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六年级上册英语单词复习班级 姓名 1. What happened 2 shopping centre 3 careful 4 mean 5 floor 6 turn into 7 long long ago 8 go in 9 take.into 10 restaurant 11 someone 12 smoke 13 smell 14 outing 15 walk on 16 keep 17 clean 18 make 19 dirty 20 museum 21 ground 22 air 23 rubbish 24 messy 25 dead 26 move.away from 27 bin 28 plant 29 more 30 throw 31 skin 32 pick.up 33 slip 34 fall 35 use 36 much 37 oil 38 rive 39 other 40 glass 41 what dose it mean? 42 No eating or drinking 43 No littering 44 No smoking 45 Danger 46 protect 47 Earth 48 save 49 useful 50 much 51 waste 52 reuse 53 energy 54 most 55 come from 56 sign 57 Shanghai Museum 58 wood 59 other 60 cut down 61 toomany 62 too much 63 plastic 64 get 65 HongKong 66 next week 67 food 68 tangyuan 69 Chinese New Years Eve 70 Chinese New years Day 71 red packet 72 lion dance 73 fireworks 74 firecracker 75 rich 76 plan 77 hooray 78 light 79 then and now 80 mobile phone 81 anywhere 82 make friend 83 all over the word 84 do shopping 85 look out of 86 go on 87 what day is today? 88 make a sentence 89 heavy rain 90 at first 91 go well 92 fashion show 93Tiananmen Square 94 Summer Palace 95 Palace Museum 96 Great Wall 97 National Day 98 fly away 99 hold onto 100climb up 六年级2014-2015第一学期下半学期单词和词组复习班级 姓名 1标识 2小心当心 2意思是 4 地面 5乱扔垃圾 6饭店餐厅 7某人 8吸烟 9抽烟 10闻到 11 外出游玩, 远足 12在周围 13保持 维持 14干净的,整洁的 15使变得 16空气 17肮脏的 18烟雾 19垃圾 20肮脏的,乱七八糟的 21死的 22垃圾桶 23种植,栽种 24更多的 25博物馆 26扔 27果皮 28地面,地上 29滑倒 30摔倒 31保护 32地球 33节约 34有用的 35很多 36浪费 37再利用 38能源 39大部分 40煤炭 41石油 42开车,驾驶 43木头,木材 44其它的 45塑料 46玻璃 47课题 48海报 49大门 50收到,接到 51食物,食品 52汤圆 53烟花表演 54鞭炮 55富有的,有钱的 56计划,打算 57好极了 58购物中心 59小心 60一家果汁店 61进入,走进 62带入 63吃面条 64在一家饭店 65那个标识 66在远足 67在森林里 68感觉累了 69寻找 70继续走路 71在树上 72吃香蕉 73许多猴子 74看,瞧 75这些图片 76我们的城市 77黑色的烟雾 78在水里 79保持干净 80乘公共汽车 81步行上学 82从搬走 83在垃圾桶里 84植树 85干得好 86步行回家 87放学后 88住在城里 89许多博物馆 90在地面上 91吃香蕉 92捡起它 93太迟了 94去医院看病 95把放到里 96节约用水 97喝水 98用水 99每天 100在许多地方 101大量的水 102浪费水 103节约能源 104来自 105在地球上 106许多能源 107制作桌子 108砍伐,砍掉 109太多 110太多 111对有害 112塑料袋 113玻璃瓶 114做课题 115我们的家园 116所有的学生 117制作海报 118在树上 119一个垃圾桶 120在学校大门口 121保护地球 122香港 123春节 124从收到 125下周 126在晚上 127做蛋糕 128大年夜,除夕 129大年初一,春节 130红包 131吃晚饭 132我的父母 133舞狮 134在下午 135看烟花表演 136煮饺子 137得到红包 138谈论 139计划 140一个漂亮的蛋糕 13179706018京瓷老板六年级英语5.6.7.8单元单词汇总姓名 班级 1、 写出下列词的英语形式1标识 2,购物中心 3小心 4它是什么意思? 5意思是 6地面 7乱扔垃圾 8进入 9饭店 10吸烟 11请勿饮食 12请勿乱扔垃圾 13请勿停车 14请勿吸烟 15危险 16小心地滑 17外出游玩 18继续走路 19在.周围 20保持 21干净的 22使.变得 23空气 24肮脏的 25死的 26从.搬走 27垃圾桶 28更多的 29扔 30果皮 31地上 32捡起 33滑倒 34摔倒 35那个标志 36指着 37想要 38寻找 39感觉饿 40继续走 41许多猴子 42看看 43我们的城市 44保持干净 5居住 46喜欢吃香蕉 47扫地 48你的主意 49种更多的树 50放学以后 51保护 52地球 53节约 54有用的 55很多 56浪费 57再利用 58能源 59大部分 60从.来,来自 61煤炭 62石油 63开车 64木头 65其它的 66砍伐 67太多 68 太多 69塑料 70玻璃 71课题 72海报 73大门 74收到 75香港 76下周 77食品 78汤圆 79大年夜,除夕 80在年初一,春节 81红包 82舞狮 83烟花表演 84鞭炮 85富有的 86计划,打算 87好极了 88点燃 连词成句1. many is not place water in there much 2. .messy makes the what bedroom 3. .box to reuse make paper a can I 4. .bookshop he the not smoke in should 5. .air help clean keep the tree 6. .dinner we this going weekend have big are a 7. .are they dumplings going tomorrow eat to 8. Shanghai is Anna next to visit Saturday going 9. .is play uncle this to football my going afternoon 10. .my to flowers going parents buy some tomorrow 11. .you make to what to going good are 12. .the floor means wet sign the is 13. Jack red packets is get excited to many 14. .use people bottles plastic and bags to make 15. .going fireworks tomorrow Anna is watch to 写出第一段课文 写出第四段课文 2、3、4、 连词成句1 dont smoke please the restaurant in(.)2 means sign cant swim you that here3. know why here bananas I shouldnt we eat 4. keep our to what clean do can we city (?)5. put the can in we bin the rubbish (.)6. keep can to clean the room desk and chair we clean the 7. around see of monkeys lots they them8. The messy street and dirty is (.)9. You what can keep do clean to bedroom the (?)10. We plant can trees more3、 选择题( )1. the school clean,we should put the rubbish in the bin. A. Keep B .To keep C Keeps ( ) 2.There some rubbish in the water. A is B an C are ( ) 3.The fish in the water dead. A is B am C are ( ) 4.What can we do our city clean. A keep B to keep C keeping ( ) 5.Smoke the air dirty. A make B makes C making ( ) 6. He should the rubbish in the bin.A not put B put C puts ( ) 7.Rubbish the water messy and dirty. A make B makes C making ( ) 8.look!Mr brown the skin on the floor . A pick B throw C is throwing ( ) 9.I like the big city.AA live in B living in C living ( )10.That sign you should not here. A means;fishing B mean;fish C means;fish4、 读句子,从右栏中选择正确的答案( )1.What day is it ? A Oh,Im sorry. ( ) 2.What can we do to keep our city clean? B Yes,I did. ( ) 3.You cant park your car here . C No, I dont ( ) 4.Do you throw rubbish on the floor. D We went to Shanghai. ( ) 5.What does that sign mean? E To keep our city clean,we should plant trees. ( )6.Where did your family go for the holiday? FIt means we shouldnt smoke here. ( )7.Did you take a bus to school yesterday? G Its Thursday. ( )8.What could you do at that time? H I could turn off the light.5、 用正确的词填空。 1. Yesterday.there (is are) a fashion show at school. (What How)great fun ! 2. Jenny is (show showing ) her new mobile phone to me. 3. Whos Whose )kite is it? Its my (cousin cousins) 4. In the morning there (was were )some black (clouds cloudy) in the sky.then it rained. 5. My grandpa often (reads read) newspapers. Last night he (reads read) news on my computer. 6.Where (do did ) you go last weekend? I (go went) to the Shanghai Museum.I (see saw) many interesting thing.

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