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高二英语报纸总结Get around 四处走动;消息传开Get away 度假;离开Presentto向某人提出Presentwith赠送,给予Be in/out of favour with 受宠/失宠Vanity 虚荣现在进行时表将来,常用于表示“移动性”的动词。这些动词:See, love, remain, belong, believe, remember, understand等表示状态、心理的动词作谓语时一般不用进行时Be going to 按照计划打算做;根据客观的迹象预示着,不表示单纯的将来be stuck with/in 困在You cant imagine what great difficulty I had working out such a difficult problem.The film has been well received for several years, making it one of the most popular films ever. 结果状语(有making which不选)Where引导business situation case activity jobApply oneself to 专心致志于Demands of sb 某人的要求Demands on sb 对某人的要求Come into effect 生效=forceIn effect 事实上;有效有些动词如:expect, hope, intend, plan, want等用一般过去式,后接不定式的完成式,或者它们的过去完成时接不定式的一般式,都可以表示过去未曾实现的意图、打算或希望:I hoped to have been invited to his wedding party.=I had hoped to be invited to his wedding party.现在或过去进行时中表示反复发生的动作,常与always, constantly, forever, all the time 等连用表示说话人的不满、愤怒、抱怨、赞赏等情感:you are always finding fault with others.进行时还表示委婉的语气。Hope, wonder, want 等动词用现在进行时比用一般现在时语气更加委婉: Im wondering if you can accept our invitation.Direction in/fromLie in 睡懒觉Lie back 休息Lie at ones door (责任)归于某人Warn sb of/about sthMake up for 补偿Be in a mood 情绪不好Be/feel in the mood for sth/to do sthBe in no mood for sth/to do sthPlay a trick on sbBe set in 被设置背景于Establishstyle 树立Strive to do 尽最大努力做某事Try doing 尝试Try to do 努力,争取In theory/practiceMake up % ofMind your steps;the ice is too thin to skate on.In memory of 为了纪念Want/need/require doing= to be donePerform 表现;履行,执行;做(手术、试验等);运转Declare 宣告;表明On the increaseRise to ones feet=get to ones feetJump to ones feet 跳起身来Be rushed/run off ones feet 忙得不可开交Fall/land on ones feet 幸免于难 例句:Thanks to his quick reaction, Peter fell on his feet in the accident.Get/start off on the right/wrong foot with sb 开始时关系良好/不好What if 假使会怎么样 As if 方式状语For/at the time being 目前Feed on 以为食 These bears feed on the leaves of these special trees. Feed sb/sth (on) sth 给吃 例句:Most people feed parrots on nuts.Feed sth to sb/sth 拿喂 例句:You can feed milk to the baby when he is very hungry.Make out of 用做原料 例句:Many expensive shawls are made out of antelopes wool.The boy grew up in the countryside; meanwhile his sister was brought up in Shanghai.Meanwhile adv. While conj. Live 通常前置定语,不用于人,可用于物He bought some live fish.Only a few live trees were left after the fire.Living 可用作表语或定语,可用于人或物,通常是客观描述某人“尚在人间”,在某个时候是活着的。作比喻义,如“活像”,“活生生的”等The living are more important to us than the dead.She has no living relatives.Alive 用作表语、后置定语,指本来有死的可能,但仍然活着。作主语补足语或宾语补足语时,只能用aliveHe was still alive when I reached the hospital.Perform ones duty 行使职责Word 消息 Word spread like fire.I smell sth burning in the kitchen.The telephone was ringing, but by the time I got indoors, it stopped.It remains to be seen whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the finals.All people, whether they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.Have access to 零冠词Contradict oneself 自相矛盾Leave off 停止做某事,中断 Lets start from where we left off last time.Leave over 使剩余,遗留 Some problems among these countries are left over by history.Show through 显露 She has acquired a very good English accent, but her Chinese speech habits still show through.In need ofTheres no need for sb to do sthGet married to sbRun your eyes over sth 浏览Set out sth 陈述,阐明Set out on a career/course of action 开始从事某种职业/采取某种行动Thus therefore adv.Burst upon突然明白 The truth of what his wife had been saying suddenly burst upon him. Burst with充满 The shops were bursting with goods.This is a factual account of the war. 建立在事实基础上的This is a genuine Ming vase. 强调非人为的或虚假的This is a story of real life. 不是想象的或编造的I need an actual figure, not an estimate or a guess. 实际的、确切的,与含糊不清的相对照Peters words are not true. 客观事实与实际情况相一致Advance 预先的,只能作定语Advanced 先进的Be particular about 挑剔Present sb with sth 颁发In honour of 为了表示对某人的尊敬Be true of/for 与情况相同Be true to 信守Be true to life 逼真Make contact with 与来往Keep in contact withIve been knowing that for a long time. (错)Ive known that for a long time. (对)Combine with 与结合Connect with 与连接Draw upon 利用;开出;总结Resistance (to)Be absorbed in 全神贯注Absorb ones attentionBe absorbed into 被吞并Look onas=regard asMake sacrifices 做出牺牲Sell at a sacrifice 贱卖Sacrifice sth for 为而牺牲Abandon yourself to 沉湎于Condemn sb for doing sth 因谴责Condemn sb to do sth 迫使某人做某事Its worthwhile to do/doingDeclare war on 向宣战Be at war 在交战To the astonishment of sb=to ones astonishment Personnel 全体人员;人事部门Vacant 指房屋等没人住、时间空闲的或职位暂时空缺以及空旷的(原野)等;用作比喻义,心灵空虚,或指缺乏通常的才智或活力、枯燥无味的意思Empty 指任何没有内容的东西;用作比喻义时,可指谈话等毫无意义、漫无目的的或不切实际的(empty promises)Blank 表示物体表面上没有记号或痕迹,也可指留待填写东西的空白处;用作比喻义时指茫然的,无意义的(My mind went blank.)Bare 用于人时,通常指身体的某一部分裸露,但不是全裸;用作比喻时,表示在感情上或言语表达上的直率(a room bare of furniture)When we visited my old family home, memory came flooding back.We had an anxious couple of weeks waiting for the results of the experiment.So/suchthat倒装 例:So suddenly did the accident happen that the driver almost had no time to react to it.Make a difference 有影响;有区别Draw near 靠近Make an apology for sth/to sbOn end 连续地;竖着Specific 详细的;特定的More often than not=oftenHis Dark Materials is a great fantasy story, (the)one written by Philip Pullman.同位语前后一致From where since when Forget it. 休想注意英语阅读中选项的部分否定Worry vt(sb/that)或vi(about)Scar (vt)伤害;给留下伤痕 (vi)结痂In ones nature 本性It is typical of sb to beDecline 委婉推辞Overlook 忽略Go through 仔细检查;经受Get through 接通电话;通过;到达Go over 复习;仔细检查Get over 克服;完成Our plane canceled because of the snowstorm, we had to return to our hotel. 伴随Not everyone 全否Not anyone 部否Im sorry./Thank you.-Dont mention it.Means of access to approach to method ofAt a crossroads/crossroadTransform 改变;转换Convert 改变Let out 放走;放出;泄露Condition 单数形式指目前所处的状态,含有“与周围环境有关”之意;复数形式指周围的环境或条件Accuse sb of doing 指控Charge sb withShe will never forget her stay there when she found her son who had gone missing two years before.Not really. 不见得Approval 认可It was only when I fully understood what my parents did that I came to realize what great efforts they made. Only 只有放在句首才倒装


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