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2014高考英语教与练特训秘籍91supply n.供给,补给vt.提供a supply of/supplies of. 的供应品supply sb.with sth.向某人供应某物supply sth.to sb.向某人供应某物The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.大脑需要连续不断的供血。Our farm supplies the market with fruit and vegetables.我们的农场为市场提供水果和蔬菜。 We supply power to the three nearby towns.我们对附近的三个城镇提供电力。 They are engaged in the supply of small parts for replacement.他们从事提供备用小零件的工作。易混辨析supply,provide与offer这三个动词都有“供给”或“装备”之意。(1)supply意为“供给,补充,弥补”,着重表示替换或补足所需之物以及弥补缺陷,满足要求的意思;还可作名词,意为“供给,物资;存货”。常用于supply sb.with sth.或supply sth.to sb.结构中,意为“向某人提供某物”。(2)provide意为“供给,提供,装备;准备”。强调有预见,并通过储存或准备的方式为某事作准备,以便在需要时提供所需物品。常用于provide sb.with sth.或provide sth.for sb.结构中,意为“为某人提供某物”。(3)offer是常用词,意为“提出,提供,呈现”,表示向别人提供可接受也可拒绝的事物,如帮助、服务或物品,可能是对方要求也可能是自己主动提出的。常用于offer to help sb.(主动帮助某人),offer sb.sth./offer sth.to sb.(提供某人某物)等结构中。offer还有“出价(买)卖”的意思。The electric power company supplies electricity to these residents.电力公司为这些住户供电。These books will provide us with all the information we need.这些书将提供给我们所需要的所有信息。He offered his seat to me.他把他的座位让给了我。反馈1.1Theyve _ us 150 000 for the house.Shall we take it?AprovidedBsuppliedCshown Doffered反馈1.2The sentence“The villagers provided the soldiers _ food.” means “The villagers provided food _ the soldiers.”Awith;with Bfor;forCwith;for Dfor;with反馈1.3_ great help,I could get rid of all the difficulties and succeeded.AOfferedBHaving offeredCBeing suppliedDHaving supplied反馈1.4When _ help,one often says “Thank you.”or “Its kind of you.” Aoffering Bto offerCto be offered Doffered反馈1.5After her son gave his life for the country,Sally was provided _ enough necessities.Awith Bfor Con D/反馈1.6根据句子意思填介词或用offer,provide,supply的适当形式填空。 1)The project is designed to _ young people _ more jobs.2)He _ to lend me some books.3)TV _ a lot of entertainments to us.2view n. 观点;见解;看法;视野;景色v.视作;认为;观看(1)in ones view 某人认为take the view that 持的观点 have a good/wonderful view of 看得非常清楚 be in view 在视野中come into view 出现在视野中in view of 鉴于,考虑到,由于(2)view.as.把看作view.from.从看Victory is in view.胜利在望。She tried to write out her views.她试着把自己的想法写下来。易混辨析scenery,scene,view,landscape与sight这一组名词都有“景色”的意思。scenery风景,景色,舞台布景,强调从美的角度看,某个国家或地区的总体外貌。scene指从远处看到的某一具体景色、景象,也可以指人物的活动场面;(犯罪的)地点,现场;(戏剧的)一场。view 指从某一特定的地点看到的视野范围内的风景。尤其指由高处眺望到的景色。landscape 指自然的风景;景色;风景画。sight指某一地区值得观赏的具有特色的人文景观、风景名胜等。反馈2.1If you stand here,youll get a better _ of the river.Asight BviewCscene Dscenery反馈2.2Theres no _ from my bedroom window except for some factory chimneys.Aview BsceneCsight Dlook反馈2.3_ as one of the most talented artists in European history,Van Gogh couldnt have sold a single work without his brothers assistance.AThinking BSaidCViewed DConsidering反馈2.41)他对这个问题的看法众所周知。His _ _ the question were wellknown.2)依我看,这是浪费时间。_ _ _ it was a waste of time.3bury vt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏;使陷入,使专心(1)be buried alive 被活埋bury oneself inbe buried in 埋头于;专心于bury sth.in.使某物陷入(2)be buried in 主语往往是人,说明人所处的状态,并不表被动,类似的还有:be lost in. 陷入be caught in. 被困于be devoted to. 致力于be absorbed in.专心于be occupied in. 忙于The enemy buried him alive.敌人将他活埋了。He buried his face in his hands and wept.他双手掩面而泣。She always has her head buried in a book.她总是埋头读书。反馈3.1_ in heavy school work,many high school students are told to lock themselves in their studies.ABuriedBHaving buriedCBeing buriedDTo be buried反馈3.2Every time I went to visit Mr Hu,I found him _ in his research.Abury Bhaving buriedCburied Dburying反馈3.3翻译句子吉姆总是埋头于工作。_4in case 假使,以防case n.箱子;案件;情况in this case 这样的话in that case 那样的话 in case of 如果,假使in no case 决不 as is often the case 事情常常是这样的He thought he had already solved the problem,but that was not the case.他以为他已经解决了这个问题,可是实际情况并非如此。The case was tried last Wednesday.上星期三审判了该案件。His new TV came in a big packing case.他新购的电视机是装在一只大的包装箱内运来的。Is it the case that you have lost all your money?你的钱全都丢了,是真的吗?In that case,wed better hold a discussion about the problem.那样的话,我们最好对这一问题展开讨论。You should finish your composition before school is over in any case. 无论如何,你必须在放学前完成作文。In no case shall we allow smoking in the classroom.教室里决对不允许吸烟。反馈4.1(2012湖南长沙一中月考)Once again he failed to hand in his project in time,_ he had been given enough time to do it.Ain case Bas thoughCso that Deven though反馈4.2I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some _.Aat last Bin caseConce again Din time反馈4.3Im afraid Mr Wood cant see you until 4 oclock.Oh,_ I wont wait.Ano doubt Bafter allCin that case Din this way5look forward to(doing)sth.盼望(做)某事Im looking forward to your coming.我正盼着你的到来。Shes been looking forward to a reply from you.她一直在等你的回复。反馈5The day Ive been looking forward to _ finally.Acoming Bhad comeCcome Dhas come6Well live with the local people in their villages,and eat and drink whatever they do,including cows blood!我们将在村子里和当地居民同住、吃喝和他们一样,包括牛血!whatever pron.&adj.无论什么,无论何事whatever兼有连接词和关系词的作用,既可引导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句。引导主语从句和宾语从句时,意思是“凡是的事物(anything that)”。当引导让步状语从句时,可以和no matter what互换。no matter what只能引导让步状语从句。whatever在这类从句中可作主语、表语、宾语、定语等。Whatever you say,I shall believe you.无论你说什么,我都相信你。Whatever your argument(is),I shall hold to my decision.不管你有什么理由,我都坚持我的决定。He does whatever she asks him to do.她让他做什么,他就做什么。反馈6.1Throughout the world _ advance has been made in science and technology is due to education which brings forth knowledge,creation and inventions.Awhoever BwhateverCwhat Dthat反馈6.2If we work hard,we can overcome _ difficulty we meet.Awhat BhowCwhatever Dhowever7Well try to get as close as possible to the animals,even though theyre dangerous,so that we can take some really good photographs.尽管那些动物很危险,我们也要尽可能近距离靠近它们,以使能拍到真正称得上好的照片。so that作为从属短语连词,既可以引导目的状语从句,也可引导结果状语从句,但差异较大。1)so that“以便,为了”,引导目的状语从句,此时可与in order that换用;从句谓语中常用情态动词may/might,can/could,should,would等;主从句间连接紧凑,没有逗号相隔。2)so that“因此,所以”,引导结果状语从句,此时不能与in order that换用;从句中谓语根据需要使用相应的时态,主从句间可有逗号相隔。My old father began to study computer at the age of sixty so that(in order that)he might keep up with times.父亲六十岁时才开始学习电脑以便可以跟上时代。I spend more time learning English every day so that(in order that)I can make greater progress this year.为了今年取得更大进步,我每天用了更多的时间学英语。She had not planned her time well,so that she did not finish her homework on time.她没把时间计划好,因此没按时完成家庭作业。Wang Lang did not work hard enough,so that she was out of work when she was still young.王浪工作不够努力,因此,她年轻时就失业了。用法拓展so.that也作“如此.以致”讲,连接一个表示结果的状语从句。 He runs so fast that nobody can catch up with him.他跑得非常快,没人能追上他。 He is so good a doctor that everybody respects and loves him.他是一位好医生,大家都尊敬并爱戴他。反馈7.1Pop music is such an important part of society _ it has even influenced our language.Aas BthatCwhich Dwhere反馈7.2His plan was such a good one _ we all agreed to accept it.Aso BandCthat Das反馈7.3We were in _ when we left that we forgot the airline tickets.Aa rush so anxiousBa such anxious rushCso an anxious rushDsuch an anxious rush反馈7.4So suddenly _ that the villagers had no time to escape,and at least half of them were buried in the mud.Adid the disaster occurBthe disaster occurredCwas the disaster occurredDthe disaster occurring反馈7.5(2013山西四校联考)Id love to find a job combining my major and interest upon graduation _ I can fully develop my potential.Aso that Bas thoughCin case Deven if8Nature has provided Shangrila with endless natural treasures,making the land a happy home for the local people.大自然为香格里拉提供了无尽的自然财富,使得这个地方成为当地人的乐园。making the land a happy home for the local people现在分词短语作结果状语。不定式作结果状语时,表示其动作发生在谓语动词之后,往往表示未曾预料到的或令人不快的,不定式前常加only;现在分词作结果状语时,表示伴随谓语动词的发生而产生的自然结果(同时发生),有时在前面加上thus,谓语动词与现在分词的动作是因果关系。He got home to learn that his father was ill.他回到家中,得知他父亲病了。Tom got to the station only to find the train had gone.汤姆到达车站,却发现火车已经开走了。It rained heavily,causing severe flooding in that country.大雨滂沱,造成了那个国家洪水泛滥。He cut off the electricity quickly,preventing an accident.他迅速切断了电源,防止了一起意外事故。He watered the flowers in the garden more often,only making things worse.他更为经常地给花园里的花浇水,结果反而更糟。反馈8.1The news reporters hurried to the airport,only _ the film stars had left.Ato tell Bto be toldCtelling Dtold反馈8.2He was lost in the story in the book,only _ once when hearing the door slammed.Alooked upBlooking upCto look upDhaving looked up反馈8.3European football is played in 80 countries,_ it the most popular sport in the world.Amaking BmakesCmade Dto make考点归纳拓展【思路点拨】1.1 D本题考查offer与其近义词之间的区别。offer为“索价”,从句意中可以看出这一点。1.2 C考查动词固定短语搭配。provide sb.with sth.provide sth.for sb.1.3 A此题考查的是过去分词的用法。前面的短语中的动词offer与句子主语I是被动关系,所以动词要用过去分词形式。1.4 Doffer与句子的逻辑主语是被动关系,因此,用过去分词。过去分词充当状语含有被动含义。1.5 Aprovide后面可以接with和for,但意思有所不同。provide.with是指“为提供”;而provide for是指“供养”,在此题中A项符合题意。1.6 1)provide;with2)offered3)supplies2.1 Bsight指“人文景观”;view指站在某一角度所看到的风景;此处意为“视野”。scene是视力所及的风景;scenery是指某一地区全部的风景。2.2 Aview“(从某一角度看到的)自然美景,风景”;scene“视力所及的风景”;sight“人文景观”;look “看,瞧”。本句句意:除了一些工厂的烟囱外,从我卧室看不到任何风景。2.3 C本题考查非谓语动词。句意:虽然被认为是欧洲历史上最有才干的艺术家,凡高要不是有他弟弟的帮助连一幅画也卖不出去。be thought of as./be considered as都有“被看作,被视为”的意思,但是要注意搭配。2.4 1)views on2)In my view3.1 A句意:忙于繁重的课业,许多高中生被告知要待在书房里。be buried in “埋头于”。3.2 C句意:每次我去拜访胡先生,他都在专心做研究。buried作宾语补足语,be buried in “专心于”。3.3 Jim is always buried in his work.Jim always buries himself in his work.4.1 D句意:尽管给了他足够的时间,他还是又一次没有及时交上计划。根据句意可知前面存在有转折意味,故应用even though表示“尽管”。4.2 B四个短语意义各不相同,A项意为“最后”;C项意为“再一次”;D项意为“及时”;B项意为“以防;万一”。从句意来看,应选in case,因为句子暗示“带一些钱以防(备用)”之意,相当于:Ill bring some in case I need money.4.3 Cin this/that case “要是这样/那样的话”。5 DIve been looking forward to是the day的定语从句,look forward to的宾语是被省略掉的定语从句引导词that/which,并非come。come应该是该句的谓语动词。意思应该是“我一直盼望的那一天终于到来了”。故选D项。6.1 Bwhatever引导的从句作整个句子的主语。句意:世界上不管在科技方面取得什么样的进步都归功于带来知识、创造和发明的教育。6.2 C根据句子结构来看,应选whatever引导让步状语从句,whatever在从句中修饰名词difficulty,表示“不论是什么困难”。【思路拓展】该题也可表达为however difficult it is,由连接副词however引导从句并在从句中修饰形容词difficult。7.1 B画线处之后表示结果,应选用与前面的such连用引导结果状语从句的that。7.2 Cthat与前面的such呼应,引导结果状语从句。7.3 D表示“如此匆忙”可以用“so anxious a rush”或者“such an anxious rush”。7.4 Aso.that.结构引导结果状语从句,如将so.移到句首,则主句应用部分倒装语序。7.5 A句意:毕业时我想找一份把我的专业和兴趣结合起来的工作,这样我就可以完全开发我的潜能了。so that“以便”,引导目的状语从句。as though“好像,仿佛”;in case“以免”;even if “尽管,即使”。8.1 Bonly提醒我们要用不定式表示结果;又因为the news reporters与tell是被动关系,所以要用不定式的被动式,表示未曾预料到的结果。only to be told.and were told.8.2 B副词only常与动词不定式连用作结果状语,修饰谓语动词,表示出乎意料的结果。但此处句意是“他沉浸在那本书的故事中,只是在听到门被砰地关上时才抬头看了一次”。可见look up并非出乎意料的结果,而是was lost的伴随状语,故应该用looking up。8.3 A“足球成为世界最受欢迎的体育运动”是伴随80个国家踢足球产生的自然结果,前后有因果关系,making.which makes。


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