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CET College English Test Band Four Model Test 1 *注意事项 一、 将自己的校名、姓名、学校代号,准考证号写在答案纸和试卷二上。试卷一、答题纸和试卷二均不得带出考场。考试结束,监考人员收卷后考生才可离开。 二、 仔细读懂题目的说明。 三、 在90分钟内做完试卷一,在监考人员收取答题纸和试卷一后再做试卷二,试卷二作文答题时间为30分钟。全部考试时间为120分钟,不得拖延时间。 四、 多项选择题的答案一定要划在答题纸上,凡是写在试卷一上的答案一律无效。试卷二上的题目答案直接写在试卷二上。 五、 多项选择题每题只能选一个答案;如多选,则该题无分。选定答案后,用HB浓度以上的铅笔相应字母的中部划一条横线。正确方法是: 使用其它符号答题者不给分。划线要有一定粗度,浓度要盖过字母底色。 六、 如果要改动答案,必须先用橡皮擦净原来选定的答案,然后再按上面的规定重新答题。 *试卷一Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section you will here 10 conversations. At the end of each conversatin, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.1. A) At a hospital B) At a drugstore. C) At a doctors office D) At a dentists office.2.A) Yes, it is too far to walk. B) No, but it is too far to walk. C) No, it is within walking distance. D) Yes, he must take a bus or a taxi.3. A) To buy a size six B) To buy a size five-and-half. C) To buy a size half six. D) To buy a size half five.4. A) Joe. B) Jones. C) Johnson. D) John.5. A) At a concert. B) At an art museum. C) At a flower shop. D) At a restaurant.6.A) Teacher and student. B) Nurse and patient. C) Patient and doctor D) Customer and salesman.7. A) 12 oclock. B) 11:45. C) 12:15. D) 12:50.8.A) To the cinema. B) To the theatre. C) To a party. D) To a lecture.9.A) He likes collecting postcards. B) He likes traveling. C) He will go to Thailand. D) Hes very glad to visit Thailand.10.A) She thought it was no good to wait. B) She could say nothing about it. C) She thought it was a good idea. D) She didnt agree with the man.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage 1 Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11.A)He always has a lot of business to do. B) He always has to fill in a form. C) He only buys stamps.D) He has to try to be patient.12.A) There arent so many people waiting there. B) The clerk is more cheerful. C)The people are moving.D) The clerk is not so busy.13.A) It gradually stops. B) It stops suddenly. C) It keeps stopping.D) It doesnt stop.Passage 2Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.14.A) Students. B) Buildings. C) Teachers D) Equipment.15.A) Teachers there do more work. B) Students may evaluate their teachers. C) Tuition is free. D) Schools offer practical training.16.A) More than one year. B) 4 years. C) No more than 8 months. D) About 10 months.Passage 3 Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.17.A) After five oclock in the morning.B) After eleven oclock in the morning. C) After five oclock in the evening.D) After eleven oclock in the evening.18. A) $2.60 B) $2.16 C) $2.06. D) $2.66.19.A) A collect call. B) A direct dial call. C) A person-to-person call. D) A call from a pay phone.20.A) Dial the operator. B) Check the phone book for the overseas operators number so that he can help you. C) Check the phone book for overseas area codes so that you dial direct. D) Call the Southern Bell Telephone Company.Part II Reading Comprehension: (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage oneEvery society is a dynamic system, which might be changed by internal or external factors, or both. When two different cultures are confronted with each other, there may cause a much deeper disruption(破坏) than a clash(冲突) between the two societies. For instance, a tribal war in Africa is not likely to destroy one of the two cultures. But by modernization, one culture was imposed on another, and this often resulted in the latter giving the worst of two worlds. Once the damage is done, it is difficult to imagine how it can be undone. The reality of today is that very few cultures are unaffected .It is a reality we have to recognize, so that we can start building up from there instead of trying to turn back the clock, or to “freeze” things as they are.Connecting the West, a clear distinction must be made between western culture and the free market system. Both are obvious by connected, but they are not one and the same. In fact, the free market system sets in motion a series of changes that are escaping more and more controls from national governments. The free market has its own dynamic(动态). For instance, if a heavy financial crash occurs, there is little room for governments to intervene(干涉).The ongoing globalization(全球化) of national economies makes it more and more difficult to be an island in this global stream. Even western governments can only witness how old values are lost, without being replaced by clear-cut new ones. Things are not only changing, it is the rate of change that is increasing, and in these circumstances, cultural enclaves(飞地) will become fewer and smaller. Global trade, mass media, cheap transport, and information explosion: how can anything or anybody resist these?In the forces that are reshaping the world, there will always be a western component, but basically we are all subjected to the free market system with its globalize trade and communication. Maybe here lies an opportunity for those who are not captured by it, to explore the possibilities of using good elements to their advantage, and protect their societies against the negative aspects of it.21. Which of the following statements is true? A) One society can be changed by either internal or external factors.B) Free market system has fewer controls from national governmentsC) The global stream is making more islandsD) Anybody can resist the information explosion22. A tribal war in Africa will most probably_.A) destroy the two tribes totallyB) not destroy the two tribes at allC) not destroy the cultures in the two tribes.D) keep on fighting till one of them wins23. In paragraph 3, the “heavy financial crash” means _.A) government corruption(腐败) B) government interferenceC) economic corruption D) economic crisis24. According to the author, which of the following goes very rapidly?A) The economic situations. B) The rate of changingC) Circumstances. D) Cultural enclaves25. The author thinks some parts of the society can be protected because_.A) some people are brave even though there are many difficulties in globalizationB) some people are afraid of globalization even though there is no stop for the world-reshaping.C) Some people want to use the good parts of the world-reshaping and get rid of the bad partsD) Some people do not want to be caught by other advanced nations even hough their living conditions are very poor Passage TwoThe cause of the decline of North Africa is popularly attributed to climatic changes, the theory being that the area became hotter and drier and the people were forced to abandon a thriving civilization. However, some geologists, after carefully weighing the evidence, have challenged the conclusion that the climate has changed in any important way since Roman times. Although climatic factors may also have contributed, it was man who destroyed the balance of nature responsible for maintaining soil fertility and moisture(肥沃与湿度).Why is it that under certain circumstances, the plant cover is unable to regenerate itself, thus setting the stage for serious erosion(侵蚀)? To answer this question, let us take an extreme example, the destruction of tropical rain forests. In general, the equatorial(赤道的)soil is poor: Forests can exist in these regions only because they are part of a balanced cycle. All that the forest produces is returned to the forest. The organic matter that falls from the trees constitutes the humus(腐植土) that the forest requires. When man cuts down all the trees to make room for crops, the soil is laid bare and, deprived of shade, heats up. An increase in soil temperature increases the rate of decomposition of organic matter. Organic nitrogen(氮)is converted into soluble ammonia and nitrates(氨和硝酸盐),which the rains quickly leach(过滤) away. It has been calculated that a rise in temperature from 77C to 78.8C may increase the loss of nitrogen by 15 to 20 pounds per acre per year. With the fertility of the soil destroyed, an irreversible change from forest to desert can be initiated.26. It was once thought that changes of climate adversely affected North Africa. Geologists have now this_.A) confirmed B) disproved C) favored D) supported27. The evidence mentioned in line 3 evidently refers to _.A) factors not mentioned in the passage B) the soil C) climatic conditions and their influence on the land D) the nature of the earth28. What is the stated function of man in the “balanced cycle” mentioned in line 4 of paragraph 2 ?A) He provides fertilizers. B) He has an adverse effect.C) He grows crops. D) He cuts down the trees.29. The purpose of the calculation involving an increase in temperature from 77C to 78.8C was to _.A) study the decomposition of nitrogenB) show that cutting down trees produces better cropsC) consider the effect of heat on the soilD) study the way in which rain causes erosion in the tropics.30. The change mentioned in the last sentence is called “irreversible” because, under the conditions mentioned, _.A) plants cannot reproduce effectivelyB) there is nothing that man can do to stop itC) plants find difficulty in growingE) desert conditions are createdPassage ThreeOpportunities for rewarding work become fewer for both men and woman as they grow older. After age 40, job hunting becomes even more difficult. Many workers would rather stay at jobs than face the possible rejections. Our youth-oriented, throw-away culture sees little value in older people. In writer Lilian Hellman words, they have “the wisdom that comes with age that we cannot make use of ”.Unemployment and economic need for work is higher among older women, especially minorities, than among younger white women. A national council reports these findings: Though unemployed longer when seeking work, older women hold a job longer with less absenteeism(缺勤),performs as well or better, are more reliable, and more willing to learn than men or younger women. Yet many older women earn poor pay and face a future of poverty in their retirement years. When “ sexism meets ageism, poverty is no longer on the doorstep- it moves in ”, according to Tish somers, director of a special study on older women for the National Organization for women.Yet a 1981 report on the White House Conference on aging shows that as a group, older Americans are the “ wealthiest, best fed, best housed, healthiest, most self-reliant older population in our history.” This statement is a small comfort to those living below the poverty line, but it does explode some of the old traditional beliefs and fears. Opportunities for moving in and up in a large company may shrink but many older people begin successful small businesses, volunteer in satisfying activities, and stay active for many years. They have few role models because in previous generations the life span was much shorter and expectations of life were fewer. They are ploughing new ground.Employers are beginning to recognize that the mature person can bring a great deal of stability and responsibility to a position. One doesnt lose ability and experience on the eve of ones 65th or 70th birthday evening more than one grows up instantly at age 21.31. After the age 40, _ .A) many workers tend to stick to their present jobsB) most workers are tired of their present jobsC) people still wish to hunt for more suitable jobsD) people find their jobs more rewording than before32. From Hellmans remark, we can see that _. A) full use has been made of the wisdom of older peopleB) the wisdom of older people is of great value to American societyC) older people are no less intelligent than young peopleD) the wisdom of older people is not valued by American society33. Tish Somers argues that _.A) more people have come to believe in sexism and ageism B) old women usually perform better in their jobs C) the major cause of the poverty of older women is sexismD) older women find it hard to escape poverty34. According to paragraph 3 , it can be seen that older Americans _ .A) have more job opportunities than young people B) have new opportunities to remain active in societyC) live below the poverty lineD) no longer believe in the promise of a happy life upon a retirement35. It can be concluded from the passage that the writer_ .A) calls attention to the living conditions of older Americans B) attempts to justify the youth-oriented ,throw-away culture of the USAC) believes that the value of older people is gaining increasing recognitionD) argues people should not retire at the age of 65 or 70Passage FourMore and more, the operations of our businesses, governments, and financial institutions are controlled by information that exists only inside computer memories. Anyone clever enough to modify this information for his own purposes can reap(收获)substantial rewards. Even worse, a number of people who have done this and been caught at it have managed to get away without punishment.It is easy for computer crimes to go undetected if no one checks up on what the computer is doing. But even if the crime is detected, the criminal may walk away not only unpunished but with a glowing recommendation from his former employers.Of course, we have no statistics on crimes that go undetected. But its disturbing to note how many of the crimes we do know about were detected by accident, not by systematic auditing(检查) or other security procedures. The computer criminals who have been caught may have been the victims of uncommonly bad luck.For example, a certain keypunch operator complained of having to stay overtime to punch extra cards. Investigation revealed that the extra cards she was being asked to punch were for deceitful transactions(交易).In another case, dissatisfied employees of the thief tipped off the company that was being robbed. An undercover drug agent stumbled on still another case. An employee was selling the companys products on the side and using the computer to get it shipped to the buyers. While negotiation for some drug, the drug agent was offered a good deal on a stereo!Unlike other embezzlers(盗用者,贪污者),who must leave the country ,commit suicide, or go to jail, computer criminals sometimes get away with it, demanding not only that they not be prosecuted(起诉)but that they be given good recommendations and perhaps other benefits, such as severance pay. All too often, their demands have been met.Why? Because company executives are afraid of the bad publicity that would result if the public found out that their computer had been misused. They hesitated at the thought of a criminal boasting in open court of how he modified the most confidential records right under the noses of the companys executives, accountants, and security staff. And so another computer criminal departs with just the recommendations he needs to continue his crimes elsewhere.36. The main idea of the passage is_. A) why computer crimes are difficult to detectB) why computer criminals are sometimes able to get away with their crimesC) that most computer crimes revealed were discovered by chanceD) that it is disturbing that only a small fraction of computer crimes can be discovered37. Paragraph 3 implies that_ .A) many more computer crimes go undetected than discovered B) the rapid increase of computer crimes is disturbingC) most computer criminals are smart enough to cover their crimesD) most computer criminals captured are victims of bad luck38. Paragraph 4 tells us about _ . A) the tricks of some computer criminals B) the motives of some computer criminalsC) how some computer criminals committed crimesD) how some computer crimes were discovered by chance39. The last paragraph implies that _. A) stricter laws against computer crimes should be introducedB) law procedures against computer crimes usually cost too muchC) companies tend to cover computer crimesD) companies should impose restrictions to safeguard confidential information40. The phrase “tipped off” in line 3 paragraph 4 probably means _ . A) cheated B)warned C) betrayed D) investigatedPart III Vocabulary and Structure: (20 minutes) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center41. Its advisable that China _ determined to pursue economic reforms and the open policy.A) is B) must be C) will be D) be 42. He said many times he was sorry for what hed done, hed never do it again, it was just a mistake _. A) again and again B) and as well C) and so forth D) and so well43.The average family _ four members at most is a great deal smaller than it used to be.A) which now consist of B) which now consists of C) who now consist of D) who now consists of 44 . It is said that saccharin(糖精) is not a satisfactory _ for sugar. A) component B) compound C) substitute D) mixture45.The salary of a taxi driver is much higher _.A) in comparison with the salary of a teacher B) than a teacher C) than that of a teacher D) to compare as a teacher 46.If you keep the rope _ for a long time, it will break.A) inflexible B) rigid C) tense D) tight 47.They came all the way to Canada for promoting friendship _ for making money.A) better than B) more than C) other than D) rather than 48.Kenya counts _ a major source of income.A) on tourists being B) tourists to be C) tourists are D) on tourists are 49.“”How about going sailing with us tomorrow?” “_ very much.”A) Ill like to B) Id like C) Ill like it

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