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B1 M21、 His amusing joke amused every one present. (在场的)2、 support 支撑3、 energetic (n.)energy4、 intelligent = wise = clever5、 nervously (adv.) nervousness(n.) cover up 掩饰6、 organized organize(v.) organization(n.) WHO世界卫生组织7、 patience 耐心 be patient with sb. in sth. be strict with sb. in sth.8、 avoid doing9、 incorrectly correct(adj.) 正确的 convenient 方便的10、completely = totally 完全地 complete(v/adj.) 完成/ 完整的、十足的I feel completely relaxed now, for the meeting is a complete success.11、admit 承认,允许入内 admission(n.) admission tickets入场券I dream of being admitted to an ideal university12、revise- revision13、similar- similarly- similarity(n.) 相似之处14、respect respectable正派的,体面的 respectively分别地15、play jokes on sb. 开某人玩笑 tell jokes 开玩笑16、summarize(v.) 摘要,总结17、spiritual comfort 心灵安慰 above all 首要的是 wave to sb.向某人招手18、keep off the topic 避开话题 keep to the point 点明主旨19、be on vacation20、keep good discipline 保持好纪律 have problems with discipline 纪律有问题21、In our school, the relationship between teachers and students is quite relaxed.relaxing relaxationrelaxed atmosphere22、hope to/ Im glad to/ decide to/ plan to/ He orders me not to/ want toI used to. You dont have to. I ought to.23、He dare not go out at night.He doesnt dare to go out at night. dare是半个情态动词(同need)24、make up ones mind to do 下定决心做某事25、后加doing的动词: delay推迟,延迟 deny否认 risk,keep, escape, mind, avoid, practice, admit, enjoy, advise, consider, miss错过 permit允许 excuse, stand, appreciate, suggest 后加to do的动词:manage, decide, plan, hope, fail, afford, promise承诺 加doing、to do意思不同的动词:stop, remember, forget等doingto dogo on 接着做(同一件)接着做(另一件)regret后悔做过很遗憾/抱歉要做try尝试努力mean意味着打算cant help情不自禁不能帮助26、The desk needs/ wants/ requires cleaning/ to be cleaned.27、make sure that +从句(一般现在时)make sure of the time/ make sure of the place28、It is said that everyone lives by selling something. Teachers live by selling knowledge. Similarly, priests live by selling spiritual comfort.29、My opinion on the matter is similar to yours.30、Surprisingly, there are some similarities between the two designs.31、a complete fool a complete stranger You are completely mistaken. Please complete the task by October.32、Huaxia amusement park received a letter but they didnt take it seriously.33、She has an advantage over other teachers.34、Above all, I prefer teachers who are amusing and energetic. However, being intelligent is also an important quality of a good teacher. prefer to do A rather than do B. = Rather than do B, sb. prefer to do A. would rather do than do.would do rather than do. I decided to write rather than telephone.35、leave sb. alone.把某人单独留下36、such a beautiful girl= so beautiful a girl catch ones eye 吸引某人的目光(这里的eye通常不用复数) come into view/ sight.进入视线37、enter for 报名参加 win the Nobel Prize 得诺贝尔奖 stand on ones head 倒立 lie on ones chest.趴着睡 lie on ones back/ side 仰/侧躺着睡 in return for作为的报答 call at sp.拜访某地 call on sb.拜访某人 call sb.打电话 strike eight敲响8点 strike击中,敲击,袭击 A big earthquake struck Sichuan. gather集合 damage破坏(可修复) destroy破坏(不可修复) do/ cause much damage to 对造成破坏B1 M31、scenery(自然、综合)美景 (un.) view视野(从高往下)have a good view of 观点in ones view sight单一景象,人文景观(+s) The water fall is a beautiful sight. short sighted近视眼 At first sight, I lost my heart to her.第一眼看到她,我就爱上了她At the sight of the blood, she fainted.一看到血,她就晕倒了 scene 场景(人+物),幕(戏剧的)I can see the scene of children playing in the garden. Scene I 第一幕 be on the scene 上场,在现场2、Where do you think he lives?你认为他住在哪? Who do you believe/suppose the teacher is praising? 你认为老师在表扬谁?3、refer to 1)指,针对 2)提及,提到 3)查阅,参考 be referred to as被称作 (n.)reference查阅,参考 reference book参考书4、mathematics数学5、be short for 的简写 be short of缺少lack(vt.) Our company is short of money.(n.)shortage短缺 in short简言之= in a word take shortcuts走捷径6、out of date过期,过时 up to date最新的 out of work失业 out of breath气喘吁吁 out of control失控 out of order出故障out of reach够不到 means of transport交通工具7、He waited until it was dark. He didnt get off the bus until 8:00. 他直到8点才下车=Not until 8:00 did he get off the bus.8、I didnt recognize him until he removed his glasses.=Not until he removed his glasses did I recognize him.9、The picture looks better at a distance.隔开一段距离 in the distance在远方 distant(adj.)远处的,冷淡的 keep sb. at a distance与某人保持距离10、abandoned (v.)abandon抛弃11、desert (v.)抛弃 dessert甜点12、be an expert in在是专家 expert(adj.)内行的 be expert in在内行He is expert in repairing cars.13、shoot shoot him dead射死他 shoot at对瞄准14、journey(长) Wish you a good journey祝你旅途愉快15、train trainer训练者16、frighten= scare= terrify I was frightened to death by the frightening/terrifying tiger.17、interview interview sb.给某人面试,采访某人 cover sth.采访某事18、event sports event运动赛事19、exhausted = tired out exhausting令人筋疲力尽的 exhaustion(n.)After climbing Mount Tai, I was exhausted/ tired out.20、downtown downtown Weihai.威海市中心21、ceremony attend the opening ceremony.参加开幕式Attend the wedding ceremony.参加婚礼22、track道,路径,声道,踪迹,跑道 keep track of跟踪 fox 狐狸23、smoked fish熏鱼 give a lecture做报告24、I only interview the trained people.He found the stolen car at last/ eventually.Where is the repaired car? Where is the car repaired yesterday?a sunken ship一艘沉船25、pay a visit to = visit参观 take/make a trip to sp.be totally lost in流连忘返 be fascinated by为着迷26、be located in gorgeous美丽的 paradise天堂a state-level scenic spot.一个国家级旅游景点 hesitate犹豫Lijiang Ancient City丽江古城 at home and abroad国内外a place of historical interest历史文化古迹27、not.any more 动作不再重复 notany longer 状态不再延续28、tips for/ on sth.(最好用on)B1 M41、approach (vi./vt.)靠近 (n.)1)靠近,临近 2)方法 3)道路 With winter approaching = With the approach of winter an increasing number of越来越多的 out of work = unemployed失业 He adopted a new approach to treating patients.他发现一种治疗病人的新方法2、occupy (vt.)占领,占用(时间,空间)take up occupation职业 The north China was occupied by the Japanese for a long time. Playing football occupies most of my leisure time.(业余时间) Please state(陈述) your name, address and occupation. be busy with sth./ in doing sth.= be occupied with sth./in doing3、survive+灾难(不用介词)(vi./vt.) survivor幸存者 survival(n.) air crash空难 survival of the fittest适者生存 survivors of 911.4、contact(vi./vt.)与联络(n.)接触,联系 Dont hesitate to contact me if you are in trouble. avoid eye contact避免目光接触 keep in contact/ touch保持联络 make contact with sb.与某人取得联系5、exchange(v.)1)交换2)兑换 exchange views/ ideas交换意见,交流想法 exchange gifts in exchange for用于交换 exchange A for B(用A换B) I gave him a camera in exchange for his watch.用照相机换手表6、survey make/carry out a survey on sth.7、suburban 郊区的(adj.) live in the suburb of Weihai.8、attract-attraction9、fortune 1)命运 fortune-teller算命者 2)大笔钱财make a fortune发财10、sound The music sounds beautiful. smell/ taste/ look/ feel +adj.11、tourist attract tourists from home and abroad.tourism= the tourist industry旅游业12、bother bother to do麻烦做某事,费事做某事He didnt bother to say Thank you.他连谢谢都没说bother sb. with/about sth. financial problems.财政问题13、rent the rent for the apartment is high.14、starve挨饿 starve to death饿得要死15、be caught in the traffic jams.被困在交通堵塞中16、unemployed the unemployed失业者 employ雇用,使用employment(n.) employed (adj.) unemployment17、profession(n.) Im a teacher by profession.我是专业老师18、Which do you prefer, manual labor(体力劳动) or mental labor(脑力劳动)?19、fascinating (v.)fascinate Im fascinated by the fascinating country music.20、afford to do He cant afford to send his children to school.We cant afford a holiday.我们休不起假21、summer resort避暑胜地22、形容词:美大形幼新颜国材23、a large number of + cn. a great many + cn. a great deal of + un.a large amount of + un.B1 M51、exist We cant exist without water.没有水我们就不能生存 Water exists as solid, liquid and gas.2、expand Metals expand when (theyre) heated and contract when cooled. expand business扩大生意 expand its wings展开翅膀3、mixture Steel is a mixture of iron and other substances.钢是铁和其它物质的混合物a woman of substance富裕的女人(v.)mix (adj.)mixed mix A with B(把A和B混在一起) have mixed feelings about sth.对某事感到悲喜交加 a mixed school男女混合学校4、stage舞台,阶段 The experiment is divided into 3 stages.5、conclusion (v.)conclude得出结论 We can conclude that= We can draw a conclusion that=We can come to a conclusion that= reach a conclusion that= arrive at a conclusion that In conclusion = to conclude6、I want to express my gratitude(感谢) to you.7、aim (n.)目标 aimless漫无目的的 achieve ones goal = achieve ones aim My aim is to serve the people while his aim is to make money. We aim to complete the project by Friday. be aimed at 针对 The new scheme(计划) is aimed at reducing unemployment.8、The anti-smoking campaign禁烟运动 anti:反对9、A reacts with B to form C.(A与B反应生成C) partial reaction局部反应 her reaction to the news她对消息的反应 How did she react to the news?10、a piece of equipment(vt.)equip装备,配备 equip our classroom with computers.We should equip ourselves with knowledge. be equipped with配备有 Our school is equipped with the latest teaching facilities./sports facilities.11、boiling water沸腾的水 boiled water开水 boiled egg熟鸡蛋12、ordinary普通的,平常的 ordinary people/ food. ordinary-looking相貌平平common 1)公共的,共同的common interests共同利益 2)常见的common sense/ knowledge常识 Its common practice to do做某事是惯例The flu is common among students in winter.usual通常的,平常的 He sits in his usual place. I will meet you at the usual time.normal正常的 normal blood pressure正常血压13、add add oil to the water add some salt to the soupThe rain added to our difficulties.增加His year income adds up to $18000 add up to共计= come to = totaladd the figures up把数字加起来14、keep the air out of water.别让空气进入水Keep him out of the office because his name is at the bottom of the list.15、I was about to go out when it began to rain.我正要出去,就开始下雨了16、build up增强,增加 build up ones confidence.bring up带大,养大,吐,提出(问题)make up编造,构成,化妆,讲和,补上去17、at the cost of以为代价18、Suppose/ Supposing +句子If +句子19、比较级汇总 You are taller than me = Im less tall than you.not asas =not soasThe harder you work, the more progress you will get.The fewer mistakes you make, the more rewards you will receive.He is more an artist than a teacher.与其说他是老师,不如说他是艺术家Its more than a newspaper它不仅仅是报纸This is more than I can tell you.我不能告诉你这件事Im more than glad/ happy/ willing/ ready to do sth. 非常愿意做某事no more than = only Hes no more than a worker他只是个工人Youre no taller than me.(我们俩都不高)Are you feeling any better today?你今天好点了吗?20、float float in the air在空中飘浮 float on the water在水上漂浮21、dissolve Salt dissolves easily in water盐在水中易溶22、balance (n.)平衡,天平 (vt.)把平衡lose ones balance失去平衡 keep the balance of nature保持生态平衡a balanced diet均衡的饮食keep/ strike a balance between work and relaxation.保持平衡23、go on a diet节食 fat-free food不含脂肪的食物 duty-free shop免税店salt-free无盐24、put/ keep sth. in order25、make sure that + 一般现在时 make sure of the time/ place.26、I will walk you home.我将步行送你回家27、Sth. is around the corner. 就要来临了28、When introduced to a foreigner, he went red. weigh sb.称某人体重29、I prefer that(现在时) prefer sb. to do sth.30、leave+宾语+宾语补足语(adj./adv./doing/done/n.)leave the motor on让马达开着(+adv.)leave the door unlocked leave me aloneHis parents died, leaving him an orphan(孤儿).31、倒装句Here comes the bus. Now comes your turn.小品词:in, out, up, down, on, off, away, overOut came a boy. Up flew the bird. Down came the plane.介词短语:On the wall are two horses. Before me stood a policeman.B1 M61、resource资源 China is rich in natural resources.中国富含自然资源2、be accessible to sb. through a computer/ by computer. document文件 the access to通道,通路 have access to People have no access to safe drinking water in Africa. access information from website3、The club consists of 20 members.俱乐部由200人组成 Life consists of not only smiles but also tears. Our group consists of 4 people.4、develop films冲洗照片 develop cancer患癌症 develop a new drug发明一种新药 develop new software开发新软件5、I got this position through his help. live through the war He fell ill through eating too much. read through the letter6、make it possible for sb. to do7、the teachers concern for me老师对我的关心8、contain 1)含有(成分) 2)抑制 3)容纳=hold 4)装有 Tomatoes contain plenty of VC. The bag contains nothing but books. include (vt.) 1)包括 2)列入Please include me in the list. Does the price include the tax(税)? The price includes breakfast, doesnt it? Everyone laughed, me included = including me. Her bag contains many books including an English one.9、crash (n.)撞击 (vi.)崩溃 an air crash a car crash 10、key word password11、Our car has a breakdown half way. = Our car breaks down.1)失败 The peace talk broke down. 2)He broke down at the news.12、source look into the source of virus(病毒).13、defend (vt.) defence(n.) Attack is the best form of defence.14、create-creation-creative-creativity创造力 create favorable(有利的) conditions15、via go to Taiwan via Hong Kong = by way of16、percentage 前不可加数字 40 percent of the students are in favor of the view.The percentage is going down/ going up.A large percentage of the students hold the opposite view.17、invention-invent-inventor invent an excuse = make up an excuse18、permission (n.)许可 without permissionask for permission permit(v.) permitted过去式 permit/ allow sb. to do19、concentrate concentrate on = concentrate ones attention on = focus on We are supposed to concentrate on our study rather than abandon ourselves to playing computer games.20、definite Definitely肯定地 I want a definite answer.21、fantastic in my view/ for my part/ personally/ as for me在我看来The Internet is fantastic because it provides us with whatever information we require.22、independent(adj.)独立的 She is independent of her parents.depend on = be dependent on think independently独立思考23、Advantages outweigh disadvantages.24、average平均的 on average平均地 Hes an average student.25、statistics统计数字 according to the latest statistics.26、shorten widen deepen sharpenWe can broaden ones horizons by surfing the Internet.27、be known to sb.被某人知道 well-known, better-know, best-known28、the aged老人 the living活着的人29、hit sb. in the face(软) hit sb. on the nose(硬)30、There is a Mr. Wang waiting you.31、a good knowledge of sth.某方面有丰富的知识 receive a good education32、He was made chairman.(无冠词) make him managerthe balance of nature people from all walks of life各行各业的人33、Hes a most excellent student他是个极好的学生 faithful忠诚的the Alps阿尔卑斯山 in the 1820s read ones mind/ thoughts读懂某人的心lay a solid foundation for为打下牢固基础 be harmful toget cheated被欺骗 abandon yourself to沉溺于be beneficial to= be good for on the contrary恰恰相反34、compare the girl to把女孩比作 rush sb to急匆匆把某人送去 produce a gun from the pocket.从口袋里拿出一把枪35、You cant be too careful = You cant be careful enough你再认真也不为过36、Sth. doesnt agree with sb.(天气、食物等,用于否定句)37、come across a new word遇到新单词 be favorable for对有利 break through突围,突破B2 M21、 Every year many people die of illness related to smoking.2、People are likely to become addicted to nicotine(尼古丁). Therefore, smoking affects(不好的影响) your health. Furthermore(此外), its against the law to smoke on public transport because smoking does damage to(损害) passive smokers as well. For the sake of your health, I believe it will be wonderful if you can give up smoking.3、distraction (un.)分心 (cn.)分心物I have to study in the library because there are too many distractions at home.distract You can develop new interests to distract your attention from smoking = distract you from smoking.Playing games will distract you from your study.4、recognize recognition(n.) I didnt recognize your voice.Taiwan has no right to recognize Kosovos independence.台湾无权承认科索沃独立5、He is a danger to society.他对社会是个危险分子6、He is interested in what belongs to others.7、since既然 = now that (众所周知的) for因为(前有逗号,补充说明)8、倒装:only +状语 Only in Beijing can you see the Great Wall.Only by working hard can you succeed. only +人 不倒装9、Once you start smoking, youre likely to become addicted to it.10、Taking drugs has become a serious social problem.11、take part in/ participate in/ join in a discussion/ social activities.join +组织12、have an effect on= have an influence on home surroundings家庭环境13、Hes recognized as a first-class writer.14、Where is the book belonging to me?15、injection(n.) reduction(n.) burglar抢劫犯 burglary抢劫案16、criminal (adj.)犯罪的 (n.)罪犯17、illegal不合法的 legally illegally participation(n.)参加,参与18、Its said that he was a farmer.= He is said to have been a farmer.Bill is considered to have invented the phone.19、suggest doing advise sb to do.20、commit crime犯罪 take drugs吸毒21、agree to接受(计划、建议) agree with同意 agree on就达成共识22、However cold it is = No matter how cold it is23、be determined to do = make up ones mind to do下定决心做某事B2 M31、 keepup保持高 keep up your spirits使情绪高涨2、I came here running all the way.我一路跑着来的3、I have a talent/ gift for singing.我有唱歌天赋 talented= gifted4、Im a born singer我生来是歌手5、go deaf/ mad/ bad/ wrong/ blind6、The rest of the money has been spent so far.7、Washing the dishes, I hurt my hand.当我洗盘子时,我弄伤了我的手Having washed the dishes, I put them away.洗完盘子后,我把它们收起来8、take notes =make notes9、influence sb. to do sth. under ones influence在某人影响下influential(adj.)有影响的 Having taught in Weihai for 10 years, the musician went to Beijing, where he became an influential figure.Not having heard from her, I wrote her another letter.Having been told again and again, he made the same mistake.10、The clock struck 13 oclock, which made everyone laugh.He likes to live where he can enjoy sunshine. Ill go where Im needed.11、take up开始从事 Under his fathers influence, he took up painting.It was under his fathers influence that he took up painting.12、keep a record of = keep/make a note of对记录13、expense花费14、divide把整体分成部分 separate A from B(把A与B分开)原混在一起的两个/多个整体It is the Taiwan Strait that separates Taiwan from the mainland.What is it that separates Taiwan from the mainland?It was in the hotel where he stayed that I saw him.It was in the lab where she did the experiment that she made a great discovery.Where was it that he was born in 1980? When was it that he was born in Shanghai?Not until his first album came out did he become famous.=It was not until his first album came out that he became famous.15、split up分裂,分开 keep a record of16、have ones first hit首次造成轰动 become a hit轰动一时 be a great success大获得成功17、There was an audience of 2000. 有2000个观众18、life (cn.)生命 (cn./un.)生活 We should make good use of time.employ = take on雇用 side effect副作用19、The meeting lasted for 2 hours.=lasted 2 hours.20、be faced with面临 He turns out(to be) honest.他原来很诚实啊!despite +n.尽管21、Success lies in hard work.(=consists in)成功位于辛勤的劳动中The outbreak of the SARS非典的爆发22、one at a time一次一个 fishery渔业23、the moment =the minute =as soon as 一就24、The first time I saw him= When I saw him for the first time25、Why does she always drive to work when(既然) she could easily take train?Why do you want a new job when you have already got a good one?26、have a talent for对有天赋27、This is what is called pencil.表语从句I believe what you said.宾语从句 What you said is right主语从句28、search for =look for reach for伸手够某物(通常身子不动)29、recognize承认 cancel= call off30、after you您先请 every other year每隔一年 talent =gift talented =gi

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