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幼儿英语游戏集锦2003-5-24(由各班英语教师推荐)小班英语游戏 小二班1、游戏玩法:教师戴上“大象”头饰做裁判,让全体幼儿也戴好头饰。大家手拉手成一圆圈,边走边念儿歌:“森林里,真热闹,小动物来赛跑,大象伯伯当裁判,点到谁,谁就跑!”念完时教师出示动物字卡,如:“小狗”,所有戴着“小狗”头饰的幼儿就绕圈跑一周,跑回自己的位置。游戏反复进行。2、 开火车游戏玩法:幼儿的头上戴上自己喜爱的动物头饰,围成一个圈坐着,老师请一个小朋友当火车司机,一边唱着开火车的歌一边问:Who are you ?让幼儿都能说除自己是谁才能一起开火车。、猜猜我在做什么游戏玩法:教师请小朋友出来做走、跑、跳、坐、写等动作,其他小朋友猜,并且找出相对应的字卡。看谁快又对。小三班1、 音乐游戏玩法:由老师做火车头邀请孩子加入火车的队伍。两手屈肘放在胸前,两手交替转圈,小跑步,唱歌前进。当唱到“小朋友小朋友告诉你,开到XX家”的时候,就在XX小朋友面前停下做邀请状,说:“XXX,XXX快上来,我的火车就要开。”该小朋友说“谢谢”之后排到队伍后面,游戏继续进行。2、 魔术游戏(识字游戏)准备好一块大布,以及各种与识字卡有关的实物。先把实物藏于布的一角,然后魔术师用手握着。魔术师把布前后翻动向孩子展示,表示什么都没有,再把托盘向孩子展示,表示什么都没有。然后把布盖在托盘上(此时已将物体放入),念咒语,接着把布掀开。当各种实物都变出来以后,请孩子从魔术箱里摸出各种字卡,将其配对。3、 英语游戏:GO GO GO玩法:放各种颜色放在教室的各处,教师说:“GOGOGO,GO TO TOUCH PUPLE。”孩子就跑到各地方找到相应的颜色。中班英语游戏中一班Game 1: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?Group: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? Tracy stole the cookie from the cookie jar.Tracy: Who me?Group: Yes, you!Tracy: Couldnt be!Group: Then who?Tracy: Eve stole the cookie from the cookie jar.( Continue on for as long as you like.)Game 2: Five little bearsFive little bears, jumping on the bed. One fell of and broke his head.Mama called the doctor and doctor said: “No more bears jumping on the bed. ( Then four bears, three bears, two bears and one bear.)Game 3: Five little ducksFive little ducks went put one day, over the hill and for away. Mummy duck said: “Quack, quack, quack.” Only four little ducks came back.(Then four ducks, three ducks, two ducks and one duck.) 中二班1. Five little monkeys Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama call the doctor, and doctor said:“no more monkey jumping on the bed” Four little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama call the doctor, and doctor said:“no more monkey jumping on the bed” Three little monkeys Two One2. Who is the fastest?Put the pictures of the words on the floor. Divide the kids into two groups: group A and group B.Invite one kid from group A, and one kid from group B to play the game. They will be expected to pick up the correct picture according to the teachers help. Invite more kids to try by turn.3. Guess the riddles:I am an animal. I like to say:“ miao, miao, miao” (cat)I am an animal. I like to say:“ wu ,wu ,wu” (dog) 中三班Game 1: Play the magicAims: Review the animalsRules: Let the students sit /stand together and say: Play, play, play magic. Teacher can point to a student and he should imitate some animal with saying: “ I am a monkey/ snake/ cat, etc”Game 2: Where is the ?Aims: Review the public places/food/ jobs, etc.Rules: Review the words first. Turn over the pictures and pin them on the chalkboard. Then ask the students to find the correct pictures according to the orders: Where is the bus stop/ the school/ the hospital/ the kindergarten/the swimming pool/ the library/ the hospital? Etc. The students who get the right answer can get a sticker.Game 3: Three little PigsAims: Review the story- Three little Pigs Rules: Encourage the students to act out the story. They can choose what they want to be. Every “pig” can be played by some students. 中四班Game 1Objectives: Practice the dialogue. My favorite color is blue. Leo what is your favorite color? My favorite animal is a dog. Toby what is your favorite animal?Preparation: Bring a ball and a piece of paper with all kinds of colors on it.Rule: Step1: Show the color paper to the students. The teacher will ask one student to make the dialogue. The teacher will say : My favorite color is blue .The teacher will throw the ball to the student. And ask the student the question: What is your favorite color? Step 2: The student will say: My favorite color is green.The student will throw the ball to another student. And ask the student the question: What is your favorite color? The student will answer the question . Then he/she will throw the ball to the third student. And ask the question: What is your favorite color?(The underlined words can be replaced by other words.) Step3: We can change the question into what is your favorite animal?Then we can go on the game for some times. Game 2Name: Can you draw a dog?Preparation: Two whiteboard pens.Rules: Step1: Divide the whole class into two groups . Step2:Choose one student from each group to have the match. The teacher will say the sentence as following: Can you draw a dog?The students will go to draw the picture as quickly as they can. If the student can draw the picture right he will get a point. Step3: The teacher will say the different words . And invite the students to draw the pictures one by one. Step4: When the last one of each group finishes the picture the teacher and the students will count the points of each group. The group with more points will be the winner of the match. Game 3Name: I have two fish .Preparation: Bring some pictures. Each picture has one same pictures.Rule: Step1: Show the pictures to the students one by one. And put the pictures on the whiteboard. Turn the pictures back. Then the students cant see the things on the pictures.Step2: Invite the student to turn the pictures over. Every student has only two chances to try . If he/she has two same pictures he/she will be the winner.Step3: Invite the students to play the game two students by two students. 中五班Game 1. Engine NO.9The whole class sits in a circle in the middle of the classroom. Then pick some students to form a line as to look like a train. The first is the engine driver. The train drives around the circle saying “Engine, engine, NO.9, going down Chicago line-!” , picking up one passenger once a time. When it stops, all the passengers on the train ask: “Where are you going?”The student who wants to get on is supposed to say: “I am going to -(name a place.)” Then the others ask: “What are you gonna do there?” He is wanted to say: “I am gonna -(do sth) there.” Game 2.Pease Porridge HotPease porridge hot,Pease porridge cold,Pease porridge in the pot,Nine days old. Some like it hot,Some like it cold,Some like it in the pot,Nine days old. Daddy likes it hot,Mommy likes it cold,I like it in the pot,Nine days Old. 两人面对面坐着“pease”拍击膝盖。“Porridge”双手相拍。“hot”和同伴互相拍。“pease porridge cold”动作同上。“pease”拍击膝盖。“porridge”双手相拍。“in the pot”和同伴互相拍右手。“pot”双手相拍。“nine”和同伴互拍左手。“days”双手相拍。“old”和同伴互相拍左手。 Game3 Miss, Miss Miss, miss, Pretty little miss, When you miss,You miss like this.(备跳绳一根。) 大班英语游戏大一班Game 1:I like my partners/friends.幼儿坐/站成一个大圈.由老师开始说: I like my partners who are from Guangzhou.幼儿根据自己的实际情况交换位置.最慢的一位站中间做下一个发言人. (练习幼儿的听和理解能力)Game 2. Whisper.幼儿排成两排.老师分别给第一位幼儿一个MESSAGE,看那队传得又快又准.Game 3. Going Places.让幼儿续编儿歌 “GOING PLACE”.分组进行,看哪组说的又多又好.Going PlacesGoing to the beach is what I like to do. I can swim all day and build a sandcastle, too.Going to the park is what I like to do. I can look at the flowers and play a game or two.Going to the library is what I like to do. I can read the books and listen to stories, too. 大二班GAME 1:Passing the ladders.准备:生词卡。过程:1、 教师让孩子脚板对脚板坐在地板上,构成一架梯子,然后每两个孩子可以得到一张生词卡。2、 复习生词:教师先读生词,孩子听到自己的生词举起手中的卡。3、 教师讲一个故事,故事中必须包含有这一生词,如果孩子在故事中听到此词,就站起来去“爬”梯子,谁第一个完成并回到原来的位置,谁可以得到奖励。GAME 2:Driving the bus.准备:生词卡;椅子过程:教师先出示有关地名,让孩子熟悉并把他们放在椅子上。然后挑选一个小司机和一个乘客,先说:“ Going to the beach is what is like to do, I can play with sand and play a game ,too”车经过孩子时孩子必须说自己要去的地方并编成儿歌的形式,车开动以后,到达孩子所要的地方就停车让乘客下。GAME 3:Five little pigs.过程:教学儿歌,孩子边数脚趾边做动作。This little pig went to the market. This little pig stayed at home. This little pig had roast beef. This little pig had none. This little pig cried, “Wee, wee, wee.” All the way home. 大三班游戏一:Simon Says 全部的幼儿排好队,邀请一位孩子站在终点来主持,说出命令。如果主持人说:“Simon says take one step.”(句子可以用其他的动作替换) 全体幼儿就按他的命令做,如果他说的话里没有 “Simon Says”,而孩子做了动作,就算输,要回到位置上。看谁能一直小心听,小心做,一直到终点。游戏二:听音跑孩子面对面地坐下,老师给每一组的孩子一个单词(该单词在一个故事或一段话里E.g. ago)。然后老师就开始朗诵故事(e.g.A long time ago, there was a man and his wife.)。当老师念到孩子所属的单词时,孩子就从队伍的一边跑一圈,看谁第一个回到自己的位置。游戏三:One more, two more,大家齐齐跟着我老师在孩子面前一边做搞笑的动作,一边说:“One more, two more,大家齐齐跟着我。I am tall.”孩子马上要说出相反的句子“You are short.”游戏继续。 大四班GAME 1:Simon saysWhen teacher says: “Simon says,take a hop.”Students do the action , If teacher says: “Take a hop”.Students do not do the action. The students who does the wrong action will be asked out of the game .The students who can remain at last are the winners .GAME 2:I am a woodman小朋友一起说:“I am a woodman, Cant move . Can t speak .” 说完就做一个动作不许动,如有动的小朋友就算失败。坚持不动的就算胜利。 GAME 3:Look for picture邀请人数相等的小朋友面对面坐下,将腿盘起来。每对幼儿拿一张图片,老师就开始讲故事,当老师说到小朋友手里的图片的单词时,两个小朋友就一起站起来跑,谁先转一圈坐下,谁就赢了。 大五班GAME 1:The farmer in the dell幼儿围成圈,一幼儿站在中央当农夫。幼儿一起唱歌“The farmer in the dell, the farmer in the dell. Hi-ho, the dery-o, the farmer in the dell. The farmer takes the wife(husband)(圈中幼儿从围圈幼儿中选一人出来,拉手。继续唱) . The wife(husband) takes the child, the wife(husband) takes the child. Hi-ho, the dery-o, the wife(husband) takes the child (从围圈幼儿中选一人出来,拉手。继续唱). The child takes the dog. The child takes the dog. Hi-ho, the dery-o, the child takes the dog. (圈中幼儿从围圈幼儿中选一人出来,拉手。继续唱) .The dog takes the cat. The dog takes the cat. Hi-ho, the dery-o, the dog takes the cat (从围圈幼儿中选一人出来,拉手。继续唱). The cat takes the mouse. The cat takes the mouse. Hi-ho, the dery-o, the cat takes the mouse. (从围圈幼儿中选一人出来,拉手。继续唱). The mouse takes the cheese. The mouse takes the cheese. Hi-ho, the dery-o, the mouse takes the cheese. (从围圈幼儿中选一人出来,拉手。继续唱). The cheese stands alone. The cheese stands alone. Hi-ho, the dery-o, the cheese stands alone.(其他幼儿回位,剩扮演cheese的幼儿在中央,游戏重新开始。)”GAME 2:This little pig went to market幼儿站成排,边念儿歌边做动作:This little (张开五指,另一只手点着拇指)went to market(手放下,作踏步向前状), this little pig(张开五指,另一只手点着食指) stayed at home (膝上作坐状). This little pig(张开五指,另一只手点着中指) had roast beef(作吃东西状). This little pig(张开五指,另一只手点着无名指)had none(探开双手表示没有). This little pig(张开五指,另一只手点着小指)cried wee-wee-wee(双手揉眼作哭状)all the way home!(坐回位子上,慢者输)GAME 3:续编儿歌I took a walk幼儿根据儿歌的格式,加入人物或动物续编儿歌。 如:duck. Quack, quack., quack.等。I took a walk toI Took A WalkI took a walk to town one day and I met a CAT along the way. What do you think that CAT did say? “MEOW, MEOW, MEOW.”I took a walk to town one day and I met a PIG along the way. What do you think that PIG did say? “OINK,OINK, OINK.”I took a walk to town one day and I met a COW along the way. What do you think that COW did say? “MOO, MOO, MOO.” I took a walk to town one day and I met a BIRD along the way. What do you think that BIRD did say? “TWEET, TWEET, TWEET.” 大六班GAME 1: BUBBLE GUMBubble gum, bubble gum in a dish, how many pieces do you wish?“Five” 1,2,3,4,5 and out you go.唱到“wish”时被指到的孩子报出一个数字,歌谣接下去就从一数到此数字。建议:可将两手握拳,置于胸前拍击。GAME 2:PETER HAMMERS1. Peter hammers with one hammer, one hammer, one hammer, (pound one fist on floor or leg) Peter hammers with one hammer all day long.2. Peter hammers with two hammers, two hammers, two hammers, (pound two fists)Peter hammers with two hammers all day long.3. Peter hammers with three hammers, three hammers, three hammers, (pound two fists, one foot) Peter hammers with three hammers all day long.4. Peter hammers with four hammers, four hammers, four hammers, (pound two fists, two feet) Peter hammers with four hammers all day long.5. Peter hammers with five hammers, five hammers, five hammers, (pound two fists, two feet, nod head up and down) Peter hammers with three hammers all day long.6. Peters very tired now (rub eyes, then lay head on hands)GAME 3: MOTHERS KNIVES AND FORKSThese are mothers knives and forks, (finger interlaced, tips up)This is mothers table, (flatten hands and arms)This is mothers looking glass, (palm toward face)And this is babys cradle. (palms up, rock arms)

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