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Unit 2 Is this your pencil?重点单词(翻译)1.这个_ 2.铅笔 _ 3.橡皮 _4.直尺_ 5.那个 _ 6. 手表_7.笔记本_ 8.棒球_ 9.怎样_10.不是_ 11.电脑_ 12.双肩背包_13.字典_ 14.学校_ 15.在里面_重点短语1. 铅笔盒 pencil case 2. 卷笔刀 pencil sharpener 3. 请原谅 excuse me 4. 谢谢你 thank you5. 用英语 in English 6. 电子游戏 computer game7. 身份证 ID card 8. 失物招领 lost and found9. 一串钥匙 a set of keys经典句型1. Is this your pencil? 这是你的铅笔吗?2. No, it isnt. Its her ruler. 不,不是。这是她的尺子。3. Excuse me, Sonia. 打扰了,索尼娅。4. Whats this in English? 这用英语怎么说? Its a book 这是一本书。5. How do you spell it? 你怎样拼写它?1. Call Alan at 495-3539. 拨495-3539给艾伦打电话。2. Is that your computer game in the lost and found case? 失物招领处里是你的电子游戏吗?3. Is this your notebook? 这是你的笔记本吗? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.重点讲解1.Is that your backpack? Yes, it is.(1)Is that your backpack? 这种句型叫一般疑问句,是由陈述句That is my backpack.变来的。陈述句中的动词如果是am, is , are,变疑问句时可以直接把am, is, are提前到主语前面,首字母变为大写,将句号改为问号。变否定句时则直接在am, is, are的后面加not. 例如:This is my ruler. Is this your ruler? (一般疑问句) This is not my ruler.(否定句)(2)that 意思是“那个”,用于指代时间或空间上距离说话人较远的人或事物。它的反义词是this, 意思是“这个”,用于指代在时间或空间上距离说话人较近的人或事物。 例如:这是我的尺子,那把是你的。This is my ruler. And that is your ruler. 当问句中是用this , that 来提问时,答语要用it.如:Is this your pencil? 回答用Yes, it is. 而不能说Yes, this is.2. Excuse me, Sonia. Excuse me意思是“打扰了,请原谅,对不起,劳驾您”,多用于向对方提出请求、询问情况、打搅别人时所说,以向对方表示歉意或礼貌。具体有以下几种情况: 1)向不认识的人问路时 例如:劳驾,请问这附近有银行吗? Excuse me, is there a bank near here? 2)向别人询问情况时 例如:请问,您是李先生吗? Excuse me, are you Mr Lee? 3)客气地请求别人时 例如:抱歉,我能出去一下吗? Excuse me, may I go out for a moment? 4)做出不适当的行为请求谅解时(打喷嚏,撞到别人,进餐过程中离开等) 5)想要引起别人的注意时 例如:各位,请听我说。 Excuse me, please listen to me.3. Yes, thank you. 在西方文化中,当你接受别人的帮助,得到别人的赞扬或赞美,或者别人向你表示祝愿、祝贺时,都要向对方表示谢意,通常用thank you 或thanks来回应。若要加强语气后面可以加very much。回答别人的感谢时可以说Not at all,You are welcome 或者Thats all right。 例如:Please have a cup of tea. 请喝杯茶吧。Thank you. 谢谢您。4. Whats this in English? in English 意思是“用英语”, “in”是介词,在这里表示使用某种语言。In有多种意思,当表示“方法、工具、语言”时,其意思为“用”。 例如:用这种方法 in this way 用中文 in Chinese 用墨水写 write in ink .in的其他用法:表方位(在的里面) 如:在盒子里in the box 表穿衣戴帽 如:穿着红外衣 in a red coat 戴着帽子 in a hat 5. How do you spell it?该句是由how引导的特殊疑问句,how 在这里叫做特殊疑问词,意思是“怎么、怎样、如何”,与what , who , when一样,可以引导特殊疑问句。句中的do是个助动词,在句中起辅助作用,用来帮助构成疑问句或否定句。例如:你身体好吗?(你怎么样?) How are you? how的其他用法a. how还可以引导感叹句,意思为“多么”。 如:今天的天气多么好啊!How nice the weather is!b. how 还可以跟其他形容词连用,共同构成特殊疑问词:how old多大 how much多少钱 how many多少等。如:你多大了? How old are you?6. Call Alan at 459-3539. (1)call=telephone或phone,在这里是动词,意思是“打电话”,后跟人或电话号码。例如:明天请给我打电话。Please call me tomorrow.请拨打235-0285。 Please call 235-0285.(2)at 介词,“以,在(点钟);在(里面或附近) 例如:他早上六点钟起床。He gets up at six oclock.他现在在学校。 He is at school now.7. Is that your computer game in the lost and found case? lost and found “失物招领”。当某人丢失东西时,可用Lost 的形式张贴出海报即“寻物启示”,而当有人拾到他人物品时,可用Found的形式贴出海报,即“失物招领”。8. A set of keys. a set of 一串,一套,一列。例如:这是一套书。This is a set of books.我有一套高尔夫球球杆。 I have a set of golf-clubs.set(套,副)是单位词,英语中名词前常可用单位词加上of表示数量,特别是一些不可数名词,本身无复数形式,可以通过单位词来表示数的概念,如:a glass of water一杯水,a bag of rice一袋大米等。如果句子中有单位词时,则谓语动词根据单位词来变化。This set of books is new published. 这套书是新出版的。I usually drink a cup of milk every night. 我通常晚上喝一杯牛奶。练习一 英汉互译1. 姓氏 2. 失物招领 3. 一辆英国小汽车 4. 一幅中国地图 5. 一串钥匙 6. his new dictionary 7. my pencil sharpener 8. call sb. at 231-4567 9. spell your name 10.in English 二 选择( )1. Whats this _ English? A. of B. to C. at D. in( ) 2.-Is this your ruler? Yes,_.A. this is B. it is C. it isnt D. he is( ) 3.Thats a girl. _name is Lucy.A. Its B. His C. Her D. Your( ) 4.-Is that his computer?-_. A. Yes, he is B. No, it isnt C. Yes, it isnt D. No, this isnt( ) 5._do you spell your name? A. What B. How C. Who D. What color( ) 6._that a pencil sharpener? A. is B. Are C. Is D. am( )7. Your English is very good. - . A. Not very good. B. Dont say so C. Thank you D. No, my English is poor.( ) 8._.Is this your bag?A.Im sorry B. Thank you C. Excuse me D. Hello( ) 9.-How _you spell “ruler”?-R-U-L-E-R. A. is B. are C. am D. do( )10. Is that an orange? No,_. A. that isnt B. it is C. it isnt D. he is( )11._that a computer game? A. is B. Are C. Is D. am( )12. Your baseball is in the _case. A. lost and found B. found and lost C. lose and find D. find and lose( )13. This is _ watch. That is _school ID card. A. I, you B. my, you C. my, your D. I, your( )14. Please call Mary 479-8876. A. in B. at C. for D. /( )15. That set of keys in the lost and found case. A. are B. be C. do D. is( )16. Please give me to drink. A. a milk B. a cup milk C. a cup of milk D. an orange三 按要求写出下列词的正确形式。1. I can spell my name? (变为一般疑问句) you your name?2. This is her watch. (变为一般疑问名并作肯定及否定回答) this watch? Yes, . No, .3. My computer game is in the lost and found case.(变为一般疑问句) computer game in the and case?4. Can you spell “notebook”? (同义句) you “notebook”?5. 打扰了,这是你的铅笔吗? , is this pencil?6. -那是你的双肩背包吗? -不是。 是他的。- your backpack? - No, . Its backpack.7.is not(缩写形式)_ _8. thanks (同义词组) _ _9.what is(缩写形式) _ 10. your (人称代词主格) _ _11. this (对应词)_ 12. I (形容词性物主代词) _ 13. I am (缩写形式)_ 14. it is (缩写形式) _ _15. my(宾格) 16. find(过去式) 十、写作。(10分) 你的好朋友Mary丢了一个铅笔盒,颜色是绿色的,请你帮她写一个寻物启事找回。她的电话295-3678。 :


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