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阶进篇The Fifth Section互动会话搜罗各种生活场景会话,罗列该场景中使用频率最高的句式,耳朵+嘴巴+用心=铭心刻骨的互动反应1 在机场 At the AirportInquiry询问票务范例A: What flights n. 航班 do you have from New York to London tomorrow?B: One moment, please. And Ill find out whats availablea. 可利用的,有空的.A: Id like to travel 1first-class.B: OK. We have a non-stopa. 不停留的,直飞的 flight leaving Kennedy at 9:25.A: When should I get to the airport?B: Please be there 2by 8:45 3at the latest.翻译A: 明天从纽约往伦敦有哪几趟航班?B: 请稍等,我查查看。A: 我要头等舱。B: 好的。九点二十五有一班直飞航班,从肯尼迪机场起飞。A: 我应该什么时候到达机场?B: 最迟请在八点四十五之前到机场。Notes:1. first-class是头等舱的意思。经济舱是economic class,coach也有经济舱的意思。2. by在这个句子里表示的是“在之前”的意思,它后面接的必须是表示时间点的数字,而不能是时间段(如two months, a week等)。英语中如果要表达在某个时间段内完成某事情,前面应该接介词in,例如:Please return to Guangzhou in two weeks.请在两周内返穗。The E-mail will reach you in 2 seconds.两秒钟内你就能收到电子邮件了。3. at the latest表示的是一种时间要求的极限,即“最迟不要晚于”的意思。Making a reservation订票范例Dan: Id like to make a reservation for two for a flight to New York City on March 3rd.Caroline: Its our 1anniversaryn. 周年纪念.Gerry: Oh! Congratulations! May I have your names, please?Dan: Daniel and Caroline McLean.Gerry: I need your address and a daytimen. 白天,日间 phone.Dan: 2205 Pine Street, San Francisco, California, 98008. Our phone number is, area code电话区号 415, 555-8080Caroline: Does it cost a lot more to fly first-class?Gerry: Yeah, but you can 2have all the champagnen. 香槟 you want.Dan: I guess coach is OK, but my wife wants a window seat. Oh, I almost forgotmy frequent flyer miles累计飞行里程数.Gerry: Hey, I could bump one of you up to first class.Dan: Ill take it, my wife doesnt drink.翻译丹:我要订两个三月三日飞纽约的机位。卡洛琳:那天是我们的结婚周年纪念日。盖瑞:喔!恭喜!请告诉我你们的姓名。丹:丹尼尔与卡洛琳麦克林。盖瑞:我需要你们的地址与白天的联络电话。丹:加州98008旧金山松树街2205号。我们的电话号码是:区域号码415,5558080。卡洛琳:头等舱贵很多吗?盖瑞:是的,但是香槟可以无限畅饮。丹:我想经济舱就可以了,不过我太太要靠窗的座位。喔,我差点忘了我有累计飞行里程数。盖瑞:你们当中有一位可以升级到头等舱。丹:我去好了,我太太不喝酒。Notes:1.除了结婚周年纪念,anniversary还可以用于指某个名人的诞辰周年纪念、国家成立、集体成立的周年纪念。要表达“X周年纪念”,在anniversary前面加上一个序数词即可,比如the 25th anniversary.百年纪念可以说the 100th anniversary,也可以说centennial.2. You can have all the.you want的意思是“你可以任意(吃、喝等)”。自助餐上,我们可以随意选择自己想要的食物,这时你可以说“You can have all the food and drink you want at a buffet dinner”。Similar Expressions 相同表达1 那是我们的结婚周年纪念日。Its our anniversary.Its the anniversary of our wedding.We are celebrating our anniversary.This is a second honeymoon.(celebrate(v.) /5selibreit/ 庆祝 honeymoon(n.) /5hQnimu:n/蜜月)2 请告诉我你们的名字。May I have your names, please?What are your names, please?Could I have the names of the passengers, please?3 头等舱会贵很多吗?Does it cost a lot to fly first class?Is it much more expensive to fly first-class?Is there a great difference in the price of coach and first-class tickets?Are first class tickets much more costly? 4 我差点忘了。I almost forgot.It completely slipped my mind.I didnt think of it earlier.I should have thought of it sooner.(slip/5slip/ (v.) 溜走)5 您可以升级到头等舱。I could bump you up to first class.You could upgrade to first class.I could upgrade you to first class.(upgrade(v.)(n.) /Qp5greid/升级)Expressions Used at the Airport 机场用语1. How often is there a flight to London? 去伦敦的航班多长时间一班?2. At what time does the next plane to Washington leave? 下一班去华盛顿的飞机几点起飞?3. Are they non-stop flights? 它们是直达班机吗?4. Could I make a reservation for flight 8 to Brussels? 我可以预定去布鲁塞尔的8号班机座位吗?5. How long is the flight from Seattle to New York? 从西雅图到纽约要飞多久?6. Is this where I have to check in for Flight MU562 to Tokyo? 这里是去东京的MU562航班的登记处吗?7. Are there any planes to Hiroshima on Sunday? 星期天有去广岛的班机吗?8. When am I supposed to check in? 我应该什么时候办理登机手续?9. Do you know which channel to go through? 你可以告诉我该走哪条通道吗?10. How much is the round trip ticket? 来回的票要多少钱?11. We have flights to Paris every hour. 我们每小时都有去巴黎的班机。12. May I have your ticket and passport? 请出示机票和护照好吗?13. Please put your bags on the scales. 请把您的行李放在秤上。14. Im sorry, but everything is taken. 很抱歉,座位全满了。15. You can go through the red channel if you have anything to declare. 如果你有东西需要申报,请走红色通道。2 度假 On VacationMaking a reservation 订 房范例Liz: Hi, Im Liz Moody-Burns from San Francisco. I have a 1reservation.Eric: Burns? B-U-R-N-S?Liz: Yes. I should have a singlen. 单人房with a balconyn. 阳台facing the courtyardn. 庭院.Eric: Im sorry, Ms. Burns. There is no reservation for you. Do you have a confirmation number?Liz: No, I dont.Eric: Well, Im sorry.Liz: Do you have any rooms?Eric: There are no rooms with balconies. But we 2do have a double suiten. 套房for the same price as a single.Liz: Ill take it. Whats the number?Eric: Three-twenty-one.Liz: Thank you. Wheres the elevator?Eric: Down the hall and to the left.翻译丽莎:嗨,我是旧金山来的丽莎慕迪波恩。我订了房间的。艾里克:波恩?B-U-R-N-S?丽莎:是的。我订的应该是一间正对着中庭,外面有阳台的单人房。艾里克:抱歉,波恩小姐,我们没有您的订房记录。您有确认号码吗?丽莎:不,没有。艾里克:喔,很抱歉,我无能为力。丽莎:你们还有空房间吗?艾里克:有阳台的房间都住满了,不过我们还有一间双人房,价格和单人房一样。丽莎:我要了。房间号码是多少?艾里克:321房。丽莎:谢谢你。电梯在哪里?艾里克:沿着走廊走到底,就在左边。Notes1. reservation的动词形式是reserve,意为“预定”,例如: to reserve a flight 订机票 to reserve a hotel room 订旅馆 to reserve a table (for two) 订餐厅(两人)桌 to reserve a car 订出租车2. do本身是一个动词,have也是动词。但是在这里,do没有实际意义,只是加强了have的语气,作用和一个副词相当。Cultural Background 文化背景 旅馆的房间通常称为suite(套房),听起来会让人感觉房间比较高雅一些,它的这种内涵是room所没有的。 当我们说到地址、旅馆或公寓号码时,一般人常会将号码逐个念出来,如,three-twenty-one(321),而不念成three hundred and twenty-one(三百二十一)。Similar Expressions 相同表达1 我们没有您的订房记录。There is no reservation for you.I have nothing in my book for you.Theres no reservation here for you.I dont see your name on the list here.2 请把帐记在这张卡上。Id like to cover the bill with this credit card.Please charge it to this.Bill everything to this card.A vacation in the sun阳光下的假期范例Cindy: Where did you go on your vacationn. 假期, Gerry?Gerry: I took Bonnie and the kids to the beach in Monterrey.Cindy: How long did you stay?Gerry: Three days. I forgot my sunblockn. 防晒霜.Cindy: Well, that sunburnn. 晒斑 looks pretty bad. What happened? Did you fall asleep and bakev. 烘焙 晒in your beach chair?Gerry: No! I went windsurfingv. 风帆冲浪!Cindy: How did you like it?Gerry: It was 1a piece of cake!Cindy: Oh yeah? And you got this burned from windsurfing?Gerry: Well, it took some time to learn.Cindy: AndGerry: And I 2kind of got stuck on the water. I needed a lesson first.Cindy: What about Bonnie?Gerry: She had a great time. She just joggedv. 慢跑 and went swimming. And stayed out of the sun.翻译辛迪:你去哪里度假了,盖瑞?盖瑞:我带邦妮和孩子们到蒙德勒的海滩去了。辛迪:你们在那里呆了多久?盖瑞:三天。我忘了带防晒油。辛迪:你看来晒得蛮严重的。怎么会这样?你是不是在沙滩椅上睡着了,然后被烤焦了?盖瑞:才不是!我去玩风帆冲浪了。辛迪:你觉得怎么样?盖瑞:易如反掌!辛迪:是吗?你是因为玩风帆冲浪才晒成这样的?盖瑞:哎呀!学习总是需要一点时间的。辛迪:而且盖瑞:而且我在水里好像有点团团转 或许我应该先学学。辛迪:邦妮怎么样?盖瑞: 她玩得很愉快。她只是去慢跑、游泳 还有,就是呆在晒不着的地方。Notes:1. “A piece of cake!”是常见的说法,意思是“十分容易”,和汉语中的“小菜一碟”意思相近。2. “I kind of.” 通常是一个人在要说出实际情况时犹豫不决的用法。3. “get stuck”是比较口语化的说法以,表示“to be trapped”(受困,通常指一小段时间)。Similar Expressions 相同表达1 你去哪里度假了?Where did you go on your vacation?Where did you spend your vacation?What did you do on your vacation?Where did you go on your holiday?2 易如反掌!It was a piece of cake!It was really easy.It was not hard at all.It was simple.3 学习总是需要一点时间。It took some time to learn.I didnt learn it right away.I had to practice a lot before I learned how.It took me a few tries to get it right.Checking out退 房范例A: Im ready to check out now.B: Sure, may I have your name and your room number?A: Bliss Arvid in Room 402.B: One moment, please. Here is your bill. That comes to 320 dollars 1even.A: May I check it?B: 2By all means, go ahead.A: Can I pay by travelers check?B: No problem.翻译A:我要结帐退房了。B:好的,请告诉我您的姓名和房间号码。A:布里斯亚维德,402房。B:请稍等。这是您的帐单,刚好三百二十元整。A:我可以核对一下吗?B:当然可以,请便。A:我可以用旅行支票付款吗?B:没问题。Notes:1. even是一个用法和词性繁多的单词,它具有四种词性,既是名词,又是动词,既是形容词,又是副词。在这里它充当的是副词的作用,修饰前面的320 dollars,意为“刚刚好320美元”,我们汉语习惯都说“整”。2. by all means即是“任何形式都可以”,表示同意住客提出的请求。by和means,可以搭配出许多意思不同的短语,例如:by fair means or foul 不择手段地by no means 一点也不by means of 借着by no manner of means 无法Expressions Used in A Hotel 旅馆用语1. Can I book a double room? 我可以订一间双人房吗?2. Could I have my bill? 我可以看一下帐单吗?3. How long do you plan to stay here? 您打算在这里住几天?4. Id like to reserve a room with a single bed. 我想预定一间单人房。5. I have a complaint to make. 我要投诉。6. Im sorry, but were booked solid right now. 很抱歉,我们这里客满了。7. I wonder whether you have any vacancies for tonight? 我想知道你们这里今晚还有空房吗?8. Im ready to check out now. 我准备现在结帐退房了。3 住房与公寓 House and FlatsRenting a house租房范例A: Good morning. My name is Howard. I understand you have a room for rentv. 出租.B: Yes, thats right. Ive got just one room still vacantadj. 空缺的,空白的. Its rather small, but Im sure youll find its very comfortableadj. 舒适的.A: I see. And how much do you 1charge for it?B: The rent is five thousand dollars a month.A: I see. It is very nice?B: Oh, yes. 2It looks onto the garden and it faces south, so its bright and sunny, too. Its very attractiveadj. 有魅力的,吸引人的. Would you like to come in and see it?A: Yes, Im very interested. Thats the kind of room Im looking for.翻译A:早安。我叫霍华德。我知道你有一间房间要出租。B:是的,没错。我还剩一个房间空着,比较小一点,不过我相信你会觉得它很舒适。A:嗯。房租多少钱呢?B:一个月五千元。A:哦,房间好吗?B:很好。房间朝南,阳光充足,从里面还可以看到花园。这房间是很吸引人的。你要不要进来看一看?A:好啊, 我非常感兴趣。我就是要找像这样的房间。Notes:1. charge可以表达许多意思,包括“控诉”、“责令”、“负责”等,在这个句子中它表示收费的意思。2. “It looks onto the garden.”一句中,It指的是房子。但是房子不是人,怎么可以用表示主动的动词look呢?它表达的意思其实是“从房间里可以看到花园”。Moving in搬 家范例Bob: Cindy, Im finally moving in with my grandfather. I can really manage his music careern. 事业,生涯 now.Cindy: Bob, 1thats awesomeadj. 令人敬畏的! Whats his apartment like?Bob: Its a big 2condon. 大楼里的一户公寓, with a great view. I put my old couchn.长沙发 near the window.Cindy: Where did you put that great coffee table?Bob: Right in front of the couch.Cindy: Wow! Whats going on?Bob: The moversn.搬运工人 are bringing in my brassadj. 黄铜的 bed, the one we found at the flea market跳蚤市场.Cindy: Hey, do you have a bed for me when I visit 3the Big Apple?Bob: I dont have any extra beds, but 4Im buying a pull-out couch摺叠式沙发.5I wish you were here to help me shop. I need an armchair, some rugs, a new television and a new stereo.Cindy: Bob, you should 6book a lot of gigsn.爵士乐、摇滚乐演奏 for your grandfather.Bob: Well, if hes ready and willing, then Ill do the billingn. 单子.翻译鲍勃:辛迪,我总算搬来和我爷爷一起住了。现在我可以真正管理他的音乐事业了。辛迪:鲍勃,这真是太棒了!他的公寓是什么样子的?鲍勃:那是大楼里的一户大公寓,景观很棒。我把我的旧长沙发放在窗户旁。辛迪:你那张很棒的咖啡桌放在哪里?鲍勃 :就放在长沙发的前面。辛迪:哇!发生什么事了?鲍勃:搬家工人正在把我的铜床搬进来,就是我们在跳蚤市场找到的那张。辛迪:喂,我到纽约玩的时候有没有地方睡啊?鲍勃:我没有多余的床,但是我正准备买一张摺叠式沙发。我真希望你在这里帮我选购东西。我需要一张扶手椅、几张地毯、一台新的电视和一台新的音响。辛迪:鲍勃,你应该替你爷爷安排很多场演奏会。鲍勃:这个嘛,如果他已经准备好而且愿意的话,我会替他收钱的。Notes:1.“Thats awesome!”是美国俚语,在上世纪80年代很流行。awesome本意是指“引人敬畏的”,但现在人们都用它来表达跟 “Thats great!”或“Thats remarkable!”接近的意思。2.condominium指大楼里可单独购买的一户。美国人常将condominium简称为condo。3. 美国人除了替纽约市取个Gotham(愚人村,New York的俗称)的别名外,口语上也将纽约市称为 “the Big Apple ”。4.“I am buying a.” 表达的并不是现在进行的事情,而是在计划的事情,即鲍勃计划买一张摺叠式的沙发。 5.“I wish you were”是一个虚似语气的用法,表达与实际情况相反的意愿。6.book可以用来描述为某事预先做安排,或是预约订位。gig是用于音乐表演的俚语。“book a lot of gigs”的意思是预先安排许多场音乐演奏会。Similar Expression 相同表达1 他的公寓是什么样子的?Whats his apartment like?What kind of apartment does he have?Whats his place like?How would you describe his apartment?2 那是大楼里的一户大公寓,景观很棒。Its a big condo, with a great view.Its an ample space, with a splendid view.Its a spacious apartment, with a fabulous vista.3 哇!Wow!Gosh!My goodness!Oh my god!4 发生什么事了?Whats going on?Whats up?Whats happening?Whats all this about?Expressions Used in Renting A House 租房用语1. Apartments in the city are expensive. 都市里的公寓价格很贵。2. Are you trying to find a furnished house? 你想找一间有家具设备的房子吗?3. Could we perhaps see the bathroom? 我们可以看一下浴室吗?4. How much does this house cost? 这栋房子多少钱?5. Id rather live a little closer to town. 我宁愿住在离城市比较近的地方。6. If you dont mind sharing. 如果你不介意一起住的话。7. I am here to see the apartment you advertised. 我来看一下你登广告的公寓。8. Im ringing the flat. 我打电话来是想问关于这间公寓的情况。9. Would it be convenient to see the room? 可以看一下那个房间吗?10. Speaking of the rent, when is it due? 说起租金,该什么时候交呢?4 问路 Finding the WayTo the zoo到动物园范例A: Excuse me, sir. Im trying to find my way to the zoo.B: Yes. 1Are you taking a taxi or public transportation公共交通?A: Today I want to go there 2by bus.B: Thats good. First of all, you are on the wrong street. You have to walk more than two blocksn. 街区 to Roosevelt Road where youll catch Bus No. 236. Get off at the terminaln. 终点站.A: Thanks a lot.B: Not at all.翻译A:打扰一下,先生。请问去动物园怎么走?B:你想坐计程车还是搭公车?A:我今天想坐公车去。B:那好。不过你走错路了,你必须走过超过两个街区到罗斯福路,然后搭236路公车,在终点站下车。A:太谢谢你了。B:不客气。Notes:1.“Are you taking a taxi or public transportation?”不是询问对方正在进行的情况,而是询问对方将作何打算。2.“by bus”是“坐公共汽车前往”,其它交通工具,基本上也都与介词by搭配,例如:by air 乘飞机by train 乘火车by underground 乘地铁 by electric car 乘电车但如果是走路的话,则应该用“on foot”,而不是“by foot ”。To the museum到博物馆范例Larry: Excuse me. Im trying to find the museum. How do I get there?Justin: Go straight down Fifth to Washington Park. Turn right at the bank.Larry: Thanks.Justin: No, no! Wait! Dont do that! I just remembered. Thats 1a one-wayn. 单行道 street. You cant turn right there.Larry: Excuse me?Justin: OK, first, go straight down Fifth to 23rd Street, where Broadway 2crossesv. 交叉 Fifth. Then go one 3block to the traffic light交通灯. Dont take the first right. 4Take the second left, onto Broadway.Larry: Im sorry, I dont understand.Justin: Heres Fifth Street. Heres Broadway. The museum is 5at Prince and Broadway.翻译拉 里:对不起,我在找博物馆。请问要怎么走?贾斯丁:沿着第五街走到华盛顿公园,在银行右转。拉 里:谢谢!贾斯丁:不对,不对!等等!不要那样走!我刚刚想起来,那是条单行 道,你不能在那里右转。拉 里:可以再说一次吗?贾斯丁:好的,首先沿着第五街到第二十三街,也就是百老汇街与第五街交会的地方;然后穿过一个街区到红绿灯的地方。不要在第一条街右转。要在第二条街左转,开进百老汇街。拉 里:抱歉,我听不懂。贾斯丁:这里是第五街,这里是百老汇街。博物馆在王子街与百老汇街的交会处。Notes:1. 以元音开头的名词前的冠词应该用an,但要记住判断元音时要以音标为准,而不是以字母,所以虽然one-way是以元音字母开头的,但因为one发/wQn/,所以用的是a。又例如honor,因为h在词中不发音,所以单词是以元音/C/开头的,冠词应用an。2. cross除了可以当名词和形容词外,还可以当及物动词,表示“交叉”的意思。3.Block不是标准的长度测量单位。它指城市中一般长度的街道,也可以指由四条街围起来的市区。4.这句话和“turn left at the second street”表达的意思一样,不过听起来就地道多了。5. “at Prince and Broadway”是一种简化了的说法,完整的句子应该是“at the place where Prince crosses Broadway”。Expressions Used When Asking the Way 问路用语1. Can I travel to the Grand Hotel by this bus? 这辆公车到圆山饭店吗?2. Does this bus go to Green Lake? 这辆公车到碧潭吗?3. Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the Taipei Zoo? 请问去台北动物园怎么走?4. How far is it to the post office? 这里离邮局多远?5. How long will it take me to get there? 我到那里要多久?6. Which direction is it to the hospital? 请问去医院应该往哪个方向?7. Would you kindly tell me where the post office is? 可不可以告诉我邮局在哪里?Expressions Used When Directing the Way 指路用语1. Cross the street and you will find the school. 穿过马路,你就会看到那所学校了。2. Go back down this street for about three minutes and youll find yourself at the park. 你沿着这条路往回走大约三分钟,就可以找到公园。3. Go that way for three blocks, then turn right. 往那里走经过三条街,然后向右转。4. Keep going until you come to an end. 一直走到路的尽头。5. Im going that way. Ill show you. 我正好要去那里,我带你去。6. Turn left at the first corner, and its the second building on your left. 在第一个街角左转,左边第二幢大楼就是了。5 交通 TrafficIn a taxi在出租车内范例A: Good Heavens! Please be careful! We nearly 1bumped into that car.B: Didnt you see he was trying to cut right in front of us? What was I supposed to do?A: Well, must you drive so fast?B: I dont want an accident any more than you do, sir. I just 2got out of the hospital a week ago and I dont want to go back. A: Oh, Im glad to hear that.翻译A:天啊!请小心一点!我们差点撞上那辆汽车。B:你没看到他在拼命往我们前面冲过来吗?你说我该怎么办?A:那你非得开得那么快吗?B:先生,我和你一样,都不想出车祸。一个星期前我才刚出院 我可不想再回到那里。A:我很高兴听到你这么说。Notes:1. bump into和crash into都表示相撞的意思。更多的时候,相撞会用这样的方式表达: “The cars crash into each other”(两辆车相撞)。2.“get out of hospital”是出院,住院是“go to hospital”,不过要与“go to the hospital”区别开。“go to the hospital”表示的是去医院,可能是看望病人等,而不是住院。Traffic jam交通堵塞范例Maria: Sorry Im late. Horribleadj.可怕的、恐怖的 traffic.Jack: 1Rush hour上下班交通拥挤时段 in New York 2separatesv. 隔离、区分 the men from the boys. For me, Manhattans the easy part. I always walk fromGrand Central.Maria: Oh, where do you live?Jack: Greenwich, Connecticut.Maria: How far is that?Jack: Oh, about thirty-five miles, 3door-to-door门到门的.Maria: How do you get there?Jack: I take the seven-fifty train.Maria: How long does the train take?Jack: It usually takes thirty minutes and then its a thirteen-minute walk here.Maria: Then why did it take me fifty minutes by cabn.计程车 from my hotel on the West Side?翻译玛利亚:抱歉,我迟到了。交通状况很糟。杰 克:纽约的交通颠峰时间就可以考验一个人的的耐力和体力如何。对我而言,曼哈顿还算好。我都是从中央车站走路过来。玛利亚:哦,你住哪里?杰 克:格林威治,在康乃迪克州。玛利亚:离这里多远?杰 克:哦,从出发到抵达大约三十五英里。玛利亚:你怎么来这里的?杰 克:我搭七点五十的火车。玛利亚:搭火车要花多少时间?杰 克:通常要三十分钟,然后走十三分钟到这里。玛利亚:那么为什么我从西区的旅馆搭计程车过来却要花上五十分钟呢?Notes:1. “rush hour”是口语的说法,指都市早上及傍晚上下班的交通繁忙时段。2. “separates the men from the boys”是一句俚语,用来指明“困难的情况能够立刻区别出人们的能力”。3. door-to-door是口语的说法,指整个旅行的时间Cultural Background 文化背景 曼哈顿岛是纽约五个区的中心,是纽约市的主要经济中心,也是全世界最重要的商业、金融、文化、制造、医疗和旅游中心之一。中央车站有悠久的历史,于1913年竣工,长久以来一直是往纽约市的铁路出入口。Similar Expressions 相同表达1 抱歉,我来迟了。Sorry Im late.Im so sorry to be late.Sorry I couldnt be here on time.Forgive me for arriving late.2 这只是一种说法。Its just an expression.Its just a saying.Its only a figure of speech.Its a common idiom.3 曼哈顿还算好。Manhattans the easy part.Manhattan is not the problem.The difficulty is not Manhattan.Its easy to get through Manhattan.4 你住哪里?Where do you live?Where is your home?Where do you reside?Where is your residence?5 从出发到抵达.door-to-door.from here to my house.from here to there.Useful Expressions 常用短句1. There was a car accident in Si Ping Road this morning. 今天早上在四平路发生了一起车祸。2. The traffic in this area is so terrible. 这一带的交通状况很糟糕。3. Be careful when crossing the street. 过马路时要小心。4. Whats wrong with you? You look pale. 发生了什么事?你脸色好苍白。5. I need to call for an ambulance. 我需要叫救护车。6. There is an accident at the crossroads. 在十字路口发生了一起交通事故。7. Two buses crashed into each other and 30 people were killed. 两辆公共汽车相撞,死了三十个人。8. I stopped, but only just in time. 我刹住车了,不过也差一点就撞到了。9. I braked as hard as I could. 我拼命踩刹车。6 购物 shoppingAt a grocery在杂货店范例A: Excuse me, do you sell apples?B: Yes. They are over there.A: Do you sell them 1individually or by weight?B: By weight. 60 cents per pound.A: Could you weigh this portionn.一部分, please?B: Two dollars, please. Anything else?A: A sack of potatoes, please.B: Here you are.A: Thanks. Any strawberriesn.草莓?B: Sorry. Theyre 2out of season now.翻译A:请问,你这有苹果卖吗?B:苹果在那边。A:是按个卖还是按重量卖?A:按重量卖。每镑六十美分。B:请秤一下这些好吗?B:两美元。还要什么吗?A:再给我一袋马铃薯。B:这是你要的马铃薯。A:谢谢,有草莓吗?B:对不起,草莓现在已经过了产季了。Notes:1.买东西,尤其是买水果的时候,经常会问到东西是怎么计算价钱的,这时候这个句型就派上用场了。individually是“个别地”的意思,在这里表示“按个计价”的意思。2.有些水果、蔬菜并不是一年四季都有的,要表达“过了产季”,就可以用“out of season”这个短语。At a shop在商店里范例Clerk: Hi. May I help you?Justin: Oh no, I am just looking, thanks.Clerk: What about this grayadj.灰色的 one? Its on sale特价出售的. Its half price.Justin: I dont know. It seems too small.Clerk: How about this one?Justin: Maybe. How much?Clerk: Its the same as the other. Eighteen 1dollars. Half price.Justin: How do I look?Clerk: You look great. Really, really cool!Justin: Cool, huh? OK. Ill take it. And Ill take that brown one, and that black one, that blue one, and of course, this red one.Clerk: Will that be cash or check?Bonnie: Neither. 2Come on, Justin. You dont need a new snowboardin


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