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六年级英语测试题 姓名: 分数:一、判断下列单词画划部分读音是否相同,用“ ” 或“ ”表示。(5分) 1.know now ( ) 2. coat soap ( ) 3. bike dive ( )4.class water ( ) 5.pear chair( ) 二、词型转换。(10分)1.people (复数) 2.thinner(原级) 3.younger(反义词) 4.swim(名词) 5.wash(三单) 6.sad(反义词) 7.Id(完全形式) _ 8.go(过去式) 9.watch(过去式) 10.good(比较级) 三、英汉互译 (5分)1.买礼物 _ 2. row a boat _3.学汉语 _ 4. a hard trip _5.比高 _ 6. dive into the cold water _7.发烧 _ 8. funny tongue twisters _9.放风筝 _ 10. on February the first _四、读一读,选一选(15分)( ) 1. Youre _than me .Im only 1.5 meters tall.A heavier B taller C tall ( ) 2. - A: How _ is your brother ? - B: He is 64 kg . A. tall B. heavy C.old ( ) 3 How big are your feet ? _ .A.I wear size 22 B. Im bigger than you C. Im 17 bigger ( ) 4. There two football matches. A. are B. is C. am( ) 5. Im 5 older than you . A. years B. cm C. year( ) 6 . _ the matter , Mike ? A. Which B. Whats C .Where( ) 7 .Here _ a spaceship, Its time to go. A. come B. comes C. coming( ) 8. 8.Many people _ the flu . A . have B. gets C. has ( ) 9. If you are sick , _ the doctor . A. look B. watch C. see( )10. Does Sarah feel tired ? _ .A.Yes , she does. B. No, she does C .Yes , she doesnt ( )11. John _ the ball to Mike . A. pass B . passes C. passed( )12. What did you do last Sunday ? I _ Ping-pang A. play B .played C . playing ( )13 _ Lucy listen to music yesterday morning ? A . Do B . Did C . Does ( )14 Did he _ his room yesterday ? A . cleaned B . cleans C . clean ( )15 I like to _ kites . I _ kites yesterday. . A. fly ; fly B . flew ; fly C .fly ; flew 五、一问一答(5分)( ) 1. What did he do yesterday ? A. Yes, he does. ( ) 2. Did you go fishing ? B. Im listening to music . ( ) 3 .How tall is your mother? C. He cleaned the room. ( ) 4. What are you doing? . D. She is 170 cm tall ( ) 5. Does he teach your math ?. E. No, I didnt 六、连词成句(请注意标点和大小写)。(10分)1. .do last did what Sunday you (?) 2. went park we yesterday to the (.) 3. feel how Tom does (?) 4. looks so he excited (.) 5. holiday where you did on go your (?) 七、按要求完成句型。(10分)1. John feels angry .(对画线部分提问) _ ? 2. He has a cold (改为一般疑问句)_? 3. I am very busy ( 改为过去时态的句子) _ 4. I learned English last Sunday . (对画线部分提问)_ ? 5. Did you go hiking with your parents ? (作否定回答) _八、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.Amy _ (learn) Chinese last weekend , She _ (like) Chinese very much.2.Did you _ (wash) your colthes last night. - Yes, I _ (do)3. Im going to _ (go) skiing next week . - What about _ (you)4.She usually _ (watch) TV on weekends, But last weekend she _(eat) good food with his friends.5. Your hands are (big), But my hands are bigger than _ (you).九、联系上下文补全对话。(10)A: _ _ you go on your holiday ? B: I went to a park .A: How did you go there ? B: I _ there _ foot.A: _ did you do ? . B: I _ pictures and _ elephants.A: Did you _ a good time . B: Yes, _ _.十、阅读判断正(T)误(F)(10分) Jacky stayed at home last weekend. He ate a lot of apples, bananas, ice-cream and chocolates. After a moment he felt sick. He had a stomachache. His mother asked him to take some medicine. After about three hours, Jacky felt better. His mother said to him,“You shouldnt eat too much food now. Thats not a good habit.(习惯)” ( ) 1. Jacky was at home last weekend. ( ) 2. Jacky ate a lot of chocolates, ice-cream and eggs. ( ) 3. Jacky had a headache. ( ) 4. Jackys mother asked Jacky to take some medicine. ( ) 5. Jacky has a bad habit.十一、写一篇日记。(10分)(80字左右) Date: Weather: Today was a fun day. 答案一、判断下列单词画划部分读音是否相同,用“ ” 或“ ”表示。(5分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.二、词型转换。(10分)1.people 2.fatter 3.older 4.swimming 5.washes6.happy 7.I would like 8.went 9.watched 10.better三、英汉互译 (5分)1.buy a gift 2.划船 3.learning Chinese 4.艰苦的旅行 5.taller than 6.潜入冷水 7.have a fever 8.有趣的绕口令 9.fly kites 10.二月一日四、读一读,选一选(15分)1.B 解析:考查比较级2.B 解析:辨析词义3.A 解析:情景交际4.A 解析:考查there be 句型5.A 解析:考查年龄的表述6.B 解析:固定搭配“Whats the matter”7.C 解析:考查一般现在时8.A 解析:考查固定搭配“Have the flu.”9.C 解析:固定搭配(看医生see the doctor)10.A 解析:一般疑问句的肯定回答和否定回答11.B 解析:考查第三人称单数12.B 解析:考查一般过去式13.B 解析:考查一般过去式14.C 解析: 考查助动词后用动词原形15.C 解析:考查固定搭配“like to do sth.)和一般过去式五、一问一答(5分)1-5:C E D B A六、连词成句(请注意标点和大小写)。(10分)1.What did you do last Sunday?2.We went to the park yesterday.3.How does Tom feel?4.He looks so excited.5.Where did you go on your holiday?七、按要求完成句型。(10分)1.How does John feel?2.Does he have a cold?3.I was very busy.4.What did you do last Sunday?5.No,I didnt.八、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.learned , likes2.wash , did3.go , you4.watches , ate5.big , you九、联系上下文补全对话。(10)What did went on What drew watched have I have十、阅读判断正(T)误(F)(10分)T F F T T十一、写一篇日记。(10分)(80字左右)(省略)

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