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课时跟踪检测53(B8Unit 4).单项填空1We _ certain living things as birds not because they have long legs or short legs, but because they all have feathers.Asuppose BclassifyClook Dinsist答案与解析:B句意:我们把某些生物划分为鸟类不是因为它们的腿长或腿短,而是因为它们都有羽毛。classify.as.“把归类为”。2_ restoration of ancient architecture, the Chinese government has invested a large sum of money on it.AIn case of BIn favor ofCIn terms of DIn honor of答案与解析:C句意:在修复古建筑方面,中国政府已经投入了大量的资金。in terms of“就而论;在方面”,符合句意。in case of“以防”;in favor of“赞成,支持,有利于”;in honor of“为了向表示敬意;为纪念”。3Jim is _ person, and everyone is willing to be _ with him.Aso kind a; friends Bso a kind; friendsCso kind a; friend Dso a kind; friend答案与解析:A句意:吉姆是如此好的一个人,以至于每个人都愿意和他交友。此题前者考查固定表达中冠词的位置,后者考查名词的用法。so kind a person相当于such a kind person。be friends with“与友好;跟做朋友”。4Many Chinese people donate money to help those students _ financial aid.Ain favor of Bin honor ofCin face of Din need of答案与解析:D句意:许多中国人捐款来帮助那些需要经济援助的学生。in need of“需要”,符合题意。in favor of“赞成;支持”;in honor of“纪念”;in face of“面临”。5He went back to the hall to try his _ at finding his lost gold watch, but never found it.Afortune BbestCresult Dhard答案与解析:Atry ones fortune at doing sth.“碰运气做某事”。若选B项,应用try ones best to do sth.。6Because of their continuous failures, my enthusiasm for Chinese football team gradually _.Afaded away Bran outCgave up Ddied out答案与解析:A句意:由于中国足球接连不断的失败,我对他们的热情也逐渐消失。fade away“逐渐消失;消退”。run out“用完”,其主语通常是物;give up“放弃”;die out“灭绝”。7_, an ambitious person usually works hard.AGeneral speaking BGeneral spokenCGenerally spoken DGenerally speaking答案与解析:Dgenerally speaking为固定搭配,意为“一般来说”。8His disabled legs _ him to a wheelchair all his life.Acondemned BfastenedCapplied Dcast答案与解析:Acondemn“使注定”。9He always brings me a pretty gift _ he comes to visit me.Aby the time BsometimesCevery time Dat time答案与解析:C考查名词作连词的用法。句意:他每次来看我,总是给我带一份精美的礼物。空白前后为两个完整的句子,故缺少连词,而四个选项中只有C项用作连词,every time“每次”。10He _ his country to the enemy and all the friends hated him.Abetrayed BclassifiedCdismissed Dpronounced答案与解析:Abetray his country“背叛他的国家”。11The restaurant is far from clean. To my _, there are flies landing on dishware occasionally.Adisgusting BdisgustCdisgusted Ddisgustful答案与解析:B句意:这个饭店一点都不干净。让我觉得恶心的是,不时地有苍蝇落在碟子上面。to ones n.“令某人的是”。12Encourage your children to reach a(n) _ between what he wants and what you want.Aachievement BappointmentCcompromise Dadaptation答案与解析:C考查名词辨析。句意:鼓励你的孩子要在他所需和你所需之间达成和解。reach a compromise“折衷,达成妥协”。13When _ what his problem was, the boy lowered his head and kept silent.Aasking BaskedChaving asked Dhaving been asked答案与解析:B句意:当问到他有什么问题时,小男孩低下了头,不说话了。when asked.when he was asked.。14It is reported that the oil reserves in this region are richer than _ in other places.Aone BthatCthose Dones答案与解析:C句意:据报道这个地区的石油储量比其他任何地方的储量要大。that可以代替不可数名词,也可以代替可数名词单数,代替可数名词单数时相当于the one;those只能替代可数名词复数,相当于the ones。one则表示不确指,例如:I havent a book; can you lend me one?我没有书,你能借我一本吗?。15The secretary is very careful and never _ any little points.Anotices BdeletesCoverlooks Dundertakes答案与解析:C考查动词辨析。句意:秘书很细心,从不忽视任何细节。overlook“忽视,忽略”,符合句意。notice“注意”;delete“删除”;undertake“承担;保证”。.完形填空Tears clouded my eyes as I stood in our washing room, holding Bretts jeans and shirt full of burn holes. Tired and defeated, I _16_ to the floor. The clothes were just one more thing Brett had _17_. He often got almost everything in the house out of _18_. Many windows in our house needed repair due to his breaking _19_ to steal money when he chose to live on the street. Yet none of this could compare to the emotional _20_ Brett had done to our once quiet home. Brett came to live with us when he was 12 years old. During the next few years I had dealt with Brett as _21_ as possible, but inside I was shouting, “I dont want him in my house another day, Lord! I just cant _22_ him!” Having wiped my tears, I continued _23_ him as before. When Brett was nearly 18, he landed again in Juvenile Hall (少管所). After that, my husband and I had to send Brett to a boarding school for helping _24_ teens. At the _25_ ceremony, each graduate held a white rose to give to the person who had _26_ the most to him or her. Brett spoke _27_ to his parents and then spoke to me, “You did so much. You were always there, no matter _28_. My mom and dad, I am their kid. But you, _29_ troubled enough by me, always _30_ me such love. And I want you to know I love you for it.” _31_, I stood as Brett placed the white rose in my hand and hugged me _32_. At that moment, tears _33_ in my eyes again, this time not for disappointment but for _34_. Although I had struggled with silent _35_ toward my stepson, Brett had seen only my actions. Love is action. We may not always have positive feelings about certain people in our life, but we can love them.16. A. sat B. bent C. sank D. dropped17. A. lost B. ruined C. torn D. broken18. A. order B. place C. trouble D. danger19. A. off B. in C. up D. away20. A. pain B. injury C. harm D. damage21. A. patiently B. willingly C. strictly D. rudely22. A. forgive B. stand C. educate D. control23. A. feeding B. pardoning C. comforting D. parenting24. A. lazy B. disappointing C. troublesome D. careless25. A. opening B. official C. graduation D. victory26. A. afforded B. meant C. supplied D. owed27. A. sadly B. lovingly C. proudly D. nervously28. A. where B. how C. who D. what29. A. although B. unless C. because D. when30. A. cost B. lent C. showed D. taught31. A. Astonished B. Puzzled C. Encouraged D. Interested32. A. surely B. tightly C. roughly D. fiercely33. A. fell B. flowed C. moved D. gathered34. A. pity B. luck C. happiness D. success35. A. love B. anxiety C. care D. anger答案与解析:孩子的行为给作者带来了无尽的折磨,作者常常以泪洗面,但是她把愤怒无声地埋在心底,一如既往地履行母亲的责任。毕业典礼上,当孩子把玫瑰送给她时,她情不能己,流出了幸福的眼泪。16C第一段中提到作者在洗手间泪流满面,再结合本句前半句中的内容可知作者“倒”在了地上。sink to the floor表示“倒在地上”。17B上一段的后半部分中提到他的牛仔裤和衬衫上到处都是烧的洞,由此可知Brett经常“毁坏,糟蹋”东西。C项“撕毁”,D项“打破”,都与第一段后半部分中的内容不符。18A根据Brett烧毁衣服的这种行为和第二段第三句可推知他经常把房间中几乎所有的东西搞得乱七八糟。此处out of order“出故障,不整洁”。out of place“不合适,不协调,格格不入”;out of trouble“脱离困境”;out of danger“脱离危险”,都不符合语境。19B房子的很多窗户需要修理,因为他从窗户“闯入”房子去偷钱。break in“闯入”。break off“(使)分离,停止”;break up“(使)破碎,(使)破裂”;break away“突然离开,放弃”,都与所给语境不符。20D然而,所有这一切都不能和Brett对我们曾经安静的家造成的感情“伤害”相比。emotional damage“感情伤害”。21A根据本句后半句中的内容可推测在随后的几年中,作者尽可能“耐心地”对待他。22B本句中的but表示的是转折意义,且从“I dont want him in my house another day.”可知,作者在内心深处无法“忍受”他。23D作者把满腹心酸和愤怒埋在心底,擦干眼泪,像昔日一样一如既往地对他尽到父母的责任。此处的parent用作动词。24C他再次进入少管所表明他经常招惹是非,作者和丈夫把他送往帮助这些“令人烦恼的”青少年的寄宿学校。25C上一段后半部分提到Brett被送到寄宿学校,可知这里是在“毕业”典礼上。26B每一个毕业生都把一支白色的玫瑰送给对自己来说最重要的人。mean“意味着,表示的意思”。27B根据下文中他所说的话可知他“深情地”与亲生父母和作者说话。28D他所要表达的意思是无论发生什么事,你总是在我身边。后半句可理解为“no matter what happened”。29A“虽然”我给你添了许多麻烦,可是你总是无微不至地关怀着我。此处是“although you were troubled enough by me”的省略形式。30CBrett认为自己给养母添了不少麻烦,可是她始终对他“表现出”至诚的关爱。31A作者完全没有想到他竟然把玫瑰送给了自己,并且说出了这样的话,所以感到无比“震惊”。32BBrett是在表达自己内心的感激,发自肺腑,所以“紧紧地”拥抱作者。D项“猛烈地”,语意不恰当。33D在那一时刻,作者非常感动,眼中的泪水越来越多。gather“聚集”。34C此时此刻,作者流出的不是失望的泪水,而是因为“幸福”而流泪。35D此处与第三段中间部分的内容相呼应,表明作者过去在心里对他表示过无声的“愤怒”。.阅读理解 Doctors moonlighting is becoming popular in hospitals around China. It has not only raised a lot of heated discussions in the media, but also has caught the attention of the central government in Beijing. On December 26, a spokesman of the Ministry of Health stressed that the ministry was firmly against doctors moonlighting, while strict regulations should be applied to doctors taking parttime jobs, the Xinhua News Agency reported. Last year, the Ministry of Health sent out a notice to a variety of health organizations to speed up the reform of their personnel systems. According to the notice, medical organizations can hire medical experts as parttime doctors, but such activities should take place under the hospitals management and regulations. As for moonlightingmeaning that a doctor provides medical service without the permission of the original hospitalsuch activities go against the Law on Practicing Doctors of the Peoples Republic of China, the Xinhua News Agency reported. In China, doctors used to be controlled by hospitals and they could work for only one hospital. However, as Chinas medical personnel system reform developed, it has been recognized that medical human resources, just like human resources in other areas, should be shared by the whole society. But on the other hand, doctors taking parttime jobs should follow the relative regulations applied in the medical field. First of all, they should follow relative government laws and regulations. They should also follow the rules and regulations set by the medical organizations they work for. In addition, they should pay taxes for their income from the parttime jobs. What matters most is that they should first finish their regular jobs as required and be responsible for patients to ensure qualified and safe medical treatment.36. What is the greatest difference between moonlighting and taking parttime jobs? A. Doctors can earn more money by moonlighting than by taking parttime jobs. B. Doctors pay fewer taxes for the money made by moonlighting than by taking parttime jobs. C. Taking parttime jobs is permitted by hospitals while moonlighting is against the present regulations. D. Doctors parttime jobs, instead of moonlighting, are encouraged by health organizations.37. From this passage we know that doctors are allowed to _ nowadays.A. only work for one hospital B. work for more than one hospitalC. work any time when they are free D. be out of control of hospitals38. The passage is taken most probably from _.A. a notice sent out by the Ministry of HealthB. regulations made by health organizationsC. the Law on Practicing Doctors of the Peoples Republic of ChinaD. a magazine or a newspaper39. According to the passage, we have got to know that _.A. all doctors around China prefer moonlighting to parttime jobsB. moonlighting has been permitted by the Law on Practicing Doctors of the Peoples Republic of ChinaC. taxes should be paid for the money doctors get from their parttime jobsD. strict management policies have been adopted to direct the moonlighting答案与解析:本文是一篇时文报道类文章。文章讲述了一种现象,即很多医生违反规定,做一些兼职工作赚外快。文章告诉我们:医疗单位可以根据规定聘请兼职医生,但是不顾单位规定外出赚外快则是违法行为。36C推理判断题。根据文章第四段“As for moonlightingmeaning that a doctor provides medical service without the permission of the original hospitalsuch activities go against the Law on Practicing Doctors of the Peoples Republic of China, the Xinhua News Agency reported.”可知,医生的这种行为是违法的,而根据第三段最后一句话可知,医疗单位可以根据规定聘请医疗专家作为兼职医生。由此可知,医生兼职是合法的。因此正确答案是C项。37B推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句话“According to the notice, medical organizations can hire medical experts as parttime doctor, but such activities should take place under the hospitals management and regulations.”可知,根据有关规定,医疗机构可以雇用兼职医生,也就是说医生可能不是在同一家医院工作。由此可以推断B项正确。38D推理判断题。根据文章内容,尤其是第二、四段最后说的“根据新华社报道”可知,这是一篇报纸或者杂志上的报道。故D项正确。39C推理判断题。由第六段第三句话“In addition, they should pay taxes for their income from the parttime jobs.”可推断出,医生兼职是要付税的,故答案为C项。


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