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SBS二册复习资料:形容词比较级的用法 整理:SophieA 在形容词比较级前还可以用much, even, far, a lot, still, a little 来修饰,表示得多, 甚至更仍然,还.更. 一些,以加强语气 Diamond is even harder than steel. Our city is much more beautiful than yours.He is even slower than before.Japan is a little larger than Germany.B.表示倍数 times +形容词比较级+than 这个句型表示:比大(长,多)几倍Our room is twice larger than theirs.The Yangtze River is ten times larger than the river in your city.C.表示大几岁,高几厘米等 表示数、量的词+形容词比较级I am two years older than you. She is a head taller than I/me.D.表示“比其他的任何.都” 比较级+than any other +单数名词这个句型是用比较级形式表达最高级的意思。He is better than any other student in the class.He is the best in the class.This watch is more expensive than any other watch in the shop.This watch is the most expensive one in the shop.E. 表示“越来越” 比较级+and+比较级The earth is getting warmer and warmer. China is more and more beautiful.F.表示“越就越” The +比较级., the+比较级The busier he is,the happier he feels.The sooner, the better.The higher the ground(is), the thinner air becomes.G表示“两个中比较的”The+比较级+of the twoThis watch is the cheaper of the two. He is the better of the two.Of the two girls, I find Lily the more intelligent.H表示“比较A和B,哪一个较”Which is +比较级,A or B?如果是人与人相比较,用who不用which。Which is more popular,the radio or the movie?Who is happier,you or your father?形容词最高级的用法A+动词+形容词最高级+of/inA 表示“是最.之一”One of the +形容词最高级Shanghai is one of the most beautiful cities in china.Our city is one of the safest cities in the world.One of the most important languages is English.B 表示“大多数,大部分的.”Most +复数名词 Most of +the+复数名词 Most of+代词Most people like apples. Most of the boys are good at football.Most of the them (his books)were written here.C 最高级的几种表示方法 我们可以用原级、比较级、最高级三种方式来表达最高级,总结如下:She is the best in her class.(最高级)She is better than any other student in her class.(比较级)No other student in her class is better than she.(比较级 )No other student in her class is as good as she.(原级)D 表示“哪一个(人)最为呢? Which/who is +the+形容词最高级? 这个句型用于三个以上的事务或人的比较级当中.Which is the biggest of the five apples?Which is the heaviest,the horse,the sheep or the elephant?随堂检测:1. 这只手表比那只手表贵两倍。 This watch is _ _ _ _ that watch.2. 这只手表是那只手表的价格的三倍。This watch is _ _ _ _ _that watch.3. 在这两个男孩之间,我发现Tony更加有魅力。_ _ _ _, I find Tony _ _ _.4. She is the tallest girl in the class.(改成同义句) She is _than _ _ _in the class.5. 日本只比德国大一点儿。 Japan is _ _ _than Germany.6. 越大他就变得越勇敢。 _ _he is _ _ he becomes.7. Sophie给的家庭作业越来越多了。 Sophie gives us _ _ _ homework. I say: _Sophie says: My Mom/Dad says:


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