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北京市西城区2014年初三一模试卷69. 快点! 该上课了。 Hurry up! _for class.70. 今天早晨, Alex上学迟到了。 Alex _ school this morning. 71. 那座山看上去像一只骆驼。 The mountain over there _ a camel.72. 如果你在一个陌生的城市迷路了,最好向警察求助。 Youd better _ when you get lost in an unfamiliar city.73. 为了和同学相处融洽, 我们有自信很重要。 _ our classmates.北京市西城区2014年初三一模试卷答案69. Hurry up! Its time for class70. Alex was late for school this morning.71. The mountain over there looks like a camel.72. Youd better ask a policeman for help when you get lost in an unfamiliar city.73. It is important for us to have confidence so that we can get on well with our classmates.北京海淀2014中考一模英语69.别总呆在屋里,该出去玩玩了。Dont always stay inside._to go out and play.70.天一放晴我们就到公园拍照。Well take photos in the park_the sky clears.71.你可以停止做你不喜欢做的事情,去做喜欢的事情。You can_what you dislike, and do what you like.72.父母总是告诉我在和别人交往的时候要守信。My parents always_when I get on with others.73.面对困难,我们既不要屈服,也不要逃避。Facing difficulties, we should_.北京海淀2014中考一模英语答案69. Its time70. As soon as71. stop doing72. tell me to keep my word73. neither give in nor run away60. 解析 A。由空格前后两句话中的likes及also likes可确定空格部分也应与like有关。根据选项,只有选项A与前后句句式一致,故答案为A.61. 解析 B。第二段前三句提到她去过的parks,空格后一句话中的关键词是lake park。故填空处内容应与parks有关,所以选择答案B.62. 解析 E。填空处前提到她能在水中看到青蛙和乌龟,选项E中分别提到了水和鱼,与前一句话联系紧密。故答案为E.63. 解析 D。最后一段主要说明最适合去游览公园的季节。只有选项D与季节有关。故答案64. 为D。东城区20132014学年第二学期初三综合练习(一)69. 六点了,该回家了。 Its six oclock. _ to go home.70. 你愿意和我一起去野餐吗? 当然了。 _ go for a picnic with me? Yes, of course.71. 我姐姐经常帮着妈妈做饭。 My sister often _.72. 学习语言时不要害怕犯错误。Dont _ in learning a language.73. 直到我同意帮助玛丽照顾她的小狗,她才挂断了电话。Mary _ look after her dog.东城区20132014学年第二学期初三综合练习(一)答案69. Its time70. Would you like to71. helps mum cook meals / helps mum with cooking72. be afraid of making mistakes73. didnt hang up until I agreed to北京市朝阳区九年级综合练习(一)69. 咱们在艺术节演一场短剧吧。_put on a short play at Art Festival.70. 快点,该吃午饭了。Hurry up! _ have lunch. 71. 抱歉我把你的书丢了。 _ losing your book.72. 我确信只要你尽最大努力就一定能成功。Im sure you will be successful _you do your best.73. 别强迫我做任何事!我只有想做才能做好。_! I can only do something well when I want to.北京市朝阳区九年级综合练习(一)试卷69. Lets70. its time to71. Im sorry for 72. as long as73. Dont make me do anything通州区初三年级模拟考试69. 博物馆很近,为什么不走着去呢?The museum is near. _ go there on foot?70. 今天空气污染严重,你们最好还是呆在家里吧。Air pollution is terrible today. _ stay at home.71. 王伟和赵阳是好朋友。他们喜欢踢足球。 Wang Wei and Zhao Yang are good friends. They _ football.72. 北京以悠久的历史和名胜古迹而闻名。 Beijing _ its long history and places of great interest.73. 那段时间妈妈很辛苦,她花了很多时间来照顾我。 Mum was very busy those days. She _.通州区初三年级模拟考试答案此大题大、小写错误不扣分。没有0.5分,有错即扣1分。 69. Why not / Why dont you 70. Youd better 71. like playing/to play 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 172. is famous for / well known for1 1 1 73. spent a lot of/much/lots of time (in) looking after/taking care of me 11used a lot of/much/lots of time to look after/take care of me 1 12014顺义区初三年级第一次统练英语试题69. 雾霾天你最好待在家里。You_ stay at home in haze.70. 夏天来了,天越来越热了。 Summer is coming, and the weather _.71. 哈格尔对参访辽宁舰表示满意。 Hagel _ his visit aboard the aircraft carrier Liaoning.72. 李先生刚一听说MH370失联的噩耗就感到非常难过。 Mr. Li felt very sad_he heard the bad news about MH370.73. 这地方车太多了,想找个停车位太难。 There are_to park our car.2014顺义区初三年级第一次统练英语试题答案69. had better 70. is / becomes / is becoming hotter and hotter 71. was pleased with72. as soon as 73. so many cars here that its quite / rather difficult for us北京市石景山区2014年初三统一练习暨毕业考试69. 为什么不和我一起参加那个游泳俱乐部呢? _ join the swimming club with me?70. 该放暑假了,你有什么打算? _ summer vacation. Whats your plan?71. 雾霾天里很难看清路标。 Its _ see the road sign clearly in such smog-weary weather.72. 沿着这条路往前走,直到第二个路口再右拐。 Walk along this road. _ you get to the second crossing.73. 请你告诉Tom在任何情况下都不要放弃梦想,好吗? _ his dream in any situation?北京市石景山区2014年初三统一练习暨毕业考试答案69. Why not 70. Its time for71. too hard / difficult to72. Dont turn right until73. Would you please tell Tom not to give up密云县2014年初中毕业考试(一模)68. Whats the best title of this passage? 69. 来吧,汤姆,该做运动了。 Come on, Tom. _ do sports. 70. 别担心,我一到上海就给你打电话。 Dont worry. Ill call you _ I get to Shanghai.71. 小明不但喜欢英语,而且喜欢数学。 Xiaoming likes _.72. 托尼非常友好,他和身边每个人相处得都很融洽。Tony _ he gets on well with everybody around him.73. 请你把东西收拾起来好吗?我们应该使教室保持干净。 _ your things? We should keep our classroom clean.密云县2014年初中毕业考试(一模)答案69. Its time to70. as soon as71. not only English but also maths72. is so friendly that 73. Will / Would / Could you please put away来源:Z+xx+k.Com丰台区2013-2014学年度第二学期统一练习(一)69. 天很好。去放风筝怎么样? Its a good day. _ going to fly kites?70. 我们下午一起去踢球吧。 _ go to play football together this afternoon.71.这周末你愿意和我一起去参加晚会吗? _ go to the party with me this weekend? 72. 你每天花多长时间听英语? _ English every day?73. Bill非常风趣,许多学生喜欢和他交朋友。 Bill is _ him. 丰台区2013-2014学年度第二学期统一练习(一)答案69. What about/ How about 1分 1分 1分 1分70. Lets 2分71. Would you like to 2分72. How long do you spend listening to / How long does it take you to listen to 0.5分 1分 0.5分 0.5分 1分 0.5分73. so funny that many students like to make friends with 1分 0.5分 0.5分 0.52014年房山区初中毕业会考试卷(一模)69. 英文书籍和英语歌曲我都喜欢。I like_ English books_ English songs.70. 他差不多和他父亲一样高了。 He is almost _ his father.71. 昨天雨停了他才回家。He _ go home _ the rain stopped yesterday.72. 在生活中与别人和谐相处很重要。_ others in our daily life.73. 污染越来越严重,中国政府下定决心解决这个问题。 Since pollution is getting more and more serious, Chinese government_the problem.2014年房山区初中毕业会考试卷(一模)答案69. both, and 70. as tall as 71. didnt, until 72. It is important to get on well with 73. has made up its mind to deal with大兴区2014年中考第一次模拟检测试卷69. 现在是户外活动时间。 _to do outdoor activities now.70. 在学校,我们既学汉语又学英语。 At school, we learn _.71. 爱玛在考试前花了两周的时间复习功课。 Emma _ her lessons before the test.72. 他后天一到这儿就会给我打电话。 He will ring me up _ the day after tomorrow.73. 汤姆在图书馆里专心看书,他根本没听到我喊他。 Tom was so concentrated on his book in the library_.大兴区2014年中考第一次模拟检测试卷答案69. Its time70. both Chinese and English/ not only Chinese but also English71. spent two weeks going over/ reviewing72. as soon as he gets/ arrives here73. that he didnt hear me calling/ shouting to him at all昌平区2014年初三年级第一次统一练习69. 你今晚来我家帮我学数学好吗? Will you please come to my house and _ me _ my maths?70. 听到这个好消息,我激动得不能入睡。 I was _ excited _ sleep when I heard the good news.71. 北京以许多旅游胜地而闻名。 Beijing _ many places of interest in the world.72. 你最好交卷前再检查一下。 You _ again before you hand in your test papers.73. 保护环境是我们的责任。_ our environment.昌平区2014年初三年级第一次统一练习答案69. helpwith /study 70. too, to / so that I couldnt 71. is famous for 72. Youd better check 73. It is our duty / responsibility to protect 2014年北京市燕山地区初中毕业考试(一模)69. 要提高英语水平,你最好多读书。To improve your English, you_ do more reading.70. 小时候,北京的天常常是蓝色的。The sky _ blue in Beijing when we were young.71. 我们相信中国梦一定会在不远的将来实现。We are sure the Chinese dream _ in the near future.72. 消防员们尽了最大努力确保所有人安全。The firefighters _ everyone safe. 73. 请告诉孩子们,每天吃早饭对他们很重要。Please tell the children _ breakfast every day. 2014年北京市燕山地区初中毕业考试(一模)答案69. To improve you English, you had better do more reading.70. The sky used to be blue in Beijing when we were young. 71. We are sure the Chinese dream will come true in the near future.72. The firefighters did (tried) their best to keep everyone safe. 73. Please tell the children its important for them to have breakfast every day. 北京市延庆县2014年毕业考试试卷69. 我喜欢这本书,你呢? I like this book. _ you?70. 快点,该上音乐课了。Hurry up. _ for music lesson.71. 同学们正在忙着打扫教室。The students_ the classroom.72. 汤姆经常帮我学习英语。Tom often_my English.73. 如果你借了别人的钱,最好尽快还。If you borrow money from others, _.北京市延庆县2014年毕业考试试卷答案69. What about/How about/And70. Its time71. are busy cleaning72. helps me with 73. youd better pay it back/give it back/return it as soon as possible.(it指代钱)youd better pay them back/give them back as soon as possible.(them指代人)

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