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2014届高考高三英语二轮专题复习:完形填空AI first went to hear a live rock concert when I was eight years old. My brother and his friends were all_1_ of a heavy metal group called Black Wednesday. When they _2_ that Black Wednesday were going to perform at our local theatre, they all bought _3_ for the performance. However, at the last minute, one of the friends couldnt go, so my brother _4_ me the ticket. I was really _5_! I remember the buzz (嘈杂声) of excitement inside the theatre as we all found our _6_. After a few minutes, the lights went down and everybody became _7_. I could barely make out the stage in the _8_. We waited. Then there was a roar from the crowd, like an explosion, as the first members of the band _9_ the stage. My brother leaned over and shouted something in my ear, but I couldnt _10_ what he was saying. The first song was already starting and the music was as _11_as a jet engine. I could _12_ the drum beats and the bass notes in my stomach.I cant recall any of the songs that the band played. I just _13_ that I really enjoyed the show and didnt want it to _14_. But in the end, after three encores (加演), the show finished. We left the _15_ and walked unsteadily out onto the pavement. I felt a little dizzy, as if I had just _16_ from a long sleep. My ears were still _17_ with the beat of the last song.After the _18_, I became a Black Wednesday fan too for a few years before getting into other kinds of music. Once in a while, _19_, I listen to one of their songs and _20_ Im back at that first show.本文讲述了作者第一次去听“黑色星期三”的音乐会,这次音乐会给自己带来的震撼,并且自己也成为了他们的歌迷。1A.members BfriendsCfans Dvolunteers答案:C。根据短文最后一段第18空之后的文字可知,此处应填fans。我哥哥和他的朋友都是“黑色星期三”的歌迷。2A.guessed BdiscoveredCthought Dpredicted答案:B。由下文可知,他们买票去听“黑色星期三”乐队的音乐会,证明他们已发现乐队要来。3A.flowers BdrinksCclothes Dtickets答案:D。因为要看“黑色星期三”的演出,所以他们必须买票,故D项正确。4A.booked BofferedCreturned Dfound答案:B。因为我哥哥的一个朋友不能去看演出,因此哥哥把票给了我。book订(票);offer提供;return归还;find发现。5. A. relaxed B. embarrassed C. excited D. encouraged答案:C。根据下一段中的excitement可知,此处应填excited。因为我第一次去看“黑色星期三”的演出,我非常兴奋。6. A. seats B. entrance C. spots D. space答案:A。我记着我们都找到座位时,剧院里兴奋的嘈杂声。seat座位;entrance入口; spot点;space空间。7. A. comfortable B. quiet C. serious D. nervous答案:B。几分钟后,灯灭了,大家都安静下来。become quiet 变得安静,符合题意。comfortable舒服的;serious严肃的;nervous紧张的。8. A. silence B. noise C. darkness D. smoke答案:C。在黑暗中几乎看不到舞台。in the darkness在黑暗中。9. Afell upon Bgot through Cbroke into Dstepped onto答案:D。当第一批成员走上舞台时,像爆炸一样,人群中发出了吼声。fall upon猛烈进攻,袭击;get through通过,用完,用光;break into 破门而入;step onto走上,踏上,符合题意。10. Aforget Bhear Crepeat Dbear答案:B。我哥哥向我靠来,在我耳边喊叫着,但我听不清他说的话。hear听见,符合题意。forget忘记;repeat重复;bear承担,忍受。11. Aloud Bhard C. sweet Dfast答案:A。音乐会开始了,音乐声就像喷气式飞机的声音一样大。因为本乐队是一重金属乐队,所以声音很大,故A项正确。12A.feel Btouch Cenjoy Ddigest答案:A。我能感觉到鼓的敲击。13A.realize Bunderstand Cbelieve Dremember答案:D。与recall相对应的词应是remember。句意:我只是记得我非常喜欢这次演出。14A.continue Bdelay Cfinish Dchange答案:C。由下一句的the show finished可知,此处应填finish。我不想要演出结束。15A.party Btheatre Copera Dstage答案:B。由短文第一段第三句话可知,此处应填theatre。我们离开了剧院。16A.escaped Btraveled Cbenefited Dwoken答案:D。我感到有点晕,好像刚刚从长长的睡眠中醒来一样。escape逃跑;travel旅游;benefit受益;wake醒来,符合题意。17A.aching Bburning Cringing Drolling答案:C。最后一首歌的节奏还在耳朵里回响。ring与with连用,意为“回响,响彻”。18A.competition Bperformance Cinterview Dcelebration答案:B。competition比赛;performance表演,演出;interview采访;celebration庆祝,根据第一段第三句话可知B项正确。19A.though Botherwise Cinstead Dbesides答案:A。though尽管;otherwise否则;instead代替;besides除此之外。once in a while偶尔;尽管我有时去听他们的歌,但我想我还是力挺第一次演出。20A.decide Bregret Cconclude Dimagine答案:D。decide断定;regret后悔;conclude总结,得出结论;imagine认为,想像。根据19题的解析,D项正确。BCompared with the children of a few decades back, todays children seem to be _1_: they enjoy better health owing to recent _2_ in medicine and in public health care. They also enjoy all the _3_ of modern life physically and materially. Todays children seem to be much better off than their predecessors. Nevertheless, _4_ the improved standards of _5_, many children nowadays seem to be emotionally _6_ since most parents are spending less time with their children, so little, in _7_, that many could _8_ be called “weekend parents”. An increasing number of mothers are taking fulltime jobs, _9_ their children in the care of babysitters or nurseries. Time has become a luxury few parents can _10_ because of the pressures of their work and the very brisk pace of life in our _11_ society. On the other hand, these working parents can often well afford to _12_ their children with the best food, clothes, toys and other _13_ desires. But _14_ to say, they fail to _15_ the emotional requirements of their growing children. As a noted pediatrician(儿科医生) of the Medical and Health Department _16_, children need love, security, praise, recognition and responsibility. If these needs are not _17_, their development might be stunted(抑制). Child psychologists all _18_ that some illness and emotional disturbances _19_ to children are because of a lack of parental care. In the light of this, parents who really _20_ their children should be sure that there are good lines of communication between themselves and their children, despite their heavy work loads.1A. unhappier B. luckierC. naughtier D. richer2A. inventions B. discoveriesC. advances D. products3A. comforts B. facilitiesC. pleasure D. appliances4A. due to B. regardingC. for D. in spite of5A. housing B. livingC. caring D. earning6A. provided B. deprivedC. disappeared D. hollowed7A. general B. factC. total D. truth8A. wrongly B. rightlyC. totally D. namely9A. entrusting B. leavingC. lending D. making10A. afford B. spendC. waste D. do11A. passive B. activeC. competitive D. dangerous12A. buy B. offerC. give D. provide13A. emotional B. physicalC. material D. intellectual14A. sad B. happyC. lucky D. unfortunate15A. show B. feelC. satisfy D. create16A. talks B. explainsC. speaks D. asks17A. made B. takenC. met D. done18A. argue B. admitC. tell D. disagree19A. common B. popularC. ordinary D. public20A. look after B. bring upC. care about D. agree with答案与几十年前相比,如今的孩子能享受更好的医疗保障,享受更多现代生活带来的舒适;但他们似乎有好多东西被剥夺了。随着工作压力的增大,父母陪伴在孩子身边似乎成了一种奢侈。作者呼吁父母应当更多地与孩子在一起,以满足孩子的情感需求。1B。由后文的enjoy better health.可知现在的孩子似乎更幸运。2C。词义辨析题。advances可概括其他三个选项的内容。该句意思为“因为近来医学的进步和公共医疗保障水平的提高,他们更健康”。invention“发明”;discovery“发现”;product“产品”。3A。词义辨析题。现代生活所带来的舒适,所以用comforts指“使生活舒适的事物”。pleasure意思为“愉快,快乐”,用在这里不合适。4D。上下文推理题。前后句之间为让步关系,因此用in spite of尽管。5B。由上文内容可知生活水平提高了,因此用standards of living。6B。由后半句大多数父母与孩子在一起的时间越来越少,可推测孩子在情感上被掠夺了。其他选项不符合语境。7B。此处是进一步说明父母与孩子在一起的时间少,少到可将父母称为“周末父母”。所以用in fact来强调前面说的父母陪伴孩子时间少的事实。8B。词义辨析题。rightly表示“恰当地”。说明将父母称为“周末父母”的准确程度。9B。词义辨析题。由句中“in the care of babysitters or nurseries”可知是将孩子留给他人照管,所以用leaving。10A。上下文推理题。根据前面a luxury可推测此空为afford,此处意思为“时间成了极少数父母负担得起的奢侈品”。11C。上下文推理题。根据前面“pressures of their work and the very brisk pace of life”可推测我们处于一个竞争非常激烈的社会。12D。词组搭配题。provide sb. with sth.“提供某物给某人”。其他选项后接双宾语。13C。归纳词义题。由前面提到的food, clothes, toys可知这些属于物质的范围。14A。上下文推理题。sad与后面的fail to.正好呼应,表示悲哀的心情。15C。词组搭配题。由后面的requirements可知用satisfy,表示满足要求。16B。词语辨析题。speak不可接说的具体内容;不是医生的提问,所以排除asks;talk为不及物动词,不接说的具体内容。用explain,这里意思为“正如解释的那样”。17C。词语辨析题。meet与needs搭配,即如果他们的需要得不到满足,他们的发展可能会受到抑制。18B。上下文推理题。由上文可知心理医生的意见与此是一致的,用admit“承认”。19A。词语辨析。common to sb.意为“对某人来说是常见的、普遍的”。20C。上下文推理题。根据医生所说的,父母应该保证与孩子之间的交流可推测:如果真的关心孩子,无论工作有多忙都要与孩子沟通。CMy son Gilbert was eight years old and has been in Cub Scouts only a short time. During one of his meeting he was _1_ a sheet of paper, a block of wood and four tires(车胎) and told to return home and give all to “_2_”. But his father was then in hospital because of an accident. Having no carpentry(木工工作) skills, I decided it would be best if I simply read the _3_ and let Gilbert do the work by himself. Within days his block of wood was turning into a pinewood racing car. Gilbert felt pretty proud, the pride that came with knowing you did _4_ on your own.But, when the big night came, my little sons pride _5_ humility(谦卑). Gilberts car was obviously the only _6_ one made _7_ on his own, while all the other cars, cool and smooth, were a fatherson _8_. _9_, Gilbert was the only boy without father at his side. Gilbert had “mom”The race _10_ and went on smoothly. Finally it was between Gilbert and the prettiest, fastestlooking car there. As the last race was about to begin, Gilbert asked if they could stop the race for a minute, _11_ he wanted to pray. The race stopped. Gilbert talked with his father in his heart for a very long minute. Then he smiled and announced, “Okay, I am _12_.”As the crowd _13_, the boy named Tommy stood with his father as their car sped down the ramp(斜坡). Gilbert stood with his father within his heart. Finally, his block of wood rushed over the _14_ line just a second before Tommys car. Gilbert jumped into the air with a loud “Thank you” as the crowd roared in _15_.The Scout Master came up to Gilbert and asked the obvious question, “So you prayed to _16_, huh, Gilbert?”, to _17_ my young son answered, “Oh, no, sir. That _18_ be fair to ask God to help you beat someone else. I just asked father for _19_, so I wouldnt cry when I _20_.”1A. handed B. madeC. caught D. bought2A. mom B. brotherC. grandpa D. dad3A. invitation B. directionsC. examination D. expectation4A. anything B. whateverC. something D. nothing5A. turned to B. devoted toC. returned to D. stuck to6A. unimportant B. inactiveC. unfavorable D. unattractive7A. entirely B. undoubtedlyC. certainly D. possibly8A. relationship B. ownershipC. partnership D. friendship9A. Worse still B. What mattersC. After all D. In contrast10A. delayed B. advancedC. finished D. began11A. nevertheless B. becauseC. so D. therefore12A. sad B. fastC. ready D. happy13A. cheered B. shoutedC. cried D. whistled14A. start B. sideC. guide D. finish15A. time B. publicC. approval D. turn16A. race B. winC. calm D. fight17A. what B. whyC. that D. which18A. wouldnt B. couldntC. shouldnt D. neednt19A. agreement B. pressureC. strength D. success20A. won B. lostC. beat D. missed答案本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了八岁的Gilbert在没有父亲帮助的情况下,单独做成了一辆赛车;他独自参加比赛,凭着自己的勇气,赢得了比赛。1A。根据这句话后面的内容and told to return home and give all to“_2_”可知,给了他这些东西并要求回家交给父亲。hand意为“给、传递”。2D。根据下文内容,应该是把那些东西带回家交给他父亲。3B。根据句意与逻辑,Gilbert的父亲出了事故住院了,不能直接帮助Gilbert来做赛车,“我”(Gilbert的母亲)只好通过念说明书这种方式来指导儿子单独做赛车。4C。根据上文,Gilbert在几天之内独自做成了赛车,他感到特别自豪,这种自豪感源于他独立做了一些事情。5A。根据后文“Gilberts car was obviously the only _6_ one made _7_ on his own, while all the other cars, cool and smooth”可知,Gilbert的赛车与别人的赛车相比,不显眼,所以他那种自豪感自然会变成谦卑。6D。在下文“while all the other cars, cool and smooth”中,while引导比较状语从句,由此可以推测,Gilbert的赛车不显眼。unattractive意为“无吸引力的、不引人注目的”。7A。由前文内容可知,Gilbert的赛车“完全”是由自己做成的;entirelly “完全地,全部地”。8C。其他小伙伴的赛车都是“父子合作”完成的。partnership意为“合作关系”。9A。根据本段内容可知,Gilbert感到谦卑的原因不仅是赛车不是父子合作的成果,Worse still“更为糟糕的是”比赛时父亲不在身边。10D。根据逻辑可知,应该是比赛开始并顺利进行。11B。前后句之间有因果关系,所以用because来引导原因状语从句。12C。祈祷完后,Gilbert笑着说“我准备好了”。ready意为“准备好的”。13A。根据逻辑可知,观众观看比赛,当然要欢呼加油。cheer意为“欢呼、喝彩”。14D。根据逻辑可知,应是赛车冲过了终点线。15C。根据句意与逻辑,Gilbert赢得了这场比赛,大家自然是赞赏地欢呼。in approval意为“赞赏”。16B。根据上下文内容及常识可知,Gilbert之前要求停下来祈祷,后来他赢得了这场比赛。自然The Scout Master要问Gilbert停下来是否是祈祷他能赢。17D。根据句法可知,这是一个定语从句,which修饰前面的先行词question。18A。由上文以及后句“I just asked father for _19_”内容可知,Gilbert祈祷不是想赢,而是祈求父亲赐予他勇气,求上帝帮他打败对手那会是不公平的。19C。根据最后一句句意可知,Gilbert并非祈祷自己能赢得比赛,他希望自己即使输了也不会哭,所以他祈求的是勇气,坚持比赛的勇气。20B。最后一句用了虚拟语气,Gilbert祈求勇气,如果他输了比赛,他也不会哭。*结束


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