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牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语六年级上册期末专项复习:阅读理解C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 阅读理解 (共9题;共105分)1. (10分) 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误 Bill and Sally are good friends. They usually go to art museums on Sundays. Bill likes Chinese ink paintings. And he likes paintings about animals. His favourite artist is Xu Beihong. Sally likes oil paintings. Her favourite painting is Sunflowers. Its a picture by Vincent van Gogh. She likes the colours.(1) Bill and Sally usually go to art museums on Mondays. (2) Bill likes Chinese ink paintings about animals. (3) Bills favourite artist is Xu Beihong. (4) Sunflowers is Sallys favourite painting. 2. (10分) 看表格,补全问句或答语。(1) Whats Marys hobby?Her hobby is _(2) Does Tom like playing chess? _(3) Whats Marks hobby? _(4) _ His hobby is collecting old photos.3. (20分) 阅读短文,判断句子正误 Hello, Im Mike. My family had a good time last Sunday. Let me tell you. I went to the Nature Park to see animals. I took many pictures for them. The animals are cute. My mother was busy. She washed the clothes and cooked dinner at home. My father read some newspaper. In the evening we ate dinner and watched TV together! That was fun! What about you? What did you do last weekend?(1) Mike saw animals in the zoo last Sunday. (2) Mike doesnt like animals. (3) Mikes dad read some magazines. (4) Mikes mother was busy at home. (5) Mike and his parents were happy last Sunday. 4. (10分) 阅读理解 Mr. Johnson had his weekend with his old grandfather - Dr. Johnson yesterday. In the morning he got up at seven oclock. He had his breakfast at half past eight. Then he went out in his yellow car and arrived at old Dr. Johnsons cabin at about 9. At noon Mr. Johnson had lunch with his grandfather. They played cards at half past two. Dr. Johnson was good at playing cards. He beat (打败) Mr. Johnson at last. So he laughed: See? I am not too old to play with young people!(1) How did Mr. Johnson spend his weekend yesterday? (2) Where did Mr. Johnson have breakfast ? (3) What did they do after lunch? (4) Who won the game at last? (5) How did Dr. Johnson think of himself? 5. (15分) 阅读小短文,判断对错 Mike is new at school, but he has many friends at school. He likes playing football with his classmates. He likes talking with Lily on the phone. He often gets emails from his friends. They email him photos, too. He often reads books in the library. Books are his friends, too.(1) Mike likes playing basketball. (2) He often calls Mary. (3) He often email photos to his friends. (4) He often gets emails from his classmates. (5) Mike often reads books in the library. 6. (10分) 阅读理解。My name is Tom. Welcome to my farm. My farm is so big. There are many animals at the farm. I have 15 cows, 20 sheep, 40 hens and 10 horses. And there are many vegetables. Look at the tomatoes, potatoes, onions and carrots. They are fresh. I like my farm.(1) Tom has a _ farm.A . smallB . bigC . clean(2) There are _ hens at the farm.A . fortyB . thirtyC . fifty(3) We cant see _ at the farm.A . cowsB . dogsC . carrots(4) Tom _ his farm.A . likesB . likeC . doesnt like7. (10分) 阅读理解。Hi, Im Jack. Childrens Day is coming. Im getting very excited. Here is a plan(计划)for my Childrens Day.Im going to get up at eight. Then I am going to brush my teeth at eight ten. I usually have my breakfast at seven thirty. But, on Childrens Day, I am going to have breakfast at eight thirty. Mum is going to buy a lot of things for me on Childrens Day. Tds and I all like playing with yo-yos. So, were going to play with yo-yos at ten thirty-five. After lunch, about one in the afternoon, we are going to play a lot of interesting games. We all love games. At seven twenty in the evening, Im going to watch some cartoons. At last, I am going to write my diary at nine.阅读短文,判断正误。(1) Jack usually gets up at eight. (2) Jack is going to have breakfast at 7:30. (3) Jack is going shopping at 9:40. (4) Jack likes playing games with his friends. (5) Jack is going to watch cartoons at 7:10 in the evening. 8. (10分) 阅读理解Sam: Excuse me!A man: Yes?Sam: Where is the library?A man: It is far from here.Sam: How can I get there?A man: You can get there by bus.Sam: But where is the bus stop?A man: Cross the street, its over there.Sam: Thank you.A man: My pleasure.(1) Is the library far from here? A . Yes.B . No.C . We dont know.(2) How can Sam get the library? A . By car.B . On foot.C . By bus.(3) Where is the bus stop? A . Beside the bank.B . Cross the street.C . At the traffic lights.9. (10分) 阅读理解。 Frank is my good friend. He is fourteen, one year older than me. His parents are both teachers in No. 5 Primary School. He likes playing football. His father likes playing football, too. Frank is good at English and maths. He helps other students with their English and maths. His teacher likes him very much. He goes to school by bike in the morning. He has lunch at school. After school in the afternoon, he plays football with his classmates. In the evening, he does his homework at home. Then he watches football games on TV. On Sundays, he goes out with his parents in his fathers car. They play in the park. They have a good time. (1) Frank is a _. A . teacherB . studentC . football player(2) I am _. A . fourteenB . thirteenC . fifteen(3) Frank likes _. A . playing footballB . playing basketballC . playing tennis(4) Frank is good at _. A . English and ChineseB . Chinese and mathsC . English and maths(5) What does Frank do on Sundays? A . He does his homework.B . he stays at home.C . He plays with his parents in the park.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共9题;共105分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略

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