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三年级下册英语教案 教学工作计划 新的学期,为了更好地搞好本学期的教学工作,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础,使他们形成初步运用英语进行简单日常交流和书写,为进一步学习打下基础。特制定计划如下: 一、学生情况分析 我校三年级的学生已学习了一年到两年的英语,有一定的基础。他们思维活跃,模仿能力和记忆力较强,所以应针对不同的学生进行分层次教学,会达到预期的效果;四、五年级学生基本掌握一定的英语日常用语,具备一定的英语基础,因此对他们而言,英语基础知识需要继续深入的渗透,把重点放到听、说、读、写的要求上。 扩大学生对西方国家了解的知识领域,充分发展学生在生活中使用英语的能力和习惯。 二、教学目的、任务 1、提升学生学习英语的兴趣,养成良好的朗读书写的习惯; 2、发音准确、朗读流利,准确掌握书中的重点内容; 3、能够进行简单的日常用语的交流; 4、能够用简单的句子进行写作; 5、熟练掌握所学歌曲、chant等 6、了解西方文化,初步知道课文的文化背景。 7、强调语言运用。本教材体现交际教学思想,注重学生语言应用能力的培养。在起始阶段采用“全身动作反应法”,让学生在做中学,在唱中学,在玩中学。 8、注重能力培养。整套教材贯穿学会学习的主题,培养学生自主学习和独立运用所学语言去做事情的能力。如Lets find out /Lets check /Pair work /Task time 。引导学生在学习中反思,在反思中学习。 9、突出兴趣激发。教学形式多样化,其中包括对话、歌谣、小诗、歌曲、游戏、任务、绘画等 三、教学重点难点 1重点: (1)提高课堂效率。 (2)养成良好的听英语、读英语、说英语的习惯。 (3)发音清楚,语调正确,书写工整。 2难点:使英语基础差的学生提高听、说、读、写的能力,全面提高英语成绩。 四、方法措施 1、认真备课,钻研教材,进行课堂的有效教学,提高课堂效率,做到当堂内容当堂掌握。 2、创新运用各种不同英语教学法来辅助教学,如:情景教学法、直接教学法和TPR全身反应法,并开展一些有趣的活动、游戏让学生在轻松的氛围中学习英语。 3、创设英语情景和环境,使学生们在一定的英语语言环境里习得“第二语言”。做到“生活中有英语,英语中有生活”。 4、鼓励学生大胆说英语,肯定他们的进步(尤其是英语基础不好的学生),树立学生的信心,培养学生朗读和书写的习惯。 5、注重教材的灵活性和可操作性,以满足不同层次的学生的需求。帮助英语基础不好的学生,提升英语基础好的学生。 6、多教授chant和歌谣或小故事等促进学生多单词和句型的记忆。充分利用教科书中的课文创设栩栩如生的情景,如打电话、购物、生日聚会、野餐、旅游、问路、看病等,为学生提供使用英语进行交流的机会。 7、课堂尽量全英化,打好每名同学的英语基础,重点提高差生的英语功底,同时适当地补充些课外内容,强化口语和应试能力,对每一单元的内容力争人人过关。 8、练习形式多种多样,手、脑、眼、肢体并用,静态、动态结合,基本功操练与自由练习结合,单项和综合练习结合。通过大量地实践,使学生具有良好地语音、语调、书写和拼读地基础,并能用英语表情达意,开展简单的交流活动。教学进度 第一周: Module 1 第二周: Module 2 第三周: Module 3 第四周: Module 4 第五周: Module 5 第六周: Module 6 第七周: Middle 第八周: Module 7 第九周: Module 8 第十周: Module 9 第十一周:Module 10 第十二周:Review Module第十三周: Review Module 第十四周:Review Module 第十五周:Review Module 第十六周: Review Module 7月以前完成全册教学任务。Module1一、教学目标1、知识目标1)基本能够听懂,会说,会读词汇:nice, shy, clever, naughty, a bit.2)学会用 “This is ”以及 “ He/She is very naughty /nice.”的语言结构。3)复习词汇:thin, fat, short, tall.2、技能目标:学会描述人物的特征和个性。3、情感目标:培养孩子们尊重他人,广交朋友的情感态度。二、教学重点1)词汇:nice, shy, clever, naughty, a bit.2)“This is ”以及 “ He/She is very naughty /nice.”的语言结构。三、教学难点灵活、正确运用本课的句子。四、教学准备教学卡片、磁带、录音机,挂图。五、教学方法直观教学法、游戏法、听说法。六、Teaching Procedure:1.Warming up1)Greetings.2)Sing a song The more we get together.The more we get together, together, together.The more we get together the happier well be.For your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends.The more we get together the happier well be.2.Arrange the task.1)T:Can you say what did you hear?This is a song about friends.(S answer.)Today we will talk about our friends.lets see who can describe hisher friends the best.And lets see which group is the best in this class.Step2 Presentation1.T: Now the first, lets me introduce some friends.Who are they?Activity3:Xiaoyong Maomao Ms Smart Parrot(图片)2. 先请一位同学帮老师一个忙(关门)。然后表扬,她很友好,引出新单词“nice”并教授。1)T:Excuse me, can you help me?S:Yes!T:Close the door, please! Wow, Shes very nice, Shes a nice girl. (板书)教授单词:nice 领读开火车齐教授句子:Shes very nice.Shes a nice girl.2)出示头饰:Ms Smart (教师引导学生说) This is Ms Smart, shes very nice. Shes a nice teacher. (揭题)3)学习新单词:cleverT: This is (选本班一位聪明的学生),hes very clever.(板书并教授) 引导说出:Hes a clever pupil.(板书,并领读). But Daming is a bit clever. ( 板书并教授a bit)4)区别very和a bit.请2位同学上台做计算题,谁的速度快,谁就是very clever, 速度慢,算对了就是a bit. 计算题:1230+3270 Say: xxx is very clever. Xxx is a bit clever.5)教师指着一位非常害羞的学生,说:This is xxx, shes very shy(动作). (板书)教授:Shy 领读-拼读-指名读-齐读 Shy, shy, shy, shes very shy. (指着学生说)But xxx is . (a bit shy). 师生齐说6) T: Is xxx very shy? A bit shy? (指着淘气的学生说)S:NO.T:No, Hes very naughty. Hes a very naughty boy. 教授单词:naughty 领读-分组-男女生个别说句子 :xxx is very naughty. xxx is a very naughty boy. 指着另一位有点淘气的学生,说: T: Is he very naughty? S: No, hes a bit naughty.7)以chant来复习 Nice, nice, nice, Shes very nice; Shy, shy , shy, Shes a bit shy; Clever, clever, clever, Hes very clever; Naughty, naughty, naughty, Hes a bit naughty.领读-拍手齐chantStep3 Drill and Practise1.学习新课T: Boys and girls , mygood friends are in our class now, do you know who are they?Please listen to the tape and answer questions.1.Who are they talking about?What does Maomao like?(xiaoyong, Ms Smart, parrot)2.Answer the questions.3. Open books and try to read the text4. Follow the tape (2遍)5. Read togerhStep5:Cooler小结本节课学习的4个形容词: nice, shy, clever,naughty.句型:This isHe/She isT: Time is up. Class is over. See you next time.Ss: See you.T: Have a super nice day!Homework:1、 听磁带朗读课文20分钟,家长签字。2、 抄写4个形容词:nice ,shy, clever, naughty 和1个短语 a bit (英文写十遍,中文写一遍。)3、 请同学们下节课带来家人或朋友的照片/图画Blackboard DesignFriendsThis isHeShe is shy nice clever naughty教学反思:对教案掌握不够熟练,导致在调动学生积极性方面做得不够投入和自然,整个课堂略显沉闷。Module 2Function: describe a cityVocabulary or keywords: (River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye, wide, long, tall, old, high, new, round)Key points: adjectives to describe buildings and cities.Difficult points: to grasp all the 3 names of scenic spots in London and to communicate with each other about a place or a building in their own language.Review: talk with students: “whats maomao like? Whats xiaoyong like? Whats the parrot like?” 复习描述某人的方法,为本节课描述某景物打基础。Warmer up: Song “London Bridge is falling down” 目的是引出本课主要内容及为后面将要练习的编歌作铺垫。Presentation :采用以新教新的方法介绍London的三个景点的名字及其特点。(地名和形容词。)Practice: 读(采用read with fun的方法增加朗读兴趣,同时加深对关键词的印象),练(利用游戏等方法来联系key words:学生用动作表演景物的特点,教师想一个地方,学生猜,教师描述一个地方,学生猜等)Application: 在任务性教学思想指导下,设置Amy 和老奶奶,和Parrot的对话让学生在真实的情境中使用自己已学到的知识。同时给学生布置设计海报的作业来培养学生搜集信息,处理信息的能力。Teaching aids: flash cards, pictures and photos, courseware, etc. Teaching steps:Step One : reviewT : Whats maomao like? S: Shes Whats Xiaoyong like? S: Hes Whats Parrot like? S: Hes Step Two: Presentation and practice1. Sing the English song “London bridge is falling down”2.To present River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye.T: where is London Bridge ? ( in London) T: Do you know anything about London? ( the capital of England, there are many beautiful scenic spots there )T: Do you want to travel to London? Get the students look at the pictures on the big screen and introduce each of them .T: Today well learn some of them. Get the students look at three pictures of River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye.T: Which one do you like best? Why? Then the teacher will teach them the names of these three places and how to describe them.3. Practice the key words and sentences.(1) The teacher describe a place and the student guess what it is.T: Its very long and wide. S: Its (2) Ask several students act a place and let the others guess. (3) The teacher will think of one place, let the students guess, they may get the answers by asking questions like this: Is it tall? (4) (Sing a new song “River Thames is long and wide, long and wide ”) 4. Present the dialogue:5. Read the dialogue: (1) Listen to the tape twice and find the answer to these questions: 1. Is Amy from China?2. Whats the book about?3. Is the River Thames short?4. Is Big Ben round?5. Whats Big Ben like?6. Is the London eye high?7. Is the London eye a real eye?8. How many places are there together?(2) Read it after the tape, then follow the teacher once or twice. (1-2times)(3) Read with fun. (Names of places loudly - adjectives loudly - names and adjectives softly- read it with some words were not given) (5times)(4) read it by themselves then read in roles.(several times)5. Act .Step three: Extend.1. Describe some places in Beijing.2. Home work: make a poster.教学反思:时间把握不够精确,个别活动浪费了一些时间,导致原本容量为四十分钟的课堂超出了预设时间。M3教材分析:This lesson comes from New Standard English Book 6 Module 3 Unit 1. Pupils have learned how to use “will” to express the Simple Future tense before. This will be a foreshadowing for the lesson. Furthermore, well have a further learning in next module. Its about the Simple Future tense, too. So, this module is a connecting link between the preceding and the following.教学目标:知识与技能:words: will, wont, tiger, lion, school(1-7), zoo(2-6), park(3-7)Sentence: Well see lions and tigers. Will Sam go, too? Yes, he will. Will you go too, Daming? No, I wont.能够描述自己和周围朋友将来要做的事情。过程与方法:通过熟悉学生学过的动词短语,谈论练习将来时的句子,让学生在表达过程中熟练语言。情感态度:培养学生的口头表达的能力,能综合运用所学句型和单词描述将来发生的事情。教学重难点:words: will, wont, tiger, lion, school(1-7), zoo(2-6), park(3-7)Sentence: Well see lions and tigers. Will Sam go, too? Yes, he will. Will you go too, Daming? No, I wont.教学过程:一、Warming Up Poem at page 13二、RevisionT: It will be very nice this weekend. Word: weekend And I will go to some place. Do you know them?(park, cinema, school, zoo, station, supermarket, countryside, grandpas home) Maybe Ill go to the park. New word: maybeT: Ill go to the park this weekend. How about you?S answers.Work in pairs.三、NewT: Ok, Daming want to know Amy and Sam, what will you do? What will you see? If youre Amy, how to answer?Ss listen and answer.New word: tigerT: Go on to listen, and answer: Will Sam go, too? If youre Daming, Will you go, too?Ss listen and answer.T: Now, you can read the sentences after me.Ss read together.T: Ok, we can read in roles. Im Daming. Who can act Amy?S reads Amy.T: Ok, you can read in roles.Ss read in roles.T: Listen again, and make choices: What will you do, Daming? A. Maybe well go to the zoo.B. Ill visit my grandpa in the countryside.What will you see?A. But Ill see lots of pigs.B. Well see lions, tigers and pandas.Ss listen and do.New phrase: lots ofT: Open your book, then listen and find “will, wont”.Ss listen, find and read the sentences.T: Listen and repeat.Ss listen and repeat.T: Any question?四、PracticeT: Ill go to some place this weekend. Can you guess?Ss guess.Work in pairs.T: Now spring is coming, were going to have a Sports Meeting. Everyone should take part in at least two games. You can complete the form first, and then tell me which game you want to participate.Ss complete the form.T: Ok, Ill . Will you , too?S: Yes, I will. And Ill . No, I wont. Ill . And Ill .Work in pairs.五、SummarySs read the new words and important sentences.T: 一般将来时表示计划打算在将来某个时刻做的动作或行为。Will后一般跟动词的原形。六、HomeworkRead the text five times.Copy the new words and the important sentences.教学反思:对一些活动的分配上还存在不合理之处,有些活动,学生练习的机会偏少,而另外一些则显得投入过多时间。4. 最后的一个综合性的活动设计稍微偏难,学生练习起来稍显困难。5. 对课文的处理还有待提高,学生在习读课文的环节中显得兴趣比较低,这在某些程度上讲可能会影响学生对文本的理解,今后应该有所加强。收获:1. 明白了练习先易后难的效果,不仅使处在练习中的学生有机会获得更高的成就感,更使他们有信心尝试去学习下面的内容。2. 对于中低端年级的学生来说,每个练习环节之前应该都有一个由教师发起的清晰而规范的示范,以便学生有效模仿并投入练习。3. 进入新课的问题设置,应该本着帮助学生理解课文的理念,而问题的回答则应该尽量涵盖课文重点内容,给学生的学习加深印象。4. 涉及到文本的问题和活动应该是分层次的,有层层递进的感觉和效果,这样才能让学生慢慢深入到思考中。5. 每节课的重点内容出现之后,应该有一个重复和巩固的环节穿插其中,让学生充分感知和体会重点知识内容的作用。6. 新授内容不该是突兀地出现,而是应该“以旧带新”的形式出现,总是给学生以不陌生,不困难,比较熟悉,好像知道的感觉,带着这样一种对知识轻松的心态来学习,分解了难点,使其变得简单。整个课堂中注重对学生表现的评价,及时评价,多给予鼓励,才能给学生更多信心和兴趣学习英语。Teaching PlanTitle: Module 4 Unit 1 Grade: ThreeBook: New Standard English I. Purpose: 1. Knowledge & Skill:(1) Words and target language: writer, future, policeman& What will you be? Maybe Ill be a writer.(2) Using the words and target language to talk about occupations in the future. 2. Process & Method: Through the activities, l practice step bystep, so the pupils can talk about occupations fluently. 3. Emotion and attitude: Set up a correct faith, we must workhard every day, then we can succeed in the future.II. Main points: Using the words and target language to talk about occupations in the future.III. Difficult points: Using the words and target language to talk about occupations in the future.IV. Teaching materials: CAI, pictures, cards.V. Teaching steps:1. Warming up : Free talk.2. Revision: (1) T & Ss sing a song (Maybe Ill go to the park.) together.In order to review the pattern last lesson.(2) T asks Ss their May Day holiday plan by using What will you do this May Day? Will you?3. New teaching:(1) Learn the words: writer, future, policeman, film star,footballer, etc. T: Look, a new friend is coming. What will he do this May Day? * Lead in the words using the guessing game. T gives some gaps so that they will try to talk about it. Activity 1: Guess. T: What will Taotao do this May Day? What will he be in the future?Why will he do that?What will he be in the future? T: Good, what will you be in the future? Ss discuss in groups and then report to the class. (2) Learn the rules of between some actions and occupationsT: Now look! Therere some occupations. Each group will choose one. And it is the name of your group. If you can answer the questions correctly, you will get a letter. Lets see who will be the winner.Ss discuss and read together.Then show many actions with their occupations. Let Ss read and find the rules of them.eg: write-writer, dance-dancer, football-footballer, etc.4. Practise: Activity 2: Do you know? T: Theyre Taotaos friends. What will he/she be in the future? Ss discuss and talk about their opinions. Activity 3: Try to find. Listen to the tape recording of the dialogue and find out: Q1: Who will be a footballer? Q2: What will Lingling be? Q3: Will Amy be a film star?Q4: Will Sam be a policeman or a writer? Read and imitate after the tape-recording. 5. Summary: What will you/your friends be in the future? 6. Consolidation: This is my future. What about yours? Write it on their card. 7. Homework: Talk about their future plan to parents.Thanks for your attention! Module 5I. greeting&warmer 1. greeting2.say the ABC chant3. free talk:T: Whats your favourite animal ?S: My favorite animal is *.T: Ok, * is your favourite animal.Do more different activities. T change the sentences: “my favourite is *” to “ * is your favourite ”Then make the Ss to find out the things what misswang change.Teaching the new structure of “* is my favourite ”(活跃课堂气氛、激发学生学习兴趣、同时新授课文中最后一个句型:Peaches are my favourite fruit.)II. presatationT: autumn is my favourite season ,because in autumn I can go to a fruit farm.(show new word fruit farm)T: Ms Smart and her children are going to a fruit farm this weekend, lets listen and find how many fruit do they mention.III. New teaching:(带着问题听录音)1.listen and find how many fruit do they mention.Ss answer: four2. listen again then find out what are they?T writes the topic of M5u1apple pear orange peachapples pears oranges peachessay and do the actions attention to the pronounciation of oranges and peaches.(对比强调,便于记忆)3 . find out the verb before fruitsPick(spell and do the action)4. Will they pick all the four fruits? How did the children ask?Answer: 1. no ,they wont pick oranges.2. they asked :Will we pick?5.listen and repeat: why wont they pick the oranges?Answer: they havent got oranges at that fruit farm.IVFinished:(归于生活,小组活动,动手动口操练)1. game:下面老师带同学们去几个农场参观一下,请你找到,这个农场没有以上哪种水果(老师利用幻灯片每次出示的三张图片,同学们用“they havent got at this fruit farm.”l来回答)2.Activity Book:VHomework:Have to do: Copy the new words 3 lines eachChoose to do:思考:名词变复数的时候,什么时候加s,什么时候加es教学评价设计学生语音发音清晰准确及时给与口头表扬;若平时表现一般学生稍有突出,及时给与班级集体表扬和自我表扬等方式;对小组活动中,表现认真的同桌两人进行集体表扬本课新授了四个职业的单词,因为学生事先掌握的很好,很多学生课前就已经熟知了拼写和发音,所以在新授时临时简化了教学过程,只对orange 和 peach 两个词稍作强调。另外,在一般将来时的陈述句和一般疑问句的对比下,很多孩子能够自主的总结出变化规律,在课堂上,也放手交给孩子们去总结。收效较好。不足之处是,在教学过程中还需要多加些活泼、有效的环节,让稍差的孩子们更加产生兴趣,进而参与到每个环节中。新标准英语(一年级起点) 第六册Module 5 There are fourteen peaches.一、教学内容 1本课时的教学内容为新标准英语(一年级起点)第六册Module 5 Unit 2 中第一课时的内容。本课时重点学习13到20的词汇、扩展学习几十的词汇和句型 How many are there? There are 其中难点在于运用 How many 句型的问答来谈论物品的数量。二、教学目标 1知识目标 (1)在1-12数字的基础上进一步学习十几和几十的单词。(2)掌握句型 How many? There are的问答。2. 能力目标 能够通过学习新知识结合前面学过的知识灵活谈论物品的数量。3德育渗透 多吃水果有益健康。 三、学情分析 本课时教育的对象是三年级的学生,三年级的学生已经学了两年多的英语有一定的基础,能进行简单的英语交流。同时这个阶段的学生思想活跃,对英语充满好奇心和学习热情,喜欢自我挑战和自我表现。因此,在教学中我设计了许多有趣的活动来吸引学生的注意力,让学生有更多的机会来自我表现,真正体现以学生为主体。四、教学重点和难点 十几和几十单词的认读和句型How many? There are的灵活运用。五、教学手段 任务型教学法和直观教学法六、教学过程 1热身复习 让学生看课件熟读chant, 然后chant并做动作。 One ,two,three Stand up ,please! Four,five,six Skip ,skip,skip Seven ,eight ,nine Lets jump high. Ten ,eleven, twelve Sit down ,well.2、导入新知 老师说:“ Can you say the number in the chant?”学生回答之后老师说:”This weekend I will go to pick fruit. Can you guess how many apples will I pick?”引导学生用13-20之间的数字回答,然后问学生“:Who want to go with me? How many will you pick? Will you pick ?”等引出13、15、20的数字。板书13、15、20的单词并操练。然后老师板书14、16、17、18、19的单词让学生观察找出规律。老师告诉学生“teen”的发音,让学生根据读音去学这些单词。同样让学生猜“ty”的发音并课件出示几十的单词全班齐读。3、单词操练(1)让学生齐读、个别读。 (2)叫几个学生上到讲台上来排成两排,后面的学生看老师出示的单词在前一个学生的背上学数字,然后一个传一个前面的学生最快读出单词的胜出。(3)课件出示数字,让学生读数字,看谁幸运能拿到数字后面的水果。德育渗透:刚才你们有些同学非常幸运能得到我的水果,水果对健康很有帮助,所以我们应多吃水果。4、课文导入让学生看本组的篮子里有多少水果。然后告诉他们今天Sam和Amy去摘桃子,让我们听听Sam 和Amy总共数了多少桃子。板书How many peaches are there? 听磁带找出答案,并板书There are fourteen peaches.课件出示课文内容让学生跟读。教读How many? There are句型,并让学生多造些新的句子。5句型操练(1)课件出示水果树让学生树并回答。(2)课件出示快速闪过的物品,让学生认真观察并回答,然后定格课件核对答案。(3)课件出示不同物品让学生小组讨论练习一问一答,然后每组派出一个代表到前面来,老师让下面学生看图提问最快回答出来的胜出。6情境对话 课件出示in the parkin the zooin the street其它场合等。老师和一个学生结合以前和今天学过的知识选一个做示范,然后让学生小组讨论练习自由发挥,最后展示评出最佳表演奖。7、总结、布置作业 总结今天学的知识,评出胜出的小组。布置学生回家统计家里的一些物品,运用今天学过的句型进行操练下节课展示。七、教学反思这节课的教学对象是小学三年级学生。这个年龄段的学生爱动,好表现,机械的读背不能吸引他们的注意力,达不到很好的教学效果。所以我利用多媒体生动直观的优势设计了丰富多彩的游戏活动,并为每个游戏活动确定了特定的目标。在教学中我运用“任务型教学法”和“直观教学法”吸引学生在自然有趣的环境中戏的语言。使用小组活动,化“竞争”为“合作”,鼓励学生相互支持和优势互补,让学生在组合活动中感受学习的快乐。教学过程中还有一些方面有待完善。如语速太快,教学环节的连接还不够紧密,活动时间需严格控制。要注意教学的张弛度,根据学生的实际情况适当调整教案中的活动。八、点评 老师的这堂课充分地体现了学生的主体作用,采用以学生为中心的教学活动。在整个教学过程中,教师始终围绕着教学目标,利用新的语言知识来设计多种形式的活动。教学活动生动有趣,激发了学生的学习兴趣;教学活动之间的环节过渡自然,环环相扣,层层推进,让学生在轻松自然的氛围中进行学习。学生在活动中既获得了听说等语言技能,又学到了语言知识,运用了语言知识,培养了综合运用语言的能力。新标准英语第六册四会单词、四会句子(M6-M10)Module 6am (我)是 is (他,她,它)是 are (你,你们,我们,他们)是 lazy 懒惰的1. Is Daming naughty in class ? 大明在班里很调皮吗? No, he isnt. 不,他不是。2. His work is good. 他做得很好。 3. Im happy with that. Thank you. 对此我感到很高兴,谢谢。4. Shes quite good at English. 她十分擅长英语。Module 7was 是(is,am的过去式) were 是(are的过去式) short 矮的,短的 fat 胖的thin 瘦的 young 年轻的1. They werent old then! 当时他们不老。2. No, they were very young. 不,他们非常年轻。3. My hair wasnt long then. 当时,我的头发不长。4. It was very short. 它很短。Module 81st (first) 第一 2nd(second) 第二 sweets 糖果(复数) fruit 水果1. Was he there ? 他在那儿吗? No, he wasnt. 不,他不在。2. Were you on the second floor ? 你们在二楼吗? Yes, we were . 是的,我们在。3. And Daming was there! 而且大明也在那儿。Module 9kite 风筝 ball 球1. Will you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow ? 明天你要带着你的风筝去野餐吗?No, I wont. 不,我不带。2. Will you take your ball tomorrow? 明天你要带着你的球吗? No, I wont. 不,我不带。Module 10 1. How many children are there in your class ? 在你的班里有多少个孩子?There are fifty. 有50个。2. How many boys ? 有多少个男孩? There are twenty boys. 有20个男孩。Module 6 He works hard.一、交际用语1.A: Is he /she happy? B: Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.2. Im happy with that.3. Shes good at Maths. 4. She doesnt work hard at English.二、常用短语1. speak to 2. in class 3. be happy with 4.ParentsDay 5. be good at 6.work hard at7. have got (has got)二、语法1继续学习动词第三人称单数变化规则。2名词所有格,在姓名后面+s.Module 6测试题一

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