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本溪市七年级(下)初中期中质量抽测英语试卷满分:100分 时间:90分钟题号得分总分1、听力部分(本题共20分,每小题1分)(A)你将听到五段独白,根据所听到的独白,从各题的三个表格或图片中选择一个最佳选项,并将其代表字母填入表格或图片前的括号内。(每段独白读两遍)(B)你将听到五段小对话,根据所听到的对话及问题,从各题的三个选项中选择一个最佳选项,并将其代表字母填入题前的括号内。(每段对话读两遍)( )6AHe 1S reading a newspaper BHe is watching TV CHe is reading a book( )7AHe wants to Iearn English BHe wants to live there CHe wants to see his friends( )8AHe wants to see a bus BHe wants to take a busCHe wants to have fun on a bus( )9AHe does his homework BHe reads some newspapers CHe helps his parents( )10AShe is very busy BShe doesnt have much to doCShe wants to see a doctor(C)你将听到一段长对话,根据所听到的对话,请你从各题的三个选项中选择回答该问题的选项,并将其代表字母填入题前的括号内。(本段对话读三遍)( )11Where does Joes father work? AIn a bank BIn a police station CIn a library( )12What does Joes mother do? AShe is a bank clerk BShe is a shop assistant CShe is a teacher at a school。( )13What does Tina want to be in the future(将来)?AShe wants to be a singerBShe wants to be a musician CShe wants to be a policewoman。( )14What does Joes sister want to be? AA musician BA policewoman CShe isnt sure about it( )15Where are Tina and Joe? AIn a classroom BIn a bank CIn a library 、单项选择填空(本题共15分,每小题1分)从各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳选项,并将其代表答案的字母填入题前的括号内。( )21The library is_ the TV station and the post office Abetween Bacross from Cfrom Dnext to( )22Hi,TommyWhat are you doing over there?Im_ my camera Alooking for Bwatching Cseeing Dfinding ( )23Tina, what is your mother doing now?I think she is_ a walk in a park Agiving Bgetting Ctaking Dmaking( )24Thank you very much for_ me the way to the airport You are welcome Atelling Bto tell Casking Dto ask( )25They are very nice musicians and I like their songs a lotReally? I want to_ their music now Aplay with Bwait for Clisten to DWork for( )26If you like kids,I have a job_ you_ a teacher Ato;as Bfor;as Cto;to be Dof;as( )27How do you feel about going to Singapore by planelittle boy?I think its_ I Cant waitAsurprised Bdangerous Cexciting Dquiet( )28How is it going with you?_ Everything is fineANot bad BNot badly CVery bad DMost good( )29People from Canada English and FrenchAsay Btalk Ctell Dspeak( )30Where is Toronto,do you know? Its in_。 AAustralia BFrance CCanada DEngland( )31Lets go to play football todaySorry, I_ to the Childrens Center to have a piano lesson Aam hoping to go Bcan go Cam thinking to go Dam going( )32The supermarket is very_ Many people are selling and buying things there Aquiet Bclean Cdirty Dbusy( )33He wants to_ a reporter because he likes_ people Ado;to talk with Bbe;talking to Cdo;to sing for Dbe;speaking at( )34People from_ speak_ AJapan;English BEngland;Japanese CAustralia;Japanese DFrance;French( )35_these lions _?They are from South Africa AAre;come from Africa BDoes;come from Africa CWhere are;from DWhere are;come from、补全对话(本题共10分,每空1分) (A)根据对话的内容,从方框所给的选项中选出能够填入空白处的最佳选项,使对话完整、正确。(选项中有两项为多余项。)A:Linda, come here! Whos that?B:Thats JackA:36_B:He is from New YorkA:37_B:YesHe has a brother and a sisterA:38_B:He is about twentythreeA:39_B:Hes a musicianA:40_B:He is playing the violin(B)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(岳语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个单词),使对话意思完整、语法正确。A:Excuse meWang Lin41_B:YesI dot have a pen pal and her name is MaryA:42_B:She is from Londona city in the UKA:Is Big Ben in London(伦敦)?B:Yes,Big Ben is a famous(著名的)clock 43_And people everywhere Can hear it over the radio(收音机),in China, Japan,America and many othersA:My mother is in London now and Im sure she can see Big BenB:44_?A:She is working thereAnd I want to 45_ and see the Big Ben one dayB:That sounds great!、据意填词(本题共10分,每小题1分)读F面的句子,然后在句子的横线上填入一个适当的词,使完成后的句子结构正确、意思完整。46Where are your students,Miss Wu?Look! They are_ in the pool47Where is the green house, please? Go along the street and_ rightYou can see the green house in front of you48There are many school_ for you to do after school,like playing football, basketball,singing and dancingand of course you Can join different clubs,too49There are two_ in our city and there are all kinds of books for you to read in them50The banks in our city are _ from 8:00 to 4:30 everyday51Cindy enjoys_ books in her room on weekends52My sister has pen pals from many_,like Australia,Africa and Singapore53Im sorry, but l cant see the post officeYou dont see it because its _ that school54its kind of _ to be a policemanI think55Lions and tigers dont eat leaves,they eat_V、句子翻译(本题共10分,每小题1分) 根据所给中文完成句子翻泽。(每空词数不限)56让我们去公园散步吧! Lets_ in the park57今天阴天,请你带上雨衣。 Take a raincoat with you because_58你将来想当什么? What do you _ in the future(将来)59我正在努力学习以提高他的英语。 _to improve his English60海豚既聪明又对人友好。 Dolphins are _to people.61你的父亲是什么职业?_?62我家附近有一个超市。_63孩子们在做作业吗?_64欢迎你们到我们学校!_65周末我们在海滩上很放松。_.、完形填空(本题10分,每小题1分) 阅读短文,从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前括号内。 We can see many kinds of_66_every day and many of them are good friends to USTheymake_67_life colorful and interesting Birds can fly in the air and they_68_beautiful songs,tooFishes,big or small, can_69_in waterTigers live On landAnd elephants are big and strong and they_70_peopledo many kinds of hard workThey are not the same_71_they are ail animalsPeople like manyinteresting and beautiful animals but also_72_some of themThe Mickey Mouse(米老鼠)is ona 10t of toys and_73_for childrenIt iS childrens favorite animal all over the_74_But areal mouse is not_75_NO one likes it( )66Asome things Beverything Canimal Danimals( )67Awe Bus Cour Dours( )68Amake Bsing Ctake Dhave( )69Aswim Bswimming Cto swim Dswims( )70Ahelp Bhelps Chelping Dto help( )71Abut Band Cso Dor( )72Adislikes Bdislike CIikes Dlike( )73Acoat Bbag Cfood Dclothes( )74Acity Bworld Ccountry Deverywhere( )75Acute Bdangerous Cbad Dugly、阅读理解(本题共15分,每小题1分) 根据短文内容完成其后面的选择题和表格填写。Passage l We often talk about the weatherIf we want to know abut the weather, we can turn on the radio(收音机)and listen to something about the weatherWe can also turn on t11e TV and watch theWeather ShowAnd we can ask other people in two waysWhats the weather like today?”or“HowiS the weather today?”Sometimes you can call at 1 2 1 for the weather information When its coldwe shiver and need to wear warm clothes and scarvesWhen its raining,weneed raincoats or umbrellas(雨伞)When its hot, we need a cool place and want a cold drink(饮料)So you see in different weather, we do different things( )76You can watch the Weather Show_明天有节目没?Cat 121 Dfrom other people( )77You can ask other people_ to know about the weather Awhats the weather? BHow is the weather like? CWhat does the weather like? DHow is the weather?( )78We want a cold drink when its_ Acold Bwarm Chot Draining( )79Which of the following numbers do you call to know about the weather? A110 B119 C120 D121( )80The word“shiver”is“_”in ChineseA颤抖 B出汗 C看病 D避暑Passage 2 People like to have weekends very much because they caJl do what they like and go wherethey like It is Sunday morning with the sun shiningMrand MrsGreen take their daughters to the Darkin their neighborhoodThere are many people in the parkLook, some women are drinking tea under a big tree over thereSome boys are playing games near a houseA girl is sitting in a boatShe isreading a bookThere are many birds in the treesThey are singingA cat is running up a tree。It wantsto catch(抓)the birdsMrand MrsGreen are walking around under the trees in the park and theirdaughters,Ann and Linda, are skipping their rope(跳绳)over thereEveryone is having a good timein the park after a fiveday week。( )81Whats the we3ther like this Sunday morning? AIts cloudy BIts hot CIts sunny DIts cold( )82How many people are there in the Greens family? AThere are many people BThere are some people CThere are two daughters DThere are four people( )83Whos drinking under the big tree? ASome women BSome boys CA girl DThe Greens daughters。( )84What are the animals doing in the park? AThey are having a good time BThey are singing and running up a tree CThey are helping people in the park DThey are catching some birds( )85How are the people in the park? AThey are interesting BThey are excitedCThey are very surprised DThey are very happyPassage 3 Australia is a very beautiful country and its capital is Canberra,like Beijing is the capital ofChinaIn Australia, the summer months are December, January, and FebruaryIf you like warm days,you can go there to spend your holiday Australia is famous(著名的)for some kinds of animalsYou know something about koalasnowThey are very shy and cuteMany people like themBut do you also know kangaroos(袋鼠)?Mother kangaroos have pouchesVery young kangaroos can live and drink milk there There are many places to visit in Australia,tooSydney Opera House is one of themIis one of the famous buildings(建筑)in the worldIt has about 1,000 rooms and 2,679 people can be in the Music Hall、书面表达(本题10分) 请你以My family on weekends为题,谈一谈周末你的家人经常做什么。假设今天是星期目写一写你们正在做的事情。词数:6080_本溪市 (下)初中期中质量抽测七年级英语参考答案1-5 BABBB 6-10 CABCA 11-15 ACBCC1612twelve (years old) l 7Americatile USthe United States 18thea school bus1930thirty 20American schoolsschools in America21-25 AACAC 22-30 BCADC 31-35 DDBDC 36-40 CBAED41Do you have a pen palDo you have pen pals42Where is she fromWhere does she come from43in the worldover tile worlda11 over the world44Whats she doing there45visit her in London(England)see her therego to London(England)go there46Swimming/playing 47turn 48Activities/things 49libraries 50open5 1reading 52countriesplaces 53behind 54dangerous 55meat56go for a walktake a walkwalk57its cloudy(today)today is cloudythere is much cloud(today)there are many clouds(today)58want to bedo59He is studyinglearning hard60f both)clever and friendlykind6 1What does your father doWhats VOLIF fathers jobWhats your father62There is a supermarket near my home/house in the neighborhood63Are the children doing (their) homework64Welcome(you)to our school65We are very relaxed on the beach on weekends66-70 DCBAA 71-75 ABDBA 76-80 BDCDA 81-85 CDABD86Canberra 87three monthsits from December to February88(the mothers)1pouches 89shy,and cute90Sydney Opera Housethe Music Hall in Sydney Opera HouseOne possible version There are three people in my familyOn weekends we relax at home,My parents often watchTV and do some housework. Sometimes they go shopping for the next week. And I do you my homework and help them around the house. In the evening we usually take a walk in the park near our home. At the moment we are enjoying our dinner. So we often have a good time at home.本资料由七彩教育网www.7caiedu.cn 提供!


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