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UAnit1一)把句子补充完整1. 你把所有的数加起来就会知道You will know the _ when you _ _ all the numbers.2. 我们努力想让他平静下来,但他还是激动地大叫。We tried to _ him _ but he kept _ excitedly.3. 玛丽在医院里住了很长一段时间后,恢复了健康。 After a long stay_ _ , Mary _ 4. 李鸣在这里定居后,和邻居们相处得很好。Since Li Ming _ here, he has _ _ _ _ his neighbours.5. 如果你不想和我在一起,你就收拾东西走人。If you dont want to stay with me, you can _ _ and go.6. 战争期间,我受了很多苦。我用日记记下自己的经历,以便老了以后能够记住。During the war, I _ a lot. I wrote my diary to _ _ my _, so I would _ them when I was old.二)填入所缺的词。1. It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c_ down myself.2. Parents are always c_ much about their children.3. True friends always s_ their sadness and happiness with each other.4. Im terribly sorry. I didnt do it on p_. 5. Some animals hibernate(冬眠) under snow, because there is much air in l_ snow.6. A_ to the law, t_ are not allowed to smoke or drink.7. The old man went t_ many wars and s_ a lot from them.8. After the terrible hurricane, the whole house was destroyed e_.9. If you have some trouble, you can go to the teacher for a_.10. By internet, we can c_ with people all over the world c_.11. By now, he has formed the h_ of doing some reading before going to bed.12. The r_ he gave for his c_ in the exam was simple.Answers(一)1. result, add, up 2. calm, down, shouting 3. in, hospital, recovered. 4. settled, got , along, well, with 5. pack, up 6. suffered, set, down, experiences, remember(二)1. calm 2. concerned 3. share 4. purpose 5. loose 6. according, teenagers 7. through, suffered 8. entirely 9. advice 10. communicate 11. habit 12. reason, cheatUnit2一)根据首字母提示完成句子。1Mr. Wu doesnt like the W _ way of life, so he came back to our hometown last year.2She has a very large v_ and she can read English novels now.3His n_ language is not Chinese but he can speak it fluently.4Everyone went to see the film, me i_.5What the British call “petrol” the Americans call “g_”.6The UN is an i_ organization that tries to solve problems between countries.7In this part of the city, you can see ancient and m_ buildings next to each other.8It is the duty of a g_ to provide education for the children of its countries.9I love working abroad and meeting people from different c_.10We are concerned about the p_ situation in the Middle East.11A_, Ive known Barbara for years since we were babies.12Jet Li has played lots of leading r_ in Kong Fu films.13Though I hadnt seen Lily for ten years, I r_ her voice immediately I picked up the phone.14 Judging from his a_, he must be from North East of China next to each other.二)1. Western 2. vocabulary 3. native 4. included 5.gas 6. international 7. morden 8. government 9. cultures 10.present 11. Actually 12. roles 13. recognized 14.accentUnit3一)单词拼写1. At the party the foreign teacher was r_ to sing some songs.2. He is a s_ person. Once he has made up his mind, he will not change.3. Though we have learned English for two years, we cant communicate with native speakers p_.4. The goods will be t_ to Hong Kong by ship.5. I advised him not to join them. F_ he accepted my advice.6. Being a fan of Liu Dehua, she buys every music r_ that is produced by him.7. Whats your a_ to wearing jewelry to school.8. At last we were persuaded to _ (骑自行车)around China.9. Writing travel j_ makes you think more and enjoy more.10. I am so _ (熟悉) with him that I recognized his voice the moment I picked up the telephone.二)选词填空, 注意形式。record determine treat altitude change ones mind be familiar to give in dream bring up so far 1. Once she is determined to do something, it is impossible to get her to_. 2. Nowadays, many young children would like to bargain with their parents when asking for money. Unfortunately their parents seldom _.3. They insisted they _ equally.4. Pop songs _usually _ teenagers.5. He was born in Shandong Province and _ there.6. She gave me a _ look, which suggested that she would never make any changes.7. She often _ that she would become a famous singer one day.8. They have been to seven European countries _.9. After it leaves the high _, the river becomes wide and runs into the sea.10. He won another gold medal as he set a new _ in the 100m dash.Unit4一)单词拼写1. As a result of the accident, the e has to be cut off. 2. We were s when we heard of the news that they would get married soon.3. They began the r work at once, as soon as the earthquake happened.4. The mother is very upset. I noticed her hand . (shake) 5. It is u to argue with him, he is too stubborn.6. There were dozens of people iin the fire, and they were sent to hospital immediately.7. The balloon r up slowly into the air.8. Your hands will be d if you play in the d.9. The dead were b in the ground after the terrible earthquake.10. Earthquake is the most terrible d in the world.11. We should h the soldiers who died in the war.12. This is a s about how to improve our learning skill, and it was made by Wang Guoquan.13. The students are p for the mid-term exam.14. How many j have been invited to the competition 15. The city was completely d by the earthquake.16. Do you know who o the meeting 三)汉译英1. 我谨向那些帮助过我的老师致谢。2. 大部分矿工被救了出来。3. 这座小城的许多房子都被暴风雨给摧毁了。4. 地震过后,全村到处都是残垣断壁。answers(二)1. electricity 2. shocked 3. rescue 4. shaking 5. useless 6. injured 7. rose 8. dirty, dirt 9. buried 10.disaster 11. honour 12. speech 13. preparing 14. judges 15. destroyed 16. organized(三)1. I would like to express my thanks to the teachers who have helped me.2. Most of the miners were rescued.3. Many houses in the small town were destroyed by the storm.4. After the earthquake the whole village lay in ruins.( The earthquake left the whole village in ruins.)Unit5一)单词拼写1. Q_ is more important than quantity.2. After 4 years university study, he c_ his study for a bachelors degree.3. She is not only beautiful, but also well e_.4. She did a very good job and got a r_ from the company.5. I hated being treated with v_.6. The c_ of life put an end to his life.7. In our country people of or over 18 have the right to v_.8. The event has put him into an embarrassing p_.9. Boys are usually not a_ in English class.10. He broke the law and was put in p_. 二)短语翻译(每空一词)。1刚开学的那天,我们的老师就给我们提了一些学习英语的建议。 On the very first day of school, our teacher _ us _ English learning.2 大多数下岗的人员都是文化不高的人。 Most of the people who _ _ _ _ usually have little education.3 别灰心, 你会成功的。 Dont _ _. You will succeed.4. 相信自己,别相信他的鬼话。 _ _ yourself. Dont _ him.5. 大学尚未毕业,他就创办了自己的公司。 He _ _ his own company before graduating from college.6. 他从不为考试担心。 He _never _ _ _ examination.7. 只有通过努力拼搏, 才能实现自己的梦想。 Only by working hard _ you _ your dream.8. 我们决不能嘲笑那些陷入困境的人,相反,我们应该帮助他们。 We should never laugh at those _ _. On the contrary, we should try our best to help them. 9. 他上台后就推出了一系列的改革方案。 After _ _ _, he carried out a series of reform.10. 他乐于助人。He _ _ _ _ others. unit5参考答案:一、 1. Quality 2. continued 3. educated 4. reward 5. violence 6. Cruelty 7. vote 8. position 9. active 10. prison二、 1. advised; on 2. are out of work 3. lose heart 4. Believe in; believe 5. set up 6. has; been worried about 7. can; realize 8. in trouble9. coming to power 10. is willing to help


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