去事实相反)谓语动词用过去将来时(与将来事实可能相反)I wish(that) I were a bird and could fly freely in the sky.但愿我是一只小鸟,能在空中自由地飞翔。I wish(that)I had met that film star yesterday.我真希望我昨天见到那位电影明星。用于表示建议、愿望、命令等词后的宾语从句中,常见的动词有:demand, order, require, insist, suggest, propose, advise等。宾语从句中的虚拟语气结构为:“should动词原形”,should可以省略。He suggested that we(should)start off early the next day.他建议我第二天要早出发。They insisted that the boy (should)go with them.他们坚持让那个男孩和他们一起走。在would rather后的宾语从句中,也用虚拟语气,其构成为动词用过去式或过去完成式。I would rather they hadnt heard of the news.我真希望他们没有听说这个消息。(2)用于主语从句中It is ordered/insisted/desired/suggested/proposed/necessary/important/strange/natural/a pitythat从句中的谓语动词用“should动词原形”,should可以省略。It is strange that he should have acted toward his parents like that.他那样对待他的父母有点儿怪。(3)用于表语从句和同位语从句中在suggestion, proposal, order, plan, idea, request, advice等名词后的表语从句和同位语从句中要用虚拟语气。其构成是“should动词原形”,should可以省略。My idea is that we should think it over before accepting it.我的意见是在接受之前我们应仔细考虑考虑。2虚拟语气用在as if(as though), even if(even though)等引导的表语从句或状语从句中。如果从句表示的动作指现在状况,则用过去时;如果表示的动作发生在过去,则用过去完成时;如果指将来的动作,则用过去将来时。He looks as if he were an artist.他看起来真像个艺术家。Even if he were here, he could not solve the problem.即使他在这儿,也不能解决这个问题。3虚拟语气用于定语从句中It is (high)time(that).句型中,定语从句的谓语动词用过去式。此句型意为“(现在)该”,用来表示提议。It is (high)time that you went to school.你现在该去上学了。It is (high)time that we started out.我们该出发了。4用于if only引导的感叹句中If only I were a flying bird!如果我是一只小鸟该多好啊!If only I had seen the film!如果我看过那部电影该多好啊!5虚拟语气用于表示委婉语气的句型中It would be better for you not to do that.你不做那可能会更好些。6用于“may动词原形”表示“祝愿”,may须置于句首May you succeed!祝你成功!May you be happy!祝你快乐!活学巧练:(1)Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it_yesterday.Awas happeningBhappensChad happened Dhappened答案与解析:D与“昨天”不相符的假设,用过去完成时形式。(2)How do you_we go to Beijing for our holidays?I think wed better fly there. Its much more comfortable.Ainsist BwantCsuppose Dsuggest答案与解析:D后文中用的是we go.相当于we should go.故用suggest。(3)Mr. White_at 830 for the meeting, but he didnt show up.Ashould have arrived Bshould arriveCshould have had arrived Dshould be arriving答案与解析:A“本该做而没有做”。(4)_it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge.AWere BShouldCWould DWill答案与解析:B与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,从句可以把should提前,省略if。考 题 演 练1.(2009湖南卷)You and I could hardly work together, _?A. could you B. couldnt IC. couldnt we D. could we答案与解析:D分析句式结构知,空格处应为反意疑问句式。根据主语you and I可以判断,反意疑问部分主语应为第一人称复数;又因为题干中出现了否定副词hardly,所以反意疑问部分用肯定句式,所以D项正确。2(2009四川卷)Shell never forget her stay there _ she found her son who had gone missing two years before.A. that B. whichC. where D. when答案与解析:Dstay此处的意义与a period of staying相同,故用when引导定语从句,且when在从句中作时间状语。3(2009四川卷)In order to find _ better job, he decided to study _ second foreign language.A. the;a B. a;aC. the;the D. a;the答案与解析:B第一个空表示泛指,“一份更好的工作”,第二个空表示“又一门外语,另一门外语”,都用不定冠词a。4(2008山东卷)Thank you for all your hard work last week. I dont think we _ it without you.A. can manageB. could have managedC. could manageD. can have managed答案与解析:Bcould have done表示本能够做某事(但没做)。5(2008山东卷)The fact that she never apologized _ a lot about what kind of person she is.A. says B. talksC. appears D. declares答案与解析:Asay a lot about为固定表达,意为“清楚地表明”。句意:她从不道歉这个事实就清楚地表明了她是一个什么样的人。6(2008北京卷)Im sorry youve been waiting so long, but itll still be some time _ Brian gets back.A. before B. sinceC. till D. after答案与解析:A句意:对不起让你久等了,但是还得再过一段时间Brian才回来。故空格处须用before表示“在之前,直到才”。7(2008北京卷)After the long journey, the three of them went back home, _.A. hungry and tiredly B. hungry and tiredC. hungrily and tiredly D. hungrily and tired答案与解析:B句意:长途旅行后他们三人回家了,又累又饿。由句式结构看,空格处应作为状语使用,四个选项中均使用了并列连词and,故and前后的词类应该一致,且英语中形容词或形容词短语可作为状语使用,表示主语的状态,故应选择B项。8(2008全国)The director had her assistant _ some hot dogs for the meeting.A. picked up B. picks upC. pick up D. picking up答案与解析:C本题考查have sb. do sth.结构。句意:主任让她的助手为会议准备一些热狗(食物)。“让某人去做某事”,其中的不定式应该省略to。9(2007浙江卷)Chans restaurant is on Baker Street,_used to be poorly run, is now a successful business.Athat BwhichCwho Dwhere答案与解析:B该题考查非限制性定语从句。句意为:Chan的饭店坐落在Baker街上,过去经营的不好,现在成功了。这是个典型的非限制性定语从句,先行词是restaurant, where是个陷阱项,在从句中缺少的是主语,where在从句中只能作状语,故不选。正确选项为B项。点评:在非限制性定语从句的考查中,注意that是不能作关联词的,应首先排除;结合句意,who是不可以的;where是副词,只能作从句的状语,而从句缺主语,因此排除D项,只剩下B项符合要求。Module 6War and Peace.单词拼写1. I have nothing _ (特别的)to do this afternoon.2. He _(宣称)himself a member of the club.3. Germany _(占领)many countries by the attacks known as the Blitz.4. This is my _(目的)in doing this.5. The government has _(用完)all its money.6. His white hair was in a sharp c_ to his dark skin.particulardeclaredoccupiedpurposeexhaustedcontrast7. She was s_ at the news of his death.8. The judge c_ the man to ten years in prison.9. My father bought a country house for his e_ retirement.10. She t_ her naughty children with ghost stories.shockedcondemnedeventualterrified.单项填空1The rescue was_when a hurricane came even though the child hadnt been found.AlostBgiven awayCabandoned Dgiven out答案与解析:C根据句意,“海啸来了之后,搜救就放弃了”,应用C项。2He_to book a plane ticket in advance, but in vain.Ahad BtriedCmanaged Dsucceeded答案与解析:B因为“in vain”,“徒劳,没有成功”,故应用try to do。3News reports say peace talks between the two countries_with no agreement reached.Ahave broken down Bhave broken outChave broken in Dhave broken up答案与解析:A中止,中断。4_all efforts to save the school, the county decided to close it.ADespite that BDespiteCIn spite DIn spite that答案与解析:B本题可用despitein spite of。5I wish I could go out and_a nice man.Apick at Bpick offCpick through Dpick up答案与解析:D根据句意,此处应用pick up“结识”。6Im so_in writing my report that I have no time to go for a walk.Aoccupied BoccupyingCtaken up Dabsorbing答案与解析:A句意:我专心写我的报告而没有时间去散步。 be occupied in doing/with sth occupy oneself with/in 正从事于;忙于。7_ for my illness, I would have passed the exam.ANot being BWithout beingCHad it not been DNot having been答案与解析:C句意:要不是因为我生病了,我就通过考试了。本题考查虚拟语气的用法:if it were not / had not been for该结构也是由if引导的非真实条件句,其中if it were not for是与现在事实相反的条件句(句中的were不可替换成was),意为“要不是”,这时主句中的动词使用过去将来式;if it had not been for是与过去事实相反的条件句,这时主句中的动词使用过去将来完成式(另外,该条件句中的if如被省去时则引起倒装)。8In spite of our advice, he still drinks a lot at the risk of being spotted and scolded.Its strange that he_react in this way.Acan BmayCmight DShould答案与解析:D本题考查固定句型中虚拟语气的用法。It is/wasadj.that.该结构中的主语从句表示说话人的意愿或主观态度,结构中的形容词用来表现说者的意愿趋向, 从句中的动词应用现在虚拟式。可用于该结构中的形容词包括 advisable, appropriate, crucial, desirable, essential, fitting, imperative(必要的), important, impossible, natural, necessary, obligatory(必须), preferable(更好的), proper, sad, strange, surprising, vital(至关重要的)等。9If Jane_a job now, she wouldnt be able to look after her sick mother.Ahas BhadCwere to have Dcould have答案与解析:B句意:要是Jane现在有工作的话,她就不能照顾她生病的母亲了。本题考查if条件从句的虚拟语气用法:与现在事实相反,if从句谓语用一般过去时,主句谓语为would后接动词原形,故答案是B项。10Footsteps_his return from work.Aannounced BdeclaredCpublished Dpronounced答案与解析:A句意:听脚步声就知道他回来了。 announce vt. “正式的宣布,宣告”, 可以是宣布一个晚宴的开始,announce dinner;可以是宣告婚期,announce marriage;还可以是宣布广播电台的节目开始,announce program。而在题目中,announce对应的英文的解释是“To proclaim the presence or arrival of”,即显示、展现某种状态。11Who do you imagine_the first prize?Awinning Bwas winningChas won Dwon答案与解析:C句意:你认为谁获得了一等奖?分析句子结构可知:do you imagine是插入语,句子缺少谓语动词,故排除A项;结合句意可知答案是C项:句子谓语动词应用现在完成时。12. _and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.A. Surprising B. SurprisedC. Being surprised D. To be surprising答案与解析:B考查形容词在句中作状语的用法。D项不定式表目的,故被排除。A项多用来描述一件事或某个物品的性质;B项用来描述人的心理状态;C项多用来指正在发生的动作,多作原因状语,与情景不符,所以选B。为形容词作伴随状语。13. The father _ his son for watching the sight that the prisoner was _ to death.A. scolded; scolded B. scolded; condemnedC. condemned; scolded D. condemned; condemned答案与解析:Bscold责骂,condemn判刑。句意:父亲因儿子去看囚犯被处死刑的场面而责骂了他。14. (2009安徽皖南校联考)At weekends in Nanjing, you can often see many people _ outside some restaurants, _ to have dinners.A. sit;wait B. seated;waitingC. seating; waiting D. sitting; wait答案与解析:Bseated outside some restaurants是过去分词作宾补;people与seat之间是被动关系;waiting是动词的ing形式作伴随状语。15. Was it you that made the suggestion?It _ have been. I cant remember.A. need B. mustC. should D. may答案与解析:D“may/might have过去分词”表示对过去情况的一种不太有把握的推测,表示“过去可能/大概已做了某事”;否定句表示“过去可能还没有做某事”。由I cant remember.可知不能肯定。.完成/翻译句子1Lets_ _(为干杯) your health!答案:drink to2They offered us food and water and asked for salt_ _(作为交换)答案:in exchange3Scientists have_ _ _ _(取得重大突破) in the treatment of cancer.答案:made a major breakthrough4随着社会的快速发展,我们有必要精通英语

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