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用心 爱心 专心 七年级英语期末总复习 一 Unit 5 Unit 6 湘教版 本讲教育信息 一 教学内容 期末总复习 一 Unit 5 Unit 6 学习过程 一 重点短语 1 a plan of 的平面图 There is a plan of my school 这是我学校的平面图 2 a single room I need to buy a single room 我需要买一个一居室的房子 3 at around six o clock I have dinner at around six o clock 我大约在六点左右吃饭 4 at the end of Elm Road My house is at the end of Elm Road 我家在榆树街的街尾处 5 at the third street There is a bookstore at the third street 在第三条大街上有一家书店 6 by bike ride bicycle 骑自行车 ride a motorcycle 骑摩托车 7 by boat ship sea 坐船 8 by bus 坐公共汽车 9 by car 坐轿车 10 by plane air airplane 坐飞机 11 by subway 坐地铁 12 by train 坐火车 I go to Beijing by 13 come from 来自于 I come from China I am from China 我来自中国 14 come over to sb The boy is coming over to his teacher 这个男孩向他的老师走去 15 dining hall 大餐厅 食堂 There is a big dinning hall in my school 16 do one s homework I often do my homework after dinner 我经常在饭后做家庭作业 17 eat lunch at school Do you eat lunch at school 你在学校吃午饭吗 eat lunch have lunch 18 get up 起床 What time do you usually get up 你通常什么时候起床 19 go along this street Go along this street you will see a beautiful garden 沿着这条街走 你就能看见一座美丽的花园 20 go dancing 去跳舞 How about going dancing this Sunday 这个周日去跳舞怎么样 21 go roller skating 去滑旱冰 用心 爱心 专心 Do you want to go roller skating with me 你想和我一起去滑旱冰吗 22 go shopping 去购物 go to school 去学校 go to the library 去图书馆 go to the park 去公 园 23 go home 回家 You should go home early every day 你每天应该早点回家 24 have a look 看一看 I have a new computer Do you want to have a look 我有一台新电脑 你想看一看吗 25 have a short break I want to have a short break 我想休息一会儿 rest for a few minutes 休息几分钟 26 help your parents 帮助你的父母 27 in front of 在 的前面 There s a big tree in front of my house 在我家的前面有一棵大树 空间上不包括彼此 28 in one s spare time 在某人的业余时间 消遣时间 I usually play soccer in my spare time 29 in the gym Yao Ming is playing basketball in the gym now 姚明正在体育馆里打篮球 30 keep money 存钱 We usually keep money in the bank 我们通常把钱存在银行里 31 learn from sb 像某人学习 I like learning English from Cherry 32 live with sb 和 一起生活 居住 I live with my grandparents 我和爷爷奶奶在一起生活 33 look after 照看 照顾 You should look after your things He always looks after his sister 他总是照顾他的妹妹 34 look for I can t find my book I am looking for it in my classroom 我找不到我的书了 我正在我的教室里寻找它 35 look happy 看起来快乐 开心 Jenny looks happy today 36 lost and found 失物招领处 37 never go to school I never go to school on Sunday 38 new term We are going to learn physics next term 我们下学期将要学习物理 39 obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则 40 on foot 步行 I usually go to school on foot 我通常步行去学校 41 on the grass 在草地上 There are cats and dogs on the grass 42 on the playground 在操场上 on the second floor 在第二楼 on the shelf 在架子上 on the street corner 在街角 43 on time 准时 Our teacher always come to school on time 44 park your car 停车 You can t park your car in front of school 你不能把车停在学校的前面 用心 爱心 专心 45 plant flowers plant trees 种花 种树 46 play ball games 玩球类游戏 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 play with my computer play with the ball 47 play in the street 在大街上玩耍 It s dangerous to play in the street 48 read story books 读故事书 read English books 读英语书 49 school life 校园生活 学校生活 My school life is colorful and interesting 50 school meal card 学校饭卡 I can t find my school meal card 51 take a bus to school 坐公共汽车去学校 go to school by bus 52 take exercise 做运动 做练习 Taking exercise is good for your body 做运动对你的身体有好处 53 talk to sb She is talking to her teacher 54 talk with Don t talk with each other in the class 上课的时候不要相互交谈 55 thousands of people 数以千计的人 There are thousands of people in the park to see a famous singer 56 wait for sb 等待某人 I am waiting for you at the bus station 我在公共汽车站等你 二 重点句型 1 be afraid of 害怕 I am afraid of my math teacher I am afraid of singing English songs 2 be friendly to sb The new teacher is friendly to us 新老师对我们很友好 3 How about you What about you 你呢 你怎么样呢 4 How do you usually come to school 你通常是如何到学校的 对交通工具进行提问 5 How long can I keep this book A month 我能借这本书多长时间呢 对时间长度进 行提问 6 How often do you do outdoor activities Once a month 你多长时间做一次户外运动 对频率进行提问 7 How many lessons do you have every day Seven lessons a day 你一天有多少节课呢 对数量进行提问 8 want to do sth 想要去做某事 I don t want to get up so early 我不想起的那么早 9 not at all 根本不 It s not dear at all 它根本不贵 I don t like it at all 我根本不喜欢它 10 It s time to do sth 到该做 的时候了 It s time to get up 到该起床的时候了 11 What color is your purse 你的钱包是什么颜色 对颜色进行提问 12 What day is it today It is Wednesday 今天是星期几 是星期三 对星期进行提问 13 What do you think of our school It s very nice 用心 爱心 专心 你认为我们学校怎么样 非常漂亮 对观点 态度进行提问 14 What s the time 几点了 15 What time does it begin 几点开始 16 What time does it end 几点结束 17 Which place do you like best 你最喜欢哪个地方 对最喜欢的东西进行提问 18 Would you like to play basketball 你想打篮球吗 对想法进行提问 三 交际用语 1 表示感谢 Thanks Thank you Thanks a lot Thank you anyway Thank you all the same 2 问路 Could you tell me the way to the Songshang Park How can I get the Songshang Park Where is the Songshang Park 四 语法精讲 1 一般现在时态 定义 经常性或习惯性的动作 构成 通常以动词原形表示 主语为第三人称单数时 一般在动词原形后加 s es 词形变化 1 一般情况加 s works learns comes plays 2 以 ss x sh ch o 结尾加 es passes fixes washes watches goes 3 辅音字母 y 结尾 变 y 为 i 再加 es carry carries fly flies study studies 4 特殊 be is have has 句型结构 I am a student I am not a student Are you a student Yes I am No I m not I like English I don t like English Do you like English Yes I do No I don t He has a dream He doesn t have a dream Does he have a dream Yes he does No he doesn t 2 现在进行时态 定义 此时此刻正在发生的事情 结构 is am are 现在分词 v ing 标志性词汇 now look listen 用心 爱心 专心 词形变化 1 一般情况加 ing working studying going seeing 2 以不发音的 e 结尾 去 e 再加 ing have having live living take taking 3 重读闭音节的单词 双写尾字母再加 ing running beginning stopping planning 句型结构 He is sleeping He isn t sleeping Is he sleeping Yes he is No he isn t What is he doing 典型例题 一 单项选择 1 Children play in the street It s dangerous A don t have to B may not C mustn t D won t 2 Would you love to go for a walk with me A Yes I do B Yes I d love C Sure I d love to D Sure I am 3 Where is Mary I m not sure She be in the library A must B can C may D has to 4 My bike is broken so I go to school on foot A could B have to C can D may 5 Can you see in the picture A anything usual B anything same C something different D anything unusual 二 用所给词的正确形式填空 1 The baby couldn t wash himself or get dress 2 Did you like at the party sing 3 Look the baby is sleep 4 The man lost two of his yesterday tooth 5 Doing eye exercise is good for your eyes 参考答案 一 CCBDC 二 1 dressed 2 singing 3 sleeping 4 teeth 5 exercises 模拟试题 答题时间 20 分钟 一 翻译下列句子 1 王叔叔要来吃晚饭 2 您能告诉我去火车站怎么走吗 用心 爱心 专心 3 你必须照看好你的东西 4 她通常坐公共汽车去学校 5 你多长时间看一次电视 二 阅读理解 It s the first day of school Tom wants to go back to school He wants to see his friends He wants to meet his new teacher Tom gets up early in the morning He washes and eats his breakfast Then he rides his bike to school He sees his friends He plays with them Then the bell rings Everyone runs to the classroom Tom meets his new teacher Her name is Mrs Green Tom likes Mrs Green He thinks she s a nice teacher 1 It s the first day of A September B year C school 2 Tom wants to A see his friends B go back to school C A and B 3 Tom goes to school A by bike B by plane C by bus 4 The bell rings Everyone runs A to home B to school C to the classroom 5 Tom s new teacher is A a nice man B a nice woman C a nice policeman 用心 爱心 专心 试题答案 一 1 Uncle Wang is coming for supper 2 Could you tell me how to get the train station 3 You must look after your things 4 She usually goes to school by bus 5 How often do you watch TV 二 1 C 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 B


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