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10年全国卷2Christie was one of my best friend at high school 76 At that time, we often spend time together. 77 Thank to her help, I made great progress in my 78 study. Last year, she decided to study abroad. In 79 other words, we would be separated for long time. 80 Before her leaving off, I prepared a gift to show 81 my best whishes to him. She said it was the best 82 gift she has ever had. From then on, weve 83 kept touch with another through e-mails. I 84 look forward to see her again in the near future. 85 09年全国卷2Hi Susan,Im sorry that I wasnt able to return to your 76 bike on time yesterday. I mean to give it 77 back to you before four in the afternoon, and I 78 was hold up on my way back. Just before I 79 turned corner of Park Street, I happened to 80 see an accident. A little girl was hurt and her 81 mother needed help. So I helped them going to 82 the nearest hospital. I stayed here for one and 83 a half hour and made sure that the girl was all 84 right. When I got back, it were already 6 pm. I 85 hope you understand.Thank you!Li Ling2008年全国各地高考英语试卷改错题汇总安徽卷One day, while my friend and I was traveling through 76 Germany, we were not very hungry but we only had a little 77 money. We decided stop at a village market to buy 78_ something to eat. We choose the cheapest biscuits and 79. ate it under a tree. We thought the biscuits were great. 80 “Lets got some more,” I said, “Theyre cheap and they 81 really taste well.” My friend could read some German, but 82 I couldnt, and I gave her the biscuit bag to find the name. 83. She looked at it and started to laugh, “How are you laughing?” 84. I asked. “Because theyre dog biscuits!” She said. 85. 福建卷 I am very exciting to learn that youre coming to 76. Beijing for the Olympic. Both my parent miss you a 77 lot. So do our friend, Cathy, August is the best time 78 of the year to visit Beijing, because of there is only 79 a few rain and the weather is neither too hot nor too 80 cold. There are so many places I want to take you to 81 after I finish my work like a volunteer. When you come, 82 you can stay with ourselves. My house is about three kilometers 83 far away from the National Stadium, also known as 84 the “Birds Nest”, where opening ceremony will be held. 85 辽宁卷It is five years now since I graduate from No. 3 High 76 School. Last Saturday, the class that I was on held a 77. get-together, which took us a long time prepare. It 78. was indeed not easy to get in the touch with everybody 79. and set a well time for all of us. We all enjoyed 80. this precious day greatly, remember the time we spent 81. together and the people they were familiar with. It was 82. a pity which some of us were not present as they had 83. gone abroad for further studies, but they called back 84. or sent greeting card from different places. 85. 全国卷IDear Alice, I have just got some good mews to tell to you. 76. I win a national prize for painting last week. 77. My father was so pleasing that he suggested 78. I go to England for a holiday. Id like to staying 79. there for half a month, visiting place of interest 80. or practicing my English as well. Weve been 81. writing to each for nearly a year now. I have 82. often dreamed of talk face to with you. 83. I imagine youll be at vacation yourself by that 84. time. Perhaps we could go out to do some 85. sightseeing together. Best, Lily全国卷IIIf I have the honor to be chose to work for the 76. 29th Olympic Games, I will at first improve my 77. English so that I can talk easily about foreign visitors. 78. Second, I will learn more about history of the 79. Olympics as good as the 2008 Olympic Games. Third, 80. since I was familiar with Beijing, I can help visitors find 81. their ways in the city. Finally, I should be able to tell 82. visitors about our history and culture and show 83. them their great achievements. In short, I will do 84. my best to help making the Games a success. 85. 陕西卷John Brown is London taxi driver who love going to the 76. theatre .Last week his mother gave him two tickets for a play. 77. The tickets were on Sunday evening. Then John read some 78. reviews of the play, which all said it was a terribly one! He 79. wouldnt go to see a play that no one liked it. So two hours 80. before the play started, he left the ticket on the back seat of 81. his taxi. Perhaps someone who wanted see the play would take them.82. However, while John went back home, the tickets were 83. still there. In the fact, there were four tickets on the seat. 84. Someone has placed another pair of tickets on top of them! 85. 四川卷As summer vacation are coming soon, my classmates are 56. trying very hardly to get train tickets to go home. But 57. I have made up my minds to spend the vacation far from 58. home for first time in my life. My parents have agreed 59. to visiting me, and I will have a different vacation. When 60. they came here, I will show them around my university 61. and the city just as well. I have decided to buy them 62. some nice gifts. It will be a big surprising for them. My 63. parents have done a lot for me, and I think it is high time 64. that I did anything special to express my thanks. 65. 天津卷Last summer I go to America and studied at a language 56. school. I had many wonderful experience, but I also 57. had a sad one. One day, the school held party, where 58. I invited to talk about Tianjin. After that they asked me a lot of 59. things about China. But I couldnt explain them with English 60. clearly. I felt sadly. I learnt a lesson from this experience. I 61. have already studied English for eight years, I cant use it 62. very good. I must work hard to improve my spoken English 63. so that I will not be able to communicate freely with foreigners. 64. I hope I can be a bridge between China and others countries 65. in the future.浙江卷Last winter vacation, some of my classmates decide to 76. travel with their friends, while I chose to take part-time job 77. to gain experience and earn some money. I learned from my 78. teacher that a nearby company was looking after students 79. with good handwriting to write address on envelope. The 80. pay were 10 cent per envelope. I headed for the company, 81. feeling sure I would easy finish 300 envelops in five hours and 82. to earn the money. Actually, I only finished 200. Now, I 83. fully understand how hard is to earn money. Getting out 84. of the classroom is indeed necessary for we all. 85. 重庆卷The Story about Growth is my favorite AmericanTV play because it is very interested. The play 76. tells humorous stories that happen in the Greens 77. family. With such stories it make people think 78. about life, but therefore attracts the audience. It is 79. also a window which we can learn about American 80. society. And there were many meaningful things that 81. are worth think of, such as the relationship between 82. parents and children in a lot of American family. It 83. is quite different from those in China. The play is 84. very popular. Wed better not to miss the chance 85. to enjoy it.参考答案10年答案: 76. firend friends. 77. spend spent. 78. Thank Thanks. 79. 80. for a long. 81. 去掉off. 82. him her. 83. has had. 84. kept in touch 85. see seeing. 09年答案76. to 77. meanmeant 78. andbut 79. holdheld 80. turned the corner81. 82. goinggo 83. herethere 84. hourhours 85. werewas2008年全国各地高考英语试卷改错题汇总安徽卷76. waswere 77. 去掉not 78. decide后to 79. choosechose 80. itthem 81. gotget 82. wellgood 83. andso 84.Howwhy 85. 福建卷76. excitingexcited 77. parentparents 78. dodoes 79. 去掉of 80. fewlittle 81. 82. like as 83. ourselves us 84. 去掉far 85.where后加the辽宁卷76. graduategraduated77.onin78.time后加to79.去掉the80.wellgood81.rememberremembering82.theywe83.whichthat84.85.cardcards全国卷I76. 去掉to 77.win won 78. pleasing pleased/happy 79. staying stay 80.placeplaces 81. orand 82.each后加other 83. talktalking 84.aton 85. 全国卷II76.chose chosen 77. 去掉at 78.about with/ to 79.about后加 the 80.good well81.was am 82. ways way 83. / 84. their our 85.making make陕西卷76. love loves 77. 78.on for 79.terribly terrible 80. 去掉it 81.tickettickets 82.wanted加to 83.whilewhen 84.去掉the 85.has had 四川卷56. areis 57. hardlyhard 58.minds mind 59.for后加.the 60. visiting visit61. camecome 62. 去掉just 63.surprising surprise 64. 65.anything something天津卷56. gowent 57. experienceexperiences 58. held后加a 59. I 后加was 60. within61.sadly sad 62.I 前加but/and/yet 63.goodwell 64. 去掉not 65. othersother浙江卷76. decidedecided 77.take后加a 78. 79.afterfor 80.envelopeenvelopes 81.werewas 82. easyeasily 83. 去掉to 84. hard后加 it 85.weus 重庆卷76. interesredinteresting 77. the 78. makemakes 79. butand 80. through/fromwhich81. wereare 82. thinkthinking 83. familyfamilies 84. thosethat to

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