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2010年全国职称英语综合类(C级)考试真题及答案 第1部分:词汇选择(第115题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有一个词或短语有下划线,请为每处划线部分确定一个意义最为接近的选项。 1. I have no alternative but to report him to the local police. A.opinion B.means C.choice D.selection 2.The disease has completely abolished in this country. A.died out B.died down C.died away D.died off 3.The boys looked for the ball for a while in the playground, but finally abandoned and went home. A.gave up B.gave out C.gave away D.gave off 4.We all know that Sharon is a woman of strong political convictions. A.suggestions B.beliefs C.statements D.claims 5.Im afraid that your daughter has failed to get through her mid-term exams. A.pass off B.pass away C.pass D.pass out 6.If you have any doubt, confer a doctor. A.answer B.promise C.teach D.consult 7.The young actor was awarded the first prize for his wonderful performance. A.about B.because C.on D.due to 8.The class of mammals embraces nearly all warm-blooded animals except the birds. A.takes on B.takes over C.takes in D.takes up 9.The farmer encountered his fortune; his crops were destroyed by a storm. A.befell B.dwelt on C.suffered D.fell among 10.He endured all kinds of hardships in his solo sailing around the world. A.suffered B.experienced C.last D.overcome 11.Have you got a spare pen? A.a short B.an extra C.a thin D.a long 12.We shall keep the money in a secure place. A.clean B.secret C.distant D.safe 13.The city has decided to do away with all the old buildings in its center. A.get rid of B.set up C.repair D.paint 14.A ship was reported to be in distress a few miles out at sea. A.disorder B.formation C.service D.danger 15.You should cultivate the habit of reading carefully. A.invent B.begin C.develop D.initiate 第2部分:阅读判断(第1622题,每题1分,共7分) 下面的短文后,列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C. Nurses The physicians in a hospital form the core of the medical staff. But they could not provide effective medical care to their patients without the help of numerous other medical workers. From the angle of the patients, the nursing staff is particularly important. Nurses are usually in close contact with patients as long as they are in the hospital. A nurse does not study for as many years as a doctor. However, each must be equally trained. Caring for sick persons requires a great deal of patience and concern. Most nurses work log days and they often must work at odd hours or during the night. The nursing staff in a hospital is usually quite large and various. Nursing services, after all, must be provided on a 24-hour basis. There are professional nurses, practical nurses, nurses aids and orderlies. The general term nurse refers to a person trained to offer bedside care to sick persons. Under the supervision of the head nurse, the nursing staff in a hospital ward must attend to patients needs. This responsibility continues around the clock and so nurses must work in shifts. A shift is a period of duty, usually eight hours in length. The nurses on the ward rotate their shifts. Some take turns working night duty; other work odd shifts. All of them work out of a central area on the ward called the nurses station. A nurse must always be on her guard. She can never afford to be careless. This is true in all nursing situations, but it is especially true in the intensive care unit. Patients under intensive care are critically ill, and they must be monitored at all times. The nurses who do intensive care duty have one of the most demanding jobs in the hospital. 16.The physicians in a hospital are less important than the nursing staff. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not Mentioned 17.The nurses in a hospital usually spend more time with patients than the physicians. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not Mentioned 18.A nurse is not qualified if she does not have patience and show concern for her patients. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not Mentioned 19.Nurses often earn as much money as physicians do because they tend to work long days and at odd hours. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not Mentioned 20.Nursing services in a hospital are generally available around the clock. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not Mentioned 21.The nurses station is the only place where nurses in a hospital ward can be found. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not Mentioned 22.Nurses who work in the intensive care unit in a hospital are better trained than other nurses. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not Mentioned 第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第2330题,每题1分,共8分) 下面的短文后有两项测试任务:(1)第23-26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2-5段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第27-30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。 On British Newspapers 1 Besides the daily newspapers, there are a number of Sunday newspapers in Britain. Many of them are connected with the “dailies”, though not run by the same editor and his members. The Sunday papers are larger than the daily papers and usually contain more articles concerned with comment and general information rather than news. The national daily and Sunday papers have the largest circulation in the world. Of the Sunday papers, the Observer and the Sunday Times are the best known. 2 It is a regrettable fact that the number of magazines of a literary or political nature has dropped down since the war. This has probably been caused by the ever-wider use of radio and television. The most successful magazines are those published for women. Their covers are designed to catch the eyes and they certainly succeed in doing so! They offer their readers articles on fashion, needle work and many other matters of women interest. They also provide advice to those in love and adventures with handsome heroes. Some womens magazines also include serious articles of more general interest. 3 The visitor who looks at the magazines displayed in a large bookstore which may be found in an important railway station will notice that there is a wide variety of technical books and magazines. There are magazines for the motorist, the farmer, the gardener, the nurse and many others. 4 There are many local and regional newspapers. It is common in Britain for a news agent to deliver the morning papers to his customers for a small extra payment; this service is usually performed by boys and girls who want to earn some pocket-money. 23.Paragraph 1 _. 24.Paragraph 2 _. 25.Paragraph 3 _. 26.Paragraph 4 _. A.A wide variety of books and magazines B.The outline of British Newspapers C.The cause for dropping D.The most successful magazines E.Deliver service F.The Sunday papers 27.The most successful magazines covers _. 28._ are the best known of the Sunday papers. 29.It is not special in Britain to see _. 30.Womens magazines include _. A.are designed to catch the eyes. B.Boys and girls deliver the morning papers. C.Sunday papers. D.Serious articles of more general interest E.The Observer and the Sunday Times F.Many local and regional newspapers. 第4部分:阅读理解(第3145题,每题3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每道题确定一个最佳选项。 第一篇 How to Start a Small Business in the US People from other countries often take America as the “land of opportunity”。 Americans, too, believe that the country gives no end of chances to those who want to open their own businesses. Today, many Americans are still trying hard to become small business people, although only one out of two remains in operation after the first two years. Many people start their small businesses for the wrong reasons. They want to get away from the paper work of their present jobs or to exchange the responsibility of their present jobs for free life styles. But more, not less, paper work and responsibility come with ownership of a small business. Thomas is the owner of the news magazine Mother Earth, which is now quite successful. He says that he had to work sixty hours without stopping when he was trying to bring out the first issue. Thomas had waited for years after he came up with the idea for Mother Earth. During that time, he collected as much information as he could about his business. He borrowed books from the library, talked to successful people in the field, and began planning carefully the amount of money and the kinds and numbers of supplies he would need. When he finally opened with a capital of $1,500, he set up his office in the kitchen and his printing press in the garage. Owing to his devotion to business, his talent, and his skill in management, Mother Earth now has a circulation of 300,000. Not all small businesses are doing as fine as Mother Earth is 50% of the 450,000 that start in America every year fail. Still, 95% businesses in the US can be called “small”。 Altogether these businesses amount to 40% of Americas gross national product. 31.According to the passage, which of the following is true of the small businesses in the US? A.All of them close down in the first two years. B.Most of them fail within the first two years. C.They all make big profits. D.Only half of them continue to operate after the first two years. 32.According to Paragraph 2, many people start small businesses in order to A.do heavy work or earn more money B.do less paper work or take less responsibility. C.do more paper work or take less responsibility. D.do light work or live quiet lives. 33.What preparations did Thomas make before he started his business? A.He stayed at home B.He borrowed money from a bank. C.He made investigations and drew up a plan D.He wrote a book. 34.Thomas success can be attributed to A.his talent, his skill in management, and his devotion to his work. B.his good luck. C.his good relations with a business manager. D.his good treatment of his workers. 35.How many businesses in the US can be called “small”? A.5% B.40% C.50% D.95% 第二篇 Sino-Japan Animosity Lessens Chinese and Japanese people view each other slightly more positively than last year, according to a survey released on Wednesday at a press conference in Beijing. The survey is jointly sponsored by China Daily and Genron NPO, a Japanese think tank similar to the American Council on Foreign Relations. It also found overwhelming agreement in both countries that Sino-Japanese relations were important. The survey is a part of the Beijing-Tokyo Forum, an annual gathering of senior government officials and representatives from Chinese and Japanese NGOs designed to improve communication and understanding between the two countries. Conducted every year for five years now, the survey focused on two different groups of people: ordinary citizens, and intellectuals. In China, the intellectual group was comprised mainly of university students from well-known schools like Peking University. In Japan, the “intellectual” group was mainly made up of previous members of Genron NPO. Among ordinary Chinese polled, 35.7 percent said they have “very good” or “relatively good” impressions of Japan, a 5.5-percentage-point increase compared with last year. 45.2 percent of Chinese students had a positive impression of Japan, two percentage points more than last year. Only 26.6 percent of Japanese have a positive impression of China, however. Still, an overwhelming majority of the respondents from each country said Sino-Japanese relations were “important” and wanted their leaders to deepen talks and cooperation with each other. But 51.9 percent of ordinary people and 42.4 percent of students in China said they saw no change in relations between the two countries over the last year. In Japan, 64.8 percent of those ordinary people and 53.4 percent of intellectuals surveyed shared the view that there was no improvement in bilateral ties this year.职称英语考试 Historical issues and territorial disputes remain two major obstacles to improving bilateral relations, the survey found. What concerns the Chinese most are historical issues, visits by Japanese officials to Yasukuni Shrine, and the Nanjing Massacre. Perceptions on economic and trade relations have improved, though. About 47 percent of ordinary Japanese said China had been “helpful” this year in fighting the global economic crisis, compared with just 30 percent last year. The percent of Japanese intellectuals who said Chinese economic growth was good for Japan increased from 65.8 percent to 81.4 percent this year. Cooperation in East Asian issues, trade and investment, energy, and the environment and climate change top the list of common concerns that people in China and Japan want their leaders to talk about in bilateral meetings, the survey found. Civil exchanges were regarded by the most people from the both countries as an important way to improve relations. 90.7 percent of the students and 85.7 percent of the ordinary people in China and 95.8% of intellectuals and 74.8% of the ordinary people in Japan viewed civil exchanges as “important” or “relatively important”。 Chinese and Japanese both learn about each others countries mostly through television news and newspapers, the survey found. 36.Which of the following statements about the survey is true? A.The survey was conducted on Wednesday at a press conference in Beijing. B.The survey is jointly sponsored by y China Daily, Genron NPO and the American Council on Foreign Relations. C.The survey found that people in both China and Japan generally agree that the relationship between the two countries is important. D.The survey mainly focused on two different groups of people: ordinary citizens, and the university students. 37.According to the passage, the Beijing-Tokyo Forum A.is held every year in Beijing. B.aims at promoting communication between the two countries. C.mainly attracts representatives from the governments of the two countries D.releases a survey on Sino-Japanese relation every five years. 38.In the last year, _% of ordinary Chinese and _% of Chinese students have a positive impression of Japan. A.35.7; 45.2 B.51.9; 42.4 C.5.5; 26.6 D.30.2; 43.2 39.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the major obstacles to improving bilateral ties? A.territorial disputes B.trade frictions C.visits by Japanese officials to Yasukuni Shrine D.the Nanjing Massacre 40.The survey found that A.most Japanese had good or relatively good impressions of China. B.the bilateral relationship was perceived as being improved over last year by the majority of respondents from the both countries. C.an overwhelming majority of the respondents from each country believed that the Civil exchanges were an important way to improve relations. D.The territorial issue ranked among the top list of common concerns that people in both countries want their leaders to talk about in bilateral meetings. 第三篇 Anger Is Dangerous to Your Health Doctors say anger can be an extremely harmful emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that angry feelings can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer. Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time. Some people express anger openly in a calm, reasonable way. Others burst with anger, losing control of themselves. But still other people control their anger. They cannot or will not express it. For years many doctors thought that controlling ones anger was more dangerous to a persons health than expressing it. They said that when a person is angry, the brain lets out the same hormones that are produced during tense situations. They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure and narrow the blood vessels. In general, the person feels excited and ready to act. Doctors said that controlling these feelings only makes the feelings continue. And this can lead to many medical problems. Doctors thought a person could prevent these problems by letting the anger out by expressing it freely. But recently some doctors held a different view. They said that people who express anger too often and violently did become, in fact, more and not less angry. They said this, too, can cause medical problems. Some doctors say that both controlling and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger strongly may be more likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep their anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure. Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger. They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. If it is, they say, “Do not express your anger while angry. Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.” 41.According to the passage, an extremely harmful emotion may lead to all the followings EXCEPT A.pneumonia B.heart disease C.cancer D.stomach trouble 42.Controlling ones anger was considered to be dangerous to his health because of all the followings EXCEPT that A.the heart rate increases B.the blood pressure rises C.the situation is becoming tenser D.the blood vessels become narrow. 43.Which of the following is the more recent view about the expression of anger? A.It is dangerous both to express anger violently and to control ones anger. B.One can avoid his medical problems by expressing his anger freely. C.Ones heart rate will not change if his anger is kept unexpressed. D.One is likely to suffer from high blood pressure in a bit of great anger. 44.When you get angry, which of the followings should you do for the sake of health? A.Controlling your anger and then studying its cause. B.Letting out your anger freely and then studying its cause. C.Studying its cause and waiting till it cools down. D.Waiting till it has cooled down and then studying its cause. 45.Which of the followings can best replace the title of the passage? A.Different Ways of Dealing with Anger. B.The Danger of Anger and Its Solution. C.New Medical Discoveries about Anger. D.An Argument between the New and Old Views about Anger. 第5部分:补全短文(第4650题,每题2分,共10分) 下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。 So What A man was coming home late one nightabout three oclock in the morningwhen he saw a guy standing in front of a house with a horse. The man with the horse stopped him and said, “_46_” “Well, what would you like me to do?” asked the passer-by. “I want you to help me get this horse upstairs.” “Why?” “_47_. I havent got time to explain. Would you just help me, please?” Together they pushed the horse up the steps and into the hallway, then up three flights of stairs and into the mans flat. When they got inside, the man with the horse said, “_48_”。 Fearful that he might be dealing with a mad man, the passer-by helped the man lift one foreleg, then the second foreleg, the one hind leg, then the second hind leg, and there stood the horse in the bathtub. “Now,” said the

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