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1. go onatrip to 到去旅行(游)2. thecapitalcityof 首都3. tooto太而不能 【copyright hbban.cn】4. (be)far(away)from 离远5. fromto 从到6. workhard 努力工作(学习) 【copyright hbban.cn】 7. inschool=atschool 在学校8. go shopping (去)买东西9. inrestaurants 在餐馆10. livein/on 住在 HBBAN.CN 11. comeononestrip to 来参加去的旅游12. talkto/with sb. 跟某人交谈13. Thisis(打电话时). 我是。14. begoing(to) 打算;准备;计划15. Thatsgreat/wonderful. 太好了。16. leavefor+地点 动身去17. on February first 在二月一日18. arrivein + 大地方 抵达某地19. arrive at +小地点 到达某地20. in the morning/afternoon 在上/下午21. howfar (某处)多远22. howlong (某物)多长;(时间)多久23. take catch abus 坐车;乘车24. takeatrain 坐火车25. stay with 和呆在一起26. have a week for 有一周(做某事)27. wantsth. 想要某物28. want todosth. 想要做某事29. want sb.todosth. 想要某人做某事30. one/apair of 一双/对/副31. needmore sth. 需要更多某物32. All done! 全部做完!33. atthetrainstation 在火车站34. Have agoodtrip! 旅途愉快!35. walkto 走路去36. thereis/are (在某处)有37. run to 向跑去38. jumpon 跳上去39. be ready 准备好40. beexcited 很兴奋/激动41. lovedoing sth. 喜爱做某事42. Dontdo sth.! 别做某事!43. sitdown 坐下44. standup 站起来45. pack sth. 打包某物46. write home 给家人写信47. saysth. about 说说有关的情况48. beforeatrip 旅行前49. have fun (in) doing sth. 做某事很有趣50. onFebruaryfirst inthe morning =inthe morning on Februaryfirst =onthemorning of February first 在二月一日的早上 Unit 21. look outof往外面看2. abig browncow 一头棕色的大奶牛3. atallgreen tree 一棵绿色大树4. alittle red school 一所红色的小学校5. point at+较近处 指着6. pointto+ 较远处 指向7. look at 看8. bequiet安静9. drawapicture 画画10. readabook看(读)书11. sing asong(tosb.) (向着某人)唱歌12. abottle of一瓶13. onthetrain在火车上14. sitbehind 坐在后面15. Here is/are . 这儿有(是)。16. thebabysmother 这个婴儿的妈妈17. Li Mingsfather 李明的父亲18. thewomanbehind me 我后面的那位女士19. be tired很累20. bethirsty口渴21. Me,too.我也是(做)。22. would likesth. 想要某物23. wouldlike to do sth. 想要做某事24. wouldlikesb.todo sth. 想要某人做某事25. in ones stomach 在某人的肚子里26. toohottodrink 太热而不能喝27. a little foodtoeat 可吃的一点食物28. asnack快餐 =fast food =take-away food29. havesomesoup 喝(些)汤30. read thenewspaper 看报31. play cards 打扑克32. with his friends 和他的朋友一起33. havefun玩得开心 =havea good/great/nice/wonderful time =enjoyoneself (某人自己)34. play withsb. 和某人一起玩35. play withsth. 玩弄某物36. arrive inBeijing 到达北京 =getto Beijing37. many men/women 许多男/女人38. people inthe train station 火车站里的人39. theBeijingTrainStation 北京火车站40. find sb.doingsth. 发现某人在做某事41. buytickets买票42. Good work!= Welldone! 干得好!Unit31. a walk inBeijing 在北京散步2. take ataxito 打的/坐出租车去3. therearemanypeople 有很多人4. on/in the street 在街上5. walkquickly/slowly 走路很快/慢6. too many + 复数名词 太多的7. feelscared 觉得害怕8. HereIcome! 我来了!9. seesb.playing 看见某人在玩10. laughloudly 大声笑11. flykitesquietly 静悄悄地放风筝12. flyakite 放风筝13. hurtonesarm 伤着胳膊14. Dontworry. 别着急(担心)。15. putabandage on 在上绑绷带16. putfilmin把胶卷放进17. takeapicture 照相18. helpsb. dosth. 帮助某人做某事19. Areyouokay? 你还好吗? =Areyouall right?20. sit down坐下21. infront of在(外部)前面22. inthefrontof 在(内部)前面23. Becareful!当心!/注意! =Look out! =Takecare!24. JennysandDannyspostcards/pictures珍妮和丹尼(分别所有)的贺卡/ 照片25. ashop inthe hotel 酒店里的一个商店26. sendto 把寄给27. apictureof 的照片28. ontheleft/right 在左/右边29. put theaddress 写地址30. putthestamp 贴邮票31. in the corner在角落32. write to sb.给某人写信 =write aletterto sb.33. bebiggerthan 比大34. putsth. in把某物放进35. at thepostoffice 在邮局36. howmuch多少(钱)37. afriend inCanada 在加拿大的朋友38. sendane-mail 发电子邮件39. gostraight down 沿着一直走40. Hereitis!就在这儿!41. Howsthe weather ? 天气怎样? =Whatstheweatherlike ?42. go/come home to 回到的家中43. be ready for sth. 为某事做好准备44. forget sth.忘记某物45. atthetop/bottom 在顶/底部Unit 41. shopping in Beijing在北京购物2. buysth. forsb.给某人买某物= buysb. sth.3. walk there走路到那里4. sitandsit坐呀坐呀(一直坐)5. Whattimeisit?(现在)几点了?= Whatsthetime?6. Here isDanny!丹尼来了!7. What happened(to )? ()怎么啦?8. everyday(everyday)每天 (每天的 adj.)9. arrivehomefrom从回到家10. havea nice trip旅途愉快 =have a good/great/wonderfultrip11. last week/month上周(星期) / 月12. thefirst/second day第一 / 二天13. show sth. tosb.给某人看某物14. gifts foreveryone给大家的礼物15. put(it,them) on穿上 (它,它们)16. too + adj. +for sb.对某人太17. sth. fromChina来自中国的某物18. like sth.喜欢某物19. like todosth. 喜欢做某事(偶然)20. like doing sth.喜欢做某事(习惯)Unit 51. making breakfast 做早饭2. Its timeforsth. 该做某事了。= Its timetodo sth.3. Itstimeforsb. todo sth. 该某人做某事了。4. ontheschool bus 在校车上5. forget sth.忘记某物6. forget todo sth. 忘记去做某事(没未做)7. forgetdoingsth. 忘记做过某事(已经做了)8. thebus stop 公共汽车站9. busdriver公共汽车司机10. go toschoolbybus 坐公交车上学 =gotoschoolon a / thebus =takea / thebus toschool11. live too far from 住得离太远12. Thisissb. 这位是。13. be (am,is,are)from 来自 =comefrom是人14. the nameofthecity城市名字(称)15. speak English / Chinese 讲英语/汉语16. howold几岁了17. years old岁了18. bethe same一个样,相同19. Whats for +三餐? 三餐吃什么?20. watchTV /agame 看电视/比赛21. sitina / the chair 坐在(扶手)椅子上22. sitonthecouch 坐在沙发上23. read the newspaper 看报24. inthecorner在角落25. inthelivingroom 在客厅26. teachalesson 上课27. getto work开始工作28. Whatsthetemperature ? 气温多少度?29. get bigger变得更大30. withan s加有s31. attheend(of) 在(的)末尾32. makeachart 绘制图表33. dooneshomework 做家庭作业34. helpsb.帮助某人35. helpsb.to dosth. 帮助某人做某事 =help sb.dosth. =helpsb.withsth.36. put acirclefor 画个圆代替37. never dosth. 从来不做某事38. brushonesteeth 刷牙39. havelunch / supper 吃午饭/晚饭40. Whatelse? 其他东西/事情? =Whatother things ?41. begone消失了42. say good-byeto 向道别43. say helloto向问候/好Unit61. acold,snowyday 一个寒冷的雪天2. getready for sth. 准备做某事3. winterjacket棉夹克4. Whatacold,snowyday! 多冷的一个雪天啊!(感叹句)5. in winter / fall 在冬天/秋天6. on the ice / snow 在冰/雪上7. teachsb.教某人8. teachsb. sth.教某人某事9. teachsb.to dosth. 教某人做某事10. winterfun冬天的游戏/娱乐11. make asnowman 堆雪人12. another snowman (任意)另一个雪人13. some littlerocks 一些小石子14. go inside进去15. becoming! 来了!16. aWestern holiday 一个西方的节日17. ona / the holiday在节日/ 假期18. SantaClaus圣诞老人 =FatherClaus =FatherChristmas19. in red( clothes ) 穿着红色衣服20. on / at Christmas 在圣诞节21. invite sb. to 邀请某人到22. comeforChristmas来过圣诞节23. bringsth. for sb. 为某人带来某物24. MerryChristmas! 圣诞快乐!25. dosth.together 一起做某事26. Christmascards 圣诞贺卡27. thebusstop (station) 公共汽车站28. thecardwithsb. (sth.) (印)有某人(某物)的卡片29. Jennysfamily 珍妮的家庭(家人)30. putup举起; 挂起; 装点31. somethingspecial 特别的东西32. askquietly悄悄地问33. whisper to sb. 对某人耳语 =say ina low voice34. something Chinese 中国的物品35. There is + 单数名词 +介词短语 .Thereare + 复数名词 +介词短语 .在某地 / 某时有某物 / 人。36. warm andrainy 温暖而多雨37. What a hot, sunnyday! 多么酷热的艳阳天啊!38. blowsth.off 把某物从吹落39. skionthesnow 在雪上滑雪40. walkintherain 在雨中行走41. swiminthe sea 在海里游泳42. play in thewind 在风中玩耍43. ones favouriteseason 某人最喜爱的季节Unit 71. at the (sports) store 在(体育用品)商店2. aping-pongball 一个乒乓球3. thisone (pron.) 这一个(只;)4. Howmuch is+单数名词 (代词) ?Howmuchare + 复数名词 (代词) ?多少钱?(问价钱)5. dollar(s) for sth. 买某物元6. at the gym在体育馆7. like verymuch 非常喜欢 like better 较喜欢 likebest最喜欢8. myfavourite(n.) 我最喜欢的人/物9. throw /catch the basketball 扔/接篮球10. throwthe basketballatthenet 投篮 =put the basketballinthenet11. hit the ping-pongballwiththepaddle 用乒乓球拍拍球12. hittheball tosb. 将球拍向某人13. teach eachothersth. (两人)互教做某事14. agoodbasketballplayer 一位优秀篮球运动员15. playbasketballwith aping-pong ball用乒乓球当作篮球来打16. abasketballgame 一场篮球赛17. theotherteam(两队中的) 另一队18. AplayB A与B比赛 =AplayagainstB =AVS B19. havefundoingsth. 做某事很有乐趣20. yellforsb.为某人加油/助威21. be goodforsb. 对某人有好处/益bebadforsb. 对某人有害处22. makeachart 做个图表23. howoften 多长时间一次24. onceaday每天一次twiceaweek 每周两次threetimesamonth 每月三次several times几次many times 许多次25. wakeup醒来;叫醒26. more (less) than 多(少)于27. never dosth. 从来不做某事28. for strong bones / muscles 为了结实的骨骼/肌肉29. make onesbodyhealthy and strong使某人的身体健康和强壮30. Sixtyminutes makes an hour. 六十分钟组成一小时。31. needtogetmoreexercise 需要得到更多的锻炼32. onTV从(通过)电视上33. haveto=must 得;不得不;必须34. listento sb. 听某人讲(话)35. from Monday to Friday 从周一到周五Unit 81. enjoy sth.喜爱某物 (事)enjoyoneself玩得开心; 过得愉快enjoydoingsth. 喜爱做某事2. atthe swimmingpool 在游泳池(整个范围) intheswimmingpool 在游泳池里(水里)3. swim to向游去4. run with the kite 牵着风筝跑5. make itfly让它飞起来6. run into atree 撞上树7. (lie) onthe grass (躺)在草地上8. look like看起来像9. driveonescar to 开车去 =drive to 10. pick the flowers 摘花11. onthebeach在沙滩上12. inthe ocean在海洋里13. thesummer holiday 暑假14. thewinterholiday 寒假15. visit sb.看望某人16. next week / year 下周 / 明年17. somebooksabout一些关于的书18. asouvenirofChina 中国的纪念品19. at the door在门口20. howlong(时间, 物体)多长

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