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Jiangsu education publishing house chinese language and literature in grade one苏教版一年级语文Course Overview课程总述Introduction to Technical Drawings简介 Semester 1: Chinese language and literature in grade one(1)第一学期: 一年级语文(1)Teacher老师: wendy(雷婷婷)Course Materials 课程用品During the course you will need the following materials. Course Materials should be brought to every class. Students will be required to keep their notes organized in a blinder.在本课程中需要准备以下用品,每节课随身携带,并要求学生认真整理笔记。1. 铅笔(每时每刻都需准备已削好的3只铅笔)The pencil(Every moment will be ready to have cut the three pencil)2. 橡皮(建议:纯白色或纯黑色橡皮擦)Eraser (Suggestion: pure white or plain black eraser )3. 直尺一把 A ruler4. 书本The book 5. 字帖(一年级随课练字帖)Copybook (Practice copybook with grade one class)Classroom Rules 课堂规则1. All students should be in class and seated in their desk at the start of class. 正式上课前学生需按时进班并做坐好。2. All students should come to every class with all required course materials. 每节课需携带规定的课程用品。3. Cellphones are only allowed during project work time and for course related uses. 只能在制作项目过程中或与课程相关的时候才能使用手机。4. No running, or pushing in the classroom. 禁止在教室打闹嬉戏。5. No yelling in the classroom. 禁止尖叫。6. No food will be allowed in class. Any food brought to the classroom will be thrown out. 禁止携带任何食物,一旦发现带入班级都会被扔掉。7. No drinks in the classroom. Water will be allowed in a spill proof bottle. 禁止携带饮料,不易外漏的水除外。If class time is not effectively SAO will be notified and disciplinary action taken.如果上课不服从管理或者违反网络使用规定,将通知学生处,对其进行处罚。I have read and understood this document and agree to abide by these rules.我已阅读以上内容,并同意遵守规定Chinese Name 中文名字: Pinyin Name 拼音名字: English Name 英语名字: Date 时间: Class Work and Attendance 课堂作业和考勤Every Chinese lesson will have some projects assigned in each class. Each project is due at the end of class. 每节语文课都有些任务。下课前必须完成。Classes will be structured as in class projects. If projects are not completed during class time it is expected that the project be completed as homework.根据完成任务的量会有不同的作业。如果课内完成了任务,就没有家庭作业,否则,就会给你布置家庭作业。Every project that is assigned in class is marked and counts towards your final grade. It is important to do every class project. If no project is received you will receive a grade of 0% for the project.每次课上做的任务都会批改并记录到期末成绩中,所以做好每项任务很重要。如果任务没有上交给老师,将被记为该天缺勤并记为0分。Responsibility 责任It is your responsibility to ensure that your work is complete and submitted. If you have completed the work but it is not submitted to the teacher a grade of 0% will be assigned. It is important to make sure the teacher has received your work before leaving class.务必确保作业已经完成并提交。如果你已经完成了工作,但未提交给老师,你将得到0%。务必确保离开之前把已做好的作业提交给老师。It is your responsibility to ensure that in front of you the wrong tasks timely correction. 务必要你前面错误的任务及时订正。Copying is not allowed. Projects that have been copied from another persons work will not be excepted, and you will be required to start over again. If a project is submitted and is identified as a copied project 0% will be assigned as a mark. SAO will be notified of cheating so that disciplinary action can be taken.禁止抄袭。若抄袭你的作业将被删除并重新做。如果上交作业被发现时抄袭将判为0分。并且会通知学生处给予严惩。Learning Statements 学习陈述全册教材由“培养良好的学习习惯(一)”、“汉语拼音”“识字”和“课文”四个部分组成。Full of textbooks by (a) to develop good study habits, Chinese pinyin, literacy and text of four parts. 1、“培养良好的学习习惯(一)”共两部分,主要通过图画让初入学的儿童掌握正确的读书、写字的姿势,重视用眼卫生并在实践中养成“姿势不对不读书”、“姿势不对不动笔”的良好习惯,另外就是使学生从小学会爱惜学习用品。 (1) to develop good study habits, a total of two parts, mainly through pictures make children early admission to master the correct reading, writing posture, attention to use eye health and in practice to develop posture not reading, poor posture dont write good habits, the other is to make the student has learned the value of school supplies. 2、汉语拼音,巩固汉语拼音,能利用汉语拼音帮助识字、阅读、学习普通话。能默写声母、韵母并抄写音节,在四线格上写得正确、工整。 Chinese pinyin, consolidate Chinese pinyin, can use Chinese pinyin to help literacy, reading, learning mandarin. Can write syllable initials, finals and copying, write correctly on the four wire grid, neatly. 3、识字,分2组编排,每部分每课都配有一幅情景图,这样安排不仅能让学生通过情景图集中识字,而且还能帮助学生认识事物,激发学生学习的兴趣。 Literacy, divide two groups, each part of each lesson with a picture of a scene graph, this arrangement can not only let the student through the scene graph concentrated literacy, but also can help students to understand things, stimulate students interest in learning. 4、课文,共安排14篇课文,分6组编排,每篇课文均由图、文、生字表、练习、笔顺图、描红六部分组成。14篇课文中随课文教学识字305个,写字168个,课文部分具有头绪简、篇幅短、内容新、插图美的特点,具体表现在:The text, arrange 14 text, 6 group arrangement, each text all by map, text, word lists, practice, stroke order figure, MiaoGong six parts. 14 in the text with text teaching literacy, 305, 168, writing has the idea of the text, short length, new content and characteristics of illustrations beauty, specific displays in: 入选课文篇幅短,而且题材广泛,内容生动活泼,插图新颖有趣。In the text length is short, and the theme is extensive, content, lively illustrations novel and interesting.每篇课文均为全文注音,这样安排既可复习汉语拼音,帮助学生识字,也有利于进行朗读、背诵、训练、培养阅读能力。Each lesson are all full of phonetic, this arrangement can review the Chinese pinyin, help students to read, and conducive to read aloud, recite, training, training reading ability. 课后练习都是两次,一次是朗读,背诵或复述,一次是有关汉字基本笔画的学习和按笔顺描红。另外,每组课文之后安排了一个练习,练习的内容包括认读生字,巩固汉语拼音,复习笔画、笔顺,进行词、句训练和说话训练。6个练习自成系列又具有相对独立性。 Practice after class is two, one is reading aloud, recitation or repeat, one is about the basic strokes of Chinese characters learning and in accordance with the stroke order MiaoGong. In addition, each group of the text arranged a practice, after practice including the content of the reading words, consolidate Chinese pinyin, review the stroke, stroke order, for word, sentence and speech training. Six practice series has its own relative independence. Units of Study 单元学习任务 Unit 1: This text are: (1) develop good study habits, Chinese pinyin lesson 1-15, recognize the recognize 5 classes, Chinese pinyin to review. 10% 本组课文有: 培养良好的学习习惯(1),汉语拼音115课,认一认5课,汉语拼音复习。Unit 2: This text are: read 1 2, literacy, literacy, exercise 1.5% 本组课文有:识字1、识字2、识字3,练习1。Unit 3: This unit the text are: 1. The man who had two treasure 2. Flag 3. Jiangnan 4. My name is shenzhou exercise 2.10% 本单元课文有: 1.人有两个宝 2.升国旗 3.江南 4.我叫“神舟号” 练习2。Unit 4: The text of this unit are: 5. Home 6. The Oriental pearl tower 7. 8. Autumn girl letter see chrysanthemum .Practice 3.10% 本单元课文有:5.家 6.东方明珠 7.秋姑娘的信 8.看菊花 练习3。Unit 5: This text are: 9. The sea bed 10. Ice 11. The north wind and the little fish practice 10% 本组课文有:9.大海睡了 10.冰花 11.北风和小鱼 练习5。Unit 6: The text are: 12. Huai su write 13. River with green grass practice 6. 5% 本组课文有:12.怀素写字 13.小河与青草 练习6。Project Evaluation 作业/项目 评估Class projects are evaluated using the following categories.课上任务将通过以下进行评分。0% Project not attempted 任务完全没有做25% Project started 任务开始50% Project attempted or incomplete 任务做了但没完成 75% Project meets the expectations 任务达到部分要求100% Project exceeds expectations 任务完全达到要求Chinese Evaluation 语文课评价标准Your final grade for the semester will be determined based on the grades earned for the various Units of Study, Attendance and the Final Exam. The various units of study are valued at 50% of your total mark. Class Attendance is valued at 10% of the total mark. The Final Exam is valued at 40% of your final mark for the semester.期末总成绩将根据以下几个方面进行判定:各单元成绩,出勤和期末考试的成绩。各单元成绩占总成绩的50%,出勤占10%,期末成绩占40%。Units of Study 单元成绩: 50%Participation / Attendance 课堂参与/出勤: 10% Final Exam 期末测试: 40% Total 合计: 100%Weekly Agenda 每周议程周次(Weekly)课 题(Subject)课时数(Class number)单 元(Unit)1培养良好的学习习惯(一)(1) develop good study habits2汉语拼音单元Chinese pinyin unit 1、a o e222、i u 2中秋节放假The Mid-Autumn festival holiday 认一认1To recognize a recognition 123、b p m f234、d t n l25、g k h;26、j q x2整理复习Organize the review24认一认2To recognize a recognition227、z c s28、zh ch sh r29、y w25认一认3To recognize a recognition 32整理复习Organize the review310、ai ei ui3十一长假National Day holiday6十一长假National Day holiday11、ao ou iu2712、ie e er2认一认4To recognize a recognition 4213、an en in2整理复习Organize the review2814、un n215、ang eng ing ong2整理复习Organize the review2认一认5To recognize a recognition 529整理复习Organize the review2汉语拼音总复习Total review of Chinese pinyin4过程检测Process inspection 210识字1Become literate 12第一单元Unit 1识字2Become literate 22识字3Become literate 32练习1Practice 12周次(Weekly)课 题(Subject)课时数(Class number)单 元Unit11期中复习、过程检测The mid-term eview, process inspection41、 人有两个宝Man had two treasure2第二单元Unit 22、 升国旗Raise the national flag2123、 江南Jiangnan24、 我叫“神舟号”My name is shenzhou2整理复习Organize the review1练习2Practice 23135 家Home2第三单元Unit 36 东方明珠The Oriental pearl tower27 秋姑娘的信The autumn girls letter2整理复习Organize the review2148 看菊花The chrysanthemum2练习3Practice 33整理复习Organize the review1过程检测Process inspection215识字4Become literate 42第四单元Unit 4识字5Become literate 52识字6Become literate 62整理复习Organize the review216练习4Practice 43整理复习Organize the review19 大海睡了The sea bed2第五单元Unit 510 冰花Ice flowers21711 北风和小鱼The north wind and the little fish2练习5Practice 53整理复习Organize the review112 怀素写字Huai su write2第六单元Unit 61813 小河与青草River with green grass2练习6Practice 64整理复习Organize the review2元旦放假New Years day holiday1921期末复习、期末检测The final review, the final test18期末测试the final test

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