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人教版(新起点)2019-2020学年小学英语六年级下册期中卷(A)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 选出下列单词不同类的一项。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分) 选出不同类的单词( ) A . eatingB . jumpC . run2. (2分) 选出不同类的单词( ) A . redB . yellowC . colour3. (2分) 选出不同类的单词( ) A . aboutB . coldC . warm4. (2分) 选出不同类的单词( ) A . meetB . makeC . us5. (2分) 选择不同类的单词( )A . breadB . likeC . egg6. (2分) 选出不同类的单词( ) A . playB . footballC . basketball7. (2分) 选择与画线单词同类的选项:Is it in winter? A . warmB . coldC . autumn8. (2分) 选下列单词中不同类的单词( ) A . howB . whatC . red9. (2分) 选出不同类的单词( ) A . coolB . coldC . warmD . dumplings10. (2分) 选出下列单词中不同类的一项 A . helloB . catC . dogD . panda二、 选出下列单词对应的汉语意思。 (共5题;共10分)11. (2分) The orange is sweet. A . 这个橘子很甜。 B . 这个橘子很酸。12. (2分) I will take my cat. A . 我将会带上我的风筝。 B . 我将会带上我的猫。13. (2分) there A . 这里B . 那里C . 哪里14. (2分) Sorry, I cant guess. A . 对不起,我不能说出它。 B . 对不起,我猜不到。15. (2分) uniform A . 校服B . T恤衫C . 上衣三、 短语互译。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) I am going to London with Jenny for the summer vacation. 四、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)17. (2分) I jumped _ rope with my friends. A . aB . theC . /18. (2分) I want some noodles _meat. A . toB . withC . at19. (2分) Robots become _ helpful. A . manyB . alsoC . much20. (2分) (2019五下深圳期中) I have to do so homework today. A . muchB . manyC . a few21. (2分) I dont play football _ basketball with my classmates. A . andB . orC . with22. (2分) is your rabbit sleeping? In its house.A . WhatB . WhereC . Whose23. (2分) A: What colour is the banana? B: It is _.A . redB . yellowC . greenD . white24. (2分) My brother likes dressing up _ the Monkey King. A . asB . atC . for25. (2分) When do you have picnics? We have picnics _ school.A . afterB . inC . on26. (2分) Have some _, please. A . fruit B . grape五、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共10分)27. (1分) The Green Apple Team won the game_the end. (介词) 28. (1分) Whats this? _(it) is a slide.29. (1分) (2019五下仲恺期中) He often_(make) a snowman in winter. 30. (1分) It will _ (warm) in Sanya. 31. (1分) (2019五上广州期中) I am good at _ (speak) English. 32. (1分) Lets _ (eat) some hamburgers. We _ (be) hungry. 33. (1分) Cant you hear them_ (sing) in the classroom? 34. (1分) (2019六下新会期末) Monkey King came back _(two) more and hit them to death. 35. (1分) Peter likes _ (play) chess. 36. (1分) Mike is the _ (tall) student in my class. 六、 连词成句。 (共5题;共25分)37. (5分) lion watch dances They(.)(连词成句) 38. (5分) (2019三下吴忠期末) has It a long nose (.)(连词成句) 39. (5分) parents children Some their film take a see to (.)(连词成句) 40. (5分) in box Whats your (?)(连词成句) 41. (5分) swim sea You there in can the (.)(连词成句) 七、 找错并改正。 (共5题;共25分)42. (5分) 找出错误并改正 Would you like go to the hospital with me?43. (5分) (2019四下新会期中) 找出错误并改正 May I call you friend?44. (5分) 找出错误并改正 45. (5分) 找出错误并改正 No one know, not even you.46. (5分) 找出错误并改正 Look. Its a picture of sun.八、 翻译下列句子。 (共5题;共25分)47. (5分) 我的爸爸正在书房里看报纸。 My father_a newspaper in the study.48. (5分) 我们去拜访了一位老朋友。 49. (5分) 莉莉什么时候吃午饭? 50. (5分) 夏天我去了海滩。 51. (5分) (2017六下淮阴月考) 刘涛昨天晚上很晚才完成作业,他现在感觉困。Liu Tao _his homework late last night, he _sleepy now.九、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)52. (10分) 读短文,选择正确的答案. Hello! Im Lily. I have a lovely bedroom. It is big. There is a purple window and a purple door. The walls are pink. There is a purple bed, a purple desk and a purple chair in it. There is a pink doll on my bed. On the desk there is a pink computer. Near the door there is a purple bike. I have a pet, Lulu. It is a white dog. It is under my desk. I love my bedroom. (1) Lily has a _ bedroom. A . cleanB . smallC . lovely and big(2) The window is _. The walls are_. A . pink; purpleB . purple; purpleC . purple; pink(3) There is a _ doll on the _ bed. A . pink; pinkB . pink; purpleC . purple; purple(4) _ there is a purple bike. A . On the bedB . On the deskC . Near the door(5) Lulu is a white _. A . dogB . computerC . doll第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 选出下列单词不同类的一项。 (共10题;共20分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略二、 选出下列单词对应的汉语意思。 (共5题;共10分)11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略三、 短语互译。 (共1题;共10分)16、答案:略四、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略五、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共10分)27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略31、答案:略32、答案:略33、答案:略34、答案:略35、答案:略36、答案:略六、 连词成句。 (共5题;共25分)37、答案:略38、答案:略39、答案:略40、答案:略41、答案:略七、 找错并改正。 (共5题;共25分)42、答案:略43、答案:略44、答案:略45、答案:略46、答案:略八、 翻译下列句子。 (共5题;共25分)47、答案:略48、答案:略49、答案:略50、答案:略51、答案:略九、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)52、答案:略

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