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祈使句的肯定句式 祈使句的肯定句式一般分为以下三种类型: 1.行为动词原形其它成分。例如: Make sentences after the model.根据例句造句。 2. Be动词其它成分(形容词、名词或介词短语等)。例如: Be careful when crossing the street.过马路时要小心。 3. Let宾语动词原形其它成分。例如: Let him go back now.让他现在回去吧。 祈使句的否定句式 祈使句的否定句式,通常情况下在句首加上Dont或Never,一般分为以下三种类型: 1.在祈使句的肯定句式前加Dont,构成Dont行为动词原形其它成分。例如: Dont say that again!别再那样说了! 2.在Be动词引起的肯定祈使句前加Dont,构成Dont be其它成分(形容词、名词或介词短语等)。例如:Dont be careless.不要粗心。 注意:在这种句型中be不能省略;否定副词not不可置于be之后。 3.在公共场合的提示语中,否定祈使句常用No名词/V-ing形式结构,表示禁止做某事。例如: NO PHOTOS!禁止拍照! 祈使句的回答 祈使句的动作通常是表示将来发生的动作,所以回答祈使句时,一般用will或wont。在回答具有否定意义的祈使句时,要注意两点:一是形式一致,即Yes与will保持一致;No与wont保持一致。二是意思相反,即Yes是不的意思;No是“是”的意思。在回答时,要注意分析上下文语境中所提供的条件。 - Dont go out, please. Its raining heavily outside. 请不要出去。外面雨下得很大。 - Yes, I will. I have to meet my brother at the airport. 不行,我得去机场接我弟弟。 表示喜、怒、乐等强烈感情时用感叹句。感叹句分为两种:一种以what引导,一种以how引导。句尾用感叹号“!”通常用感叹号。 例:What a clever boy he is! 多么聪明的男孩啊! 例:How clever the boy is! 这个男孩多聪明啊! What引导的感叹句! How引导的感叹句 前肯后否前否后肯 Jim is doing his homework, isnt he? Tom wasnt watching TV at 8 yesterday, was he? You went to Beijing yesterday, didnt he? You knew nothing about him, did you? There is little water in the cup, is there? There are a few apples in the bag, arent there? 反意疑问句的一般情况 1.Tom is good at English, isnt he? 2. Mike likes playing basketball, doesnt he? 3. I can play basketball, cant I ? 4. My father has been to Beijing twice, hasnt he ? 5. This/that is a table, isnt it? (these, those- they) 反意疑问句特殊情况 1,当陈述部分含有little/few/never/hardly/seldom/no/neither/nobody/nothing,none等表示否定意义的词时,疑问部分要用肯定形式。 She has few friends, does she? She has never been there,has she? There was nothing in the box, was there? None of us knows it, do we? 2,当陈述部分否定意义的词如:unhappy, dislike,careless 等含有否定词缀在派生词时,仍按肯定句对待,疑问部分用否定形式。 He looks unhappy today, doesnt he ? The girl dislikes history ,doesnt she? 3,陈述部分为I think/ believe/ suppose 引导的宾语从句,疑问部分根据从句的情况及整句所表达的肯定或否定意义来完成。 I think he is at home isnt he? I dont believe Tom can succeed, can he ? 4,当陈述部分是there be句型时, There are some apples. arent there? There will be robots in peoples home in the future, wont there? 5,省略的感叹句的反意疑问句一律使用否定形式,并用be 的一般现在时。 What a clever boy, isnt he? What beautiful girls, arent they? 6,祈使句的反意疑问句 Please close the door, wont you? Dont close the door, will you? Let 开头的祈使句 Lets go, shall we? Let us go, will you? 7, 陈述部分是I am.,疑问部分要用 arent I. Im as tall as your sister,arent I ? 8,陈述部分有have to +v.原 (had to + v.原),疑问部分常用dont +主语(didnt +主语)。 We have to get there at eight, dont we? 9,陈述部分若为主从复合句,疑问部分的主语通常与主句的主语一致。 She said he would come tomorrow, didnt she? He told us how to get to the farm, didnt he? 前否后肯的反意疑问句如何回答 1.It is a fine day ,isnt it? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 2. It isnt a fine day, is it? Yes(不), it is. No(是的), it isnt. 注意:永远不可能出现yes后面跟否定形式或者no 后面永远不可能跟肯定形式的情况。 It作形式主语 Itiswas形容词(forof sb)动词不定式短语 对于这个句型中究竟用 for还是用of,一般遵循这样的规则:如果形容词仅仅是描述事物的形容词,如:difficult, easy,hard,important,dangerous等用for;如果形容词是描述不定式行为者的性格、品质的,如:kind,good,nice,clever等则用of。 It is interesting to play with snow in winter 冬季里玩雪是很有趣的。 Its important for us to keep the water clean 保持水质清洁对我们来说是很重要的。 Its very kind of you to say so 你这样说真是太好了。 这一句式中的形容词位置也可换用名词;连系动词be也可换用其它连系动词,如feel等。 Its a good habit to get up early and go to bed early 早睡早起是好习惯。 It must be great fun to fly to the moon in a spaceship 乘宇宙飞船飞往月球一定很有趣。 It feels strange to have a twin sister 有个孪生姐妹感觉很奇怪。 Itiswas形容词从句 It is certain that he will come 他一定会来。 Its true that he may fall behind the other students 他真的可能落后于其他同学。 ?It is strange that he should say so 他居然这么说,真是奇怪。 其他it作形式主语 1.It is was ones turn(duty,pleasure) to do sth 意为“该轮到某人做某事(做某事是某人的责任、愉悦的事)”。 如: ?Its your turn to be on duty tomorrow 明天轮到你值日了。 2.It takes(sb)some time to do sth 意为“(某人)花时间做某事”。如: ?It took me a week to finish reading the book 我花了一周时间看完这本书。 3.It costcosts sbsome money to do sth 译为“某人花多少钱做某事”。 如: It cost me 260 yuan to buy the new watch 我买这块新手表花了260元。 4.It seems seemed 从句。 译为“看起来好像”,此结构可以转换成“seem 动词不定式”形式。如: It seems that he is illHe seems to be ill看起来他好像病了。 It作形式宾语 it用作形式宾语的句型为:主语谓语it宾语补足语动词不定式动名词从句。该句型中宾语补足语可由形容词、名词等充当。 He found it not easy to learn a foreign language well 他发现学好一门外语是不容易的。 We think it no good reading in bed 我们认为躺在床上看书无益处。 I think it necessary that we have the meeting 我认为开这个会是必要的。 常见的倒装句形式 1. 存在句(there be/ live/ stand/ lie/ seem等)需要全部倒装。如: There once lived an old hunter in the house. 这所房子里曾住过一位老猎人。 There seems to be many listeners. 似乎有很多听众。 2. 副词here, there, now, then等置于句首(经常与go, come等动词连用),全句需要全部倒装。如: Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。 Now comes your turn. 现在轮到你了。 注意:如果主语是人称代词则不用倒装。如: Here they are. 他们在这儿。 3. 当上文所表达的含义也适用于另一个人或物时,要用so/ neither/ nor+be/ 助词/ 情态动词+主语;此时谓语的时态、语态应与前句谓语的时态、语态相一致。如: I have finished my homework. 我已经做完作业了。 So has he. 他也做完了。 I havent seen that film. 我没看过那部电影。 Neither (Nor) have I. 我也没有。 4. not only. but also.连接两个并列句,且not only置于句首时,前句需要部分倒装。如: Not only did he dislike the way we spoke, but he disliked the way we dresse

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