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写作常用句式精选版句型1. find it +n./adj. + (for sb.) to do1. Tired as we are, we find it meaningful to take part in the activity. 尽管很累,我们觉得参加这次活动是有意义的。句型2介词短语2. At the thought of the amusing story, I cant help laughing to myself. 一想起这个有趣的故事,我就忍不住笑了。其他介词短语:at the sight of, at the mention of, in the hope of, in an attempt to, with the help of, under the guidance of, in spite of, despite, regardless of, due to, as for, in order to, as a result of, in case of , for the sake of, etc.句型3 Doing/done/作状语/定语/宾补3. China is a large country, covering an area of 9.6 million square kilometers. 中国是一个大国,面积960万平方公里。4. On hearing these words, I felt ashamed of my behaviour and I made up mind that I will never jump the queue again. 听到这些话,我为我的行为感到羞愧,决定再也不插队了。5. Not knowing where to go, he wandered along the street. 他在街上闲逛,不知道去哪里。6. Locked up in the room, he found himself isolated from the outer world. 被锁在屋子里,他发觉自己与外部世界隔绝开了。7. I will have my hair colored tomorrow. 明天我要把头发染色。8. The boy is running at full speed towards the hurdle placed in front of him. 男孩正以全速跑向放在他前面的那道栏。句型4 with 的复合结构9. With so much homework to do, I have no choice but to give up the idea of hanging around on the Christmas Eve. 有那么多作业要做,我不得不放弃圣诞节前夜去闲逛的想法。句型5 状语从句10. When I got to the bus stop, however, I noticed people waiting in line. 然而,但我到达车站时,我发现人们在排队。11. I was pushing my way into the bus when I heard someone shouting: “Please queue up.” 我正往车上挤这时候听到有人喊道: “请排队”。12. Wherever you go, please let me know. = No matter where you go, please let me know. 无论你去哪儿,请让我知道。13. He didnt come to school due to the fact that he was ill. 由于他生病了,他没有上学。句型6 定语从句14. No matter how difficult it is, he always looks after his sister like a father, which moves the people all over China. 无论多么困难,他总是象父亲一样照顾他的妹妹,这一点感动了全中国。句型7 名词性从句15. By helping those kids, I feel I can make a difference to their future and make some contributions to society. 通过帮助这些孩子,我觉得能发挥我的作用影响孩子的未来,为社会做出贡献。16. What impressed me most was the cheerful atmosphere on the Tiananmen Square.给我影响最深的是天安门广场欢乐的气氛。17The picture conveys a message that the inner strength determines whether we can pull through difficult times. 这幅图表达这样一个信息,内心的坚强决定了我们能否度过艰难时期。句型8倒装句18. Never have I seen such beautiful scenery in my life. 我从来没有看到如此优美的景色。19. So interesting is this book that I would like to read it again. 这本书如此有趣以致于我想再看一遍。句型9 There be 句型20. Long, long ago, there lived near the sea an old fisherman and his wife. 很久很久以前,在海边住着一位渔夫和他妻子。 = Long, long ago, there was an old fisherman and his wife living near the sea.21. There is no doubt that he is qualified for his job./ There is no point doing毫无疑问他做这份工作是合格的。句型10 It 用法22. It is how much effort that you put in your study rather than how many marks you can get that matters more in your study. 在学习上,更重要的是你付出了多少努力而不是你获得了多少分。(强调句) 23. It is suggested/ believed that/It is generally believed that people with high EQs are open to new ideas and have positive attitudes towards life. 人们普遍认为,情商高的人乐于接受新的观点,对生活持积极的态度。24. It is strange that he (should) have failed in this exam. 很奇怪他竟然没有通过考试。句型11 比较句 25. This room is three times as large as that one. 这个房间是那个房间的三倍那么大。


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