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Module 2 知识点梳理Unit 1 Sports一、词汇sport 体育运动 poster 海报 club 俱乐部 join 加入,参加often 经常 never 从不 ask 问 notice 通知 swimsuit 泳衣 remember 记得 before 在之前 after 在之后exercise 运动 mine 我的 hobby爱好 (复数:hobbies) smile 微笑 enjoy 享受的乐趣 fun 有趣 healthy 健康的 make 使, 让 sure 当然,一定 play football 踢足球 play table tennis 打乒乓play volleyball 打篮球 play basketball 打篮球play badminton 打羽毛球 a badminton club 羽毛球俱乐部my favourite sport 我最喜欢的运动 join the club 参加俱乐部go and ask her/him 去问问他/她 would like to (do sth.) 乐意去做 (某事)talk with Alice 和Alice一起交谈 want to (do sth.) 想要做(某事)a swimming class 游泳课 a swimming cap 游泳帽a pair of swimming goggles 一副游泳镜 do warm-up exercises 做准备活动the swimming pool 游泳池 too small 太小make me/us healthy and strong 使我(我们)健康又强壮in my spare time 在我业余的时间 put in a line 摆成一条直线an apple pie 一个苹果派 French fries 薯条二、句型1. There is a new club in our school. 我们学校有一个新的俱乐部。2. Lets join the club together. 让我们一起加入俱乐部吧。3. Who else would like to join? 还有谁会愿意加入?4. Let me see. 让我想一想。5. Would you like to come with us? 你愿意同我们一起去吗? 6. Oh,sure. 哦,当然了.7. Id love to. 我愿意。 三、语法1. 动词like的基本用法: 1) like + 可数名词复数/不可数名词 如: I like biscuits. But I dont like bread.2) like + 限定词+ 名词 如: Kitty likes this doll. Danny likes his new sketchbooks.3) like + “动词-ing形式“,表示“喜欢做“ 如: These students like swimming. Those students like playing football.2“动词-ing形式“ 的基本构词方法:1) 一般情况下,直接在动词词尾直接加“-ing”,如play- playing do-doing read-reading2) 以不发音的字母”-e”结尾的动词,去“-e”, 加“-ing” write- writing make- making ride- riding dance-dancing have- having skate-skating3) 以重读闭音节动词双写词尾辅音字母,再加“-ing”run-running hop-hopping swim-swimmingskip-skipping sit-sitting get-getting3. like (doing) 表示喜欢做某事 读一读,下面两组句子,注意句式的变化,以及助动词do/does的正确运用1) I like playing badminton.否定句: I dont like playing badminton. 一般疑问句: Do you like playing badminton?肯定/否定回答: Yes,I do. /No, I dont.划线提问: What do you like doing?2)Alice likes swimming.否定句: Alice doesnt like swimming. 一般疑问句: Does Alice like swimming?肯定/否定回答: Yes,she does. /No, she doesnt.划线提问: What does Alice like doing?4. 人称代词人称代词分主格和宾格。作主语时,用主格;宾格常用于动词和介词的后面。单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imeweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称hehimtheythemsheheritit例如: She often plays badminton with me. Lets go and ask her. (Lets = Let us) Henry runs away, but the black shape follows him.四、语音 / ai / -i- five Mike nine line mine nice smile / ai / -ie pie fries 五、小作文: (范文) My favourite sportI like sports. My favourite sport is playing badminton. I can play it very well. On Sunday mornings, I often play badminton with my friend Peter. Sometimes we play badminton in the playground. Sometimes we play badminton in the park. Playing badminton is fun. It makes me healthy and strong. Do you like it?Unit 2 Cute animals一、词汇cute 可爱的 bone 骨头 fish 鱼 cat food 猫粮dog food 狗粮 parrot 鹦鹉 tortoise 乌龟 large 大的bowl 碗 every day 每天 leaf 叶子(复:leaves)shake 摇动 sleep 睡觉 basket 篮子 angry 生气 hole 洞 goat 山羊 pet 宠物cute animals 可爱的动物 a large bowl of cat food 一大碗的猫食 how about 怎样 not at all 一点也不 smell nice 闻起来好闻 shake the tree 摇树fall down 落下来 wake up 醒来run away 逃走,跑开 climb onto a door 爬到门上jump off 跳下来 catch the mouse 捉老鼠go back to his hole 回到洞里 in a boat 在小船上play with 和一起玩二、 句型1. -What animals do you like? 你喜欢什么动物? -I like parrots. 我喜欢鹦鹉。2. -What food does a parrot eat? 鹦鹉吃什么食物? -It eats corn. 它吃谷物。- What food does a tortoise like? 乌龟喜欢什么食物? - It likes fish. 它喜欢鱼。3. Sam doesnt eat dog food at all. Sam从不吃狗食。4. It smells nice. 它闻上去很香。 三、 语音 /u/ -oe Joe toes /u/ -oa toast boat goat coat /u/ -o Flo hello go no so 四、小作文: (范文) A cute animalI have a pet. Its a tortoise. Its not big, but its very cute. It has a hard shell, four short legs and a short tail. It walks very slowly. It can swim in the water. It likes meat and fish. I like to play with it. Its fun. Unit 3 Home life一、 词汇bedroom 卧室 living room 客厅 bathroom 浴室 kitchen 厨房where 在哪里 usually 通常 before 在之前 a lot (of) 许多now 现在 interesting 有趣的 themselves 他们自己 chat 聊天about 关于 shell 壳,贝壳 baby 婴儿 noise 噪音 loud 响的 voice 声音 home life 家庭生活 do ones homework 做作业make a model plane 做模型飞机 in the bathroom 在浴室里wash ones hair 洗头 cook dinner 做饭,做晚饭go and play basketball 去打篮球 come and help me 来帮我Earth Hour 地球一小时 turn off the light 关灯 have a look 看一看 tell (sb.) about (sth.) 告诉某人关于某事watch TV with my parents 和父母一起看电视 at night 在晚上 read storybooks 看故事书before bedtime 在睡觉之前 tell a fairy tale 讲童话故事chat with our parent 与父母聊天 summer holiday 暑假the Chens 姓陈的一家 have a holiday 度假 on the beach 在海滩上 in Sanya 在三亚play beach ball 打沙滩排球 go swimming 去游泳by the pool 在池子旁 make a noise 吵闹 二、句型1. I usually watch TV with my parents at night, but now were looking at the stars. 我通常晚上与同父母一起看电视,但是现在我们在欣赏星星。2. What a beautiful beach! 多美的海滩啊!三、语法:现在进行时现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作。其句型结构是:主语 + be动词 + “动词-ing形式” + 地点读一读,下面两组句子,注意句式的变化。1) Im making a model plane in my bedroom.否定句: Im not making a model plane in my bedroom. 一般疑问句: Are you making a model plane in your bedroom?肯定/否定回答: Yes,I am. /No, Im not.划线提问: What are you doing in your bedroom?2)Miss Fang is cooking dinner in the kitchen.否定句: Miss Fang isnt cooking dinner in the kitchen. 一般疑问句:Is Miss Fang cooking dinner in the kitchen?肯定/否定回答: Yes,she is. /No, she isnt.划线提问: Where is Miss Fang cooking dinner?四、语音 / i / -oy toy boy Joyce / i / -oi- voice noise toilet 五、小作文: (范文)1. 请选择你家中的一个房间,进行描述 My bedroom Look,this is my bedroom. Its not big. But its clean and tidy. There is a bed, a desk, a chair and a bookshelf in my bedroom. The desk is between the window and the bed. The bookshelf is beside the door. There are many books on it. I can read books and do my homework in my bedroom. I like making a model plane in it too. I like my bedroom. 2. 根据所给情境,续写短文 Friday evening Its Friday evening now. My parents and I are all at home. My father is in the living room. He is watching TV. My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen. She can cook it very well. I usually do my homework in my bedroom, but today Im making a model ship. I like making model ships. Its fun.

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