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Unit 1 Living well一 单词disability, disabled, hearing, eyesight, ambition, ambitious, dictation, noisy, suitable, beneficial, clumsy, outgoing, adapt, bench, microscope, absence, fellow, annoy, annoyed, firm, software, parrot, tortoise, psychology, psychologically, encouragement, conduct, politics, abolish, resign, slavery, resign, slavery, literature, companion, assistance, congratulate, congratulation, bowling, graduation, certificate, architect, adequate, access, accessible, handy, basement, outwards, exit, approval, dignity, profit, community二词组Warming up1.a mental or physical disability 精神或身体上的残疾2.make it +adj. for sb do sth 使某人很做某事3.overcome these difficulties克服困难4.loss of 的丧失5.be proud to have done sth很自豪做了.6.take part in 参加(活动)7.Her ambition is to .他的志向是去8.lead a busy life过着匆忙的生活9.play a major part in扮演重要角色,起到重要作用Pre-reading1.glance at扫视 glare at怒视 stare at凝视Reading1.be “one in million”=be quite different很不同2.in other words=that is to say换句话说,也就是说3.in addition=whats more=besides还有4.bump into碰到,遇到5.adapt to=be used to doing sth使适应于6.at a time每次 at one time 曾今7.the same as和.一样8.used to do sth过去常做某事 be used to doing sth习惯于做某些9. in fact=actually实际上10.dream about梦想着.11.weaker and weaker越来越弱12.in the end=at last=finally最后 be to an end结束,终结13.af least至少 at most最多14. cut out剪掉,删除 cut off中断 cut across走捷径 cut down砍下 cut up切碎15.look at under a microscope 在显微镜下观察16.out of breath上气不接下气 hold ones breath屏住呼吸 take breath呼吸17.every time +句子 每当18.make sb annoyed使某人恼火19.all in all=generally speaking=in general总而言之20.with no to do sth没有做21.sit around闲坐22.feel sorry for对表示同情23.for a while 一会儿24. live a normal life过着平凡的生活25.make fun of取笑Using language1.be to do sth马上要做2. mind sb doing sth介意某人做某事3.in particular=especially特别是,尤其是4.access to 往通道5. fit A with B 用B装配A6.rather than 而不是7.have difficulty (in) doing sth有困难做某事8.open outwards向外打开9.in comfort=comfortably舒服地10.meet with ones approval得到某人的赞同11.able-bodied people身体健全的人11.do sth with dignity有尊严地做某事三 语法(动词不定式)1.动词不定式在句子的成份1)作主语(包括形式主语) 2)作宾主(包括形式宾语) 3)作表语4)作宾补 5)作定语 6)作状语 7)固定用法2.动词不定式的时态与语态时态形式主动形式意义被动形式一般式to do表示不定式的动作与谓语动词的动作(状态)同时或几乎同时发生,或是在谓语动作(状态)之后发生,如: I want him to come here.to be done进行式to be doing表示谓语动词发生的时候,动作不定式的动作也正在进行,如:They are said to be working here.完成式to have done表示不定式的动作发生在谓语动词之前,如:He was said to have gone abroad.to have been done完成进行时to have been doing表示不定式的动作在谓语动作之前一直在进行,如:She got angry to have been waiting here.

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