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初三英语考试卷 第一部分 听力部分(20分)一、 听力(共15小题,满分20分)第一节:听小对话,选图画,回答问题。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)1.what is John looking for?2. What will the weather be like tomorrow?3. What was Betty doing when her mother got home? 4. Who are they talking about? 5. Which pen does the woman prefer? 第二节:听小对话,回答问题。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)6. What is Charlie going to carry? A. Some boxes. B. Some flowers. C. Some plates.7. Which place has the lady never been to? A. The Palace Museum. B. The River Nile. C. Paris.8. How old is Annas sister? A. 12 years old. B. 14 years old. C. 15 years old.9. Whose house was the green one? A. Edwards. B. The womans. C. Johns.10. What will the woman do tomorrow? A. Do some sighting. B. Have a party. C. Watch a fashion show.第三节:听短文,完成信息记录表。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)Mr. Browns Profile(简介)The life of childhood: 11 At sixteen years old: 12 Three years later: 13 The time in Africa: 14 Be back to England: 15 11. A. poor B. rich C. happy12. A. a worker in a shop B. a student in a school C. a worker in a factory13. A. a businessmanB. a student C. a soldier14. A. for 3 years B. for 10 years C. for 5 years15. A. He bought a house. B. He bought a shop. C. He bought a factory第二部分 笔试部分 (100分)二、 单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16.-Have you had _ lunch yet?-Not yet, but I had _ good breakfast this morning.A. /; a B./; / C. the; the D. a; a17. -_ is Lily like? - Oh, shes tall and thin. A. HowB. WhoC. WhichD. What18. -Excuse me, what s the time, please?-Sorry. I dont have a(an)_with me. 19. -Jim! Do you have a PC? -Yes, I have _. I bought _ last Sunday morning. A. it; that B. one; it C. it; one D. one; this20. - Mr Smith, would you please speak a little more _?-Sorry! I thought you could follow me. A. quietlyB. quicklyC. slowlyD. politely21. -Which of the two English dictionaries will you buy?-Ill buy _ of them, so I can give one to my friend, Helen. A. either B. neither C. both D. all22. -What do you think of the perfume? -It smells _, I liked it very much. A. terribly B. badly C. well D. nice23. -Dont touch your food _ you wash your hands. -Sorry! I forgot it. A. until B. if C. when D.after24. -Hi! Lin Tao. I _ you at the party. -Yes, I _ ready for the maths exam. A. dont see; got B. didnt see; was getting C. havent seen; am getting D. hadnt seen; have got25.- May I borrow your bike?-Im afraid you_. Betty has got it.A. dont B. neednt C. cant D. mustnt26. -I wont go to the party tomorrow. -_ you told me you would. What happening? A. But B. Because C. Since D. And27. -Children cant _ with each other in this way. - I think so. They have different advantages.A. compare B. be compare C. compared D. be compared28. -Mr. Green, there is someone at the front desk _ would like to speak with you. -OK. Im coming. A. / B. who C. which D. whom29.-Do you know when the teacher _ back tomorrow? -Sorry, I dont know. If he _ back, I will tell you at once. A. comes; comes B. comes; will come C. will come; comes D. will come; will come30. - I believe weve met before.- No, _. Ive never been here before.Ait isnt the same Bits true CI dont think so DI believe so31. -Do you still remember _ at the meeting? -Yes. He said that we must get to work before 8:00. A. that Tony said B. what Tony said C. did Tony said that D. what did Tony say32. -_? -Im making a card for my mother as a birthday present. A. Whats happening? B. What are you up to? C. Whats the matter? D. Hows the day?33. - Were you frightened by that bull? -_! I was scared out of skin at that time! A. You bet B. Not at all C. Youre kidding D. Thats all right34.- _will you stay in Shanghai for your summer vacation?-For three weeks.A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How many35. Jenny is reading a book about the ancient Egypt. Which of the following pictures will he find in the book?A. B. C. D.三、 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。In my village in China, people are proud of being old. 36 people always respect old people. However, in the United States, people think “growing old” is a 37 since “old” shows that a person is going to retire(退休) or that the body is not working well.After I moved to 38 , I had a part-time job as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant. Once, when I was 39 to a middle-aged couple, the wife asked me how the food could be served so 40 . I told her that I had made 41 they got their food quickly because I always respect the old. 42 I said that, her face 43 great displeasure. My manager, who happened 44 what I said, took me aside and gave me a long talk about how they 45 the description “old”. I then walked back to the 46 and said sorry to the wife. After the couple heard my reason, they understood that the problem was 47 by cultural differences, so they laughed and were no longer 48 .After that, I changed the 49 I had been with older people. It is not that I dont respect them any more; I still respect them, 50 now I dont show my feelings through words.36. A. Young B. Old C. Poor D. Rich37. A. luck B. fact C. problem D. fun38. A. Japan B. America C. Australia D. Italy39. A. serving B. cooking C. getting D. putting40. A. silently B. quickly C. slowly D. easily41. A. head B. much C. idea D. sure42. A. Before B. If C. Although D. As soon as43. A. told B. found C. showed D. noticed44. A. hearing B. heard C. hears D. to hear45.A. dislike B. like C. agree D. disagree46. A. kitchen B. table C. chair D. corner47. A. begun B. invented C. caused D. turned48. A. angry B. happy C. afraid D. interested49. A. idea B. way C. life D. mind50. A. nor B. then C. and D. but四、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThese days, people show their thanks, wishes, hopes, invitations, or something else in different kinds of cards. Look at these cards and answer the questions.Dear Mr. Liu,Happy Teachers Day!We are very glad to be your students.Best wishes,Wang LinDear Daming, Thanks for taking care of my cat when I was on vacation. I took many photos on the beach and Ill sow them to you this Sunday.TimI NVITATION TO LINDAS PARTYIts a birthday party for Linda!Time: Saturday, May 18th, at 5:00 pmPlace: Lindas house, Main Street Come and have fun!Tina,Wishing you every success in your exams next Monday. Well be thinking of you.Love,Mrs. Bell51. _ is a teacher. A. Linda B. Mrs. Bell C. Mr. Liu D. Mike52. Tim shows his _ to Daming in his card. A. wishes B. thanks C. hopes D. invitation53. Tina is going to _ next Monday. A. take exams B. have a birthday party C. go swimming D. take care of the catBIf someone says to you, “give me five”, do not search your pocket to get five yuan! It will make others laugh, because the person is not asking for your money.In the US, “give me five” or “give me the high five” is a popular gesture. You can often see people clap each others raised right hand together in films or on TV.People do it when they meet for the first time or something happy happens. For example, a student has good marks in exams or wins a lottery ticket. If a football team wins a game, the players will give high fives to everyone around to celebrate it.This gesture may came from the old Roman gesture of raising the right arms for the emperor. This showed that the person. raising his arm did not have a sword in his hand.Why not try to give the high fives to your friends?54. “Give me five” is a gesture to _. A. make people laugh B. ask for money C. celebrate success D. search ones pocket55. The gesture “give me five” is the clapping of _. A. toes B. hands C. feet D. legs56. When you _, you will give your friends high fives.A. lose your money B. go back homeC. win a football game D. do badly in exams 57. Why did the Romans raise the right arm for the emperor? A. Because they were proud of their emperor. B. Because they were happy to see the emperor. C. Because they wanted to show there were no swords in their hands. D. Because they wanted to beg money from the emperor.CJimmys teacher asked the students to make an art project. The project must be handed in on April 9. This meant that Jimmy had two weeks to finish it. He planned to make a hairy man.You will need these things to make a hairy man:A Piece of paperScissorsA pencilWhite glueSome grass seeds A flowerpot with soilWhat you will need to do: Draw eyes, ears, and a nose on the paper. Cut them out and glue them onto the flowerpotPut the grass seeds in the soil.Water the soil and put your flowerpot next to a sunny window.The person you draw will have hair in a week or two.You may want to cut the persons hair when it gets too long.58. Look at the poster. Which of these do you need to make a hairy man? A. A ruler. B. Flowers. C. A mans hair. D. Scissors.59. Which of the following sentences should be in the empty box?Cut shapes fromthe paper and glue themto the flowerpot.Water the soil and place the flowerpot next to a sunny window.Step l Step2Step3A. Cut the hairy mans hair.B. Make a note about your art project.C. Put grass seeds in the soil.D. Draw a pair of eyes and a nose on the paper.60. This article mostly about_.A. when to cut a hairy mans hairB. how to make a hairy manC. how to plant grass seedsD. where to make a hairy man61. Which of the following sentences is right?A. The grass seeds will grow up like hair in one or two weeks.B. The hair is drawn on the paper.C. The grass seeds will not grow up in two weeks.D. The person you draw will have real hair in one or two weeks.DThe famous fat and lazy cat Garfield is coming to China. In this American movie, Garfield acts with real actors. He makes trouble and dances like a star. He will make you laugh a lot.Drawn by American Cartoonist Jim Davis since 1978, Garfield has fans all over the world. He likes eating, sleeping and watching TV. He hates doing exercise! “Im lazy and fat. But Im proud of it,” he says. Garfield always sits in front of the TV eating lasagna( 意大利面),his favourite dish. Sometimes, hes rude to his owner Jon Arbuckle.One day, Jon brings Odie, a homeless dog, into his home. Odie is cute. He gets all Jons love. This turns Garfields world upside down. Garfield wants the dog out of the house, and his life. One night, he kicks Odie out of the house. But later Garfield finds that Odie had been kidnapped(绑架) by a TV star! The man wants to use the dog in his shows. Garfield feels sorry for Odie. He sees he has done something wrong. He wants to make up for it. So Garfield gets off his favourite chair to try to save his friend.62. Which of the following about Garfield is true? A. He is a real cat. B. His favourite dish is fish. C. He never gets mad at people. D. Hes smart and funny.63. Garfield wants the dog out of the house because _. A. he doesnt like to share lasagna with him. B. the dog makes him upside down. C. he becomes jealous(嫉妒) of the dog. D. he wants the dog to go to a show. 64. What does the underlined phrase “make up for” probably mean? A制造 B. 杀死 C. 补偿 D. 化装65. We can tell from the story that Garfield _. A. is always rude to friends. B. can never get Odie back. C. will probably save Odie in the end. D. may find another dog to take the place of Odie.四、 词汇运用(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,请根据所给的中文正确拼写单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。April Fools Day is on April 1st. People can play jokes on others on 66 (这个) special day. If you 67 (成功), you usually laugh and say “April Fool”. The person who has been fooled by you laughs, too. And he will never be 68 (生气的)with you.Mothers Day is on the 69 (二)Sunday of May. Its a day to thank mothers. On that day mothers usually receive flowers and cards 70 (从)their children. Fathers and children are busy 71 (做) the housework so that mothers can have a rest.Easter Day falls on the first Sunday after the full moon which is on or after March 21st. Its also called Easter Sunday. It is 72 (说)that on that day Jesus Christ comes back to life. Many people go to church and children often get 73 (礼物) such as toy rabbits.Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November. Its a day when people give thanks for the good things in life. Usually families all get 74 (一起)and have a big dinner.Christmas Day comes on 75 (十二月)25th. Its the most important festival in a year. The beautiful things can be seen everywhere. People exchange gifts, send Christmas cards and visit friends.五、 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)阅读下列语段。把它们组成一篇连贯的短文。Olympic Torch Relay(火炬接力) around the WorldThe Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay will travel the longest distance, cover the greatest area and include the largest number of people. On March 25, Olympic Flame (火种)will be lit (点燃) in Greece.Route Distance: 137 000 km Days: 130 days Route: Torch Relay starts in Beijing London Paris San Francisco. Hong Kong Beijing Torch Length: 72 cm Torch Weight: 985 gramsDesign: It is based in the shape of a paper scroll (卷) with lucky clouds on it.It can stay lighted (燃烧的) in bad weather conditions.根据以上信息填空,每空填一词。The Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay will travel a longer distance than before. It will take more than 76 months to travel around the world. The Flame will be lit in 77 . The Torch Relay will start in the city of 78 . The torch is 79 cm long and 80 grams heavy. It looks like a paper scroll. Bad weather cant stop the torch from burning.76. _ 77. _ 78. _ 79. _ 80. _六、 书面表达(共2小题,满分25分)81. 在“构建和谐校园,和谐班级,人人争当文明学生”的活动中,李雷被评为“文明之星”请用简短的英语对他进行介绍。Li Lei is my good friend. He _hard at school and he likes doing _ at home. He often helps _. I think _ .82. 学校校报编辑部正在组织以“感恩(thanksgiving)”为主题的英语征文活动。请认真阅读下面的征文启事,并根据其中的内容要求,写一篇征文稿。不少于80词。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。Dear students,Many people are very important in our life. We really need to thank them.Tell us a story in which you were deeply moved(感人的)by him or her.What will you do for him or her in return?Please write down your moving story and send it to us soon!EditorThe Person That I Want to Thank MostIn my life, _九年级英语阶段性考试答题卷(A)温馨提示: 请按相应的题号把选择题的答案写在答题卷上第一部分 听力部分(20分)七、 听力(共15小题,满分20分)第一节:听小对话,选图画,回答问题。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)1. _ 2._ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _第二节:听小对话,回答问题。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _第三节:听长对话,请根据对话内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)11. _ 12. _ 13. _ 14. _ 15. _第二部分 笔试部分 (100分)八、 单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)16._ 17. _ 18. _ 19. _ 20. _21. _ 22. _ 23._ 24. _ 25. _26. _ 27. _ 28. _ 29. _ 30. _31. _ 32. _ 33. _ 34. _ 35. _九、 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)36. _ 37. _ 38. _ 39. _ 40. _41._ 42._ 43. _ 44. _ 45. _46. _ 47._ 48. _ 49. _ 50._十、 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 51._ 52. _ 53. _ 54. _ 55. _ 56. _ 57. _ 58. _ 59. _ 60. _61. _ 62. _ 63. _ 64. _ 65. _十一、 词汇运用(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)66. _ 67. _ 68. _ 69. _70. _71. _ 72. _ 73. _ 74. _75. _十二、 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)76. _ 77. _ 78. _ 79. _ 80. _十三、 书面表达(共2小题,满分20分)81.(5分) _ _ _ _82.(15分) The Person That I Want to Thank MostIn my life, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 听力材料第一节 听小对话,选图画,回答问题。(每段对话仅读一遍)1. W: Its raining hard outside. Do you want to go out, John? M: Yes, mum. Im looking for my umbrella.2. M: The sunshine is beaut

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