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她的父亲是个研究员。 Her father is a research fellow.格格的是我的,印花的是你的。The checkered is mine, the printed is yours.我会告诉她的. I sure will tell her.我打的稿子,她上的色. I made the sketch; she filled in the colours.正确的就是正确的,绝不能说成是错的。 Whatever is right is right. It can by no means be said to be wrong.凡是存在的未必全是合理的. Whatever is is not all right.他说他的,你干你的。Let him say what he likes; you just get on with your work.酣眠固不可少,小睡也别有风味的。A profound sleep is indispensable, yet a snatched doze also has savour of its own.The moonlight is streaming down through the foliage, casting bushy shadows on the ground from high above, dark and checked, like an army of ghosts这时候最热闹的,要数树上的蝉声。The most lively creatures , here, for the moment ,must be the cicadas in the trees and the frogs in the pond. But the liveliness is theirs, I have nothing.这笔钱非经批准不得动用。This fund may not be drawn on without permission.非公不得入内。No admittance except on business.不得触摸展品。Hands off the exhibits.这这次踢主场,咱们可输不得。This time we are the home team, we cant afford to lose the game.这事他做得出。He is capable of doing such a thing.他这人是老虎屁股摸不得。Hi is like a tiger whose backside no one dares to touch.她笑得肚子疼。She laughed till her sides split.例子多的不胜枚举。Instances are too numerous to list.我们动身早,赶得上八点半那趟车。We started early enough to catch the half past eight train.事情已经闹的不可收拾了。Things have gone too far to be set right.他把那个在办公室打杂的骂得狗血喷头。He poured out a flood of invectives against the office boy.明天这个时候我在图书馆前边等你。Tomorrow this time I will be waiting for you in front of library.她听着音乐睡着了。She fell asleep while listening to music.他竖着耳朵听外面有何动静。He pricked up his ears, trying to tell what was outside.那个小女孩含着眼泪走开了。The little girl went away with tears in her eyes.他她闭着眼装睡. He closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.我给你拨了三次电话都没通。I tailed three times but failed to get through to you.水位已上升到了警戒水位。The water level has risen to the warning stage.长大后,他出息了好多。He become more agreeable when he grows up保值储蓄推出后,该储蓄所储户的存款热情高了许多。With the introduction of inflation-proof savings service, people are more wiling to deposit their money in the savings bank.他到过号称人间天堂的苏杭,也去过山水甲天下的桂林。He has been to Suzhou and Hangzhou, the renowned places called “paradise on earth”;he has also visited Guilin, a city noted the world over its picturesque rivers and mountains他经历过的世事太多了,不可能不痛感于斯。He has been too much of life to feel it keenly.桃花已开过了。The peach blossoms are over.我抽过烟,又戒掉了。I smoked and kicked the habit later.他这是什么意思嘛?我简直被他弄得莫名其妙。What did he mean by this? Ive no idea what he is driving at.子渊受教于孔子,深得孔子的器重,他的哲学观和伦理观也完全继承了孔子.Having beeneducated and regarded highly by Confucius, Yan Yuan owes much to his masters philosophical and moral heritage. 我昨天找人把抽油烟机擦了。I had the range hood cleaned yesterday.他们还没把保税仓库的设计做好。They havent got the design of the boned warehouse ready. 让他插手,准把这事搞砸了。His meddling will sure ruin the matter.那位“香港小姐”的风采把大家迷倒了。The elegant demeanour of the Miss Hong Kong enchanted all present.人人把他当神童。Everybody thinks him a prodigy.莫把敌人当朋友了Dont mistake a foe for a friend.不要把书上的一切都奉为金科玉律。Dont accept all youve read from books as infallible as law.我们应把军队看成长城,把军人看成亲人。We should regard the PLA as invincible as the Great wall and the PLA men as brothers.他总是把方便留给别人,把困难留给自己。He always takes difficulties on himself, and leaves what is easy to others.一个大浪几乎把船打翻了。 A huge wave almost overturned the boat.请把信转交给王小姐好吗? Would you please forward the letter to Miss Wang?她把头一扬,二话没说就走了。She tossed her head and left without a word.我们公司已经政企分开了呢. In our company the functions and responsibilities of administration just have been separated from those of management.他可不就是白手起家的么.Indeed , he simply built up from nothing你既当上局长,可得廉洁奉公啊! Now you are the head of the bureau, mind you be honest in performing official duties.他们不仅抢劫了你的钱财,还把东西砸了呢。Not only did they rob you, they smashed everything, too.这几年我们一直强调科技在农业发展中的作用.For years we have been stressing the important role of science and technology in the development of agriculture.已经有两位女选手取得了100米蝶泳的决赛权。Two Chinese women swimmers have already entered the 100-meter butterfly stoke finals.升旗仪式就要开始了。The flag-raising ceremony is about to start你可来了。You are here at last.原来竟是她父亲.It is no other than her father.我们决不允许他人干涉我们的内政. In no way will we have others interfere in our domestic affairs.你听到的正是贝多月光芬的奏鸣曲. What you are listening to is Ludwig van Beethovens piano sonata entitled moonlight.他偏偏两天就把活干完了。To everyones surprise, he finished the work in two days.由于实力差别悬殊,整场比赛中国队. There is a considerable gap in actual strength between the Chinese team and the Japanese team. Accordingly, the former was confidengt of winning all the time, which the latter seldom was.我们现在多么尊敬约翰逊教授了,可以前却总嘲笑他。How much we respect Professor Johnson now, whom we used to laugh at so much.无论谁去,我都没意见。Whoever goes, I have no objection.他会世界语,而且说得很好。He speaks Esperanto, and that very well. 罗伯特内向,而戴维率直。Robert is an introvert and David, an extrovert.就算她是个母老虎,还能把你吃了?What if she is tiger-like?如果他在勤奋点儿,就会完成任务。A more diligent man would have fulfilled the task.我们还在运筹之中,对手已枪先一步。While all our plans were still in the blue-print stage, our competitions got the jump on us.树梢上隐隐约约的是一带远山,只是有些大意罢了。Over the trees appear some distant mountains, but merely in a sketchy silhouette.


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