
上传人:sha****en 文档编号:9462304 上传时间:2020-04-05 格式:DOC 页数:4 大小:38.95KB
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参考答案一、1weekly 2presentation 3directors 4surprising 5perfect 6beginning 7messages 8concert 9astronauts 10bored;boring 11acted;action 12experiences 13experienced 14station 15comedies 16covered 17up-to-date 18ended 19disappearing 20alive 21terrible;terribly 22effect;affect;influenced 23attend 24actors 25reply 26coming 27announced 28realized 29stressed 30refuse二、1too busy 2无事可做 3the least favourite programme 4看网上电视指南 5up-to-date information 6许多 7a weekly round-up 8的数目 9this coming Saturday 10两千“粉丝” 11finda bit boring 12网上投票选举 13two free concert tickets 14老虎大观 15be full of 16近距离地观看 17kill oneself 18一部恐怖片 19be found dead at home 20容易受惊吓 21until the end of the film 22亚洲虎 231earn a 10t about nature 24一位动物爱好者 25a one-hour documentary 26欣赏印度的风光 27win a great prize 28为某事与某人争论29twin daughters 30一个令人惊讶的结尾二、1to call me between 800 and 900 2practice playing the piano 3finish the homework before you go to bed 4you finish reading the book;return the book to the library on time 5cooking in the kitchen while I was watching TV in my room 6suddenly while I was walking along the river 7that thing until he told me 8sat on the sofa as Andy came to the room 9the four programmes;watch Kens Story most regularly 10jumped farthest and won the first prize 11based on her novel is well worth watching 12had to walk home because he lost his wallet 13read English every day so that you can improve your English 14could think of the surprising ending 15the result will be announced in half a month四、1fast 2farther 3more carefully;fewer 4busily 5widely 6more politely 7less 8heavily 9most noisily 10whether五、1are made 2feeling 3were arguing 4coming 5will be announced 6go 7havent seen 8was having 9reading 10pulled六、1useful 2moved 3laughed 4shelves 5visitors 6carefully 7writer,s 8hardly 9easiest 10talking七、1missed 2came up with 3didnt leave;until 4came first 5from;to八、15BBCBC

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