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美联英语提供:牛津英语初中语法大全2关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里http:/m.meten.com/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-07. Who is faster, you or _?8. She is cleverer than _.9. He is not as experienced as _me am.10. There are two years between you and _me.11. She has no house of her _.12. I have some reason of my _ for wishing to do so.1. the 2. the 3. the 4. the 5. the 6. the 7. me 8. me 9. I 10. I 11. own 12. own9.It 的用法It was you who had been wrong.错的是你。it 强调句子的主语,可用 who 或 that 引导句子的后面部分。用于强调的 it,可以对句子的某一处成分加以强调。例如可以强调句子的主语、宾语以及状语等。It 的用法有很多,它最基本的用法是作代词,主要代表刚提到的事物以避免重复,也可以代表某些抽象事物或代表一个彼此都知其何所指的东西。有时也可以不指具体的东西,例如天气、环境和时间等。先行词的it 主要作为句子的形式主语,从而使句子变得平稳。(1) It was a great surprise to me when she did a thing like that.她做这样的事情我大为吃惊。语法分析:It代表抽象的事物。(2) Where does it hurt?哪儿疼?语法分析:it代表一个彼此都知其何所指的东西。(3) How fat is it to Beijing?到北京有多远?语法分析:it代表距离。(4) It was she who lent us the money.是她借钱给我们的。语法分析:it用于强调句中,强调句子的主语。(5) Its beyond me to say why.我无法说个究竟。语法分析:It作先行词,作句子的形式主语,有平稳句子的作用,句子谓语有这几种:be +形容词或名词,介词短语+不定式,及物动词+宾语+不定式。1. _ says here there was a big fire in the city.2. “Why, _ is you!” she cried.3. _ takes two to make a quarrel.4. Why is _ that everyone thinks Im narrow-minded?5. Was _ you that broke the window?6. Does _ itch much?1. It 2. it 3. It 4. it 5. it 6. it10.自身代词和相互代词She prided herself on her cooking.她为自己的烹调技术感到骄傲。自身代词在句子中作宾语,此外自身代词还可以作表语、主语等,有时也用作宾语的同位语。在一些成语中也可以用到自身代词。相互代词其实只有两个,即:one another 和 each other,它们可以表示两个人或几个人之间的相互关系,在句子中可以作宾语或介词宾语,也可以和s一起构成定语。(1) Let me introduce myself.我来介绍我自己。语法分析:自身代词在句子中主要用作宾语。(2) Take good care of yourself.好好保重。语法分析:自身代词也常用作介词宾语。(3) The president himself gave her the medal.校长亲自给她颁发了奖章。语法分析:用作主语。(4) He wanted to see Mary herself.他想见玛丽本人。语法分析:作宾语的同位语。(5) We have known each other for many years.我们相识很多年了。语法分析:相互代词作宾语。(6) We dont see much of each other.我们不常见面。语法分析:用作介词宾语。(7) Each tried to do more than the other.他们争着多干活。语法分析:有时each other还可以分开。1. One should not praise _.2. They called _ weavers.3. Please help _ to some meat.4. She reproached _ for her behavior that evening.5. She didnt pay for _.6. Miss Brown was sitting by _ on a beach.7. He has a small room to _.8. We each know what the _ thinks.1. oneself 2. themselves 3. yourself 4. herself 5. herself 6. herself 7. himself 8. other11.疑问代词和连接代词What color are the curtains?窗帘是什么颜色?疑问代词 what 在句子中作定语,此外还可以作主语、宾语或介词宾语等,which 也有这样的用法。此外,what 还可以用作表语。问候 在句子中多作主语或表语,whom 在句子中多作宾语或介词的宾语,在紧跟介词时只能用 whom。whose 可以用作定语、主语、表语或宾语等成分。连接代词与疑问代词同形,可以引导各种从句,在从句中它们可以作主语、宾语、介词宾语、表语和定语等。(1) Who would like to go with me?谁愿和我一起去?语法分析:who 在句子中多作主语或表语。(2) Whom are you writing to?你在给谁写信呀?语法分析:whom 在句子中多作宾语或介词的宾语。(3) To whom did you give the parcel?你把包裹给谁了?语法分析:在紧跟介词时只能用 whom,不能用 who.(4) Whose is better, yours or hers?谁的比较好,你的还是她的?语法分析:whose 表示谁的,用作主语。(5) What is your father?你父亲是干什么的?语法分析:what还可以用作表语。(6) Show me what you have in your hand.把你手上的东西给我看看。语法分析:what 引导从句,表示“the thing which.”。(7) I will give you what help I can.我将尽量给你帮助。语法分析:在从句中 what 有时用作定语。1. _ did you see?2. _ do you mean?3. I asked him _ came into the room.4. Do you know _ that girls mother is?5. That is _ I want to know.6. Let me know _ bus youll be arriving on.7. I must decide _ to do with her.1. Whom 2. What 3. who 4. what 5. what 6. which 7. what12.关系代词I met someone who said he knew you.我遇到一个人,他说他认识你。关系代词 who 代表 someone,又引导从句修饰它,同时又在从句中担任主语。关系代词 who, whom, whose, that和 which可以用来引导定语从句,这类代词都起着三重作用,一是代表前面的名词,二是把从句和它所修饰的词连接起来,三是在从句里也担任一个成分。who 和 whom 都代表人,who 在从句中作主语,whom在从句中作宾语或介词宾语。whose在从句中可以作定语。that可以代表人或物,which 只能代表物在从句中可充当主语、宾语或介词宾语等。(1) The noise that she made woke everybody up.她弄出的声音把大家都吵醒了。语法分析:that 代表 noise,又引导从句修饰它,在从句中担任 made 的宾语。(2) She saw something in the paper which might interest you.她在报纸上看到的一些消息,或许会使你感兴趣。语法分析:which 代表 something, 又引导从句修饰它,在从句中担任主语。(3) The girl with whom I was travlling didnt speak English.和我一起旅行的那个女孩不会讲英语。语法分析:whom 代表人,在从句中作宾语或介词宾语。(4) I saw a film whose name I have forgotten.我看了一部电影, 名字却忘了。语法分析:whose 有时指无生命的东西。(5) Whos the man (that) you were talking to?刚才和你讲话的人是谁?语法分析:在从句作宾语时,that常可以省略。(6) The situation in which she found herself was very difficult.她的处境非常困难。语法分析:在紧跟介词时,只能用which,不能用that,而且不能省略。1. The man _ robbed her has been arrested.2. The man _ I saw told me to come back tomorrow.3. I know a girl _ mother is an acrobat.4. He _ would eat the fruit must climb the tree.5. The dog _ was lost has been found.6. She invited us to dinner, _ was very kind of her.7. My dog, _ temper is very uncertain, often bites judges at dog show.8. The man from _ I brought it told me to read me instructions.1. who 2. whom 3. whose 4. that 5. which 6. which 7. whose 8. whom13.不定代词I have no idea about it.对此我一无所知。不定代词no在句子中作定语,此外,every也可作定语。除了这两个词外,其他的不定代词既可用作名词也可用作形容词,大多数在句子中可充当主语、宾语、表语、同位语和定语等。(1) Someone (somebody) has turned off the light.有人把灯关了。语法分析:合成不定代词 someone 和 somebody 意思相同,都表示“某人”,但只用于肯定句,在否定句及疑问句中通常用 anybody 或 anyone。(2) Everybody (everyone) laughed, me included.大家都笑了,我也笑了。语法分析:everybody 和 everyone 意思相同,表示“人人”、“大家”。(3) Did any of your photos come out well?你的照片洗出来都不错吗?语法分析:any 可代表可数名词或不可数名词名词,在句子中作主语或宾语等,可用于否定句及疑问句,肯定句用 some。(4) She is in no mood (not in a mood) for jokes.她没有心情说笑话。语法分析:no 可构成否定句,等于 not a。(5) I never saw so many swans on the lake .我从未见过湖面上有这么多天鹅。语法分析:many 修饰可数名词,可用在疑问句,否定句及肯定句中,还可与too, so 等词连用,much, few 及 little 也可表示数量,与many 一样,都可用作定语。(6) None of us would have said such a thing.我们谁也不会说出这种话来。语法分析:none 和 no 一样,都是否定词,none可用作主语、宾语或介词宾语及同位语。1. I will tell you _ of my own experience.2. If you want _ , you can call me.3. Ill take _ that you dont want.4. As _ as ten people were found living in a single room.5. Youve given me too _ food.6. _ went his way.7. _ of my parents live in Japan.8. One of the boys is named Tom, the _ named Bill.9. Show me some _.10. I dont like this room. Lets ask for _.1. something 2. anything 3. any 4. many 5. much 6. Each 7. Both 8. other 9. others 10. another14. some的用法Shes living at some place in Canada.她住在加拿大的某个地方。不定代词some的意思是表示“一些”,可以用来指人或其他可数的东西,也可以用来表示不可数名词的东西,它在肯定句中用作主语、宾语、定语等。在这个句子中,some和单数可数名词连用,其意义是表示“某个”,这与certain的意义相同。(1) Some of them can speak English.他们中的有些人会讲英语。语法分析:简单用法。(2) Can I take some of these apples?这些苹果我拿些可以吗?语法分析:一般在疑问句里要用any,但有时候却要用到本应用在肯定句中的some这个词,这种用法所表达的含义是希望得到肯定的答复。这个例句的所隐含的意思是我很想拿一些苹果,希望对方给予肯定性的回答。(3) She enjoys some music.她喜欢某些音乐。语法分析:some修饰不可数名词。(4) Arent there some eggs on the table?桌子上不是有些鸡蛋吗?语法分析:some用于反问句或请求句中。1. Did _ of you catch the train.2. _ children learn languages easily.3. _ work is very difficult.4. Would you like _ tea?5. Ask _ secretary to come here.1. some 2. Some 3. Some 4. some 5. some15. all 的用法It has been raining all day.下了一整天的雨。不定代词all在句子里用作定语,与可数名词的单数连用,表示“整个“,它可以修饰可数名词,表示“所有的”,也可以修饰不可数名词,表示“一切”。 all可以用作代词,代表可数的东西或不可数的东西,在句子中可以作主语、宾语等。在句子中, all可用作同位语,后面还可以跟一个定语来修饰它。(1) He has read all these books.这些书他全看了。语法分析:修饰可数名词表示“所有的”。(2) She has lost all her money.她的钱全丢了。语法分析:修饰不可数名词名词表示“一切”。(3) She worked hard all her life.她一生都很辛苦。语法分析:与可数名词单数连用,表示“整个”。(4) The old woman was all tenderness and kindness.这个老妇人很温柔和蔼。语法分析:与名词一起用作表语,表示状态。(5) Now all is chanded.现在一切都变了。语法分析:用作代词,可以作主语或宾语等成分。(6) I have read them all.所有这些我都看了。语法分析:在句中作同位语。(7) I have said all I intend to say.我想说的都说了。语法分析: all后面还可以跟一个定语来修饰它。1. _ these children can swim.2. Not _ food is good to eat.3. _ of them voted against the plan.4. Shes pretty sick about it _.5. Is that _ you want to say?6. _ I desired was leisure for study.7. She has come _ the way from Beijing.1. All 2. all 3. All 4. all 5. all 6. All 7. all16. other, another的用法Are there any other questions?还有什么别的问题吗?other在句子中用作定语,表示“另外的”、“别的”、“其他的”。还可用作主语或宾语表示“另外那个人”、“别的.”。 Another也可用作定语,表示“另一个”或“又一个”,还可和数词连用。 Another也可用作主语、宾语或表语等,表示“另外一个”。(1) Im busy now. Please come some other time.我现在忙,请另找时间来。语法分析:other在句子里可用作定语。(2) Some people came by car; others came on foot.有的人开车来,还有的人走着来。语法分析:other在句子里用作主语。(3) Show me some others.另外拿几个给我看看。语法分析:other在句子里用作宾语。(4) He had another cup of tea.他又喝了一杯茶。语法分析:another可用作定语。(5) Then another put uo his hand.又一个人举手了。语法分析:another可用作主语。(6) Saying is one thing and doing another.说是一回事,做是另一回事。语法分析:another可用作表语。1. _ members may not like the dea.2. Some like chocolate ice-cream; _ prefer vanilla ice-cream.3. I dont like this one. Have you got any _?4. Shes writing _ novel.5. There was a rainbow in the sky, and _ in his breast.6. Is this _ of you silly jokes?7. Ive still got _ three questions to answer.1. Other 2. others 3. others 4. another 5. another 6. another 7. another17.数 词There were millions of blooms.有数以百万计的花。基数词在句子中作主语,此外还可作定语、表语、同位语以及宾语或介词宾语等。序数词在句中可作定语、表语、主语、宾语或介词宾语等,序数词还可用在某些短语中。分数词由基数词和序数词构成,基数词代表分子,序数词代表分母,除了分子为1的情况外,序数词都要用复数形式。分数词可以作主语、定语、状语、宾语或介词宾语等。(1) The river is about eighty miles long.这条河约有八十英里长。语法分析:基数词在句子中作定语。(2) I read five of his novels.我看了五本他写的小说。语法分析:基数词作宾语。(3) Its population is nearly three million.它的人口数量接近三百万。语法分析:基数词作表语。(4) Shes getting married a third time.她将第三次结婚。语法分析:序数词和a连用,表示“再一个”、“又一个”等。(5) I thought that performance third-rate.我认为那场演出是三流的。语法分析:序数词可用在许多短语中。(6) Mother divided the cake into thirds.妈妈把蛋糕分成三份。语法分析:分数词作宾语或介词宾语。(1) There are _million of books in that library.(2) Tens of _thousand of mossbacks used to roam the prairie.(3) They arrived in twos and _three.(4) A _two swan flew down. Then a third and a fourth.(5) I bought a _ hand car.(6) She died in her _fifty.(1) millions (2) thousands (3) threes (4) second (5) second (6) fifties18.关于数词的注意点In the past thirty years or so, scientists have been able to “see” farther and farther into sky.在过去三十年左右的时间里,科学家已可以观测到越来越远的太空。有关约数的表示法, or so表示“左右”,“大约”可以用about, nearly, some 和 around等表示,用over, more long 可以表示“多余、超过”的意思。用or more和or less 来表示“或.以上”和“或.以下”的意思。基数词常位于another和all后面,such和more的前面,可以谓语last, next和other的前面或后面。关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里http:/m.meten.com/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0


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