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实验中学高二年级英语学科期末考前热身卷 2013年07月06日第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分75分 )第一节:单项填空(共30小题;每小题1分,满分35分)1. The old woman felt disappointed for she got nothing in _ for her kindness. A. payB. awardC. reward D. prize2. Mo Yan, this years Noble Prize winner for literature, abandons the conventional writing style and advocates his _ way of Magic Realism. A. rigidB. potentialC. uniqueD. explicit3. It has been reported that some government leaders _ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves. A. employB. abandonC. abuseD. overlook4. Human rights protection is a universal principle that _ all, including criminals. A. caters toB. applies toC. submits toD. corresponds to5. Do you know in what circumstances it was _ Jack achieved his goal? A. that B. how C. where D. when6. _ by flowers and applauses does not necessarily mean one is living a happy life. A. Accompanied B. Having accompanied C. To be accompanied D. Being accompanied7. I dont understand why you didnt go to the lecture yesterday afternoon. Im so sorry. But I _ my homework. 2013年湖南卷 A. had doneB. was doingC. would do D. am doing8. Not once _ to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class. A. occurred itB. it did occurC. it occurred D. did it occur9. It is said that Tom always likes wearing a hat in four seasonsI think its completely a matter of personal _ Ahabit Bprinciple Chobby Dpreference10. _ at the cafeteria before, Tina didnt want to eat there again.A. To eatB.Having eatenC. Eat D. Eating11. This is a really lively party. Theres a great atmosphere, isnt there? _. The hosts know how to host a party. 2013年山东卷A. Dont worry B. Yes, indeed C. It all depends D. No, theres isnt12. When will the expert come and give the lecture on intellectual property? Not until our program _ by the authorities. A. approvesB. is to approve C. will be approved D. has been approved13. Nowadays, youll notice a phenomenon _ a lot of people are wearing jeans to concerts. A. where B. thatC. if D. whether14. With economy developing at great speed, our city has _ quite a few changes in recent years. A. witnessed B. accumulateC. arisen D. introduced15. _ these experiments were successfully completed would we think of going into humans. A. If only B. Even ifC. Only if D. So that16. It is difficult for children to change their eating habit later in life. _ , parents should encourage healthy eating from an early age. A. OtherwiseB. ThereforeC. Besides D. However17. The law is still _ , so you must obey it although it has existed for two decades. A. validB. nobleC. flexible D. rigid18. The restaurant offers various kinds of traditional Chinese dishes to guests from different parts of the world _ good service. A. apart fromB. for fear ofC. far from D. regardless of19. A s far as I am concerned, it is a good idea to start a part-time job _ it doesnt affect your studies. A. as thoughB. even if C. as long as D. in order that20. _ the warning of the bank clerk, the old man would have sent his large sum of money to an unknown man. A. If it should not be forB. If it were not for C. Would it not be forD. Had it not been for21. To a small and faraway town like this, a car accident is always considered _ interest, so people soon gathered around. A. as B. byC. in D. of22. Who are making so much noise in the garden now? _ the naughty children. A. It isB. They are C. That is D. There are23. It is impossible to calculate what price the Mona Lisa _ if it ever _on the market?A. would fetch; came B. would cost; comesC. would pay; comes D. fetch; would come24. A huge balloon is telling people in Paris how good or bad the air quality is. When its good, the balloon shines green. _, its red.A. When worse B. If bad C. Though terrible D. Whenever good25. Small as it is, the ant is as much a creature as _ all other animals on the earth. A. areB. isC. have D. do26. Honesty is a kind of quality, and that is _ it takes to communicate with others successfully.A. what B. where C. which D. when27. What happens when I mix oil and water together? Oil _ float on water. A. could B. would C. can D. will28. After the earthquake, many people had to be _ in the tents because most of their houses were badly damaged. A. put away B. put out C. put up D. put off29. Excuse me, sir. My visa is due at the end of this month. Can I _ it? Sure. You can just go to the Public Security Office in our city to fill in some forms. A. expandB. extend C. postpone D. confirm30. _ to improving services, we will provide customers with all the information they need.A. Committing B. Having committed C. Committed D. Being committed31. What about reading English newspapers while learning English? Personally, _. It helps a lot. A. its up to youB. its hard to say C. it dependsD. it makes sense32. Tom, you are caught late again. Oh, _ . A. not at allB. never mindC. thats all right D. just my luck33. Lets got to the concert by PSY who is famous for his song Gangnam style all over the world. _ . I am really busy now. A. No problem B. Forget itC. Pardon me D. Up to you34. If your team gets the first place, we will get a bonus. With that bonus, I will go for a trip with my girl friend. _.A. Never judge a book by its cover. B. An old dog can not learn new skills.C. Great minds think alike. D. Dont count your chickens until they are hatched.35. Whenever and wherever we are, keep in mind that we should listen more to others. Its wrong to express ourselves without thinking. Just as we all know, _ . A. a good beginning makes a good ending B. a still tongue makes a wise head C. a great hope makes a great man D. a good husband makes a good wife第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Everyone in the world needs friendsFriends are like starsYou dont always 36 them but you know they are there And while a shooting star is a 37 thing to observe, a _38 friendship is one of the most painful things to experience However, if you believe that its worth trying to 39 itthen it was worth itSo, if youre still stirred by a 40 that has given you priceless moments, unconditioned love, and 41_ memories, at least give saving it a chance Act nowThe moment youre 42 that the two of you start growing apart, do something about itWaiting will only 43 the loss of your friendship Do some honest analysis of the situationSit down and think back to where it all _44 wrongWas it your 45 ? Was it something you said or did or didnt say or do although you should have? If it was your fault, 46 Briefly explain your side of the story and 47 making excuses or shifting the blameBy taking 48 for your part in damaging the friendship, you prove that your 49 to keep your friend is more important than your pride Listen to your 50 If a third party has been telling different stories to both of you to 51_ conflicts, listening to your friend is the best way to find itAsk who told them that if you 52_that you said something youd 53 say in a million yearsIts amazing how fast a third party liars mind games blow up in their face once the victims 54 notesSo even if someone is trying to avoid you, ask 55 and be prepared to listen no matter what your friend says36Akick Bmeet Ctouch Dsee37Acareful Bhopeful Cbeautiful Dcheerful38Alying Bdying Cdisturbing Dfrightening39Asave Bhelp Cunfold Dprotect40Aharmony Bfeeling Cleadership Dfriendship41Atreasured Bconcerned Ccalled Dsurprised42Aevident Baware Cobvious Dpleasant43Acome about Bcome out Cbring up Dbring about44Adirected Bmoved Cwent Dgrew45Afault Bpuzzle Crelation Dspirit46Aaccept Bapologize Cadmit Dsimplify47Adelay Bregret Cavoid Dfancy48.A.description B.understanding C.experience Dresponsibility49Acontrol Bvictory Cdesire Dstain50Afriend Bclassmate Cteacher Dclerk5lAconfirm Bconvince Ccause Dconcern52Athink Bdiffer Crealize Dhear53Aseldom Bnever Cmainly Dhardly54Acompare Btake Cevaluate Dfasten55Ahow Bwhy Cwhen Dwhere第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AEveryone knows what it feels like to be hungry, though few of us can imagine the pain of starvation But the new movie Back to 1942, directed by Feng Xiaogang, who is perhaps Chinas most clever commercial movie director, brings this pain to life For some, Feng may be too commercial at timesBut with his new movie Back to1942, Feng might avoid such criticism The film, based on a novel by Liu Zhenyun, makes the audiences aware of Chinas history and the difficult times our ancestors faced when more than 3 million people lost their lives in 1942, a time when China was engaged in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (19371945) This historic background provides the perfect material to create a wonderful movie And Feng is no stranger to using exciting elements, such as destructive natural disasters as seen in Aftershock(唐山大地震) and thrilling battle scenes as seen in Assembly(集结号) Combined with a strong cast, which includes Xu Fan, Zhang Guoli, Chen Daoming and Zhang Hanyu, it is almost certain that these elements will ensure the movie becomes a major box office hit , at least in China But this time, Feng seems to have set his eyes on the international market as wellJoining the strong Chinese cast are two big names from Hollywood: Tim Robbins who plays a Catholic priest and Adrien Brody who plays American journalist Theodore White Many of the movies scenes, like the ones showing the bombing attacks by the Japanese army, are very Hollywood-style, both in terms of their scale and technical levelBut somehow, the movie, like many of its kind, such as White Deer Plain(白鹿原), falls short on generating an emotional impact It seems to confirm the old saying one man dying is a tragedy, but a million deaths is a statistic figureIn the end, the movie pictures a legend that will undoubtedly be treasured at home and; most likely, be filed abroad as another lesson in modern Chinese history-but one well worth remembering and learning fromFeng, famous for directing comedies, has spent 10 years preparing for his latest work When asked why he had been so determined to make the movie, Feng told, China has gone through numerous disasters, but the whole nation Jacks introspection(反省) on the sufferings, so I hope that audiences, especially young people, can learn more about the troubled history of the country56What is the passage mainly about?AAn introduction to Feng Xiaogangs successful careerBA brief account of Feng Xiaogangs new movie Back to 1942CAn analysis of the reasons why Back to 1942 must also make a handsome profit DA brief description of the difference between Back to 1942 and Fengs former works57The underlined word hit in Para2 probably means Asuccess Binjury Cbeat Dprogress58. Fengs Back to1942 differs from his previous movies mainly in its .A. strong cast B. historic backgroundC. international elements D. emotional impacts59. Which of the following best describes the authors attitude towards back to 1942?A. PrejudicedB. Objective C. Cautious D. DisappointedBDiet Coke, diet Pepsi, diet pills, no-fat diet, vegetable dietWe are surrounded by the word diet everywhere we look and listenWe have so easily been attracted by the promise and potential of diet products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to usWe are paying for products that harm us psychologically and physicallyDiet products weaken us psychologicallyOn one level, we are not allowing our brain to admit that our weight problems lie not in actually losing the weight, but in controlling the consumption of fatty, high-calorie, unhealthy foodsDiet products allow us to jump over the thinking stage and go straight for the scale insteadAll we have to do is to swallow or recognize the word diet in food labelsOn another level, diet products have greater psychological effectsEvery time we have a zero-calorie drink, we are telling ourselves without our awareness that we dont have to work to get resultsDiet products make people believe that gain comes without painand that life can be without resistance and struggleThe danger of diet products lies not only in the psychological effects they have on us, but also in the physical harm they causeDiet foods can indirectly harm our bodies because consuming them instead of healthy foods means we are preventing our bodies from having basic nutrientsDiet foods and diet pills contain zero calorie only because the diet industry has created chemicals to produce these wonder productsDiet products may not be nutritional, and chemicals that go into diet products are potentially dangerousNow that we are aware of the effects that diet products have on us, it is time to seriously think about buying themLosing weight lies in the power of minds, not in the power of chemicalsOnce we realize this, we will be much better able to resist diet products, and therefore prevent the psychological harm comes from using them60From Paragraph 1, we learn that _Adiet products fail to bring out peoples potentialBpeople have difficulty in choosing diet productsCdiet products are misleading peopleDpeople are fed up with diet products61One psychological effect of diet products is that people tend to _Atry out a variety of diet foods Bhesitate before they enjoy diet foods Cpay attention to their own eating habits Dwatch their weight rather than their diet62In Paragraph 3, gain comes without pain probably means_Alosing weight is effortless Bit costs a lot to lose weightCdiet products bring no pain Ddiet products are free from calories63Diet products indirectly harm people physically because such products _Aare over-consumed Black basic nutrientsCare short of chemicals Dprovide too much energyCChildren whose minds wander might have sharper brains, research suggests. A study has found that people who appear to be constantly distracted (分心) have more “working memory”,giving them the ability to hold a lot of information in their heads and operate it mentally.Children at school need this type of memory on a daily basis for a variety of tasks, such as following teachers instructions or remembering dictated sentences.During the study, volunteers were asked to perform one of two simple tasks during which researchers checked to ask if the participants minds were wandering.At the end, participants measured their working memory capacity (容量) by their ability to remember a series of letters interspersed(穿插)with simple math questions.Daniel Levinson, a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the United States, said that those with higher working memory capacity reported “more mind wandering during these simple tasks”,but their performance did not suffer.The results, published online in the journal Psychological Science, appear to confirm previous research that found working memory allows humans to deal with many thoughts at the same time.Dr Jonathan Smallwood, of the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science in Leipzig, Germany, said: “What this study seems to suggest is that, when circumstances for the task arent very difficult, people who have additional working memory resources distribute them to think about things other than what theyre doing.” Working memory capacity is also associated with general measures of intelligence, such as reading comprehension and IQ scores.Dr. Smallwood added: “Our results suggest the sorts of planning that people do quite often in daily life when they are on the bus, when they are cycling to work, when they are in the shower are probably supported by working memory.64. The passage is mainly developed by _. A. examining differences B. making comparisons C. providing evidence D. following the time order65. The passage is most likely taken from _. A. a diaryB. a review C.a novel D. a report66. We can learn from the passage that_.A. the higher working memory capacity, the less mind wandering.B. those who have more working memory capacity work better.C. people with extra working memory resources always focus on what theyre doing.D. working memory capacity is related to general measures of intelligence.DWhen I was seven, my parents gave me a doll, a dolls house and a bookThe Arabian Nights, came wrapped in red paperI was just ready to read when my mother walked into my roomIsnt your doll just beautiful? my mother askedI looked at the doll, with fair hair in a pink dress-Ill have to call her she because I never gave her a name I folded my lips and raised my eyebrows, not really knowing how to let my mother down easilyThis doll is different My mother explained, trying to talk me into playing with itThinking the doll needed love, I hugged her tightly for a long timeUseless, I said to myselfFinally, I decided to play with the dolls houseBut since rearranging the tiny furniture seemed to be the only active possible, I lost interestI caught sight again of the third of my gift The Arabian Nights, and I began to read it From that moment, the book was my constant companionEvery day I climbed our garden tree, Nestled among its branches, I read the stories in The Arabian Nights to my hearts content My mother became concerned as she noticed I wasnt playing with either the doll or the little house She insisted that I take the doll up the tree with meTrying to read on a branch 15 feet off the ground while holding on to the silly doll was not easy Alter nearly falling off twice, I tied one end of a long vine around the dolls neck and the opposite one -around the branch, letting the doll hang in mid air while I read I always looked out for my mother, though I sensed that my playing with the doll was of great importance to herSo every time I heard her coming, I lifted the doll up and hugged herThe smile in my mothers eyes told me my plan workedThe inevitable happened one afternoonTotally absorbed in the reading, I didnt hear my mother calling meWhen I looked down, I saw my mother staring at the hanging dollFearing the worst of scolding, I climbed down in a flash, reaching the ground just as my mother was untying the dollTo my surprise, she didnt scoldShe kept on staring at the dollThe next day, my father came home early and suggested he and I play with the dolls houseSoon I was bored, but my father se

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