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牛津初中英语8A Unit1 Friends导学案主备人 总 1 课时上课时间课 题8A Unit1 Comic strip & Welcome to the Unit学习目标知识目标掌握四会单词,词组和句型能力目标1)学会用与“朋友”相关的单词与词组描述朋友的品质2)明确本单元的中心任务情感目标1)通过学习有关“朋友”品质的表达来加深对朋友的认识2)通过小组间的有效活动激发学生对朋友的了解学习重点学会用表示朋友品质的单词与词组来描述自己的朋友学习难点理解并正确运用与朋友品质相关的单词与词组课前自主学习一、 翻译下列短语和句子1 饿了 2 你真好 3 再来一些食物4 分享我的快乐 5 诚实的 6 保守秘密7 使我快乐 8 有问题 9 干净且整洁10 有趣的 11 音乐天赋的12 我能喝点什么吗?是的,可以。13 冰箱里没有别的东西。二、预习对话,回答下列问题1 What does Eddie give Hobo? 2 Is there anything else in the fridge? 3 What does Hobo want? Why?三、预习Welcome to the Unit PartB,根据实际情况,用恰当的形容词来填空1.What qualities are very important in a good friend?2.What quailities are quite important in a good friend?3.What quailities are not important in a good friend?课堂交流展示一.听录音,回答Comic strip问题1.What does Hobo get from Eddie?2.What is there in the fridge?二、 朗读对话,并且小组内分工合作表演对话三、 根据对话内容,完成下面短文Today Hobo was _. Eddie gave him _ and some_. Hobo wanted to have _ food. But there was _ in the fridge. At last, Eddie had to _ the pizza with Hobo.四、 小组讨论,Who do you like better as a friend, Eddie or Hobo? Why?五、 根据上面的讨论,得出好朋友应该具备的那些品质,展示预习检测的第三题。六、 完成Welcome 的A部分,并且收集重点词组七、根据对话内容,尝试组内编写新的对话并作小组展示。课堂达标检测一、根据汉语意思完成句子1 My friend _ (是诚实的).2 I can _ Amy _ (对讲任何事情).3.There is not enough bread for supper. We need to _ (再买一些).4. _(有多少碗) are there in the cupboard? There are four.5 My best friend often _(让我开心).6 He always helps me when I _(有困难).二.单词拼写.1. Peter is our monitor and he never tells lies, we all think he is h_.2.Theres n_ in the bottle. Its empty.3.My friend often shares his _ (欢乐) with me. 4. Dont tell anything to her because she cant keep s_ for you .5. We often borrow books and _(杂志) from our school library.三.选择。( )1.-Can I have _? - Of course .Here you are.A.some more cakes B.a few food C.quite a few food D. a little eggs( )2.-_ honest boy you are ! -Thank you!A.What an B. What C. How an D.What a( )3.-Which word cant describe (描述)appearance(外貌? -_.A. Beautiful B. Helpful C. Prety D.Good-looking( )4.Millie is very_,so we all want to make _ with her.A. friends friendly B. friendly friends C. friendly friendly D.friends friends( )5.-Where _ will you go,children? -Lets go to Binhai ,a nice and modern city.A.place B.other C. else D. the other( )6.Dont believe _ he says. Hes just telling a lie .A.how B. when C. what D.where( )7.-Is there _ left in the fridge? -Only some eggs.A.nothing else B.else anything C. something else D. anything else牛津初中英语8A Unit1 Friends导学案主备人总 2 课时上课时间课 题8A Unit1 Reading(I)学习目标知识目标初步理解与本单元主题相关词汇能力目标通过阅读了解文中所出现的三个好友的基本情况;理解用形容词来描述朋友外貌和个性品质的语篇。情感目标学会欣赏别人, 学会珍爱友谊。学习重点学会使用正确的阅读技巧进行文本解读,获取关于文中三个好友外貌与个性特征的主要信息。学习难点学会使用正确的阅读技巧进行文本解读,获取关于文中三个好友外貌与个性特征的主要信息。课前自主学习一、 找出重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法),查词典和有关资料解释其意义及用法,举例句或例题。重点预习并记住下列单词generous 大方的 willing 乐意的 ready 乐意的 round 圆形的smart 聪明的sense 意识 humour 幽默 bored 无聊的 true 忠实的二、 根据首字母和句意写出单词1.Hed like to share everything with his friends. He is g_.2. She never tells lies(说谎). I believe what she says. We all think she is very h_.3. He can always help me with my problems. I can go to him when I am in trouble. He is very h_. 4. She does well in singing and dancing. She is a m_girl.5. I can tell her anything and she keeps my secrets. She is a t_ friend.6. He is good at telling jokes. He often makes us laugh. He has a good sense of h_三、预习课文内容,尝试着判断下面的几句话是否正确l Betty is generous to old people only.l Betty wants to be a singer and travel around the world.l Max does a lot of computer work.l Max is very good at telling jokes.l May is a true friend.l May likes to tell others her friends secrets.课堂交流展示一、对课前自学中的重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法)在组内和班内展示。二、小组讨论下面的表格,用适当的单词填空NameAppearance(外表)Qualities(品格)BettyMaxMay三、小组讨论,回答下列问题1 Why does the writer say Betty is generous?2 Is Betty helpful? Why?3 Why does Max wear glasses?4 Does Max have a good sense of humour? Why?5 May is a beautiful girl, isnt she?6 Is May a true and kind friend? Why? 四、全班展示,课文Page9 PartB1和B2五、讨论:Who would you like to make friends with, Betty, Max or May? Why?Who would you most like to make friends with in your class? Why?课堂达标检测一、 用所给的单词填空helpful, short, travel, slim, generous, singer, willingBettyShe is a _ girl with _ hair. She is _ to share things with others. She is _ and _. She wants to be a _ and _ around the world when she grows up.二、根据首字母提示,完成短文MaxMax is very t_. He has p_ eyesight because of w_ on the computer too much at night. His small, round glasses make him look s_. He has a good s_ of humour. He makes others feel happy with him.三、根据课文内容填空MayBetty is _ than the writer. She has _, shoulder-length hair. She is a _ friend and she can keep a_. She is _ and never says a bad word about anyone.四、 同义句转换。1.Jack is smart, Tom is smart ,too.Jack is _ _ _ Tom.2.I have an uncle . His name is John.I have _ uncle _ John.牛津初中英语8A Unit1 Friends导学案主备人总 3 课时上课时间课 题8A Unit1 Reading(II)学习目标知识目标词汇:学会运用本课时的四会单词和重点词组句型She is as slim as I am. He is the tallest boy in my class.能力目标学会用本课所学的主要词汇、句型介绍自己最好的朋友。情感目标学会欣赏别人, 学会珍爱友谊。学习重点掌握并运用本课时的四会单词、 词组和句型。学习难点掌握并运用本课时的四会单词、 词组和句型。课前自主学习一、讨论: Which student do you want to make friends with,Betty,Max or May?二、Read the passages and finish Part B1 and B2.三、翻译下列词组,并且熟记1.乐意去做某事 2.随时准备好去做某事3.与某人分享某物 4.任何时候5.需要帮助的 6.把某物撞离某物7.使某人大笑 8.说某人坏话四、阅读文章,找出重要的知识点并且注释,准备课堂上展示课堂交流展示一、在组内和班内展示讨论题二、根据自己的记忆,回答下列问题1、 What does May look like?2、 What does Max look like? What is his special quality?3、 What is Bettys quality? Whats her future plan?4、 What does Betty look like?5、 What is Mays quality?三、根据自己的收集和汉语英语提示,展示下列知识点1、她和我一样苗条。他不如我高。He isnt as tall as I .as+形容词/副词的原级+as 翻译:他做作业和我一样认真。我昨天到家不如我姐姐早。2、愿意做某事翻译:我们愿意为希望工程筹集物品。3、任何时候翻译:如有问题,随时给我打电话4.乐于做某事;准备好做某事(状态) get ready to do/ for sth. 为作准备(动作)翻译: 我准备好考试了5. 需要帮助的人翻译: 我们需要水。 患难朋友才是真朋友。6.because of/becausebecause 后跟从句because of 跟短语(sth/doing sth)翻译:因为下大雨,我们没做早操。7.knock sth off 8.bored boring 两者区别翻译:乏味的会议使大家都感到很无聊。9.很有幽默感10.一个真正的朋友11.担心某人12.保密13.说某人的坏话翻译. 说人坏话是不礼貌的。三、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Are you _ (will) to sing an English song for us?2. Maybe she is ready _ (dance).3. He will watch TV when he feels _ (bore) at home.4. He is _(help). He always gives seats to people in need.5.He tells jokes and makes us _ (laugh).6.He plays the piano well. Hes _(music).7.Maybe he will grow into a _(sing) 课堂达标检测一、 完成下列句子1. 我们都喜欢历史老师因为他很有幽默感。We all like our history teacher because he _.2. 这本书很乏味,它让我觉得无聊。 This book is _ and it makes me _.3. 当你经过我的桌子时,请别撞掉我的杯子。 Dont _ my cup _ the table when you _4. 长长的直发使她看上去很漂亮。The straight long hair _.5. 我几乎和我父亲一样高。 I am _ my father.6.由于打电脑游戏太多,他眼睛很差。He _ playing computer games too much.7.我长大了想周游世界。I want to _ when I _.二.动词填空1. My friend is always willing _(share ) things and help others.2. Max _(not do ) any computer work after school every day.3. -Is Jack good at _(tell) jokes ? -No, hes honest.4. The man puts on his hat and _(go ) away.5. -What about _(drink) some tea ?牛津初中英语8A Unit1 Friends导学案主备人总 4 课时上课时间课 题8A Unit1 Vocabulary学习目标知识目标掌握有关描述外貌的四会单词能力目标1)学会用适当的形容词来描述人的外貌特征2)学会用适当的形容词来描述男生与女生的外貌情感目标通过学习与描述外貌特征的形容词深对朋友的印象以及对朋友的了解学习重点理解并正确运用这些形容词对人物外貌进行准确描述 学习难点理解并正确运用这些形容词对人物外貌进行准确描述 课前自主学习一、 根据所提供的形容词,完成下面的表格Tall, long legs , small, short hair,slim, straight, shoulder-length hairAppearance形容词Build(身材)Height(身高)LegsHair style(式样)Hair length(长度)二、 回忆Reading部分的内容,回答下列问题。1. What does May look like?2.What does Max look like? 3.What does Betty look like?收集描述这些同学的形容词。Max:May:Betty:课堂交流展示一、 使用图片来学习一些形容词这些形容词分类为: Build(身材):_ _ Height(身高):_ _ Face:_ _ Eyes:_ _ 完成A部分的内容,并且记忆二、 根据图片,学习去描述人的外貌Build: She is_Eyes: She has _eyes.Face: She has a _faceHair: She has _hair. (补充:齐肩的 shoulder-length) 三、 小组讨论 What does She look like? What does she look like? What does he look like?四、 完成课本 B部分内容找出描述 男孩和女孩的不同形容词课堂达标检测一、 用所给的形容词来完成短文eyesight square handsome tall smiling strongMr Tang, our monitor, is very _ . He is _almost 1.80m tall. He is thin,but he is _. He has a _ face. His _is very poor so he needs to wear glasses. Students love him very much because of his _ eyes.二、分别写出一些描写男、女生的词。Boys: _ _ _ _Girls: _ _ _ _三、单词拼写。1.My cat ,Mimi looks l_ ,I like it very much.2.Many visitors come to Tiananmen S_ every day.3.-I dont think Liu Dehua is _(英俊)。 I really dont agree with you.4.My daughter has a _(圆的) face like an apple.5.Im sure she is just _ (适合)for the job.四、选词填空。(用适当形式,每词限用一次)like help look like with long black hair make Mrs Smith is my neighbour. She is a short woman _1_. She works at a big office and meets a lot of people every day. She is generous and_2_. She is over fifty years old,but she always_3_ herself. She_4_ a movie star. She_5_ rings,sunglasses,colourful clothes and so on. She thinks the old people still can be beautiful. People all like her very much.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._牛津初中英语8A Unit1 Friends导学案主备人总 5 课时上课时间课 题8A Unit1 Grammar(A & B)学习目标知识目标1)掌握形容词在名词前作定语和系动词后作表语的用法。 2)掌握形容词的比较级和最高级的构成和基本用法。能力目标1)能够运用形容词恰当地描述人或事物。 2)能够初步运用形容词的比较等级来比较人或事物。情感目标学会欣赏别人, 学会珍爱友谊。学习重点1.形容词的基本用法。 2.形容词比较级和最高级的构成及基本用法。学习难点1.形容词的基本用法。 2.形容词比较级和最高级的构成及基本用法。课前自主学习一、 朗读下面的短文,并在形容词的下面划线。This is my favorite film star. She has long black hair and big black eyes. She also has a long face, a big mouth and white teeth. She is tall and slim. I think she is very beautiful.二、 根据下面的几个句型,试着总结下面的规则1.She has short hair. Her hair is short.2.A lazy cat is sleeping. The cat is lazy.Conclusion We use adjectives to describe someone or something. We can put an adjective _ a noun (名词) or _ a linking verb (系动词).我们使用形容词来描述人或物我们是把形容词放在名次前面还是后面了,是放在系动词的前面还是后面了?三、 谈到系动词,你能试着总结一些吗?记住他们be become feel get grow keeplook seem smell sound taste turn 联系动词后面接的都是形容词。比如:翻译下面的句子: Tom 看起来很酷。_ 天变冷了。 _四、 写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级 1、tall 2.nice 3.pretty 4.big 5.beautiful 6.good课堂交流展示一、 根据预习,展示Grammar A 部分的连词成句。1._2._3._4._5._二、 根据下面的图片,讨论形容词的比较 Linda is_ than Nancy. Nancy is _than Linda. Linda Nancy The black bag the white bag The green bag is _ the white one. The white bag is _ the green one. Linda nancy Kate Linda is the _girl of the three. Kate is the _girl of the three.使用身边的实物,展示形容词的比较级和最高级三、 总结形容词的比较级和最高级的构成完成13页的 B1,并且小组讨论正确答案四、 写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级1 small _ _ 2 thin _ _ 3 early _ _ 4 slim _ _ 5 healthy _ _ 6 ill _ _7 exciting _ _ 8 fine _ _9 smart _ _ 10 careful _ _11 hungry _ _ 12 dangerous _ _13 large _ _14 slowly _ _课堂达标检测.写出下列各词的比较级和最高级形式。1. fat _ _ 6.slim _ _2. lazy _ _ 7.big _ _3. much _ _ 8.difficult _ _4. good _ _ 9. ill _ _5. little _ _ 10.well _ _.用所给单词适当形式填空。1.David is _, Duff is _than David, Diff is _ of the three. (thin)2.Whos the _(slim), Lucy or Lily?3.David is as _(tall) as Daniel.4.Which is _(close) to the sun, the earth or the moon?5.I think your bag is smaller than _ (me). 同义句转换。1.Li Lei is the tallest boy in his class.Li Lei is _ than _ _ _ in his class.2.Jack is shorter than Mike.Jack _ _ _ _ Mike.3.This is Amys favourite story.Amy _ this story _.牛津初中英语8A Unit1 Friends导学案主备人总 6 课时上课时间课 题8A Unit1 Grammar(C)学习目标知识目标1)熟练运用形容词的比较级和最高级。2)运用(not) as+形容词+as的结构比较人或事物。能力目标1)运用本课时所学语法结构比较不同的人或事物、谈论对问题的看法。2)能够收集信息、分析信息并运用其解决实际问题。情感目标在运用所学语法结构谈论人和事物的过程中,引导学生尊重客观事实、尊重他人的想法。学习重点运用(not) as +形容词+as的结构比较人或事物。学习难点运用(not) as +形容词+as的结构比较人或事物。课前自主学习一、 完成下面的表格,写出下面形容词的比较级和最高级TallNicePrettySlimbeautifulGoodbadHeavyThinimportant二、 写出形容词比较级和最高级的规则We put than _(before, after) the comparatives.We put the _ (before, after) the superlatives.三、用所给形容词的适当形式填空1 Jane is _(tall) than Amy.2 Carl is _(heavy) than Jack.3 I am _(fat) child in my family.4 The pie is _(good) than the cake.5 Amy is _(funny) girl among my friends.6 This story is much _ (interesting) than that one.四、根据图片内容填空 1 The boy is _ (tall) the girl. 2.The boy is _(happy) the girl.五、尝试着翻译下面的句子1、Tom和Jack一样高。2、Amy和Peter一样苗条。3、游泳和滑雪一样有趣。课堂交流展示一、 完成课本14页的B2.小组内互相核对答案。并且讨论规则。二、 全班同学展示预习检测的翻译题部分,并且总结规则三、 完成课本15页的C1.小组展示四、 翻译下面的句子1.Millie 的英语比Jenny好.2.我想潜水是最有趣的活动.3.大连和三亚一样美丽.4.英语不如日语难.课堂达标检测一、 用所给形容词的适当形式填空1 These flowers are _ (beautiful)than those ones.2 Bob is as _ (clever) as his brother.3 Nancy isnt as _ (tall) as Kitty.4 Lindas handwriting is _(good) in her class.5 Diving is _than swimming. But it is not as _ as skiing. (dangerous)二、同意句转化1 Simon is taller than Kitty. Kitty is _ _ Simon. 2 My English is worse than Davids. Davids English is _ _ _. 3 Tom is the fattest boy in his class. Nobody else is _ _ Tom in his class. 4 Diving is not as exciting as hiking.Hiking is _ _ _ diving.三、翻译句子1 谁是你们班游泳游得最快的? Who is _ _ _ in yourclass? 2 她比我要重。 She _ _ _ I. 3 我认为野营和骑车一样有趣。 I think _ is _ _ _ _. 4 滑雪没有潜水危险。 Skiing is _ _ _ _ diving. 牛津初中英语8A Unit1 Friends导学案主备人总 7 课时上课时间课 题8A Unit1 Integrated Skills学习目标知识目标1)掌握和运用本课时的四会单词。2)掌握本课表达个人未来打算的句型: I would like to/I want toI hope to能力目标利用“Millie和Sandy表达对未来打算” 的信息材料充分开 “听”、“说”、“读”、“写” 活动,提高学生的综合运用语言的能力。情感目标根据所学内容,激发学生树立远大的理想学习重点1) 通过听力的训练获取米莉和桑迪表达个人打算的信息。2) 学会谈论好朋友或自己未来的打算。学习难点1) 通过听力的训练获取米莉和桑迪表达个人打算的信息。2) 学会谈论好朋友或自己未来的打算。课前自主学习一、 需要预习的单词和词组solve problems make friends with try to be kind to peopletry ones best to do sth. next to二、使用一些形容词来描述影星成龙Can you describe ChengLong? ( )He is a Social Worker.(汉语意思:_)三、词组互译1、为人们歌唱 2、听取别人的问题3、解决问题 4、交朋友5、环游世界 6、尽力做某事7、长大 8、看起来爱好体育的四、在做听力之前好好阅读16页的听力材料课堂交流展示一、 听录音Listen about Millies future plansFind out what Millie would like to do in the future二、核对答案三、小组讨论 What is Millie like? What does she want to do? 四、完成下面的短文Dear EditorMy name is Millie. I am a Grade 8 student. I always try to be _to people. I have many friends in my class. I feel unhappy when my friends are sad. I try my best to help them. I would like to be a social worker when I grow up. Then I can _ to peoples problems and help them solve their _. I will be happy if I can make people _ again.Millie五、Millie would like to be a social worker to make people happy,Sandy also wants to make others happy.听录音,完成下面短文Dear EditorI am really happy to tell you about my future plans. I like singing and I want to be a singer. It is great to _ for people. Id like to make people _ .My favourite _ is Britney Spears. I want to be as _ as she is when I grow up. I hope to become a famous singer and _ around the world in the future.六、Speak Up:talking about friends听录音,回答问题:1 What is Peter like? 2 What would Peter like to be when he grows up? 3 Does Peter look sporty? 七、朗读对话,小组编写新的对话,并且展示课堂达标检测一、根据汉语意思,完成句子1 他们想今天完成这个工作。 They _today.2 他认为帮助别人是好事。 He thinks_.3 姚明看上去是爱好运动的。 Yao Ming _.4 他想和刘翔一样受欢迎。 He wants to_ Liu Xiang.5 我希望买一个带花园的房子。 I hope _.二、句型转换1 I think he is right. (改为否定句) 2 She is more famous than any other star in China. (用最高级改写句子) 3 Helping others in need is great. (改为同义句)4 My favorite subject is English.(改为同义句)5 He is polite and helpful.(对划线部分提问)三、 单词拼写。1. -How long did you spend s_ this problem ? -About half an hour.2. -I want to be a doctor in the _(将来)。-So do I .(我也是)3. Your idea is great, I_ (同意) with you.4. Jim is the _ (高) one of the twin brothers.5. China is f_ for the Great Wall. Would you like to go there with me?牛津初中英语8A Unit1 Friends导学案主备人总 8 课时上课时间课 题8A Unit1 Study Skills学习目标知识目标熟悉和掌握本课时的四会单词。能力目标通过确定关键词和关键句来帮助学生 进行阅读理解,培养学生的阅读能力。学习重点在阅读中如何通过确认关键词和关键句来帮助学生理解和记忆一段文章。学习难点在阅读

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