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论文题目:新形势下情境内容教学法在高中 英语词汇教学中的应用研究摘要 在高中词汇教学中,现今要求的已不再是老师单纯的交,学生单纯的学。在新课标的要求下,有很多相关方面的专家都对这方面有一定的研究。这些研究中都是要突出学生学习单词的主动性和有效性。各种各样的理论也相继出现,他们都在高中词汇教学中取得一定的作用。但是,这只是一部分,对词汇学习的研究,还需要很长的路要走。要真正做到词汇的高效学习,需要老师,同学的提高和帮助,共同努力进步。情境理论重在情境,它强调的是一种氛围和环境。在单词的学习中,给每个单词适当的语境,会提高词汇的记忆和使用。学生在一定的情境中,会对词汇有更深的理解和领会。在不同的情境对话中,不仅可以让学生更快速高效的记住单词,还能复习以前学过的单词。这样,学到的单词不仅地道,而且流畅。增强语感。内容教学法重在要求教师在词汇教学的内容上有所创新。利用词汇间的关系找出其中的有利之处。同时,还可以利用多媒体教学,给学生视觉,听觉上以不同的刺激,加深对词汇的理解和学习。内容教学法不仅只包含一方面,它涵盖的东西很多。其中要考虑的因素很多。情境理论和内容教学法的结合,能充分结合两者的优点,使学生达到不仅能记住单词的目的,还能学会使用单词。这样不仅对学习单词有利,而且能增强学生的语感。关键词:情境理论;内容教学法;高中;英语词汇;新课标Abstract In high school vocabulary teaching, the requirements of the teacher is no longer a simple model of teach-learn. In the requirements of the new curriculum standards, there are a lot of experts have a certain research on the relevant aspect. Those reaches must reveals the active and effective of the students in vocabulary learning.Various theories have emerged, they play a certain role in high school vocabulary teaching. However, this is only a part of research on vocabulary learning.There are still a long way to achieve efficient learning.To come to the effective learning, we need the teachers and students help and improvement. The context theory focuses on situations. It emphasizes the atmosphere and environment. In the study of the words,we can design certain situation for each words.In this way,it can improve the memory and the usage of the words. The students in a certain context will have a deeper understanding and grasp of vocabularies. In different dialogues ,the students not only can remember the words in the quick way,but also can review the known words.In this way,the learned words common and fluency. It also can Strengthen language sense. The CBI focuses on the content which teachers needs to innovate.At the same time, we can also use the multimedia teaching, and give students vision, hearing to various stimuli, and deepen their understanding of vocabularies. The CBI includes not merely one part , it covers a lot of things. Teachers must consider many factors. Combining the context theory and the CBI, we can fully use the advantages of both.students can not only remember the words, but learn to use words. This is not only beneficial to learn the words, but also can enhance the students sense of language. Key words: Context theory, CBI, high school, English vocabulary New curriculum standardContents1、Introduction.5 1.1、The background of the study.5 1.2、The purpose of the study.7 1.3、The significance of the study.82、The current problems and causes in high school English vocabulary teaching in the new situation.9 2.1、The current problems in high school English vocabulary teaching .9 2.2、The causes of the problems in high school English vocabulary teaching.10 2.2.1. In the textbooks level.102.2.2. In the teacher s level.132.2.3. In the students level.13 2.3. The relevant teaching situation in our province and the new curriculum under the new situation.13 3、 The theory of literature review.14 3.1、Context theory.14 3.1.1、The definition of the context theory.14 3.1.2、Functions of context theory.15 3.2、CBI theory.17 3.2.1、The definition of the CBI.17 3.2.2、Models of the CBI.18 3.2.3、Characteristics of CBI.19 3.3、The relationship between the high school vocabulary teaching and the context theory or the CBI.21 3.3.1、The CBI and the high school vocabulary teaching.21 3.3.2、The context theory and the high school vocabulary teaching.22 4、 The teaching strategy of the context theory and the CBI in high school English vocabulary teaching under the new situation.23 4.1 Innovative the vocabulary teaching methods.23 4.2 Using the new vocabulary teaching materials.25 4.3 Using the multimedia in vocabulary teaching.27 4.4 Take the process evaluation in vocabulary teaching.28 4.5 Carry out improving teachers vocabulary teaching literacy activities.29 4.6 Lesson design.30 5 、Conclusion.32 Bibliography.33 Acknowledgements.35 Chapter one Introduction1.1、The background of the study 1.High school English vocabulary teaching is an important content of high school English teaching,and it plays a positive role. Pronunciation、vocabulary and grammar are three elements of language.Vocabulary is the carrier of pronunciation and grammar, so,vocabulary is the basic element of language.Without vocabulary,there is no sentence and more no language.Foreign language teaching can not separate from vocabulary teaching.Vocabulary teaching exists in the whole process of language teaching. Without a certain amount of vocabulary,listening speaking reading and writing can not achieve successfully.To express the importance of the vocabulary in communication,Wilkins states: “While without grammar very little can be conveyed,without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”(Wilkins, 1972:111) So,English vocabulary teaching plays an important roles in language teaching.The arrival of knowledge economy and the speed up global integration process put forward higher foreign language quality to citizens.High school English teaching is the important stage for them to develop their quality.High school English vocabulary teaching is an important part in high school English teaching.It affects the usage and development of the students English competence directly, and it plays a positive role in developing students lifelong learning ability.Therefore, high school English vocabulary teaching not only affects the quality of high school English teaching,but also have important significance and effects in it. 2、The new curriculum reform makes the high school English vocabulary teaching face new challenges. On the one hand,the texts are harder and there are more new words.The proportion of polysemies which can be understood from the text is increased.And there are some words which have close relationship with culture.On the other hand,the new curriculum requires the vocabulary teaching from the perspective of use not from the definition.In another words,it pays attention to help the students understand the underlying mining of the words and help them express flexible and appropriate.High school English vocabulary teaching attaches great importance to the textual support and pays attention to the influence of the culture.All of these put forward new challenges to vocabulary teaching. Obviously, one of the problems for us is how we can improve our English vocabulary teaching according to the new curriculum requires and the development traits of the students cognitive skills.So it is necessary for us to study the high school English vocabulary teaching under the influence of the new curriculum.1.2、The purpose of the study Specialists have studied the high school English vocabulary teaching for a long time.They gave shade light on high school English vocabulary through different theories and methods. With the development of the world and the deepening of globalization,more and more new words come out. This has put forward the new request to our English vocabulary study. The traditional high school vocabulary teaching has not adapted to the modern need. It is urgent for us to explore a new and effective teaching method. Compared with the traditional teaching methods,CBI makes some breakthrough in English vocabulary teaching.It pays attention to the understanding and usage of the word,but not only the definition or the arrangement and combination of the word.CBI aims to foreign language learner.It focus on explain and study the content to get the goals.In vocabulary teaching,CBI can make good use of its advantaged to study word .And with the help of the context situation,students not only can understand it and can use it appropriately. This is in line with the requirements of the new curriculum for high school students to master the vocabulary. The purpose of this study is to make high school students vocabulary teaching to break through the original vocabulary teaching mode, and to enhance the understanding and application of vocabulary. In high school English vocabulary teaching, this is also a major innovation.1.3、The significance of the study We already know,the words are the bases of the language.How much the vocabularies we get,how clear we understand the language.In our study,we can find that the size of our vocabularies more or less will influence the degree of our listening and reading.In listening comprehension,only a few unknown words will affect our understanding of the targets,no matter it is a sentence or a paragraph.The same as the text comprehension,poor vocabularies will not only influence our speed and quality of reading,but will influence our confidence of reading.In todays high school English study,the most big problem is how to expand vocabularies. Moreover,more vocabularies also help us express our feelings more clearly.Knowing more words,we have more chance to communicate with others successfully. All in all,the study of the high school English vocabulary method has three practical significance.First,mastering more basic vocabularies help cultivate the students language communicative competence.Second, the research is beneficial to improving the basic teaching ability and the quality of teaching.Finally,vocabulary teaching process is also the process of developing students intelligence.Chapter Two The current problems causes in high school English vocabulary teaching2.1、The current problems in high school English vocabulary teaching To find out what problems actually exist in high school English vocabulary teaching,I always research on the internet and look through the books.With my experiences and findings,I conclude those problems as follows. First,the forms of teaching are stable and single.It makes the students lose their interest in study. The current vocabulary teaching method is monotonous and boring, and the teachers are not good at using multimedia and many kinds of media to carry on the vocabulary teaching.Second,the vocabulary teaching is isolated.The teachers teach the vocabularies which are departed from the sentences、texts and context situation.What the students know about the words is the chinese of the words,not the relationship and the usage of the words. Hoey once said: it is meaningless to learn words without the context into consideration.One word may has many meanings in different context situation.Therefore,students may know one meaning in this content situation,but do not know other meanings in other situations. Third,there are positive words and negative words in actual use.Teachers ask students master the pronunciation、form、meaning and the usage all together no matter it is the positive words or the negative words.In fact,not all the the meaning and the collocation of the positive words is used frequently.So,the high school English vocabulary teaching must make clear the positive words and the negative words and let students know how to learn the new words which appear in textbook and other reading books.Fourth,now, most of the vocabulary teaching methods are still the mechanical memory.It leads students remember the words blindly.Most of the teachers are still use the traditional method.Others even do not teach students how to learn words.In this way,students only recite words mechanically.English are different from Chinese in lots of aspects.For example:words,language,culture and so on.If we just match the meaning of the English words with the Chinese words,it will waste lots of time and achieve less.2.2、The causes of the problems in high school English vocabulary teaching According those problems,we can get some reasons why those problems can happen.Teachers have responsibilities for those problems,but the textbook and the students themselves also have to be blamed. 2.2.1、In the textbook level About the book,most of our students and teachers do not care about it.we may think the textbook must be very reasonable and none mistake.However,we have to know about our textbooks. First, the low rate of lexical repetition in the textbooks.The linguists find out that if someone wants to master one word,he must have meaningful contact about ten or twelve times.It is impossible for us to master one word at the first sight or second sight.There are many examples in our high school English textbook.Like:“crime”only appears in Book2A Unit1 word study sentence example6. Because of the students learning time is limited, students rarely have the opportunity to contact again, it is easy for the students forget them. Second,there are some disadvantages about the vocabulary list. The vocabulary list provides a reference platform for teachers and students, then teachers and students can explain and Study the vocabularies according to the classification of Vocabulary which appears in the vocabulary list.But we can find although the vocabularies in the vocabulary list are classified, but each word followed by pronunciation, spelling, meaning. It is easy for teachers and students to create a kind of illusion or bad subconscious,which is that every vocabulary has to be tough and has to study this three things.It is easy for us to ignore other knowledge about the vocabularies.Actually,many teachers does not notices it. Third, some vocabulary exercises in the textbook is not reasonable.For example,in Book3A Unit4 word study,there are some exercises:Complete each sentence using the right word in its correct form._the table with a cloth before the customers sit down.damp ruin goose ox mountainous jar mouse fill celebrate wipeI saw two_ on a shelf in the kitchen, so I caught them with a net.Rice is growing in valleys in China, but seldom in_ areas.He took a large spoon and_ everyones bowl with some soup.After harvest we break up the soil with a tool pulled by two_. From those exercises,we can find that they are all isolated.There are no connections between them.After finish those exercises,students still do not know where those sentences can be used.It lakes the context of the vocabularies.The students still do not how to use those vocabularies. In conclusion,there are three major problems exist in the textbooks.Facing this problems,the teachers should solve them with positive attitude.2.2.2 In the teachers level When it comes to the teacher,we can find out these: First, teachers depend on the textbook ,and then they lose creativity. The curriculum standard emphasizes that teachers should use of materials creativity, instead of copying textbooks. Second, the ways to explain the vocabularies is not scientific.Most the teachers are still using the traditional method to teach the words.There are three major ways now : Explain in accordance with the vocabulary list; Explain in the text; Explain according to the teaching task.The last one is more scientific,but seldom teachers use it. There are many ways to teach the vocabularies,but they have to choose the way which can make students easy understand. Third, teachers have the awareness of guiding students vocabulary strategies, but it is difficult to apply to teaching practice.Most the teachers do not know how to do and what to do to help the vocabulary study of student. 2.2.3、In the students level The most problem of students is that they lack of the interest to learn the English words.They are afraid of those words because they think it is really hard for them to remember them.The students will have those feelings easily,but it can not the teachers and the others to be blame.There are many factors we can find out. 2.3. The relevant teaching situation in our province and the new curriculum under the new situation The new English curriculum strives to accomplish far more than just help students learn English.At one level learning English should involve helping students develop a certain level of comprehensive language competence and the ability to use language for real communication;master certain basic language knowledge;master listening,speaking,reading and writing skills.However, at another level the curriculum should also serve students all-round development, providing them with opportunities to:(1) strengthen their interest in study English. (2)Grow in self-discipline, perseverance and self-confidence (3)Improve their cooperative, investigative and thinking abilities (4) Develop their memory, imagination and creativity (5) Adopt good study habits and effective learning strategies (6)Develop as autonomous and lifelong learners (7)Build moral integrity and a healthy outlook on life (8)Establish both national spirit and an awareness of and respect for cultural differences (9)Broaden their horizons and enrich their life experience (10)Take part in cultural life (11)Develop as individuals In the vocabulary level,students can: 1. Learn the 600-700 words and 50 or so common expressions associated with the topics for this unit 2. Understand words are formed from letters Chapter Three The theory of literature review 3.1、Context theory 3.1.1、The definition of the context theory Context is the language environment.In a narrow sense,it is the condition for the article or the speech.The context is a connect relationship of the words、phrases、sentences and the text structure.In a broad sense,the context includes a broad social background where the language entity use. There are 80 years since Marin Lovskey first has advocated the “context” in his book “Meaning of the Meaning”.However,about the definition of the Context,they still can not come to an agreement in academic circle. Literally, the context is the language environment. But this definition is very wide and fuzzy. It may refer to a


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