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高三英语语法复习学案冠词 近年高考对冠词的考查重点为冠词的基本用法,对冠词的泛指、特指的考查有所增加;定冠词和不定冠词的特殊用法,如抽象名词具体化前冠词的使用情况、比较级前使用冠词的几种情况、零冠词的运用以及冠词在习惯用语中的用法仍然是高考的考查重点。一、不定冠词的基本用法 1、不定冠词与可数名词单数连用,泛指某类人或事物A child needs love. 孩子需要爱。An upright man should be honest and fair. 正直的人应当正直公正。2、第一次提到的人或事物,但不特别指明是哪一个 Longlongagotherewasanoldkingwhohadaverybeautifuldaughter. 很久以前,有一个年老的国王,他有一个非常美丽的女儿。3、表示“相同的”;与 the same 同义,尤其与介词 of 一起使用。如:The children are all of an age. 这些孩子都是同年的。Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚。4、表示“每一个”;与 every, each, per 同义,尤其用于表示价格、速度、比率等。如:I visit my grandmother once a month. 我每月看我奶奶一次。He makes $1,000 a month. 他每月挣 1,000 美元。5、表示“某一”;与 a certain 同义,但仍可译作“一个”。如:A Mr. Brown wishes to see you. 一位叫布朗的先生想见你。6、用于人名前,表示不认识此人或与某名人有类似性质的人或事或表示某人的作品或与地点名词连用(常带有描绘性定语)表示“一个.的地方”。A Mr. Smith came to visit you when you were outThat boy is rather a Lei Feng. Experts think that the recently discovered painting may be a Picasso. (2011浙江卷) The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that people from all walks of life are working hard for a new Jiangsu.(10江苏)7、用在作表语单数可数名词前,表示某类人或物,比如:身份、职业 Mymotherisateacher. 我妈妈是教师。He became a sailor when he grew up. 他长大后成了一名水手。8、当most表示“非常”时,若其后形容词所修饰的为单数可数名词且表示泛指意义,那么其前用不定冠词而不用定冠词。I had a most unpleasant time at the dentists. 我在牙医那里受了大罪。9、在sucha,quitea句式中 Heisquiteagoodactor. 他是一个相当好的演员。 Dontbeinsuchahurry. 不要如此匆忙。 10、不定冠词与序数词连用,不表示“第几”的概念,而表示“又一,再一”。You can try a second time, if you fail. 如果你失败了,可以再试一次。11、否定词与不定冠词连用后接比较级时,可表示最高级的含义。I have never watched a more exciting match than that. 我从没有看过比那更激动人心的比赛了。12、与具体化的抽象名词连用,可以表示“一场、一次、一件”或与物质名词连用,表示“一种,一阵、一份”。 可具体化的抽象名词和物质名次:success, failure, surprise, help, beauty, pleasure, pity, disappointment, difficulty, rain, tea。The meeting is a success. 这是一次成功的会议。13、不定冠词用于有形容词或介词短语等修饰的季节、日期、星期、三餐前面。The traffic accident happened on a Sunday towards the end of July. 车祸是七月底的一个星期天发生的。We had a wonderful lunch at that wedding party. 在那次婚宴上,我们吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。14、用于某些习惯用语中a number of 许多 all of a sudden 突然 make a living 谋生 as a result 因此as a rule 通常as a whole 总体上说have a rest 休息have a cold 患感冒 have a good time 过得开心in a way 在某种程度上 in a hurry 匆忙in a word 总之 二、定冠词的基本用法 (世界独一、二次现,序词形容高级前;富人伤员按天算,方位乐器影剧院;群岛山河江湖海,普专复合姓氏前;双知年代击中脸,特指事物和习惯。)1、表示特指定冠词表示特指,既可特指上文提到过的人或事物,也可特指谈话双方都清楚的人或事物,还可特指受后置定语或定语从句修饰的人或事物。如: Wheres the teacher? 老师在哪儿?There I met a foreigner and the foreigner helped me a great deal. 在那儿我遇到一个老外,这个老外帮了我不少忙。The manager you want to see was here just now. 你要见的那位经理刚刚还在这里。2、表示某一类人或物,即表示类别或用于表示国家和民族的形容词前,泛指这个国家和民族的全体人民,这类形容词一般以-sh, -ch, -ese结尾。In many places in China, the bicycle is still a popular means of transportation. I wanted to catch the early train, but couldnt get a ride to the station. 另:the Chinese (English, Japanese, French)3、与某些形容词连用,表示一类人或一类事物。如: the rich 富人the poor 穷人the wealthy富人the old 老人 the aged 老人 the young 年轻人 the sick 病人 the brave 勇敢的人 the weak 弱者 the strong 强者 the dead 死者 the blind 盲人 After the bomb went off, the wounded were sent to hospital immediately. 爆炸发生后,伤员立即被送往医院。注:表示一类人时,谓语动词通常用复数形式;但是如果表示某类抽象的事物时,谓语动词则用单数。The false sometimes seems more powerful than the truth. 谬论有时比真理似乎更强大些。4、表示世上独一无二的事物,如:the sun, the moon, the earth, the sky, the universe, the world, the atmosphere(大气层)等。 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方起,西方落下。 【说明】若这类名词前有形容词修饰,表示具有某种特征,则习惯上将定冠词改为不定冠词,如 a full moon(满月),a friendly world(友好的世界)等。 5、用在序数词和形容词最高级前It was the best result theyve ever had. 这是他们历来取得的最好成绩。 He won the first game and I won the second, so were even. 他赢了第一局的比赛,我赢了第二局,因此我们打平了。 注:当序数词表示名次时,其前的定冠词通常可以省略。如: Who won (the) first prize? 谁获得了一等奖? 另外,当序数词不是表示顺序,而是表示“另一个”时,则在其前用不定冠词。6、用于某些专有名词前 如:用于河流、海洋、山川、海岛、海峡、沙漠等专有名词前,以及用于由普通名词构成(或含有普通名词)的专有名词如国名、地名、团体、机构、党派、报纸、杂志、事件、建筑物等前。如: the Yellow River 黄河the Red Sea 红海 the Indian Ocean 印度洋the Taiwan Straits 台湾海峡 the United States 美国the Times 泰晤士报the Great Wall长城the Sahara (Desert) 撒哈拉大沙漠注:表示湖泊的专有名词前通常不加定冠词,但对于中国的湖泊则习惯上要加定冠词,如 the Dongting Lake(洞庭湖)。 7、用于乐器名词前 当乐器名词表示演奏时,其前通常要用定冠词;但用汉语拼音表示的乐器前不用冠词。如:play pipa 弹琵琶 She likes playing the piano. 她喜欢弹钢琴。 注:若乐器名词不是表示演奏,而是表示乐器的实物,则不一定用定冠词。如: These two pianos are very cheap. 这两架钢琴很便宜。8、用于姓氏的复数之前,表示全家人或这一姓氏的夫妇俩。如:None of us here like the Smiths. 我们这里没有人喜欢史密斯一家人。 The Greens were too poor to send their son to school. 格林夫妇太穷,没钱送他们的儿子上学。 9、定冠词与表示世纪或逢整十的复数数词连用,表示某个世纪或某个年代;但如果要表示某人多大年龄时,常用“in+ones +逢整十的复数数词”。如: He moved to the south in the fifties. 他于50年代搬到了南方。 The war broke out in the 1980s. 战争爆发于20世纪80年代。 When he went to America in the seventies, he was already in his forties. 在70年代去美国时,他已经40多岁了。10、在句型“动词(take/grab/catch/grasp/pat/hit) +sb.+介词+the + 身体部位”中要用the (不用物主代词)The man beat his son in the face. 那人打了他儿子的脸。11、用于“by +the+表示计算单位的名词”的结构表示“以计算,按照计算”。I pay the rent by the month. 我按月付房租。12、在“the + 比较级,the + 比较级”结构中。Its believed that the harder you work, the better result youll get. 要相信工作越努力,成果越优异。13、用于表示方位(东、西、南、北、中、左、右)的名词前,但表示对称的方位结构中,定冠词可以省略。Tianjin is in the east of China.注:from east to west (表示对称的方位结构)14、用在某些习惯用语中 at the same time同时by the way顺便问一句for the present 暂时go to the cinema看电影in the end最后in the dark在黑暗中in the morning 在早上 in the afternoon 在下午in the evening 在晚上 go to the cinema 去看电影go to the theatre 去看戏 all the year round 一年到头三、零冠词的用法 (不用冠词有几点,呼语头衔职务前;星期月季节假日,专名球类及三餐;听音下棋各学科,正午睡觉是习惯;名前代词这那限,泛指事物不用冠;by加交通工具前,表示机构不用冠;固定搭配莫记乱,人类太空大自然;让步倒装名提前,no such结构不用冠)1、表示泛指的复数名词前或不可数名词、抽象名词及物质名词前。Students should obey the school rules. 学生应该遵守校规。Bread is made from flour. 面包是用面粉做的。注:(1)抽象名词表示泛指指一般概念时,其前不用冠词;但如果表示具体的人或物时,需用不定冠词。如:Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。The man is a success. 他是为成功人士。(2) 物质名词表示一般概念时,其前不用任何冠词;但如果该物质名词表示特指或具体化,其前用定冠词;表示“一份、一类、一阵”的含义时,其前用不定冠词。We dont have much rain here, but last night we had a heavy rain. 我们这里不经常下雨,但是昨晚下了一场很大的雨。2、用于某些单数可数名词前单数可数名词前在某些特殊情况下用零冠词,如用作呼语时;用于表示“变成”的连系动词 turn之后作表语时;用于as / though引导的让步状语从句进行倒装后,提前的表语如果是可数名词单数,名词前省略冠词。如:Can I tell Father about it? 这事我可以告诉爸爸吗? He was a teacher before he turned writer. 在成为作家前他是教师。Child as he was, he did quite well. 虽然是孩子,但他做得很不错。【说明】用于某些独立结构中的单数可数名词也通常用零冠词。如:Suddenly a man came in, knife in hand. 突然进来一个人,手里拿着刀。另外,在 kind sort of 后接单数可数名词时也通常用零冠词。如:He is too young for that kind of job. 他太年轻,不能干那种工作。3、季节,月份,星期,节假日,一日三餐前用零冠词;但其前、后有限定性定语修饰或表示某一特定的时间时,就要加定冠词;如前有描绘性形容词修饰时,如果不是特指,则其前需加不定冠词a/an. 另外,我国的节日名词前用定冠词。What would you like for breakfast, Mr. Scott? She came to Tianjin in the spring of 1998.After a big breakfast in my house, I walk out of the front door and Im already at work.另如:the Spring Festival春节; the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节4、在表示学科,语言,球类,棋类、疾病名词前,通常用零冠词;但如果某种语言与language连用时,其前要用定冠词。如:We are all interested in physics. He likes playing football / chess. He speaks Chinese fluently. (= He speaks the Chinese language fluently.)5、专有名词、人名、地名(大多数学校、街道、公园、广场、桥梁、车站、机场)等名词前。注:若地点名词前有形容词修饰,则需加不定冠词.Beijing Opera; Beijing University; Nanjing Road; Tianjin Railway StationMr. Smith is our English teaches us English. 史密斯先生教我们英语。6、用于职务及头衔前当表示职务及头衔的名词用作表语、补足语及同位语时,其前通常用零冠词。如:He is (the) captain of the team.他是球队的队长。 He was made monitor for this month. 他当选这个月的班长。Dr. Peter Spence, headmaster of the school, told us, “”7、表示正午或上床睡觉时不用冠词。at noon; go to bed8、与by连用表示交通工具的名词前。另如:by train, by air / plane, by land, by ship9、nature表示“大自然”,space表示“太空”, man/mankind表“人类”,word表示“消息”或room表示“空间”时。There are over 58, 000 rocky objects in space, about 900 of which could fall down onto the earth.(10辽宁)In Hangzhou Mr. Green was so struck by the beauty of nature that he stayed for another night.Man is fighting a battle against pollution.10、no 与such 连用时,no 应放在such 之前,no 后的名词前不用冠词。Everything comes with a price; there is no such thing as free lunch in the world. (2010重庆卷)11、在一些介词短语或固定短语中。at home 在家at night 在晚上at least 至少at most 至多at first 首先at last 最后on foot 步行face to face 面对面 不加冠词加定冠词at table 在进餐at the table 在桌子旁边at desk 在读书at the desk 在课桌旁at school 在上学 at the school 在学校里in class 在上课 in the class 在班级里面in bed 卧床in the bed 在床上in prison 坐牢in the prison (因事)在监狱in hospital 住院 in the hospital (因事)在医院in front of 在前面in the front of 在内部前面in office 在职in the office在办公室in place of 代替in the place of 在地方on earth 究竟on the earth 在地球上on horseback 骑着马on the horseback 在马背上in charge of 负责in the charge of 由负责in possession of 拥有in the possession of 为拥有in control of 控制in the control of 由控制by sea 乘船by the sea 在海边go to church 做礼拜go to the church 到教堂去go to sea 出海go to the sea 去海边take place 发生take the place of 代替近几年各省市冠词习题精练1. 2015山东师大附中一模 Today, more people are coming to Beijing, _capital of China, to make _ better life for themselves. 2. 2015安徽十校联考 _ wish always remains unrealistic that you can come first in the final exam when you make no efforts at all. 3. 2015南昌三中月考 Eat-up Campaign has became _ hot topic, calling for people to take action against waste.4. 2015 南昌八一中学月考 The girl was at _ loss when _ word came that she had been disqualified from the speech competition. 5. 2015合肥三中检测 Gottlieb Daimler, _ German engineer, is normally believed to have invented _ car. 6. 2015安徽望江中学月考_ success the young brilliant scientist has made is admirable.I think he is _ success as a scientist indeed. 7. 2014重庆 I cant tell you _ way to the Wilsons because we dont have _ Wilson here in the village. 8. 2014 福建漳州八校联考 Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our efficiency? If you make _ most of forty-five minutes classes day after day, there will be _ switch in grades. 9. 2014黑龙江大庆一中检测 Mike spent time with _ native people to gain _ better understanding of the country. 10. 2014江西重点中学联考 On _ morning of March 14th, 2014, two vendors got into _ fight after a quarrel inside the Shahuqiao Market in Changsha, 6 killed and several seriously injured. 11. 2014山东实验中学What about _ lecture yesterday?Well, _ most boring one indeed. 12. 2014河南濮阳检测 I hear the workers in the factory get paid by _ week. Yes. Most of them get 300 _ week. 13. 2014福建莆田As _ city boy accustomed to the concrete building, streams of vehicles and skies of smog, I found farm life _ “eye-opening” experience. 14. 2013江西 _ Smiths dont usually like staying at hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by _ sea.15. 2013福建 The “Chinese Dream” is _ dream to improve peoples well-being and _ a dream of harmony, peace and development.16. 2013山东 Being able to afford _ drink would be _ comfort in those tough times.17. 2013天津 Life is like _ ocean; only _ the strong-willed can reach the other shore.18. 2013河南濮阳期末 When my father was in high school, he developed _ interest in art and later became a serious student of _ art there. 19. 2013辽宁育才模考Kathleen, _ Mr. Heller is waiting for you outside.Just a second. Im on _ phone. 20. 2013江苏四市联考 In _ eyes of my parents, a knowledge of English is _ must in the world today.21. 2013湖南衡阳 In my mind, no such _ thing in our country as _ Great Wall can stand for the image and culture of China. 22. 2013邯郸质检 Rock climbing is _ great fun. You will get close to _ nature and take adventures at the same time. 23. 2012辽宁 I woke up with _ bad headache, yet by _ evening the pain had gone.24. He used to be _ teacher but later he turned _ writer. 25. 2012江西 Its said John will be in a job paying over 60,000 _ year.Right, he will also get paid by _ week. 答案:1. the, a 2. The 3. a 4. a, 不填5. a, the 6. The, a 7. the, a 8. the, a 9. the, a 10. the, a11. the, a 12. the, a/per/one 13. a, an 14. The, the 15. a, a 16. a, a 17. an, the 18. an, 不填 19. a, the20. the, a 21. 不填,the 22. 不填,不填 23. a, the 24. a, 不填 25. a, the


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