
上传人:wux****ua 文档编号:9413645 上传时间:2020-04-05 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:69KB
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基本题型详细分类典型问法Tips基本理解题内容主旨题What problem does the man have?笔记What are the speakers mainly discussing?What is the main topic of the lecture?What is the lecture mainly about?What aspect of X does the professor mainly discuss?目的主旨题Why does the student visit the professor?关注一致性主题及学生遇到的问题Why does the student visit the registrars office?Why did the professor ask to see the student?Why does the professor explain the X?细节题According to the professor, what is one way that X can affect Y?笔记,重要的细节,答案一般与文章主题一致What is X?What resulted from the invention of the X?According to the professor, what is main problem with X theory?情景理解题句子功能题What does the professor imply when he says this: Replay注意说话人意思与其真实意图不符的情况What can be inferred from the professors response to the student? ReplayWhat is the purpose of the womans response? ReplayWhy dose the student say this? Replay说话人态度题What can be inferred about the student?注意语气What is the professors attitude toward X?What is the professors opinion of X?What can be inferred about the student when she says this: Replay?What does the woman mean when she says this: Replay?整合信息题组织结构题How does the professor orgnize the information that she presents to the class? In the order in which the events occurred一般在讲座中出现,答题依赖笔记。要注意教授采用的比较和例子。整个材料或部分材料的组织方式,以及某句话在上下文中的功能How does the professor clarify the points he makes about Mexico?By comparing Mexico to a neighboring countryHow is the discussion orgnized?Why does the professor discuss X?Why does the professor mention X?连接内容题What type of symmetry do these animal have? Place a checkmark in the correct box.填表题或时间顺序排序题,笔记非常关键SpeciesAsymmetryRadical SymmetryBilateral SymmetryEarthwormHumanSpongeSea AnemoneWhat is the likely outcome of doing procedure X before procedure Y?What can be inferred about X?What does the professor imply about X?推论题What does the professor imply about X?利用细节,注意不直接的表达。多数情况下,正确答案采用了原文中未提到的词汇What will the student probably do next?What can be inferred about X?What does the professor imply when he says this: Replay

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